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Sketchy firm behind Trump Dossier is Stalling Investigators

^^ :) ^^ Your Orange criminal Trump barely squeaked in, wash. The great majority of America does not want him.
Just another 7 1/2 years before your Donald Trump nightmare ends
Since he is accomplishing almost nothing, having stumbled out of the gate and is still losing traction, it you are right, Frank, nothing much will get done anyway.
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^^ :) ^^ Your Orange criminal Trump barely squeaked in, wash. The great majority of America does not want him.

But they got him and there he will stay for 8 years. It's a done deal. I remember way back when Obama was elected s surly a I was to end up in a FEMA camp with "Infidel" tattooed to my forehead where I would be forced to hand over my guns and eat human fetuses. Half Black Jesus was the harbinger of death and doom for all white non democrats. Well here we are. The world didn't end. The rivers didn't flow backwards and I still own all the guns I had to begin with including the ones in pieces. All was well, all is well. Y'all just need to relax.
You were wrong in 2006, 2008, 2012, about Clinton, about Comey, about Mueller, about Sessions, about Trump sweeping all before him once he was in office (he has been almost a total failure). Crixus, you are wrong about this as well.

And, oh, by the way. Government involved health care is here for good. No wall. No tax reform. The mainstream GOP is laughing at the far right. You all got used big time.
Thanks to millions of illegal aliens and dead people.
^^^ alt fact

Trump said it, but has absolutely no evidence.

What is true that ELEVEN MILLION MORE voted against Orange Jesus than for him.

Then he betrayed the AltRat and far rights on the wall and health care and the budget.
Thanks to millions of illegal aliens and dead people.
^^^ alt fact

Trump said it, but has absolutely no evidence.

What is true that ELEVEN MILLION MORE voted against Orange Jesus than for him.

Then he betrayed the AltRat and far rights on the wall and health care and the budget.

And about FOUR MILLION MORE voted against Queen Hillary than for her. So what's the point? That they were both DAMAGED GOODS??
Thanks to millions of illegal aliens and dead people.
^^^ alt fact

Trump said it, but has absolutely no evidence.

What is true that ELEVEN MILLION MORE voted against Orange Jesus than for him.

Then he betrayed the AltRat and far rights on the wall and health care and the budget.

And about FOUR MILLION MORE voted against Queen Hillary than for her. So what's the point? That they were both DAMAGED GOODS??
You don't understand logic and never have.

One, yes, they were both damaged goods.

Two, the public thought her goods were less damaged than his.

Three, neither are fit for the office, and in Trump's case, he is the best witness of that fact.
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Thanks to millions of illegal aliens and dead people.
^^^ alt fact

Trump said it, but has absolutely no evidence.

What is true that ELEVEN MILLION MORE voted against Orange Jesus than for him.

Then he betrayed the AltRat and far rights on the wall and health care and the budget.

And about FOUR MILLION MORE voted against Queen Hillary than for her. So what's the point? That they were both DAMAGED GOODS??
You don't understand logic and never have.

One, yes, they wee both damaged goods.

Two, the public thought her goods were less damaged than his.

Three, neither are fit for the office, and in Trump's case, he is the best witness of that fact.

People who voted for BETTER candidates, don't have to badger folks and twist themselves into pretzels. Watch out -- you'll get a hernia with all that twisting..
The twisting is on the far right. F got elected instead of F minus. And that is why Trump has stumbled out of the gate and can't get continued traction. The same thing would be happening if HRC had been elected. Neither are acceptable. As imperfect as Pence or Kaine would be as President, both are better than either Trump or Clinton. Trump is the easiest of the two presidential candidates to remove from office; getting Clinton out of office would be a worse nightmare.
The twisting is on the far right. F got elected instead of F minus. And that is why Trump has stumbled out of the gate and can't get continued traction. The same thing would be happening if HRC had been elected. Neither are acceptable. As imperfect as Pence or Kaine would be as President, both are better than either Trump or Clinton. Trump is the easiest of the two presidential candidates to remove from office; getting Clinton out of office would be a worse nightmare.

