Skyrocketing drug prices leave cures out of reach for some patients

Pharmaceutical companies put all kinds of drugs on the market that have effects worse than the disease they are for. Some cause all kinds of cancer, like the drug for psoriasis and another drug for diabetes. They're not out to cure anything, they're out to make billion$.
Fuck obamacare, why do you assume I support a system that goes through private sectors? I want universal healthcare.
Universal healthcare still costs money, as does research.
In America it does because of greed. America it is done to provide a better life for your family or to fulfill your needs....that communist crap leads to a prison island and mass graves....

What a crock! Anything private enterprise does is for profit, not for the best interests of customers. Cuba has a track record of sending doctors all over the their world and making a huge difference in their well being. Affordable drugs for the world has also been one of Cuba's chief means of survival since the imposition of US backed sanctions took effect.

BTW. Cuba's life expectancy rate surpasses that of the US.
Life expectancy for women was slightly higher at 80.45 years, with the life span for men at 76.50 years.

Cuba is in the top 25 countries in the world for life expectancy, which is considered an important indicator of human development and quality of healthcare.

Despite its status as a low-income country, Cuba's medical system is recognized as one of the best in the world. Cuba's world renown healthcare system places emphasis on prevention, with thousands of doctors providing front-line care to Cubans throughout the country.

Cuba's doctors also serve throughout the world, providing primary care to impoverished communities and assisting in natural disasters and health crises, such as the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.

Cuban medical researchers have also made important discoveries, including the development of a lung cancer vaccine, which will soon be available in the United States thanks to a deal signed between the government of Cuba and the state of New York.

Original story from Telesur
Sophisticated drugs are opening the door, scientists say, to an era of "precision medicine."

They're also ushering in an age of astronomical prices.

New cancer drugs are routinely priced at more than $100,000 a year — nearly twice the average household income.

Experimental cholesterol drugs — widely predicted to be approved this summer — could cost $10,000 a year

A drug for a subset of people of cystic fibrosis, a lung disease that kills most patients by their early 40s, commands more than $300,000 a year.

Even with insurance, patients might pay thousands of dollars a month out of pocket.

For many people, care for cancer and other serious diseases is "a doorway to bankruptcy or poverty," said Timothy Turnham, executive director of the Melanoma Research Foundation. "It's a tremendous economic burden."

But patients aren't the only ones paying.

Taxpayers underwrite the cost of prescription drugs provided by Medicare, Medicaid and other public insurance programs.

Spending on prescription drugs last year reached a record-breaking $374 billion, up 13% from 2013, with the largest percentage increase in more than a decade, said Clare Krusing,spokeswoman for America's Health Insurance Plans. Almost half of that increase came from drugs launched in the past two years.
Continued here: Skyrocketing drug prices leave cures out of reach for some patients

And obummer care is going to make that even worse. They'll give you a pill and say "when you've had enough take the pill and the pain will go away." But no attempt at all to actually cure it.
Sophisticated drugs are opening the door, scientists say, to an era of "precision medicine."

They're also ushering in an age of astronomical prices.

New cancer drugs are routinely priced at more than $100,000 a year — nearly twice the average household income.

Experimental cholesterol drugs — widely predicted to be approved this summer — could cost $10,000 a year

A drug for a subset of people of cystic fibrosis, a lung disease that kills most patients by their early 40s, commands more than $300,000 a year.

Even with insurance, patients might pay thousands of dollars a month out of pocket.

For many people, care for cancer and other serious diseases is "a doorway to bankruptcy or poverty," said Timothy Turnham, executive director of the Melanoma Research Foundation. "It's a tremendous economic burden."

But patients aren't the only ones paying.

Taxpayers underwrite the cost of prescription drugs provided by Medicare, Medicaid and other public insurance programs.

Spending on prescription drugs last year reached a record-breaking $374 billion, up 13% from 2013, with the largest percentage increase in more than a decade, said Clare Krusing,spokeswoman for America's Health Insurance Plans. Almost half of that increase came from drugs launched in the past two years.
Continued here: Skyrocketing drug prices leave cures out of reach for some patients

I thought obammycare was supposed to take care of these issues?
You should not have supported Obamacare..
Fuck obamacare, why do you assume I support a system that goes through private sectors? I want universal healthcare.
Universal healthcare still costs money, as does research.
In America it does because of greed. America it is done to provide a better life for your family or to fulfill your needs....that communist crap leads to a prison island and mass graves....

