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Sketchy firm behind Trump Dossier is Stalling Investigators

One of the founders of this group was a Hillary donor...

Dossier was just another sleazy Democratic Party / Hillary attempt to effect the election / steal the Presidency.

Rigged primaries, debate cheating, election fraud, Felony Espionage, lies, fake news, dirty tactics, racists, sexists, homophobes, anti-Semites, terrorist acts, attempts to silence Constitutional free speech, criminal nominees, 'do anything for power'...

Welcome to the modern day Democratic party, as THEY have demonstrated / exposed themselves to be.
Dems are desperate because when Trump leaves office SCOTUS will be 7-2 conservative and he will fill 132 Federal Judge vacancies with conservatives.

Current Judicial Vacancies

The courts will be fundamentally changed for generations.

Thanks Hillary!!
One of the founders of this group was a Hillary donor...

Dossier was just another sleazy Democratic Party / Hillary attempt to effect the election / steal the Presidency.

Rigged primaries, debate cheating, election fraud, Felony Espionage, lies, fake news, dirty tactics, racists, sexists, homophobes, anti-Semites, terrorist acts, attempts to silence Constitutional free speech, criminal nominees, 'do anything for power'...

Welcome to the modern day Democratic party, as THEY have demonstrated / exposed themselves to be.
that is who they are have become


normal people have fled the party en masse
Dems are desperate because when Trump leaves office SCOTUS will be 7-2 conservative and he will fill 132 Federal Judge vacancies with conservatives.

Current Judicial Vacancies

The courts will be fundamentally changed for generations.

Thanks Hillary!!
besides the likely two more SC justices to fill

trump will place well over a hundred to the lower courts

and perhaps split the 9th district in two


he will change the system for a hundred years

Dems are desperate because when Trump leaves office SCOTUS will be 7-2 conservative and he will fill 132 Federal Judge vacancies with conservatives.

Current Judicial Vacancies

The courts will be fundamentally changed for generations.

Thanks Hillary!!
besides the likely two more SC justices to fill

trump will place well over a hundred to the lower courts

and perhaps split the 9th district in two


he will change the system for a hundred years


This is a big reason why so many people voted for Trump. They know Libs love to legislate from the bench because they hate the Constitution.
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Dems are desperate because when Trump leaves office SCOTUS will be 7-2 conservative and he will fill 132 Federal Judge vacancies with conservatives.

Current Judicial Vacancies

The courts will be fundamentally changed for generations.

Thanks Hillary!!
besides the likely two more SC justices to fill

trump will place well over a hundred to the lower courts

and perhaps split the 9th district in two


he will change the system for a hundred years


This is a big reason why so many people voted for Trump. They know he Libs love to legislate from the bench because they hate the Constitution.

exactly he has already fulfilled all that i expected of him

now everything else is icing on the cake
Dems are desperate because when Trump leaves office SCOTUS will be 7-2 conservative and he will fill 132 Federal Judge vacancies with conservatives.

Current Judicial Vacancies

The courts will be fundamentally changed for generations.

Thanks Hillary!!
besides the likely two more SC justices to fill

trump will place well over a hundred to the lower courts

and perhaps split the 9th district in two


he will change the system for a hundred years


This is a big reason why so many people voted for Trump. They know he Libs love to legislate from the bench because they hate the Constitution.

on a side note did you get to read Gorsuch dissent in Perry vs Merit systems

reads like a founding father

basically he says it isnt up to the courts to write laws

Dems are desperate because when Trump leaves office SCOTUS will be 7-2 conservative and he will fill 132 Federal Judge vacancies with conservatives.

Current Judicial Vacancies

The courts will be fundamentally changed for generations.

Thanks Hillary!!
besides the likely two more SC justices to fill

trump will place well over a hundred to the lower courts

and perhaps split the 9th district in two


he will change the system for a hundred years


This is a big reason why so many people voted for Trump. They know he Libs love to legislate from the bench because they hate the Constitution.

on a side note did you get to read Gorsuch dissent in Perry vs Merit systems

reads like a founding father

basically he says it isnt up to the courts to write laws


Gorsuch is a Constitutional purist. We'll soon see if how he rules supports this.
this would all go away if the clintons were president.

