SJW's have ruined Movies/TVseries

Is there an entity bankrolling modern film producers to cover and insure all of their losses?

  • Total voters
Your theory is baseless and worthless. But it is funny. The entertainment industry seems to be doing quite well. This "SJW" shit is just total garbage. You just seem angry with the industry for some reason known only to you, or need to whine about something to get attention.

It's actually known to audiences of popular films all over.

Films with 90% audience approval scores get sub 60% from far-left critics.

Films with 90% approval scores from far left critics get sub 60% from the actual audience.

See the problem here?


Remember when they withheld AUDIENCE voting on David Chappelle and gave him a 0%, and then when the audience was allowed to vote, the audience have him 99%?

This is the norm now.

Witcher was 40% critic, 95% audience.

Watchmen was 90%+ critic, sub 50% audience.

That's just how it is man.

The problem isn't with the average sane person (the audience), it's with the insane far-left critics that give show 1/10 ratings for "not being gay enough."
I am a student of WWII, and I am well aware of what Hitler did, and the many, many frightening parallels between Donald Trump and the rise of Adolf Hitler, which lead directly to WWII, and how similar they are.

I can write an entire thesis on the rise of Hitler, using anger against the Treaty of Versailles to fan the flames of German resentment at being forced to pay reparations to the Allies, bankrupting the German treasury, and blaming the Jews for letting it happen.

To his co-opting of the socialist Nazi Party as his vehicle to the election. Hitler used production of his war machine to employ and enrich the German people, and Make Germany Great Again.

Then he allowed people to attack Jews in public. Made them wear stars so people knew who they were, because you can't always tell just by looking at someone who is Jewish. This is where the USA is now. Attacking and bulling visible minorities is acceptable because they're not "real Americans".

Now he's trying to use the Department of Justice to prosecute his opponents. Shit's getting real.

You should really take your own advice.
Your theory is baseless and worthless. But it is funny. The entertainment industry seems to be doing quite well. This "SJW" shit is just total garbage. You just seem angry with the industry for some reason known only to you, or need to whine about something to get attention.
Most men in rage would beat the shit out of most female cops. And yet they are lofted up into the highest equality platitudes. There are actually civilian guys who help female cops out when in trouble. The added costs to the police departments and less value for the dollar spent is just the start. So the entertainers make it look quite different. We see it everyday. Just one issue.

So your issue is that women should not be cops and they should not be portrayed as cops in movies. Women make very good cops in real life, and certainly very good detectives, which takes brain work.

You just don't want women to be shown on screen unless they are serving coffee or having sex with some guy. I get it.
Show reality. 95 pound women beating the crap out of buffed former special forces guys is quite a push. you are questioning people who question. As long as I know who does the dirty work needed to keep everything going that is what counts. And it ain't you.

Hmmmm.... the point of most Hollywood movies is (giggle) probably not to depict reality. Not a lot of box office in watching the unremarkable and mundane.
Men need their macho heroes more then women. Making women into men is stupid. We have two million and five hundred thousand men in prison. We have up to ten million felons. We have a growing amount of women who are in prison and getting violent also. The heroes that are needed are for men. role models galore knowing good and bad and learning the human trait of civility. Even with that there will be issues. When that is improved, the relationship between men and women will improve. And the inner cities and poverty areas in rural environs need this badly. What we see on the screens are propaganda. Replacing men with women who are not as good in the physical ways. To make someone a criminal to push gender equality is insane.

Rene Zewelleger’s Oscar acceptance speech made more sense. Wow.
No, that has never been the topic of this thread.

The topic of this thread is why would film producers sacrifice more than half their profits/revenues for political purposes?

Companies don't exist to lose money, they exist to maximize profit.

I want to know know who is covering their loss of 1/2 their potential revenue.

Stop trying to hijack and redefine my OP and poll.


Your theory is baseless and worthless. But it is funny. The entertainment industry seems to be doing quite well. This "SJW" shit is just total garbage. You just seem angry with the industry for some reason known only to you, or need to whine about something to get attention.

he wants 100% conservative propaganda and 0% liberal.

I would like some balance in the shit that Hollywood puts out.
How do something about it.

I am. The drop in ticket revenues from my change in behavior, and those like me, is being felt and reacted to.

