Skeptics Gather in DC/ Climate Depot

By that stellar logic, automobiles don't really emit pollution, and catalytic converters are a socialist plot. After all, they require a government mandate.
By that stellar logic, automobiles don't really emit pollution, and catalytic converters are a socialist plot. After all, they require a government mandate.

Answer the question. and learn to use the quote function, hack.
Check it out, Marty has gone into a control freak rage. Authoritarians tend to be like that when you don't obey their edicts.

Marty, you're the kook trying to imply that if something requires a government solution, it isn't really a problem, and is actually a socialist plot.

Therefore, by Marty logic, automobile pollution doesn't really exist, and saying it does exist is a socialist plot.
By that stellar logic, automobiles don't really emit pollution, and catalytic converters are a socialist plot. After all, they require a government mandate.

Answer the question. and learn to use the quote function, hack.
There you go, you ignorant corksmoker. It is useless fucks like you that would destroy this nation with your insane conspiracy theories involving almost all of the scientists in the world. We are going to see major problems from the GHGs already in the atmosphere, and the quicker we cease to add GHGs, the less damage done decades down the road.

Yes, government does have to be involved in ending putting excess GHGs into the atmosphere. Ours and every other government on earth. And we are seeing the major governments starting to come to terms with the facts. But people like you are doing your best to prevent this. In the end, you won't matter. Even many of the major corporations are now publically recognizing the problems we are facing because of the warming. And more and more of the public is realizing that they are being lied to by the energy corperations and people like yourself.

As the price of renewable energy continues to come down, economics alone will end the use of coal, then later, natural gas for electrical generation. And our nation will be cleaner and healthier for that.
By that stellar logic, automobiles don't really emit pollution, and catalytic converters are a socialist plot. After all, they require a government mandate.

Answer the question. and learn to use the quote function, hack.
There you go, you ignorant corksmoker. It is useless fucks like you that would destroy this nation with your insane conspiracy theories involving almost all of the scientists in the world. We are going to see major problems from the GHGs already in the atmosphere, and the quicker we cease to add GHGs, the less damage done decades down the road.

Yes, government does have to be involved in ending putting excess GHGs into the atmosphere. Ours and every other government on earth. And we are seeing the major governments starting to come to terms with the facts. But people like you are doing your best to prevent this. In the end, you won't matter. Even many of the major corporations are now publically recognizing the problems we are facing because of the warming. And more and more of the public is realizing that they are being lied to by the energy corperations and people like yourself.

As the price of renewable energy continues to come down, economics alone will end the use of coal, then later, natural gas for electrical generation. And our nation will be cleaner and healthier for that.

You mad bro? Sorry, but I don't buy your government loves all of us dystopia you want to bring about based on political driven conclusions.

It's all about control, just the scare mongering tactic changes. First it was the capitalists, then varied versions of the capitalists.

The only AGW people I take remotely seriously are the ones that support expansion of nuclear power. If carbon emissions are such a threat, why shouldn't EVERY currently available method be used to combat it?
Check it out, Marty has gone into a control freak rage. Authoritarians tend to be like that when you don't obey their edicts.

Marty, you're the kook trying to imply that if something requires a government solution, it isn't really a problem, and is actually a socialist plot.

Therefore, by Marty logic, automobile pollution doesn't really exist, and saying it does exist is a socialist plot.

Now you are just being (more) stupid. It's comical to watch progs get all frothy when their cherished notions are even challenged.

Threatened by a meeting of people who disagree with you, don't attack their positions, attack them personally, because that is all you have.
I do support nuclear power. Sorry to knock down your strawman there.

Well my opinion of you went from absolutely worthless to worthless, congrats.

And you are still too lazy to use the quote function, so back down completely worthless.
You mean like your moonbat messiah and hitlary do to ALL media?
Stick to the topic, gutless. Your sad deflections won't save you here. They just make you look like the crybaby political cultist that you are. This is about science, not what your political cult told you to chant.

Now, here we have what is supposedly a scientific conference by the deniers. Can you name any other scientific conference in the world that bans media that they don't like?

When Anthony Watts or other deniers want to come to science conferences, nobody bans them. Why can't your side act the same? What are they hiding?
It is extremely hypocritical to ask a question, get an answer to that question and then claim someone isn't following the topic. you started it fool! You made reference to media, the reply was concerning where media is not allowed. Sorry but I'm at a loss on why you find that response off topic to your question regarding the media. So tell me.
And if we wanted to use denier tactics, we could point to the irony of their meeting being on a day with a local temp of 92F.
and that would be important why?