What a crock! Anything private enterprise does is for profit, not for the best interests of customers. Cuba has a track record of sending doctors all over the their world and making a huge difference in their well being. Affordable drugs for the world has also been one of Cuba's chief means of survival since the imposition of US backed sanctions took effect.

BTW. Cuba's life expectancy rate surpasses that of the US.
Life expectancy for women was slightly higher at 80.45 years, with the life span for men at 76.50 years.

Cuba is in the top 25 countries in the world for life expectancy, which is considered an important indicator of human development and quality of healthcare.

Despite its status as a low-income country, Cuba's medical system is recognized as one of the best in the world. Cuba's world renown healthcare system places emphasis on prevention, with thousands of doctors providing front-line care to Cubans throughout the country.

Cuba's doctors also serve throughout the world, providing primary care to impoverished communities and assisting in natural disasters and health crises, such as the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.

Cuban medical researchers have also made important discoveries, including the development of a lung cancer vaccine, which will soon be available in the United States thanks to a deal signed between the government of Cuba and the state of New York.

Original story from Telesur

You should not have supported Obamacare..
Fuck obamacare, why do you assume I support a system that goes through private sectors? I want universal healthcare.
Universal healthcare still costs money, as does research.
In America it does because of greed. America it is done to provide a better life for your family or to fulfill your needs....that communist crap leads to a prison island and mass graves....

What a crock! Anything private enterprise does is for profit, not for the best interests of customers. Cuba has a track record of sending doctors all over the their world and making a huge difference in their well being. Affordable drugs for the world has also been one of Cuba's chief means of survival since the imposition of US backed sanctions took effect.

BTW. Cuba's life expectancy rate surpasses that of the US.
Life expectancy for women was slightly higher at 80.45 years, with the life span for men at 76.50 years.

Cuba is in the top 25 countries in the world for life expectancy, which is considered an important indicator of human development and quality of healthcare.

Despite its status as a low-income country, Cuba's medical system is recognized as one of the best in the world. Cuba's world renown healthcare system places emphasis on prevention, with thousands of doctors providing front-line care to Cubans throughout the country.

Cuba's doctors also serve throughout the world, providing primary care to impoverished communities and assisting in natural disasters and health crises, such as the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.

Cuban medical researchers have also made important discoveries, including the development of a lung cancer vaccine, which will soon be available in the United States thanks to a deal signed between the government of Cuba and the state of New York.

Original story from Telesur

and as these wonderful doctors are roaming the world.....what about the rest of the prisoners on the Island....the ones fleeing by boat, tires and anything else that floats.........they love that country so much......
I can see Cuba being the MECCA of medicine in coming years. Although cuba is supposedly a Communist state, it hasn't behaved like COmmunist Russia , North Korea or China at all. Instead, their medical school and ensuing graduates have spiked hope in 3rd world countries who had little in regards to health care for their teeming masses. Their medical altrusim has been more in line with Christian doctrine than any in the west, including the USA. The West uses Christianity to gain trust and then comes the armies to take the land. Cuba is, by all I have seen, been far more resolute in their humane services around the world as humanitarians. The world sees that and has not forgotten. That is why the sanctions did not work!
I can see Cuba being the MECCA of medicine in coming years. Although cuba is supposedly a Communist state, it hasn't behaved like COmmunist Russia , North Korea or China at all. Instead, their medical school and ensuing graduates have spiked hope in 3rd world countries who had little in regards to health care for their teeming masses. Their medical altrusim has been more in line with Christian doctrine than any in the west, including the USA. The West uses Christianity to gain trust and then comes the armies to take the land. Cuba is, by all I have seen, been far more resolute in their humane services around the world as humanitarians. The world sees that and has not forgotten. That is why the sanctions did not work!

Bullshit....and again....the other prisoners on the they get to just globe trot like these imaginary doctors.......
Apparently Brazil doesn't think these Cuban doctors are the bees knees....


Once Renowned Cuban Doctors Are Failing their Medical Exams in Droves Fox News Latino

At the most recent re-validation test – which includes proficiency in Portuguese, their medical knowledge and clinical practices – none of the doctors who graduated from Cuba were approved. From 2005 to the present day – the most recent exam administered earlier this year – more than 300 Cuban doctors have applied, but only 25 doctors were authorized officially to work in Brazil, according to the Ministry of Education.

Their results, in fact, are among the worst of the average of 600 professionals – ranging in homelands from Argentina, Bolivia, the United States and European counties – who go through the process.