So you don't think that other forms of distributing entertainment are having an impact on ticket sales? Retail stores and malls are closing at a rapid rate due to the advent of shopping on line, as well. People just don't go out as much to get the stuff they want to buy. They want it all delivered to them.
Your theory is baseless and worthless. But it is funny. The entertainment industry seems to be doing quite well. This "SJW" shit is just total garbage. You just seem angry with the industry for some reason known only to you, or need to whine about something to get attention.

It's actually known to audiences of popular films all over.

Films with 90% audience approval scores get sub 60% from far-left critics.

Films with 90% approval scores from far left critics get sub 60% from the actual audience.

See the problem here?


Remember when they withheld AUDIENCE voting on David Chappelle and gave him a 0%, and then when the audience was allowed to vote, the audience have him 99%?

This is the norm now.

Witcher was 40% critic, 95% audience.

Watchmen was 90%+ critic, sub 50% audience.

That's just how it is man.

The problem isn't with the average sane person (the audience), it's with the insane far-left critics that give show 1/10 ratings for "not being gay enough."

so link.....

look, trump....I know you think it is fine to make up lies as president but here on USMESSAGE BOARDS we hold people to a higher, more ethical standard.

links please.....
I am a student of WWII, and I am well aware of what Hitler did, and the many, many frightening parallels between Donald Trump and the rise of Adolf Hitler, which lead directly to WWII, and how similar they are.

I can write an entire thesis on the rise of Hitler, using anger against the Treaty of Versailles to fan the flames of German resentment at being forced to pay reparations to the Allies, bankrupting the German treasury, and blaming the Jews for letting it happen.

To his co-opting of the socialist Nazi Party as his vehicle to the election. Hitler used production of his war machine to employ and enrich the German people, and Make Germany Great Again.

Then he allowed people to attack Jews in public. Made them wear stars so people knew who they were, because you can't always tell just by looking at someone who is Jewish. This is where the USA is now. Attacking and bulling visible minorities is acceptable because they're not "real Americans".

Now he's trying to use the Department of Justice to prosecute his opponents. Shit's getting real.

You should really take your own advice.
Your theory is baseless and worthless. But it is funny. The entertainment industry seems to be doing quite well. This "SJW" shit is just total garbage. You just seem angry with the industry for some reason known only to you, or need to whine about something to get attention.
Most men in rage would beat the shit out of most female cops. And yet they are lofted up into the highest equality platitudes. There are actually civilian guys who help female cops out when in trouble. The added costs to the police departments and less value for the dollar spent is just the start. So the entertainers make it look quite different. We see it everyday. Just one issue.

So your issue is that women should not be cops and they should not be portrayed as cops in movies. Women make very good cops in real life, and certainly very good detectives, which takes brain work.

You just don't want women to be shown on screen unless they are serving coffee or having sex with some guy. I get it.
Show reality. 95 pound women beating the crap out of buffed former special forces guys is quite a push. you are questioning people who question. As long as I know who does the dirty work needed to keep everything going that is what counts. And it ain't you.

Hmmmm.... the point of most Hollywood movies is (giggle) probably not to depict reality. Not a lot of box office in watching the unremarkable and mundane.
Men need their macho heroes more then women. Making women into men is stupid. We have two million and five hundred thousand men in prison. We have up to ten million felons. We have a growing amount of women who are in prison and getting violent also. The heroes that are needed are for men. role models galore knowing good and bad and learning the human trait of civility. Even with that there will be issues. When that is improved, the relationship between men and women will improve. And the inner cities and poverty areas in rural environs need this badly. What we see on the screens are propaganda. Replacing men with women who are not as good in the physical ways. To make someone a criminal to push gender equality is insane.

Men don't need "heros". They need common decency. They need to treat "others" with the same degree of respect and consideration they expect for themselves. Gee that sounds familiar somehow. I read that in a book once, "Do unto others as I you would have them do unto you". Such a simple concept, I just don't understand why it's so fucking hard to do.

The Disney Company used to make animated fairy tales where a beautiful princess was endangered and her prince came to her rescue. Songs included "Someday My Prince Will Come". Today's Disney Princesses undertake dangerous journey's, overcome obstacles and save their people. The Prince in Frozen, only wants to marry the Princess in Frozen, so he can steal her kingdom. A lesson any girl needs to learn. Prince Humperdink in the Princess Bride plans to murder her and blame her death on the neighbouring kingdom to start a war. Not everyone with a crown is a real Prince.

