Skyrocketing drug prices leave cures out of reach for some patients

The cures are out there. But there's more money in treating illness. Just not as much money in curing illness. The Pharmaceutical industry knows that. It's evil.
People without insurance, especially poor people without insurance, put off going to the doctor for as long as possible, often going only when they become too sick to continue to ignore the problem.

Most serious illnesses respond better to early treatment. Cancer in particular, has much better survival rates if caught and treated early.

The uninsured often don't have regular check ups or annual physicals, so again things aren't caught early.

Lack of insurance causes 45,000 Americans to die prematurely each year.
People without insurance, especially poor people without insurance, put off going to the doctor for as long as possible, often going only when they become too sick to continue to ignore the problem.

Most serious illnesses respond better to early treatment. Cancer in particular, has much better survival rates if caught and treated early.

The uninsured often don't have regular check ups or annual physicals, so again things aren't caught early.

Lack of insurance causes 45,000 Americans to die prematurely each year.

It's not true. People WITH insurance put off going to the doctor too.

Further, preventative care is better here in the US, than it is in other countries with so-called free health care.

And yes, you have a better chance of surviving if you catch cancer early. Guess what.... cancer survival rates are higher here in the US, than anywhere else in the world. Cancer survival rates do not exclude people who don't have insurance. It includes everyone. And we STILL have the highest survival rates in the world.
And naturally people blame the healthcare. What about the price gouging from the pharmaceuticals?
Stupid people.
Perhaps you will answer the question.

From diagnosis to you know everything that is involved in the creation of these drugs, and their costs?
There are a lot fewer people dying on waiting lists, which are triaged, then the 45,000 Americans who died each year because they don't have health insurance.

That's a myth. Just flat out, it's a myth.

You show me one. I've gone to the hospital without insurance myself. I got something called "a bill" in the mail. I did something amazing... I "paid the bill". If I can go get service without insurance, then your entire mythology of the millions dying without health care is a total lie. Just flat out, it's a lie.
If you were broke and didn't have insurance because you couldn't afford it would your method still work? Could you get your medical care without having the money to pay for it?

You missed it......

I was in fact broke, and didn't have insurance.

I just paid the bill. They sent a bill... I paid it.
With what money?

As I had extra money each month, I sent what money I could. It was about two years that I paid on that bill. Some months I sent only $20. Other months, as I earn more money, I paid a larger amount. Generally I paid $100 every month until I had saved up enough to pay off the rest in a lump sum.

It wasn't fun. But here's the kicker... I still got treated, and treated very well. I was fixed up completely in just a few days. Well worth the money.

The theory is, if you don't have insurance, then no one will treat you. That's wrong. Sorry... wrong. Just flat out, that's a lie.

Now do I like large hospital bills? NO! But I also don't think that other people have a duty to pay for the services I get. So if I want health care.... then I have to pay for it. That's how life works.
People without insurance, especially poor people without insurance, put off going to the doctor for as long as possible, often going only when they become too sick to continue to ignore the problem.

Most serious illnesses respond better to early treatment. Cancer in particular, has much better survival rates if caught and treated early.

The uninsured often don't have regular check ups or annual physicals, so again things aren't caught early.

Lack of insurance causes 45,000 Americans to die prematurely each year.
Of those 45k, how many have thousands of dollars a year invested in cable subscriptions, cigarettes, cell phones, televisions, NEW cars, and the weekly night out eating? All added up would cover the cost of 100 doctor office visits per year.
And do you know everything that pharmaceuticals do to enhance the cost of their drugs. You know through legislation. How they use the system go gain favor. Mostly economically. But you forget that soooooo conveniently don't you

And naturally people blame the healthcare. What about the price gouging from the pharmaceuticals?
Stupid people.
Perhaps you will answer the question.

From diagnosis to you know everything that is involved in the creation of these drugs, and their costs?
Sophisticated drugs are opening the door, scientists say, to an era of "precision medicine."

They're also ushering in an age of astronomical prices.

New cancer drugs are routinely priced at more than $100,000 a year — nearly twice the average household income.

Experimental cholesterol drugs — widely predicted to be approved this summer — could cost $10,000 a year

A drug for a subset of people of cystic fibrosis, a lung disease that kills most patients by their early 40s, commands more than $300,000 a year.

Even with insurance, patients might pay thousands of dollars a month out of pocket.

For many people, care for cancer and other serious diseases is "a doorway to bankruptcy or poverty," said Timothy Turnham, executive director of the Melanoma Research Foundation. "It's a tremendous economic burden."

But patients aren't the only ones paying.

Taxpayers underwrite the cost of prescription drugs provided by Medicare, Medicaid and other public insurance programs.

Spending on prescription drugs last year reached a record-breaking $374 billion, up 13% from 2013, with the largest percentage increase in more than a decade, said Clare Krusing,spokeswoman for America's Health Insurance Plans. Almost half of that increase came from drugs launched in the past two years.
Continued here: Skyrocketing drug prices leave cures out of reach for some patients

You should not have supported Obamacare..
Fuck obamacare, why do you assume I support a system that goes through private sectors? I want universal healthcare.

