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Sketchy firm behind Trump Dossier is Stalling Investigators

Are you saying that Venezuela has a better democracy than the US?

We aren't a democracy you stupid twit.

We are a Republic which selects are representatives by a democratic process. Thus we are a Democratic Republic. Read COTUS carefully, we elect the electoral college, the members of the Senate and Members of the H. of Rep. To call us anything else is a DAMN LIE!

Actually, we are a representative republic, and we were never supposed to vote for Senators. But you are right. To call us a democracy is a damn lie.
it's a Damnocracy.

We are a democratic republic, the meme that you echo is nothing more than an effort by the Authoritarian Right Wing, which fears the hoi polloi; this power elite believes they are entitled by wealth or birth to influence law makers to their benefit.

Those who deny this fact are fools and hypocrites; they claim to support the Constitution and yet defile it; they claim some Amendments to COTUS are illegitimate; they believe the two Citizens United decision are about liberty, and not a means to an end - more power for the power elite.

what's the authoritarian right wing, you mean fox news ?
the democrat media and the democrats cooked each others' gooses, at the same time.

if Trump never ran, like everyone predicted, we would be in a whole different world, with the clintons and cnn running the table.

the socialist plundering for America is dead and burried. so too is the party of democrats, who at their biggest presidential rallies, could only draw flies.

which is a polite way of saying, fuck you democrats, get off the fuckin' stage... regroup, and find new excuses for losing, and different ways to steal the vote.....or next time just pick the winner, that's what i did. :)
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authoritarian right wing = antidemocracy, nationalistic, nativistic, racialistic, ethnocentric, white nationalist

examples = wasamericom, hereewegoagain, predfan, rustic, jc456, crusaderfrank, and so forth and so on

The investigations into RussiaGate, collusion with Trump associations, Trump obstructions, Pence and Sessions involvement in the Flynn affair, Kushner and nefarious banking transactions, etc.
Oh this is getting good. Finally getting around to the questions I want asked. Who were the Never Trumpers and the Democrats who paid for this fairy tale dossier? Who gave it to McCain?

And why would the FBI offer to pay out $50,000 to Steele to try to dig up dirt on Trump? That's a biggie.
Oh this is getting good. Finally getting around to the questions I want asked. Who were the Never Trumpers and the Democrats who paid for this fairy tale dossier? Who gave it to McCain?

And why would the FBI offer to pay out $50,000 to Steele to try to dig up dirt on Trump? That's a biggie.
FBI pays informers, td. They always have.
I can see Federal Charges, Subpoenas, or Indictments coming down against The Following People.

  • Susan Rice
  • Evelyn Farkas
  • Valerie Jarret
  • Hillary Clinton
  • Debbie Schultz
  • Donna Brazile
  • Loretta Lynch
  • Susan Powers
  • James Comey
  • Barak Obama
  • Lois Lerner
  • Eric Holder
  • James Clapper
  • Bill Clinton
  • John Brennan
  • Huma Abedine
  • Anthony Weiner
  • John Podesta

You can't use the Federal Government as a weapon against your political opponents and expect to get away with it.
There is a price to pay for that kind of corruption.
^^ :) ^^ Your Orange criminal Trump barely squeaked in, wash. The great majority of America does not want him.

But they got him and there he will stay for 8 years. It's a done deal. I remember way back when Obama was elected s surly a I was to end up in a FEMA camp with "Infidel" tattooed to my forehead where I would be forced to hand over my guns and eat human fetuses. Half Black Jesus was the harbinger of death and doom for all white non democrats. Well here we are. The world didn't end. The rivers didn't flow backwards and I still own all the guns I had to begin with including the ones in pieces. All was well, all is well. Y'all just need to relax.
You were wrong in 2006, 2008, 2012, about Clinton, about Comey, about Mueller, about Sessions, about Trump sweeping all before him once he was in office (he has been almost a total failure). Crixus, you are wrong about this as well.

And, oh, by the way. Government involved health care is here for good. No wall. No tax reform. The mainstream GOP is laughing at the far right. You all got used big time.
Only a moron would believe Bammercare was or is going anywhere. Republicans from Trump down are lying if they say different.
Thank you for admitting that Trump was a conman. Got rid of Clinton, check. Now get rid of Trump, check.

I said douche and turd sandwich.
Oh this is getting good. Finally getting around to the questions I want asked. Who were the Never Trumpers and the Democrats who paid for this fairy tale dossier? Who gave it to McCain?

And why would the FBI offer to pay out $50,000 to Steele to try to dig up dirt on Trump? That's a biggie.
FBI pays informers, td. They always have.

Senator Grassley is royally pissed off about this because of its political nature. The FBI was directly involved in a political act attempting to smear President Trump. That dossier was a fairy tale.

"Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley noted that relationship 'raises substantial questions about the independence' of the FBI in its Trump investigation, as the dossier was being funded by Democrats.

'The dossier was the product of blatant political and financial motives,' Grassley's office said in a press release making public what the senator had sent to Fusion GPS.

In a letter to Simpson, Grassley requested that Fusion reveal the identities of both the research firm's clients, the Republicans who initially wanted opposition research done on Trump and then the Democrats who later funded Steele's work.

Grassley also had a number of questions about who the dossier was distributed to and how it got to the FBI. "

Read more: 'Dirty dossier' firm refusing to cooperate with Congress | Daily Mail Online
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Here's where Grassley is going with this. Interesting questions. He's pissed right off. Grassley is going after the FBI as well.