My 4 year old granddaughter is a self-described "Disney Princess Superhero". Her and her brother play "Hairy Hairy Monster" with the family dog, who chases them as the Monster, until they use the superhero powers to stop the pursuit and vanquish the Monster.

Women have learned to be their own superheros. Maybe it's time men learned to do the same.
Your theory is baseless and worthless. But it is funny. The entertainment industry seems to be doing quite well. This "SJW" shit is just total garbage. You just seem angry with the industry for some reason known only to you, or need to whine about something to get attention.

It's actually known to audiences of popular films all over.

Films with 90% audience approval scores get sub 60% from far-left critics.

Films with 90% approval scores from far left critics get sub 60% from the actual audience.

See the problem here?


Remember when they withheld AUDIENCE voting on David Chappelle and gave him a 0%, and then when the audience was allowed to vote, the audience have him 99%?

This is the norm now.

Witcher was 40% critic, 95% audience.

Watchmen was 90%+ critic, sub 50% audience.

That's just how it is man.

The problem isn't with the average sane person (the audience), it's with the insane far-left critics that give show 1/10 ratings for "not being gay enough."

so link.....

look, trump....I know you think it is fine to make up lies as president but here on USMESSAGE BOARDS we hold people to a higher, more ethical standard.

links please.....


Star Wars ‘Last Jedi’: One of the Biggest Rotten Tomatoes Audience vs Critics Score Splits Ever — Information is Beautiful
The Divide Between Audiences and Film Critics Keeps Growing — World of Reel
Why You Hated 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' But Critics Loved It
These Are The 2019 Movies That Most Divided Critics & Fans, According To Rotten Tomatoes

Like I said, it's the norm, not the exception.

If you have evidence to the contrary please show it.

One explanation is that the two groups have opposing cognitive goals or motivations, such as intellectual stimulation versus emotional engagement, leading to contrasting priorities when they appraise a film. "My guess would be that critics look for different things in a movie than a regular person," Wallisch suggests, adding that a critic might be more concerned with factors like dialogue and lighting.

In other words: critics see films as art, while people mainly watch movies for entertainment. Like other kinds of art critic then, film critics might assess a movie as a work of art, so their scores are not a metric for its entertainment value.

Critics also consider factors that aren't inherent to the movie itself, such as whether a director was successful in achieving their aims, whereas audiences are more concerned with the execution of the final product. That leaves the 'quality' of a film open to interpretation: just as some people will interpret a piece of modern art as making an important statement about society, others will see it as trash.

Appraising movies from an artistic perspective helps explain why one sub-plot in The Last Jedi, a mission to the casino city of Canto Bight, is so polarizing. Considered by some to be a disposable sequence, the storyline includes scenes in which characters discuss inequality and the ethics of arms dealing.

"In the Star Wars movies lately, the issue of social justice has been raised," says Wallisch, who suspects that some viewers don't appreciate being lured into a cinema to listen to a lecture on politics or morality. Such a commentary on problems in modern society might be a little too on-the-nose for those who expect escapism while watching a science-fiction film. "Most people go to the movies to escape reality," says Wallisch.
Most men in rage would beat the shit out of most female cops. And yet they are lofted up into the highest equality platitudes. There are actually civilian guys who help female cops out when in trouble. The added costs to the police departments and less value for the dollar spent is just the start. So the entertainers make it look quite different. We see it everyday. Just one issue.

So your issue is that women should not be cops and they should not be portrayed as cops in movies. Women make very good cops in real life, and certainly very good detectives, which takes brain work.

You just don't want women to be shown on screen unless they are serving coffee or having sex with some guy. I get it.
Show reality. 95 pound women beating the crap out of buffed former special forces guys is quite a push. you are questioning people who question. As long as I know who does the dirty work needed to keep everything going that is what counts. And it ain't you.

Hmmmm.... the point of most Hollywood movies is (giggle) probably not to depict reality. Not a lot of box office in watching the unremarkable and mundane.
Men need their macho heroes more then women. Making women into men is stupid. We have two million and five hundred thousand men in prison. We have up to ten million felons. We have a growing amount of women who are in prison and getting violent also. The heroes that are needed are for men. role models galore knowing good and bad and learning the human trait of civility. Even with that there will be issues. When that is improved, the relationship between men and women will improve. And the inner cities and poverty areas in rural environs need this badly. What we see on the screens are propaganda. Replacing men with women who are not as good in the physical ways. To make someone a criminal to push gender equality is insane.