The Brazilian Medical Association attributes the apparent failure of so many doctors in the test to the lack of quality of universities in countries like Cuba and Bolivia. According to the association, the teaching of medicine in these places are at the level of a nursing major in Brazil.

In the United States, the situation is similar. According to the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, more than 75 percent of those with Cuban medical degrees fail in the exam of the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates for licensing in the U.S.

Dude...or have got to learn one thing really fast.....leftists lie....they lie like they breath...all the time about not trust a leftist...if you learn nothing else, learn that.....
Fuck obamacare, why do you assume I support a system that goes through private sectors? I want universal healthcare.
Universal healthcare still costs money, as does research.
In America it does because of greed. America it is done to provide a better life for your family or to fulfill your needs....that communist crap leads to a prison island and mass graves....

What a crock! Anything private enterprise does is for profit, not for the best interests of customers. Cuba has a track record of sending doctors all over the their world and making a huge difference in their well being. Affordable drugs for the world has also been one of Cuba's chief means of survival since the imposition of US backed sanctions took effect.

BTW. Cuba's life expectancy rate surpasses that of the US.
Life expectancy for women was slightly higher at 80.45 years, with the life span for men at 76.50 years.

Cuba is in the top 25 countries in the world for life expectancy, which is considered an important indicator of human development and quality of healthcare.

Despite its status as a low-income country, Cuba's medical system is recognized as one of the best in the world. Cuba's world renown healthcare system places emphasis on prevention, with thousands of doctors providing front-line care to Cubans throughout the country.

Cuba's doctors also serve throughout the world, providing primary care to impoverished communities and assisting in natural disasters and health crises, such as the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.

Cuban medical researchers have also made important discoveries, including the development of a lung cancer vaccine, which will soon be available in the United States thanks to a deal signed between the government of Cuba and the state of New York.

Original story from Telesur

and as these wonderful doctors are roaming the world.....what about the rest of the prisoners on the Island....the ones fleeing by boat, tires and anything else that floats.........they love that country so much......

I have heard some of the stories you mention but nothing verifiable. I do know that a lot of aging expatriates are returning to Cuba in droves... why is that if it is so bad? I guess that free high quality healthcare is quite alluring when you reach 65.
Universal healthcare still costs money, as does research.
In America it does because of greed. America it is done to provide a better life for your family or to fulfill your needs....that communist crap leads to a prison island and mass graves....

What a crock! Anything private enterprise does is for profit, not for the best interests of customers. Cuba has a track record of sending doctors all over the their world and making a huge difference in their well being. Affordable drugs for the world has also been one of Cuba's chief means of survival since the imposition of US backed sanctions took effect.

BTW. Cuba's life expectancy rate surpasses that of the US.
Life expectancy for women was slightly higher at 80.45 years, with the life span for men at 76.50 years.

Cuba is in the top 25 countries in the world for life expectancy, which is considered an important indicator of human development and quality of healthcare.

Despite its status as a low-income country, Cuba's medical system is recognized as one of the best in the world. Cuba's world renown healthcare system places emphasis on prevention, with thousands of doctors providing front-line care to Cubans throughout the country.

Cuba's doctors also serve throughout the world, providing primary care to impoverished communities and assisting in natural disasters and health crises, such as the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.

Cuban medical researchers have also made important discoveries, including the development of a lung cancer vaccine, which will soon be available in the United States thanks to a deal signed between the government of Cuba and the state of New York.

Original story from Telesur

and as these wonderful doctors are roaming the world.....what about the rest of the prisoners on the Island....the ones fleeing by boat, tires and anything else that floats.........they love that country so much......

I have heard some of the stories you mention but nothing verifiable. I do know that a lot of aging expatriates are returning to Cuba in droves... why is that if it is so bad? I guess that free high quality healthcare is quite alluring when you reach 65.

Yeah.....from the lefty New York Times...remember when you said these doctors were working for the good of humanity....socialist sons and daughters one and all.....ummmm...not so much.....

In 1991, Carlos Domínguez, a family doctorin one of Havana’s poorest neighborhoods, bought a boat for 12,000 pesos — the equivalent of saving his entire paycheck for three years — to escape the government that had trained him to be an international doctor.

The boat was old and needed to be outfitted with the transmission from a 1952 Ford, one of the many American cars that still cruise the streets of Havana. The mechanic warned him there was no reverse gear. The boat could only go forward.

“Perfect,” Dr. Domínguez, now 46, said he replied. “I don’t plan on coming back. From now on, I’m just going forward.”