Look at you. Always looking at the bright side. :uhh: Vote for the one easiest to bully into impeachment.

You really don't wanna talk about how phoney that PUBLIC "Intel report" last year was -- do you? Never heard of a PUBLIC "Intel Report" based on a piece of POLITICAL OPPOSITION research that some DNC/RNC never Trumpers had a bidding war over. Or the SAME POShit "Intel Report" that has the opinions of so many Agencies that NEVER LAID HANDS OR EYES on the primary evidence of tampered networks and equipment. Based on POLITICAL research and the "good word" of the folks that the DNC hired to look into matters.

Well --- It's all mostly Shit. Always was... NEVER was an "Intel Report"...
Things keep looking worse for all the perpetrators behind the whole "Russia hack" witch hunt. Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to decieve:

Senate investigators are demanding to see records of communications between Fusion GPS and the FBI and the Justice Department, including any contacts with former Attorney General Loretta Lynch, now under congressional investigation for possibly obstructing the Hillary Clinton email probe, and deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe, who is under investigation by the Senate and the Justice inspector general for failing to recuse himself despite financial and political connections to the Clinton campaign through his Democrat activist wife. Senate investigators have singled out McCabe as the FBI official who negotiated with Steele.
the NYPost is a tabloid, and tool for the President.

the whole article was ...unnamed sources.
a congressional source familiar with the dossier probe said.
blah blah blah

and filled with conjecture (and lies) with no links to sources to back up their claims....no better than a Times article without named or solid sources.
blah blah blah

and filled with conjecture (and lies) with no links to sources to back up their claims....no better than a Times article without named or solid sources
Blah blah blah, blah blah, blah blah blah

Really...conjecture, lies and shit to back up their claims

How about all these mother fuckers,
shit or get the fuck off the pot already
and produce, just even a tiny bit of hard evidence....
not conjecture, not suspicion, that Trump and/or his handlers
conspired with the Russians to effect the outcome of the 2016 election.

And that their media-created supposed effort did in fact
contribute to Hillary’s defeat and actually, in some way, changed votes.

This is so beyond ridiculous already!

What do you think was the purpose of Hillary's campaign
by refurbishing Trump's garbage with embellishments...
to sway voters minds...correct?

What was the purpose of Hillary's campaign
by using propaganda to instill fear in the people's minds
should Trump be elected president...
to prevent people from voting for him...correct?


Don't hate the player, hate the game!

I voted for Trump to protest our out of control,
totally inept, corrupted, establishment, governing body!

Our system of government is broken
because the people being CONTINUOUSLY re elected,
are corrupt and self serving and SOMETHING HAS TO GIVE!
Thanks to millions of illegal aliens and dead people.
^^^ alt fact

Trump said it, but has absolutely no evidence.

What is true that ELEVEN MILLION MORE voted against Orange Jesus than for him.

Then he betrayed the AltRat and far rights on the wall and health care and the budget.

And about FOUR MILLION MORE voted against Queen Hillary than for her. So what's the point? That they were both DAMAGED GOODS??

Yeah. I'll quote South Park here and say the election was a choice between a big fat douche or giant turd sandwich.
^^ :) ^^ Your Orange criminal Trump barely squeaked in, wash. The great majority of America does not want him.

But they got him and there he will stay for 8 years. It's a done deal. I remember way back when Obama was elected s surly a I was to end up in a FEMA camp with "Infidel" tattooed to my forehead where I would be forced to hand over my guns and eat human fetuses. Half Black Jesus was the harbinger of death and doom for all white non democrats. Well here we are. The world didn't end. The rivers didn't flow backwards and I still own all the guns I had to begin with including the ones in pieces. All was well, all is well. Y'all just need to relax.
You were wrong in 2006, 2008, 2012, about Clinton, about Comey, about Mueller, about Sessions, about Trump sweeping all before him once he was in office (he has been almost a total failure). Crixus, you are wrong about this as well.