No, I don't think it would. Bill was the only Clinton anyone liked. Hillary was the annoying little brother he had to drag along. Bill lost all his thunder when a real half black guy ran and won the presidential election.
Yet she still won the popular vote

For those of you keeping track- it was the 8th post in this thread when an aching ass liberal mentioned that the bulldyke beat the orange clown in the meaningless statistic of the popular vote. The over/undear was 11, so that post arrived ahead of schedule. Now how many post will it be before a liberal comments that winning the PV has some sort of significance?
No, I don't think it would. Bill was the only Clinton anyone liked. Hillary was the annoying little brother he had to drag along. Bill lost all his thunder when a real half black guy ran and won the presidential election.
Yet she still won the popular vote

Maybe in Russia that matters, but according to our laws and how our elections work she lost pretty decisively. Just like half Black Jesus doi, just like Booooosh, just like slick Willy. Hitch up your panties and get over it already. Trump is president. Deal with it.
What the hell are you babbling about Bush jr and Trump and the only presidents in the past 200 years to win the presidency without winning the popular vote

Democrats have consistently lost since 2010. It's the party of losing. You can't name one policy the democrat party has that improves anyone's lives at all. You just need to accept that and move on with your life. The obsessive behavior on the left is making it hard for y'all to win elections.
Trump won by claiming he's not a republican? Still does... do you really think ted cruz your number 2 choice wouldve won? He won on a technicality anyway

Excuse me, but did you just call the electoral college a technicality? I hereby order your sorry ass to read Federalist Paper No. 68 by Hamilton. I have pasted one important passage below, but it is your duty, as a horribly uninformed American, to read the entire essay.

The process of election affords a moral certainty, that the office of President will never fall to the lot of any man who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications. Talents for low intrigue, and the little arts of popularity, may alone suffice to elevate a man to the first honors in a single State; but it will require other talents, and a different kind of merit, to establish him in the esteem and confidence of the whole Union, or of so considerable a portion of it as would be necessary to make him a successful candidate for the distinguished office of President of the United States. It will not be too strong to say, that there will be a constant probability of seeing the station filled by characters pre-eminent for ability and virtue. And this will be thought no inconsiderable recommendation of the Constitution, by those who are able to estimate the share which the executive in every government must necessarily have in its good or ill administration. Though we cannot acquiesce in the political heresy of the poet who says: "For forms of government let fools contest That which is best administered is best,'' yet we may safely pronounce, that the true test of a good government is its aptitude and tendency to produce a good administration.
Eleven Million More of We the People voted against Trump than for him.

Jake- every time you post another whine about the PV, the more stupid and uneducated you appear. Do yourself a favor, read Federalist Paper no. 68, read it slow and several times until you actually understand the wisdom of our founding fathers for rejecting the PV. If you can't bring yourself to do that, or find you simply don't have the mental capacity to grasp the subtleties of the essay, at least stop whining about the fact that since Clinton won so big in California she should be president. It's getting really tiresome.

Trump v. Clinton: What the popular vote in each state shows
Clinton’s entire popular vote margin, for example, is less than her overall margin of victory in California (which she won by more than 4 million votes). New York, too, is a populous state that delivered Clinton 1.7 million more votes than Trump but couldn’t help her overcome the Electoral College deficit.
this is a good thing. I hope that the left wing goes tooth and nail after Trump they should never give up. And if they do then as with all things liberal the end result will be Hillary goes to jail. Nothing a liberal does ever ends with anything other then the opposite of their stated intent.
No, I don't think it would. Bill was the only Clinton anyone liked. Hillary was the annoying little brother he had to drag along. Bill lost all his thunder when a real half black guy ran and won the presidential election.
Yet she still won the popular vote

In California which is a lib mecca anyway.
you mean where Ronald Reagan and Arnold Schwarzenegger were from? Have you ever been to California?

Yes, that same CA. I've been numerous times. One of the prettiest states I've been to.

Oh is it ever. And it doesn't matter which way you look at it either. Start in the south and run the PCH all the way north, I recommend bringing a fishing rod. Also, some of the hands down BEST pheasant hunting I ever experienced was right outside Sacramento. Deer ? Hogs? I'll put it this way, Texas would come in around number 59-50 if the hunting were ever compared. Oh, that wishing tackle, I would bring along one heavy inshore set up dedicated to bank fishing on the bottem and a light spinning set up and or a fly rod. Depending on the time of year Stirgin and salmon are two game fish worth the trip for..

Cali doesnt even make the top ten....
Top 10 Places to Deer Hunt in the United States
The democrats are certainly imploding in a most spectacular manner. The dossier exposed as a Democrat manufacture, the travesty of Loretta Lynch, it is all caving in on them.

No doubt. And all the corruption and criminal activity leads back to Crooked Hillary, Butthurt Obama and the financial and MSM backers.
Anybody with an interest in politics could have seen it coming. The Washington Post comes out with a mini-novel (titled Obama's struggle) designed to defend the Hussein administration just when the investigation shifts to A.G. Lynch. Be careful what you wish for lefties, you might see the Clintons in orange jump suits.
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And another day of AltRat Right tears begin. Such will be all the days of their lives under Trump.

You morons are losing daily and you think we're crying?
No one is losing except the far right. The spending bill was a compromise that suited both sides. The AHCA that will come back to the House will infuriate the Freedom Caucus, because Mitch is going to having to kow tow to the moderate right. No tax reform. No wall. Yup, you are crying.

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