Men don't need "heros". They need common decency. They need to treat "others" with the same degree of respect and consideration they expect for themselves. Gee that sounds familiar somehow. I read that in a book once, "Do unto others as I you would have them do unto you". Such a simple concept, I just don't understand why it's so fucking hard to do.

The Disney Company used to make animated fairy tales where a beautiful princess was endangered and her prince came to her rescue. Songs included "Someday My Prince Will Come". Today's Disney Princesses undertake dangerous journey's, overcome obstacles and save their people. The Prince in Frozen, only wants to marry the Princess in Frozen, so he can steal her kingdom. A lesson any girl needs to learn. Prince Humperdink in the Princess Bride plans to murder her and blame her death on the neighbouring kingdom to start a war. Not everyone with a crown is a real Prince.

My 4 year old granddaughter is a self-described "Disney Princess Superhero". Her and her brother play "Hairy Hairy Monster" with the family dog, who chases them as the Monster, until they use the superhero powers to stop the pursuit and vanquish the Monster.

Women have learned to be their own superheros. Maybe it's time men learned to do the same.

Bravo, Dragonlady!
Your theory is baseless and worthless. But it is funny. The entertainment industry seems to be doing quite well. This "SJW" shit is just total garbage. You just seem angry with the industry for some reason known only to you, or need to whine about something to get attention.

he wants 100% conservative propaganda and 0% liberal.

I would like some balance in the shit that Hollywood puts out.
How do something about it.

I am. The drop in ticket revenues from my change in behavior, and those like me, is being felt and reacted to.

So you don't think that other forms of distributing entertainment are having an impact on ticket sales? Retail stores and malls are closing at a rapid rate due to the advent of shopping on line, as well. People just don't go out as much to get the stuff they want to buy. They want it all delivered to them.

That and the ever increasing screen size for TVs in homes.
he wants 100% conservative propaganda and 0% liberal.

I would like some balance in the shit that Hollywood puts out.
How do something about it.

I am. The drop in ticket revenues from my change in behavior, and those like me, is being felt and reacted to.

So you don't think that other forms of distributing entertainment are having an impact on ticket sales? Retail stores and malls are closing at a rapid rate due to the advent of shopping on line, as well. People just don't go out as much to get the stuff they want to buy. They want it all delivered to them.

That and the ever increasing screen size for TVs in homes.

my wife and I ditched TV YEARS ago and now we only uses "devices" (Ipads mostly, laptops, Iphones)

gone smaller.......
Isn't it a little early for you to start drinking, Tipsy? You just posted that Hilter killed 6 million Jews/gypsies and Catholics to put an end to low morals in the media.

And you have another poster saying that Hitler did it right.

Hitler preferred to drink water. Ban water.

Hitler built the Autobahn, ban highways.

Hitler was correct about degenerative art.

Get over it.

I am a student of WWII, and I am well aware of what Hitler did, and the many, many frightening parallels between Donald Trump and the rise of Adolf Hitler, which lead directly to WWII, and how similar they are.

I can write an entire thesis on the rise of Hitler, using anger against the Treaty of Versailles to fan the flames of German resentment at being forced to pay reparations to the Allies, bankrupting the German treasury, and blaming the Jews for letting it happen.

To his co-opting of the socialist Nazi Party as his vehicle to the election. Hitler used production of his war machine to employ and enrich the German people, and Make Germany Great Again.

Then he allowed people to attack Jews in public. Made them wear stars so people knew who they were, because you can't always tell just by looking at someone who is Jewish. This is where the USA is now. Attacking and bulling visible minorities is acceptable because they're not "real Americans".

Now he's trying to use the Department of Justice to prosecute his opponents. Shit's getting real.

You should really give upon that whole line of argument.

You should really take your own advice.
But the topic of this thread is entertainment

No, that has never been the topic of this thread.

The topic of this thread is why would film producers sacrifice more than half their profits/revenues for political purposes?

Companies don't exist to lose money, they exist to maximize profit.

I want to know know who is covering their loss of 1/2 their potential revenue.

Stop trying to hijack and redefine my OP and poll.


Your theory is baseless and worthless. But it is funny. The entertainment industry seems to be doing quite well. This "SJW" shit is just total garbage. You just seem angry with the industry for some reason known only to you, or need to whine about something to get attention.
Most men in rage would beat the shit out of most female cops. And yet they are lofted up into the highest equality platitudes. There are actually civilian guys who help female cops out when in trouble. The added costs to the police departments and less value for the dollar spent is just the start. So the entertainers make it look quite different. We see it everyday. Just one issue.