And, oh, by the way. Government involved health care is here for good. No wall. No tax reform. The mainstream GOP is laughing at the far right. You all got used big time.

Only a moron would believe Bammercare was or is going anywhere. Republicans from Trump down are lying if they say different.
^^ :) ^^ Your Orange criminal Trump barely squeaked in, wash. The great majority of America does not want him.

But they got him and there he will stay for 8 years. It's a done deal. I remember way back when Obama was elected s surly a I was to end up in a FEMA camp with "Infidel" tattooed to my forehead where I would be forced to hand over my guns and eat human fetuses. Half Black Jesus was the harbinger of death and doom for all white non democrats. Well here we are. The world didn't end. The rivers didn't flow backwards and I still own all the guns I had to begin with including the ones in pieces. All was well, all is well. Y'all just need to relax.
You were wrong in 2006, 2008, 2012, about Clinton, about Comey, about Mueller, about Sessions, about Trump sweeping all before him once he was in office (he has been almost a total failure). Crixus, you are wrong about this as well.

And, oh, by the way. Government involved health care is here for good. No wall. No tax reform. The mainstream GOP is laughing at the far right. You all got used big time.
Only a moron would believe Bammercare was or is going anywhere. Republicans from Trump down are lying if they say different.
Thank you for admitting that Trump was a conman. Got rid of Clinton, check. Now get rid of Trump, check.
Yet she still won the popular vote
which is great if she wanted to be president of venezuela.
Are you saying that Venezuela has a better democracy than the US?

We aren't a democracy you stupid twit.

We are a Republic which selects are representatives by a democratic process. Thus we are a Democratic Republic. Read COTUS carefully, we elect the electoral college, the members of the Senate and Members of the H. of Rep. To call us anything else is a DAMN LIE!

Actually, we are a representative republic, and we were never supposed to vote for Senators. But you are right. To call us a democracy is a damn lie.

You ignorant fool, a republic is a representative form of government: "a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch."

Maybe you need to go find a forum on topics which have no need to understand political economy.
You wonder why I call it a lie of omission, I do so because you ignore the hate generated by the conservative right which influenced Eric Rudolph and Scott Roeder. A much more linear line than this most recent event.

How foolish.

I left the Republican party because I saw the same hateful rhetoric coming from them that I'm seeing from Democrats now, aka, this "resistance."

Hodgkinson is yours. Own him. He is a product of your hatred and vitriol, not ours.

I hold no hate for anyone, not even assholes, so you have nothing to worry about.

You hold no hate for anyone, yet you're calling them assholes. You are not to be taken seriously anymore.

I shan't suffer the words of fools any longer. You are a truly detestable individual.

LOL, feel free, willful ignorance is rarely fatal. I've explained my use of the word ASSHOLE several times, it's worth repeating. It is an acronym for Arrogant Self Serving Hole (a hole is something which lacks substance); and a Stupid Asshole is someone like you. But I don't hate you, your ignorance is pitiful. Hate is an emotion as powerful as Love, normal people love very few and rarely hate anyone.

I don't even call this hate:

Supreme Court takes on new clash of gay rights, religion

This ^^^ is an example of an Authoritarian group of people who want to control others who do nothing illegal but love another, and want to celebrate said love by making a commitment.

It is an affront to the Declaration of Independence and everything our nations was founded upon, liberty, freedom and the right to act without doing harm to others.
Things keep looking worse for all the perpetrators behind the whole "Russia hack" witch hunt. Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to decieve:

Senate investigators are demanding to see records of communications between Fusion GPS and the FBI and the Justice Department, including any contacts with former Attorney General Loretta Lynch, now under congressional investigation for possibly obstructing the Hillary Clinton email probe, and deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe, who is under investigation by the Senate and the Justice inspector general for failing to recuse himself despite financial and political connections to the Clinton campaign through his Democrat activist wife. Senate investigators have singled out McCabe as the FBI official who negotiated with Steele.