In a letter to Fusion GPS, Grassley is seeking details on the history of arrangements that funded the opposition research behind the dossier, including the FBI’s involvement.

“When political opposition research becomes the basis for law enforcement or intelligence efforts, it raises substantial questions about the independence of law enforcement and intelligence from politics,” Grassley said in the letter.

Grassley is calling on Fusion GPS to provide details on the history of the dossier, including the clients who sought the research and the terms of their engagement. He also wants to know when Steele was hired to work on the project, how the FBI came to be involved and whether Fusion GPS was aware of any arrangements by the FBI to pay Steele. He is further seeking documents related to the dossier’s history and arrangements between Fusion GPS and its clients.

Full text of the letter follows:

March 24, 2017

Mr. Glenn R. Simpson
Fusion GPS
Washington, DC 20535

Dear Mr. Simpson:

I am writing to inquire about Fusion GPS’s opposition research efforts regarding President Trump, particularly the dossier compiled for your company by Mr. Christopher Steele. According to press accounts: a Republican opposed to Mr. Trump hired your company to compile opposition research on him; your company then hired Mr. Steele to investigate Mr. Trump’s ties to Russia after evidence emerged last June regarding Russian hacking of Democratic targets; and once it became clear that Mr. Trump would be the Republican nominee, Democrats supporting Secretary Clinton’s campaign began to pay for the research.[1] The New York Times also reported that “Fusion GPS and Mr. Steele shared the memos first with their clients, and later with the FBI and multiple journalists at the New York Times and elsewhere.”[2] Last month, the Washington Post reported that a few weeks before the election, the FBI had reached an agreement with Mr. Steele to pay him to continue his work, noting that “[t]he revelation that the FBI agreed to pay Steele at the same time he was being paid by Clinton supporters to dig into Trump’s background could further strain relations between the law enforcement agency and the White House.”[3]

When political opposition research becomes the basis for law enforcement or intelligence efforts, it raises substantial questions about the independence of law enforcement and intelligence from politics. The Committee requires additional information to evaluate this situation. Please answer the following questions and provide the requested documents by April 7, 2017:

  1. Who first hired your company to conduct opposition research relating to Mr. Trump and his associates? When did this engagement begin and end? What were the terms of the engagement? Please provide copies of all related contracts. In total, how much did this first client pay Fusion GPS for this work?

  1. In addition to the first client, who else hired Fusion GPS to conduct or continue opposition research relating to Mr. Trump and his associates? When did those engagements begin and end? What were the terms of the engagements? Please provide copies of all related contracts. In total, how much did each additional client pay Fusion GPS for this work?

  1. When did Fusion GPS arrange for Mr. Steele and/or Orbis Business Intelligence to investigate Mr. Trump and his associates? When, if ever, did this arrangement conclude? What were the terms of the arrangement? Please provide copies of all related contracts. In total, how much did Fusion GPS or your clients pay Mr. Steele and/or Orbis Business Intelligence for this work?

  1. Please provide copies of all memoranda or other types of reports that Mr. Steele and/or Orbis Business Intelligence provided Fusion GPS in the course of this engagement.

  1. To whom did Fusion GPS provide the dossier or any other memoranda created by Mr. Steele and/or Orbis Business Intelligence? Please list all recipients, the materials they received, and the dates the materials were provided.

  1. Did any of Fusion GPS’s clients instruct, request, suggest, or imply that the dossier should be provided to the FBI or that Mr. Steele should otherwise contact the FBI regarding the investigation? If so, please describe the client’s actions and provide all related documents.

  1. Did anyone from Fusion GPS instruct, request, suggest, or imply that Mr. Steele should provide the dossier to the FBI or otherwise contact the FBI regarding the investigation?

  1. Did any of Fusion GPS’s clients instruct, request, suggest, or imply that efforts should be made to get the FBI to pay for Mr. Steele and/or Orbis Business Intelligence to continue the investigation of Mr. Trump and his associates? If so, please describe the actions and provide all related documents.

  1. Was Fusion GPS aware of efforts to have the FBI pay Mr. Steele for his investigation? Was Fusion GPS involved in any way in this reported arrangement? Did Fusion GPS inform its clients or former clients about the FBI’s arrangement with Mr. Steele? Please provide all relevant communications.

  1. To the best of Fusion GPS’s knowledge, was Mr. Steele ever simultaneously paid by Fusion GPS (or its clients) and the FBI for his investigation of Mr. Trump and his associates, including any payments for his travel expenses? If so, when did the simultaneous payments occur and how much was paid?

  1. Has anyone from Fusion GPS met with anyone from the FBI or Department of Justice regarding matters related to Mr. Trump or his associates? If so, when were the meetings, who attended, and what was discussed?

  1. When did Mr. Steele first communicate with the FBI regarding his investigation of Mr. Trump and his associates? How many meetings did Mr. Steele have with the FBI in total? What was discussed at each meeting and who participated from any government agency? Please include the date and location of each meeting, as well as who paid for Mr. Steele’s travel expenses, if any.

  1. Please provide all records relating to communications between Fusion GPS and the Department of Justice, including the FBI, or any intelligence agency regarding Donald Trump, the Trump campaign, or his associates.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this important matter. If you have any questions, please contact Patrick Davis of my Committee staff at (202) 224-5225.


Charles E. Grassley
Committee on the Judiciary

The Honorable Dianne Feinstein
Ranking Member
Senate Committee on the Judiciary

Grassley Probes Opposition Research Firm behind Unsubstantiated Trump Dossier | Chuck Grassley

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