So your issue is that women should not be cops and they should not be portrayed as cops in movies. Women make very good cops in real life, and certainly very good detectives, which takes brain work.

You just don't want women to be shown on screen unless they are serving coffee or having sex with some guy. I get it.
Show reality. 95 pound women beating the crap out of buffed former special forces guys is quite a push. you are questioning people who question. As long as I know who does the dirty work needed to keep everything going that is what counts. And it ain't you.

95 pound women cannot really pick up a 300 pound buffed out bruiser and throw him into the wall. She cannot really knock him out with one punch. It's not real. Reinstate the standards. If a woman can meet those standards she can be a cop. If not, she can't.

I remember when standards were lowered to allow women into the police departments a friend of mine, a woman judge, said that allowing women in would create more use of force complaints. When standards are lowered they are lowered for everyone. Not only slightly built women get on the force. Slightly built men get on the force too. Defending themselves doesn't mean busting chops. It means a bullet. Most women have no business being a cop, firefighter or in the military.
Hitler preferred to drink water. Ban water.

Hitler built the Autobahn, ban highways.

Hitler was correct about degenerative art.

Get over it.

I am a student of WWII, and I am well aware of what Hitler did, and the many, many frightening parallels between Donald Trump and the rise of Adolf Hitler, which lead directly to WWII, and how similar they are.

I can write an entire thesis on the rise of Hitler, using anger against the Treaty of Versailles to fan the flames of German resentment at being forced to pay reparations to the Allies, bankrupting the German treasury, and blaming the Jews for letting it happen.

To his co-opting of the socialist Nazi Party as his vehicle to the election. Hitler used production of his war machine to employ and enrich the German people, and Make Germany Great Again.

Then he allowed people to attack Jews in public. Made them wear stars so people knew who they were, because you can't always tell just by looking at someone who is Jewish. This is where the USA is now. Attacking and bulling visible minorities is acceptable because they're not "real Americans".

Now he's trying to use the Department of Justice to prosecute his opponents. Shit's getting real.

You should really give upon that whole line of argument.

You should really take your own advice.
No, that has never been the topic of this thread.

The topic of this thread is why would film producers sacrifice more than half their profits/revenues for political purposes?

Companies don't exist to lose money, they exist to maximize profit.

I want to know know who is covering their loss of 1/2 their potential revenue.

Stop trying to hijack and redefine my OP and poll.


Your theory is baseless and worthless. But it is funny. The entertainment industry seems to be doing quite well. This "SJW" shit is just total garbage. You just seem angry with the industry for some reason known only to you, or need to whine about something to get attention.
Most men in rage would beat the shit out of most female cops. And yet they are lofted up into the highest equality platitudes. There are actually civilian guys who help female cops out when in trouble. The added costs to the police departments and less value for the dollar spent is just the start. So the entertainers make it look quite different. We see it everyday. Just one issue.

So your issue is that women should not be cops and they should not be portrayed as cops in movies. Women make very good cops in real life, and certainly very good detectives, which takes brain work.

You just don't want women to be shown on screen unless they are serving coffee or having sex with some guy. I get it.
Show reality. 95 pound women beating the crap out of buffed former special forces guys is quite a push. you are questioning people who question. As long as I know who does the dirty work needed to keep everything going that is what counts. And it ain't you.

95 pound women cannot really pick up a 300 pound buffed out bruiser and throw him into the wall. She cannot really knock him out with one punch. It's not real. Reinstate the standards. If a woman can meet those standards she can be a cop. If not, she can't.

I remember when standards were lowered to allow women into the police departments a friend of mine, a woman judge, said that allowing women in would create more use of force complaints. When standards are lowered they are lowered for everyone. Not only slightly built women get on the force. Slightly built men get on the force too. Defending themselves doesn't mean busting chops. It means a bullet. Most women have no business being a cop, firefighter or in the military.

"Reinstate the standards. If a woman can meet those standards she can be a cop. If not, she can't."

I hate to agree with a fascist murderer on anything.

but I do on this issue.
I would like some balance in the shit that Hollywood puts out.
How do something about it.

I am. The drop in ticket revenues from my change in behavior, and those like me, is being felt and reacted to.