While the rest of the country is suffering from a shortage of primary care physicians, Miami is awash with Cuban doctors who have defected in recent years. By some estimates, 6,000 medical professionals, many of them physicians, have left Cuba in the last six years.

Cuban doctors have been fleeing to South Florida since Fidel Castroseized power in 1959, but the pace intensified after 2006, when theDepartment of Homeland Security began a program that allowed Cuban medical personnel “who study or work in a third country under the direction of the Cuban government” to travel to the United States legally. The program has effectively turned a crowning achievement of Cuba’s foreign policy on its head.

Hmmmmmmm....and those socialist sons and daughters......

Yet for many Cuban doctors, who earn the equivalent of $25 a month, the lure of a life of freedom and opportunities in the United States is too strong to resist. And so these children of the revolution, educated by a Communist regime to reject capitalism and embrace socialism, have ended up in Miami, often tending to elderly Cubans who fled the island before the doctors were born.

Ana Carbonell, chief of staff for Representative Lincoln Diaz-Balart, Republican of Florida, said more than 2,000 Cubans had already settled in the United States under the parole program.

Universal healthcare still costs money, as does research.
In America it does because of greed. America it is done to provide a better life for your family or to fulfill your needs....that communist crap leads to a prison island and mass graves....

What a crock! Anything private enterprise does is for profit, not for the best interests of customers. Cuba has a track record of sending doctors all over the their world and making a huge difference in their well being. Affordable drugs for the world has also been one of Cuba's chief means of survival since the imposition of US backed sanctions took effect.

BTW. Cuba's life expectancy rate surpasses that of the US.
Life expectancy for women was slightly higher at 80.45 years, with the life span for men at 76.50 years.

Cuba is in the top 25 countries in the world for life expectancy, which is considered an important indicator of human development and quality of healthcare.

Despite its status as a low-income country, Cuba's medical system is recognized as one of the best in the world. Cuba's world renown healthcare system places emphasis on prevention, with thousands of doctors providing front-line care to Cubans throughout the country.

Cuba's doctors also serve throughout the world, providing primary care to impoverished communities and assisting in natural disasters and health crises, such as the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.

Cuban medical researchers have also made important discoveries, including the development of a lung cancer vaccine, which will soon be available in the United States thanks to a deal signed between the government of Cuba and the state of New York.

Original story from Telesur

and as these wonderful doctors are roaming the world.....what about the rest of the prisoners on the Island....the ones fleeing by boat, tires and anything else that floats.........they love that country so much......

I have heard some of the stories you mention but nothing verifiable. I do know that a lot of aging expatriates are returning to Cuba in droves... why is that if it is so bad? I guess that free high quality healthcare is quite alluring when you reach 65. really have to learn this....the left lies....all the time.....whatever they tell not trust it.....only you can confirm this...but you have to if you really value the truth and reality......

Good luck.....
Apparently Brazil doesn't think these Cuban doctors are the bees knees....


Once Renowned Cuban Doctors Are Failing their Medical Exams in Droves Fox News Latino

At the most recent re-validation test – which includes proficiency in Portuguese, their medical knowledge and clinical practices – none of the doctors who graduated from Cuba were approved. From 2005 to the present day – the most recent exam administered earlier this year – more than 300 Cuban doctors have applied, but only 25 doctors were authorized officially to work in Brazil, according to the Ministry of Education.

Their results, in fact, are among the worst of the average of 600 professionals – ranging in homelands from Argentina, Bolivia, the United States and European counties – who go through the process.

The Brazilian Medical Association attributes the apparent failure of so many doctors in the test to the lack of quality of universities in countries like Cuba and Bolivia. According to the association, the teaching of medicine in these places are at the level of a nursing major in Brazil.

In the United States, the situation is similar. According to the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, more than 75 percent of those with Cuban medical degrees fail in the exam of the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates for licensing in the U.S.

Dude...or have got to learn one thing really fast.....leftists lie....they lie like they breath...all the time about not trust a leftist...if you learn nothing else, learn that.....

I'm a man! Man enough to back up whatever I say or to admit I'm wrong. I am not wrong in this case.

Fox News is about as credible as the Heritage Foundation. that is zero. You'd better do a little more research before you adhere to any conclusions you've made based on their slanted views. Republicans lie too as do so-called conservatives. That is why you have to actually research what any side tells you. I see you don't do that Well, I have. I can't post all of my research here but I will post as much as I can piecemeal. Here is one ink that might help you in you r quest for the truth.