The New York Post is a tabloid Newspaper much like the National Enquirer and other supermarket tabloids. If this story had legs the OP would have linked to two other sources, but as everyone who reads this MB often knows the author of the thread has no credibility either.
which is great if she wanted to be president of venezuela.
Are you saying that Venezuela has a better democracy than the US?

We aren't a democracy you stupid twit.

We are a Republic which selects are representatives by a democratic process. Thus we are a Democratic Republic. Read COTUS carefully, we elect the electoral college, the members of the Senate and Members of the H. of Rep. To call us anything else is a DAMN LIE!

Actually, we are a representative republic, and we were never supposed to vote for Senators. But you are right. To call us a democracy is a damn lie.
it's a Damnocracy.

We are a democratic republic, the meme that you echo is nothing more than an effort by the Authoritarian Right Wing, which fears the hoi polloi; this power elite believes they are entitled by wealth or birth to influence law makers to their benefit.

Those who deny this fact are fools and hypocrites; they claim to support the Constitution and yet defile it; they claim some Amendments to COTUS are illegitimate; they believe the two Citizens United decision are about liberty, and not a means to an end - more power for the power elite.
which is great if she wanted to be president of venezuela.
Are you saying that Venezuela has a better democracy than the US?

We aren't a democracy you stupid twit.

We are a Republic which selects are representatives by a democratic process. Thus we are a Democratic Republic. Read COTUS carefully, we elect the electoral college, the members of the Senate and Members of the H. of Rep. To call us anything else is a DAMN LIE!

Actually, we are a representative republic, and we were never supposed to vote for Senators. But you are right. To call us a democracy is a damn lie.

You ignorant fool, a republic is a representative form of government: "a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch."

Maybe you need to go find a forum on topics which have no need to understand political economy.

Agreed, and that's the closest to what we have. Instead of arguing, you should try thinking. You might learn something and not say so many things that are stupid.

No charge for the education. You're welcome.
Thanks to millions of illegal aliens and dead people.
^^^ alt fact

Trump said it, but has absolutely no evidence.

What is true that ELEVEN MILLION MORE voted against Orange Jesus than for him.

Then he betrayed the AltRat and far rights on the wall and health care and the budget.

And about FOUR MILLION MORE voted against Queen Hillary than for her. So what's the point? That they were both DAMAGED GOODS??

Yeah. I'll quote South Park here and say the election was a choice between a big fat douche or giant turd sandwich.

And the lesser of two evils won. :)
The co-founders of this company are Clinton Lawyers....go figure.

'Screw' the Russians - they were pure amateurs in their attempt to effect out election compared to the Democrats.

Democrats rigged their primaries to unfairly help Hillary defeat Sanders.

Democrats engaged in election fraud during their primaries to help Hillary defeat Sanders.

Democrats cheated in debates, giving Hillary an un-fair advantage in debates.
-- Not only did they give her the questions in advance, because she couldn't remember shite they gave her a 'earbud' so they could feed her debate answers during the debates.


Obama and his administration opened up multiple investigations on Trump despite the NSA and FBI making it clear there was no evidence of illegal activity and that all information collected 'so far' had 'NO Intel Value'.

Susan Rice was illegally sharing classified information and illegally un-asking Americans.

Obama loyalists in the Intel Agencies were perpetrating Felony Espionage by illegally leaking classified information.

The FBI was illegally sharing Intel with 3rd parties.

The Hillary-connected company was pushing their fake news 'Trump Dossier'

Fake News propaganda organizations like CNN were openly declaring they were doing everything th4y could to help Hillary win, to include ignoring her scandals and crimes:

Putin and the Russians had NOTHING on the Democrats in trying to alter this election!


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