So you don't think that other forms of distributing entertainment are having an impact on ticket sales? Retail stores and malls are closing at a rapid rate due to the advent of shopping on line, as well. People just don't go out as much to get the stuff they want to buy. They want it all delivered to them.

That and the ever increasing screen size for TVs in homes.

my wife and I ditched TV YEARS ago and now we only uses "devices" (Ipads mostly, laptops, Iphones)

gone smaller.......

I cannot stand to watch anything on a smaller screen. Never watch anything smaller than my 27 inch curved monitor for my desktop.
Hitler preferred to drink water. Ban water.

Hitler built the Autobahn, ban highways.

Hitler was correct about degenerative art.

Get over it.

I am a student of WWII, and I am well aware of what Hitler did, and the many, many frightening parallels between Donald Trump and the rise of Adolf Hitler, which lead directly to WWII, and how similar they are.

I can write an entire thesis on the rise of Hitler, using anger against the Treaty of Versailles to fan the flames of German resentment at being forced to pay reparations to the Allies, bankrupting the German treasury, and blaming the Jews for letting it happen.

To his co-opting of the socialist Nazi Party as his vehicle to the election. Hitler used production of his war machine to employ and enrich the German people, and Make Germany Great Again.

Then he allowed people to attack Jews in public. Made them wear stars so people knew who they were, because you can't always tell just by looking at someone who is Jewish. This is where the USA is now. Attacking and bulling visible minorities is acceptable because they're not "real Americans".

Now he's trying to use the Department of Justice to prosecute his opponents. Shit's getting real.

You should really give upon that whole line of argument.

You should really take your own advice.
No, that has never been the topic of this thread.

The topic of this thread is why would film producers sacrifice more than half their profits/revenues for political purposes?

Companies don't exist to lose money, they exist to maximize profit.

I want to know know who is covering their loss of 1/2 their potential revenue.

Stop trying to hijack and redefine my OP and poll.


Your theory is baseless and worthless. But it is funny. The entertainment industry seems to be doing quite well. This "SJW" shit is just total garbage. You just seem angry with the industry for some reason known only to you, or need to whine about something to get attention.
Most men in rage would beat the shit out of most female cops. And yet they are lofted up into the highest equality platitudes. There are actually civilian guys who help female cops out when in trouble. The added costs to the police departments and less value for the dollar spent is just the start. So the entertainers make it look quite different. We see it everyday. Just one issue.

So your issue is that women should not be cops and they should not be portrayed as cops in movies. Women make very good cops in real life, and certainly very good detectives, which takes brain work.

You just don't want women to be shown on screen unless they are serving coffee or having sex with some guy. I get it.
Show reality. 95 pound women beating the crap out of buffed former special forces guys is quite a push. you are questioning people who question. As long as I know who does the dirty work needed to keep everything going that is what counts. And it ain't you.

95 pound women cannot really pick up a 300 pound buffed out bruiser and throw him into the wall. She cannot really knock him out with one punch. It's not real. Reinstate the standards. If a woman can meet those standards she can be a cop. If not, she can't.

I remember when standards were lowered to allow women into the police departments a friend of mine, a woman judge, said that allowing women in would create more use of force complaints. When standards are lowered they are lowered for everyone. Not only slightly built women get on the force. Slightly built men get on the force too. Defending themselves doesn't mean busting chops. It means a bullet. Most women have no business being a cop, firefighter or in the military.

movies are fiction. True story.

Interesting, audiences loved some really terrible movies. Anna was an awful movie and it got an audience rating of 81%

Interesting, audiences loved some really terrible movies. Anna was an awful movie and it got an audience rating of 81%

One of the worst movies ever in my view was American won the OSCAR for best picture
Your theory is baseless and worthless. But it is funny. The entertainment industry seems to be doing quite well. This "SJW" shit is just total garbage. You just seem angry with the industry for some reason known only to you, or need to whine about something to get attention.

It's actually known to audiences of popular films all over.

Films with 90% audience approval scores get sub 60% from far-left critics.

Films with 90% approval scores from far left critics get sub 60% from the actual audience.

See the problem here?


Remember when they withheld AUDIENCE voting on David Chappelle and gave him a 0%, and then when the audience was allowed to vote, the audience have him 99%?

This is the norm now.

Witcher was 40% critic, 95% audience.