Just because Cuban doctors can't speak Portuguese doesn't detract from their efficiency as quality medical prationers.
I doubt if US doctors would have passed such a language biased test either. The following gives some sense of scope to Cuban Medical training:

Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina (ELAM), formerly Escuela Latinoamericana de Ciencias Médicas (in Spanish; in English: Latin American School of Medicine (LASM), formerly Latin American School of Medical Sciences), is a major international medical school in Cuba and a prominent part of the Cuban healthcare system.

ELAM Latin American School of Medicine Cuba - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Established in 1999 and operated by the Cuban government, ELAM has been described as possibly being the largest medical school in the world by enrollment with approximately 19,550 students from 110 countries reported as enrolled in 2013.[1] All those enrolled are international students from outside Cuba and mainly come from Latin America and the Caribbean as well as Africa and Asia. The school accepts students from the United States — 91 were reportedly enrolled as of January 2007. Tuition, accommodation and board are free, and a small stipend is provided for students.[2][3][4][5][6]

An ELAM sister school operated by the Venezuela government and sited in Guri, Bolívar, Venezuela was scheduled to open in October 2006. However, it was only half built as of November 2008. The school is named Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina A.P. Réverénd after French physician Alejandro Próspero Réverénd.[7][8]
Apparently Brazil doesn't think these Cuban doctors are the bees knees....


Once Renowned Cuban Doctors Are Failing their Medical Exams in Droves Fox News Latino

At the most recent re-validation test – which includes proficiency in Portuguese, their medical knowledge and clinical practices – none of the doctors who graduated from Cuba were approved. From 2005 to the present day – the most recent exam administered earlier this year – more than 300 Cuban doctors have applied, but only 25 doctors were authorized officially to work in Brazil, according to the Ministry of Education.

Their results, in fact, are among the worst of the average of 600 professionals – ranging in homelands from Argentina, Bolivia, the United States and European counties – who go through the process.

The Brazilian Medical Association attributes the apparent failure of so many doctors in the test to the lack of quality of universities in countries like Cuba and Bolivia. According to the association, the teaching of medicine in these places are at the level of a nursing major in Brazil.

In the United States, the situation is similar. According to the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, more than 75 percent of those with Cuban medical degrees fail in the exam of the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates for licensing in the U.S.

Dude...or have got to learn one thing really fast.....leftists lie....they lie like they breath...all the time about not trust a leftist...if you learn nothing else, learn that.....

I'm a man! Man enough to back up whatever I say or to admit I'm wrong. I am not wrong in this case.

Fox News is about as credible as the Heritage Foundation. that is zero. You'd better do a little more research before you adhere to any conclusions you've made based on their slanted views. Republicans lie too as do so-called conservatives. That is why you have to actually research what any side tells you. I see you don't do that Well, I have. I can't post all of my research here but I will post as much as I can piecemeal. Here is one ink that might help you in you r quest for the truth.

Just because Cuban doctors can't speak Portuguese doesn't detract from their efficiency as quality medical prationers.
I doubt if US doctors would have passed such a language biased test either. The following gives some sense of scope to Cuban Medical training:

Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina (ELAM), formerly Escuela Latinoamericana de Ciencias Médicas (in Spanish; in English: Latin American School of Medicine (LASM), formerly Latin American School of Medical Sciences), is a major international medical school in Cuba and a prominent part of the Cuban healthcare system.

ELAM Latin American School of Medicine Cuba - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Established in 1999 and operated by the Cuban government, ELAM has been described as possibly being the largest medical school in the world by enrollment with approximately 19,550 students from 110 countries reported as enrolled in 2013.[1] All those enrolled are international students from outside Cuba and mainly come from Latin America and the Caribbean as well as Africa and Asia. The school accepts students from the United States — 91 were reportedly enrolled as of January 2007. Tuition, accommodation and board are free, and a small stipend is provided for students.[2][3][4][5][6]

An ELAM sister school operated by the Venezuela government and sited in Guri, Bolívar, Venezuela was scheduled to open in October 2006. However, it was only half built as of November 2008. The school is named Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina A.P. Réverénd after French physician Alejandro Próspero Réverénd.[7][8] not trust anyone on the left....they will have to learn that the hard way...hopefully before you're standing over a mass grave.....

and what about the rest of the prisoners on that they get to travel? have you answered that? and all those Doctors fleeing to America?
Sophisticated drugs are opening the door, scientists say, to an era of "precision medicine."

They're also ushering in an age of astronomical prices.

New cancer drugs are routinely priced at more than $100,000 a year — nearly twice the average household income.