Obviously, because it points out your double standards. You flip out when rational scientists have meetings on a cold day, but say nothing when deniers have a meeting on a hot day.
In response to your comment at me, dude/ dudette I have no issues with the climate change. You do, you're on here because of those extraordinary, emergency driven posts concerning the globe. Extreme weather events are also used as your ploy to make a comment, now due to that, when your side is caught in cold and ice, it is extremely funny since the claim is doom and gloom warming. I don't have that fear, I don't care if it's 92 degrees F. you all do. the fact that you don't know what that difference is doesn't surprise me one bit.

You are clueless to the points you argue for and against.

playing with your stupid pills again.
As Marty was just good enough to illustrate, denialism is literally now entirely a conspiracy cult. They see socialists behind every bush, because that's how their masters have trained them to think.

It's not possible to reason with such cultists. We can only minimize the damage they do.
tell us what it is you will do?
By that stellar logic, automobiles don't really emit pollution, and catalytic converters are a socialist plot. After all, they require a government mandate.

Answer the question. and learn to use the quote function, hack.
There you go, you ignorant corksmoker. It is useless fucks like you that would destroy this nation with your insane conspiracy theories involving almost all of the scientists in the world. We are going to see major problems from the GHGs already in the atmosphere, and the quicker we cease to add GHGs, the less damage done decades down the road.

Yes, government does have to be involved in ending putting excess GHGs into the atmosphere. Ours and every other government on earth. And we are seeing the major governments starting to come to terms with the facts. But people like you are doing your best to prevent this. In the end, you won't matter. Even many of the major corporations are now publically recognizing the problems we are facing because of the warming. And more and more of the public is realizing that they are being lied to by the energy corperations and people like yourself.

As the price of renewable energy continues to come down, economics alone will end the use of coal, then later, natural gas for electrical generation. And our nation will be cleaner and healthier for that.
so and why? Explain the government needs to be involved comment?
It is extremely hypocritical to ask a question, get an answer to that question and then claim someone isn't following the topic. you started it fool! You made reference to media, the reply was concerning where media is not allowed. Sorry but I'm at a loss on why you find that response off topic to your question regarding the media. So tell me.

That's why I keep almost every one of the forum's bed wetting libtards on ignore. Occassionaly I'll peak in when I suspect they've said something especially stupid (everything they say is stupid) and is worth a few moments of ridicule, other than that I pay little attention to them. They're oxygen thieves that have survived in spite of natural selection because we have too damn many safety warnings and precautions that keep imbeciles in the genepool.

I'm dead serious about that too. Dumbfucks like mammouth and oldcock used to be found dead under kitchen sinks next to empty bottles of drano, or floating face down in a bathtub with a cassette player. Child resistant lids and GFI plugs saved a generation of complete blithering idiots who's grandchildren are now as vapid as a head of lettuce and now "No Child Left Behind" has voted for obozo twice. Moonbats aren't aborting their genetic garbage quickly enough in my book. I say we take down the guard rails at train track intersections, and remove the phrase "Not For Human Consumption" from jars of fishbait.

Hopefully going queer will become uber trendy and they'll swallow each other into oblivion.
Yep. Scores of 'scientists'. However, the Scientific Societies and National Academies of Science have many millions of scientists stating that AGW is real. And you have a few score of old senile retreads that claim otherwise. The same 'scientists?' that stated that tobacco was harmless.

The funny part is....



Put him on a polygraph and he'll flatline it. They're devoted to their ignorance.

Yep. Scores of 'scientists'. However, the Scientific Societies and National Academies of Science have many millions of scientists stating that AGW is real. And you have a few score of old senile retreads that claim otherwise. The same 'scientists?' that stated that tobacco was harmless.

Frank, I looked it up, I had to, I nearly did roll on the floor laughing. I now know they are twits and serve no purpose to normal human life. Scientific Societies are a broad group that entails 252 groups and one of them is climate based. dude, the tactics from these twits is truly amazing. I mean, I really think they eat their own.
And if we wanted to use denier tactics, we could point to the irony of their meeting being on a day with a local temp of 92F.
and that would be important why?

Obviously, because it points out your double standards. You flip out when rational scientists have meetings on a cold day, but say nothing when deniers have a meeting on a hot day.
snagletooth yells.. DENIER!!!!!!!! while pointing to what their side does all the time and then making false statements like "our side never does that" You lying fuck wit moron!

Its ok if yours side excludes us but if your not heralded as kings and whores to be noticed... whoa.. is you...

The NIPCC actually has real scientists, who do real research, who present real world facts, unlike the alarmist drones cry babies who scream slurs all day long in an effort to be the only voice they hear...
That's why I keep almost every one of the forum's bed wetting libtards on ignore.
You mean it's not because you're such a crybaby wuss? Good luck getting anyone to believe that.

So, I've got a whole pack of rabid chihuahuas here nipping at my ankles, and it's hilarious. I must now resist the urge to punt.

Oh, the big denier conference is over now. And nobody cared about it. Just a bunch of conspiracy theory speeches. Even deniers must have been falling asleep. Banning outside media also didn't help.

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