Watchmen was 90%+ critic, sub 50% audience.

That's just how it is man.

The problem isn't with the average sane person (the audience), it's with the insane far-left critics that give show 1/10 ratings for "not being gay enough."

so link.....

look, trump....I know you think it is fine to make up lies as president but here on USMESSAGE BOARDS we hold people to a higher, more ethical standard.

links please.....


Star Wars ‘Last Jedi’: One of the Biggest Rotten Tomatoes Audience vs Critics Score Splits Ever — Information is Beautiful
The Divide Between Audiences and Film Critics Keeps Growing — World of Reel
Why You Hated 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' But Critics Loved It
These Are The 2019 Movies That Most Divided Critics & Fans, According To Rotten Tomatoes

Like I said, it's the norm, not the exception.

If you have evidence to the contrary please show it.

One explanation is that the two groups have opposing cognitive goals or motivations, such as intellectual stimulation versus emotional engagement, leading to contrasting priorities when they appraise a film. "My guess would be that critics look for different things in a movie than a regular person," Wallisch suggests, adding that a critic might be more concerned with factors like dialogue and lighting.

In other words: critics see films as art, while people mainly watch movies for entertainment. Like other kinds of art critic then, film critics might assess a movie as a work of art, so their scores are not a metric for its entertainment value.

Critics also consider factors that aren't inherent to the movie itself, such as whether a director was successful in achieving their aims, whereas audiences are more concerned with the execution of the final product. That leaves the 'quality' of a film open to interpretation: just as some people will interpret a piece of modern art as making an important statement about society, others will see it as trash.

Appraising movies from an artistic perspective helps explain why one sub-plot in The Last Jedi, a mission to the casino city of Canto Bight, is so polarizing. Considered by some to be a disposable sequence, the storyline includes scenes in which characters discuss inequality and the ethics of arms dealing.

"In the Star Wars movies lately, the issue of social justice has been raised," says Wallisch, who suspects that some viewers don't appreciate being lured into a cinema to listen to a lecture on politics or morality. Such a commentary on problems in modern society might be a little too on-the-nose for those who expect escapism while watching a science-fiction film. "Most people go to the movies to escape reality," says Wallisch.

I don't know. I find Quentin Tarrantino's movies to be uniformly dreadful. Two (or more) hours of my life I can never get back again. The plots are beyond ridiculous and stupid. Do I think hit men discuss Jungian philosophy between jobs? In a pig's eye. And that whole Mickey Rourke subplot seemed to be an excuse for put a kinky gay masochism scene into the story.

Kill Bill was 4 hours of bullshit. D'Jango unchained a black revenge fantasy. Idiots went around saying that if the slaves had been armed things woulda been different after it came out. Yes it would have, and that's why slaves were never allowed weapons, because the plantation owners feared armed black men most of all. The image of the black man with a gun as a danger to society exists to this day.

Back in the 1960's the Black Panthers decided to open carry where legal, and carried long guns around American cities. The NRA had no problem at all banning open carry then.

Interesting, audiences loved some really terrible movies. Anna was an awful movie and it got an audience rating of 81%

Interesting, audiences loved some really terrible movies. Anna was an awful movie and it got an audience rating of 81%

One of the worst movies ever in my view was American won the OSCAR for best picture

Angel Heart (Mickey Rourke) was on every critic's top 10 list of best movies for the year. My ex and I went to see it the day it opened. It was only mildly entertaining if you didn't figure out the Louis Cypher (Robert DeNiro), was really the Devil (Lucifer) in the opening scene. When the movie ended, my husband apoligized to me for picking the movie, it was that bad.

On the other hand we both loved Blue Velvet. I don't know what that says about me, and I don't think it's anything good. This was another critic's darling that audiences hated. More than half the audience at our showing, walked out during the movie, and one woman in the washroom said that it was the worst movie she'd ever seen.

One of the local video stores said people brought Blue Velvet back, threw it at him and demanded refunds.
But the topic of this thread is entertainment

No, that has never been the topic of this thread.

The topic of this thread is why would film producers sacrifice more than half their profits/revenues for political purposes?

Companies don't exist to lose money, they exist to maximize profit.

I want to know know who is covering their loss of 1/2 their potential revenue.

Stop trying to hijack and redefine my OP and poll.