Experimental cholesterol drugs — widely predicted to be approved this summer — could cost $10,000 a year

A drug for a subset of people of cystic fibrosis, a lung disease that kills most patients by their early 40s, commands more than $300,000 a year.

Even with insurance, patients might pay thousands of dollars a month out of pocket.

For many people, care for cancer and other serious diseases is "a doorway to bankruptcy or poverty," said Timothy Turnham, executive director of the Melanoma Research Foundation. "It's a tremendous economic burden."

But patients aren't the only ones paying.

Taxpayers underwrite the cost of prescription drugs provided by Medicare, Medicaid and other public insurance programs.

Spending on prescription drugs last year reached a record-breaking $374 billion, up 13% from 2013, with the largest percentage increase in more than a decade, said Clare Krusing,spokeswoman for America's Health Insurance Plans. Almost half of that increase came from drugs launched in the past two years.
Continued here: Skyrocketing drug prices leave cures out of reach for some patients
So, let them all die so that Democrats can claim they've single-handedly cut down the surplus population... At least all members of Congress and the government will be covered. They are so more important than the common peasantry they lord over.
That is strange...lefties really hate people...deep down they don't like people at to a lefty on the issues long enough and where do you end up...the Earth is overpopulated.......and the 3rd world needs "family planning".....and abortion is good...and euthanasia is good.....and then they want government to give "healthcare" to everyone....but they want the government to decide who actually gets treated....

as I have said before......

the left is batshit crazy......... have fallen for the lies of the left......many people do.....I am posting this video clip of Carmela Soprano and her visit to a psychiatrist as an attempt to tell you...someone has now pointed out to you the left lies....just as this Dr. points out to Carmela the truth of her situation......I also think it is the best moment in the Sopranos....I didn't watch much of this show because I got tired of glamorizing and sympathizing with you are doing with the leftists in Cuba.....

Pay attention to what the Psychiatrist tells Carmela...and substitute the left for her husband..... will have to seek out this is blocked here on U.S. should see will help you in your journey to the truth and reality.....

the relevant point...comes at 3:50......

Last edited: have fallen for the lies of the left......many people do.....I am posting this video clip of Carmela Soprano and her visit to a psychiatrist as an attempt to tell you...someone has now pointed out to you the left lies....just as this Dr. points out to Carmela the truth of her situation......I also think it is the best moment in the Sopranos....I didn't watch much of this show because I got tired of glamorizing and sympathizing with you are doing with the leftists in Cuba.....

Pay attention to what the Psychiatrist tells Carmela...and substitute the left for her husband.....

Your video didn't work for me but I doubt if anything on there was going to change my mind. Her is why?

1.The US Cancer Institute has reached an agreement with Cuba concerning the new vaccine for lung cancer.

A U.S. cancer research center and a software company reached agreements with Cuban partners during a two-day trade mission to Cuba led by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo in the first trip of its kind since the rapprochement between Washington and Havana.

The Roswell Park Cancer Institute of Buffalo, New York, on Tuesday signed an agreement with Cuba's Center for Molecular Immunology to develop a lung cancer vaccine with a clinical trial in the United States, Roswell Chief Executive Officer Candace Johnson said.

In addition, New York City-based Infor, previously known as Infor Global Solutions Inc [INFGS.UL], has found Cuban partners to resell its software in Cuba, CEO Charles Phillips said.

Both announcements were made at the airport just before Cuomo and a delegation of 18 business leaders and academics boarded their return flight to New York.

Cuomo, a Democrat, is the first U.S. governor to visit Cuba since a December announcement by President Barack Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro that they would restore diplomatic relations and work to normalize trade and travel ties after more than a half century of hostility and confrontation.

2. Roswell was able to finalize the agreement for a clinical trial as a result of the trade mission, Johnson said.

"This agreement establishes a collaboration between our two institutions to develop a cancer vaccine in lung cancer," she said of the vaccine developed by scientists at the Cuban center. "We're very excited to take this to the United States to treat patients."

I find the above credible and so do many other independent thinkers. There is no incentive to give Cuba false credit for anything. They earned it.

Conservatives, OTOH, in their anti-socialist agony, want no part of it. They have lied , distorted information and pulled out all the stops to trivialize Cuba's medical and research programs. You've provided us with a few examples of that right here in this forum. They too see the Cuban initiatives as a threat to the outrageous profits American pharmaceuticals and insurers generate from medicine. Those of us with money invested in those companies aren't too happy to see that Cuban threat emerging but I'm willing to change my portfolio a bit for the sake of humanity.


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