Six Muslims in Rape Gang Shout "Allahu Akbar!" as Convicted for Sexually Assaulting 11 yo Girls


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I hope Muslims in the West especially but around the world who have respect for the dignity of all human beings will condemn the actions of these lizard-minded pedos.

Shouts of 'Allahu Akbar' in Court as Muslim Sex Gang Sentenced for Child Rape
Members of a Muslim rape gang shouted “Allahu akbar” [my god is greatest] in court Thursday as they were jailed for raping, drugging, and abusing girls aged 11 and 13 in the town of Rotherham.

Matloob Hussain, Mohammed Sadiq, and brothers Basharat, Nasser, and Tayab Dad were convicted of 21 historic sex offences at Sheffield Crown Court on the 26th of January.

The six men were given sentences of between 10 and 20 years and totalling more than 80 years on Thursday for the crimes in the South Yorkshire town committed between 1999 and 2001.

Some of the abuse occurred in a flat above a family-owned shop in the town, and one of the victims, known as Girl A, fell pregnant aged just 12 years old.

On one occasion, brothers Basharat and Nassar locked the terrified 12-year-old girl in the flat overnight, which was described as being extremely dirty, with no electricity or running water. She was trapped there until her mother rescued her the following day, the Sheffield Star reports.

“The fact they could lock her in a flat in those conditions and walk away shows the contempt they had for her,” Sarah Drake, for the prosecution, told the court.

She said the paedophile’s contempt towards the girl was further shown under police interview in 2015, when Basharat described her as being a “slag” and told police: “She’s dirty, she will go with anyone.”
Christian pedos are ok though?

Well SALON.COm seems to glamorize child molesters, but we can't seem to get you all to see where this sex with kids thing is going.......... It's called legalizing it and guess who they are going to use in order to allow it.

Oh no it is not a joke, but they like to marry 9 yr olds. Sorry no Christians have married little 9 yr olds here.

Christian pedos are ok though?

Well SALON.COm seems to glamorize child molesters, but we can't seem to get you all to see where this sex with kids thing is going.......... It's called legalizing it and guess who they are going to use in order to allow it.

Oh no it is not a joke, but they like to marry 9 yr olds. Sorry no Christians have married little 9 yr olds here.

I decided long time ago to never have sex with kids, but thanks anyway.
What's wrong with the parents of these children.
I dont know, maybe they have been taught to trust strangers?
Over my life I have noticed that political correctness has lulled us into not profiling.

You have to profile where you live, work, study. Do the demographics of this place suit me or will I be predatorized?

I know a loony lefty thug and she told me a guy at a barbeque told her he got beat up by africans and he had acquired a prejudice from that incident. Then she ridiculed him for walking through their area.

It was a recent incident for him to so he probably had some trauma from that, and she's a nurse.
Christian pedos are ok though?

Well SALON.COm seems to glamorize child molesters, but we can't seem to get you all to see where this sex with kids thing is going.......... It's called legalizing it and guess who they are going to use in order to allow it.

Oh no it is not a joke, but they like to marry 9 yr olds. Sorry no Christians have married little 9 yr olds here.

I decided long time ago to never have sex with kids, but thanks anyway.
You had to decide?
Christian pedos are ok though?

I love it when leftardz out themselves.

If the OP was about a gang of Christian pedos raping a bunch of girls... what are the odds that your first response would be.

"Muslim pedos are ok though?"

It would never happen. Would it.
Christian pedos are ok though?

I love it when leftardz out themselves.

If the OP was about a gang of Christian pedos raping a bunch of girls... what are the odds that your first response would be.

"Muslim pedos are ok though?"

It would never happen. Would it.

The OP would never post about a gang of Christian pedos raping a bunch of girls and you would never utter a peep if he had.
Christian pedos are ok though?

I love it when leftardz out themselves.

If the OP was about a gang of Christian pedos raping a bunch of girls... what are the odds that your first response would be.

"Muslim pedos are ok though?"

It would never happen. Would it.

The OP would never post about a gang of Christian pedos raping a bunch of girls and you would never utter a peep if he had.

Dodge divert twist and spin...

The point is that you would NEVER inject a comment about a gang of Muslim rapists as a counter to a point made against Christians and you fucking know it.

I don't give a shit about any one religious group over another. Especially when it comes to any atrocities committed by their members. That's not even the point.

The point is how you could not resist attacking Christians as a means to trivialize the actions of the gang featured in the OP.
Christian pedos are ok though?

I love it when leftardz out themselves.

If the OP was about a gang of Christian pedos raping a bunch of girls... what are the odds that your first response would be.

"Muslim pedos are ok though?"

It would never happen. Would it.

The OP would never post about a gang of Christian pedos raping a bunch of girls and you would never utter a peep if he had.

Dodge divert twist and spin...

The point is that you would NEVER inject a comment about a gang of Muslim rapists as a counter to a point made against Christians and you fucking know it.

I don't give a shit about any one religious group over another. Especially when it comes to any atrocities committed by their members. That's not even the point.

The point is how you could not resist attacking Christians as a means to trivialize the actions of the gang featured in the OP.

"I don't give a shit about any one religious group over another. Especially when it comes to any atrocities committed by their members. That's not even the point."

Yes, of course.

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