Your theory is baseless and worthless. But it is funny. The entertainment industry seems to be doing quite well. This "SJW" shit is just total garbage. You just seem angry with the industry for some reason known only to you, or need to whine about something to get attention.

he wants 100% conservative propaganda and 0% liberal.

I would like some balance in the shit that Hollywood puts out.

I still question why you continue to watch "the shit that Hollywood puts out," whatever that is. But exactly what would you consider to be "balance" even? What has to be added to provide "balance"?

That is a very good question! THank you for actually asking something, instead of just inventing shit in your head, and then attacking me based on your hallucinations!

Well, a good place to start for balance, in the context of the movies we have discussed,

would have been if the Captain America movies had targeted Traditional Americans/White Americans with the same style of pandering and ego stroking that Black Panther did for Black Americans.

It is worth noting that such a potential viewing population would be nearly 5 times the size of the Black American target audience and could potentially make absolutely stupid amounts of money.

For starters, that would be a good start.
But the topic of this thread is entertainment

No, that has never been the topic of this thread.

The topic of this thread is why would film producers sacrifice more than half their profits/revenues for political purposes?

Companies don't exist to lose money, they exist to maximize profit.

I want to know know who is covering their loss of 1/2 their potential revenue.

Stop trying to hijack and redefine my OP and poll.


Your theory is baseless and worthless. But it is funny. The entertainment industry seems to be doing quite well. This "SJW" shit is just total garbage. You just seem angry with the industry for some reason known only to you, or need to whine about something to get attention.

he wants 100% conservative propaganda and 0% liberal.

I would like some balance in the shit that Hollywood puts out.

I still question why you continue to watch "the shit that Hollywood puts out," whatever that is. But exactly what would you consider to be "balance" even? What has to be added to provide "balance"?


according to conservatives....

NEVER show gays in a positive light
ALWAYS show gays as despicable perverts

NEVER show atheists in a positive light
ALWAYS show atheist as evil murderers!

NEVER show nazis in a BAD light!
ALWAYS show them as "the good guys"

there...conservative balance
No, that has never been the topic of this thread.

The topic of this thread is why would film producers sacrifice more than half their profits/revenues for political purposes?

Companies don't exist to lose money, they exist to maximize profit.

I want to know know who is covering their loss of 1/2 their potential revenue.

Stop trying to hijack and redefine my OP and poll.


Your theory is baseless and worthless. But it is funny. The entertainment industry seems to be doing quite well. This "SJW" shit is just total garbage. You just seem angry with the industry for some reason known only to you, or need to whine about something to get attention.

he wants 100% conservative propaganda and 0% liberal.

I would like some balance in the shit that Hollywood puts out.

I still question why you continue to watch "the shit that Hollywood puts out," whatever that is. But exactly what would you consider to be "balance" even? What has to be added to provide "balance"?

That is a very good question! THank you for actually asking something, instead of just inventing shit in your head, and then attacking me based on your hallucinations!

Well, a good place to start for balance, in the context of the movies we have discussed,

would have been if the Captain America movies had targeted Traditional Americans/White Americans with the same style of pandering and ego stroking that Black Panther did for Black Americans.

It is worth noting that such a potential viewing population would be nearly 5 times the size of the Black American target audience and could potentially make absolutely stupid amounts of money.

For starters, that would be a good start.

It is just weird how only a few white people had an issue with Black Panther and they are all of the same political leaning.

What did you find lacking in the Captain America movies in regards to Traditional Americans/White Americans (and I will not even get into how you equate those two things)?

By the way, the Captain America movies had a world wide gross revenue of $714,264,267
How do something about it.

I am. The drop in ticket revenues from my change in behavior, and those like me, is being felt and reacted to.

So you don't think that other forms of distributing entertainment are having an impact on ticket sales? Retail stores and malls are closing at a rapid rate due to the advent of shopping on line, as well. People just don't go out as much to get the stuff they want to buy. They want it all delivered to them.

That and the ever increasing screen size for TVs in homes.

my wife and I ditched TV YEARS ago and now we only uses "devices" (Ipads mostly, laptops, Iphones)

gone smaller.......

I cannot stand to watch anything on a smaller screen. Never watch anything smaller than my 27 inch curved monitor for my desktop.

I hate watching movies or sports on small screens. I have a 32" inch screen in my sewing room, for keeping up with tennis, baseball or skating, while I work on projects, and a 55" in the living room. If the sporting event is only on the internet, I cast it from my iPhone or laptop to whichever TV I'm watching.

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