Sister Wives lawsuit a partial win for polygamists

How am I trolling? Is the article fake? You liberals lied. You said this wouldn't happen. When presented with this what do you do ? You attack me

When you voice an uncomfortable truth, you will be called a hater, stupid, and be accused of trolling.

Try a thread on the deplorable state of the black family in the US some time. We MUST NOT SPEAK of these things. Just like we MUST NOT SPEAK of the sexuality of the pervs who adopted a little boy, then molested him.

Or the heteros who violate many times the number of children violated by homosexuals.
Sadly, there's no evidence of that.

As a matter of fact, the alleged "pedophiles" of the Catholic church were homosexuals, and their victims mostly teenaged boys....which is technically NOT pedophilia.

Go figure. That alone skews the numbers pretty seriously against homosexuals.
It's a great time to be a degenerate!
You should be having a blast then if that is the case.

Like another poster stated, it is one person's opinion, reported by CNN.

Sadly, there's no evidence of that.

As a matter of fact, the alleged "pedophiles" of the Catholic church were homosexuals, and their victims mostly teenaged boys....which is technically NOT pedophilia.

Go figure. That alone skews the numbers pretty seriously against homosexuals.

Sadly there is, particularly in the evangelical and fundamentalist and Pentecostal churches, particularly in rural hinterlands.
Didn't a gay man in a same sex marriage just marry a woman? He sure did.

Once a culture goes down the road to degeneracy it doesn't stop until the end. Then it fails.
Didn't a gay man in a same sex marriage just marry a woman? He sure did.

Once a culture goes down the road to degeneracy it doesn't stop until the end. Then it fails.

Check those rural backwoods churches I mentioned. You bet.
The court ruling basically says you can shag as many chicks under one roof as you like. You just can't marry them all.

That already happens now. Just ask Charlie Sheen.

The problem with polygamy is it offends the progressive that think their culture is inherently better than that of the wogs who marry more than one person.

Their culture is already includes alternative lifestyles. Jeez people are whiny bitches. You can't open the door to this progressive crap and then pick and choose.

They are bigots, they can't help picking and choosing.
Didn't a gay man in a same sex marriage just marry a woman? He sure did.

Once a culture goes down the road to degeneracy it doesn't stop until the end. Then it fails.

Just like about 50% plus of heterosexual relationships. Must be all those gays and polygamist tainting people.
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Cnn advocating for polygamy
It was bound to happen. Unfortunately, marriage is no longer a sacred institution.

We've modified the definition of marriage from one man and one woman to also include one man and one man or one woman and one woman. So why stop there, we may as well go all out. We can also add one man and two women.

If the definition of marriage has been tampered with to accommodate the gay community, then why can't it also be altered to accommodate the polygamous community in Utah (assuming we're dealing with consenting adults here). Why is one community more important than the other?
When someone in a polygamous marriage gets divorced isn't it only fair that all of the other married partners contribute to spousal support? That could be a lucrative early retirement.
How am I trolling? Is the article fake? You liberals lied. You said this wouldn't happen. When presented with this what do you do ? You attack me

No, you’re not being ‘attacked,’ you’re simply being told you’re wrong as usual. You’re also wrong that anyone ‘lied.’

Polygamy concerns cohabitation –‘living together’ – it has nothing to do with marriage, same-sex or otherwise.

Polygamy has long been legal in 49 of the 50 states, long before the first states obeyed the 14th Amendment concerning the right of same-sex couples to access marriage law.

With this ruling now polygamy is legal in all 50 states – and it’s really not a big deal, only to those in Utah.

Consequently no one 'lied,' as what you think is happening isn't.
Cnn advocating for polygamy
It was bound to happen. Unfortunately, marriage is no longer a sacred institution.

We've modified the definition of marriage from one man and one woman to also include one man and one man or one woman and one woman. So why stop there, we may as well go all out. We can also add one man and two women.

If the definition of marriage has been tampered with to accommodate the gay community, then why can't it also be altered to accommodate the polygamous community in Utah (assuming we're dealing with consenting adults here). Why is one community more important than the other?

Marriage equality is marriage elasticity with the goal of marriage extinction.

Masha Gessen, lesbian activist.
How am I trolling? Is the article fake? You liberals lied. You said this wouldn't happen. When presented with this what do you do ? You attack me

When you voice an uncomfortable truth, you will be called a hater, stupid, and be accused of trolling.

Try a thread on the deplorable state of the black family in the US some time. We MUST NOT SPEAK of these things. Just like we MUST NOT SPEAK of the sexuality of the pervs who adopted a little boy, then molested him.

That you’re just as ignorant and as hateful as the OP comes as no surprise, of course.

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