You will support what ever the far left tells you to support.

"Universal" Healthcare does not exist anywhere..

Really? Would you like to prove that or just get gobsmacked now?
The only right to health care is your right to buy and pay for it.

So....when someone can't guess where they go?
The ER.
When they can't pay their bill to the ER guess who pays?
You do.
Pay now or pay later.
It's that simple.
Many other first world countries have worked this out, but idiots like you are going to pay for someone else's hospital bill and subsequent bankruptcy when they can't. Because the medical community will make you pay when they cannot. It's cheaper to head it off at the pass before the mole hill turns into a medical mountain.
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And naturally people blame the healthcare. What about the price gouging from the pharmaceuticals?
Stupid people.
Perhaps you will answer the question.

From diagnosis to you know everything that is involved in the creation of these drugs, and their costs?

Here's some simple math for you. Let's take a drug, say Taxol. Used for various cancers.
It was developed in 1962 and became the cancer drug du jour in 1992 after FDA approval.
The R&D long paid for over 20 years ago.
I know this for a fact: If you get a prescription for it, which you can because of FDA rules, you can walk into a pharmacy without insurance and pay retail prices: $31.00.
Get it from a hospital infusion room and pay $1700.00.
I lived this. I was sued over it. And I won.
It is simple math for you. Good and you should be able to figure out how much they make during that time span.

And naturally people blame the healthcare. What about the price gouging from the pharmaceuticals?
Stupid people.
Perhaps you will answer the question.

From diagnosis to you know everything that is involved in the creation of these drugs, and their costs?

Here's some simple math for you. Let's take a drug, say Taxol. Used for various cancers.
It was developed in 1962 and became the cancer drug du jour in 1992 after FDA approval.
The R&D long paid for over 20 years ago.
I know this for a fact: If you get a prescription for it, which you can because of FDA rules, you can walk into a pharmacy without insurance and pay retail prices: $31.00.
Get it from a hospital infusion room and pay $1700.00.
I lived this. I was sued over it. And I won.
Sophisticated drugs are opening the door, scientists say, to an era of "precision medicine."

They're also ushering in an age of astronomical prices.

New cancer drugs are routinely priced at more than $100,000 a year — nearly twice the average household income.

Experimental cholesterol drugs — widely predicted to be approved this summer — could cost $10,000 a year

A drug for a subset of people of cystic fibrosis, a lung disease that kills most patients by their early 40s, commands more than $300,000 a year.

Even with insurance, patients might pay thousands of dollars a month out of pocket.

For many people, care for cancer and other serious diseases is "a doorway to bankruptcy or poverty," said Timothy Turnham, executive director of the Melanoma Research Foundation. "It's a tremendous economic burden."

But patients aren't the only ones paying.

Taxpayers underwrite the cost of prescription drugs provided by Medicare, Medicaid and other public insurance programs.

Spending on prescription drugs last year reached a record-breaking $374 billion, up 13% from 2013, with the largest percentage increase in more than a decade, said Clare Krusing,spokeswoman for America's Health Insurance Plans. Almost half of that increase came from drugs launched in the past two years.
Continued here: Skyrocketing drug prices leave cures out of reach for some patients

They do come up with some excellent cures in Cuba and Venezuela, don't they?
The only right to health care is your right to buy and pay for it.

So....when someone can't guess where they go?
The ER.
When they can't pay their bill to the ER guess who pays?
You do.
Pay now or pay later.
It's that simple.
Many other first world countries have worked this out, but idiots like you are going to pay for someone else's hospital bill and subsequent bankruptcy when they can't. Because the medical community will make you pay when they cannot. It's cheaper to head it off at the pass before the mole hill turns into a medical mountain.
No, its idiots like me that are going to be forced to pay even more of my earned income to take care of those that refuse to take responsibility for their own lives.
as far as the ER, its cheaper to pay the occasional bill for the non contributing in society than it is to chip in and pay their monthly premium.
already Im being taxed to pay for their
cell phone
water and sewage
spending money
and now Im supposed to take care of their health care too?
When are these people going to get off their lazy asses and get some job training to take care of themselves?
What about all the people that had affordable insurance but are now forced into the ACA and can no longer afford care because their deductible is too high? Are they just expected to pay high premiums, and not be able to afford care anymore so the worthless can have another free or greatly subsidized program?
Did you know that most hospital emergency rooms now are not allowed to ask about insurance until after tests have been ordered? it was done because those without insurance were complaining that those with insurance were getting better care. (as they should) so now, instead of properly examining the responsible patients, the hospitals are forced to drop the level of care to the least possible so that the non contributing get the same care.
Care for the worthless didn't go up, care for those that produce went down.
Sophisticated drugs are opening the door, scientists say, to an era of "precision medicine."

They're also ushering in an age of astronomical prices.

New cancer drugs are routinely priced at more than $100,000 a year — nearly twice the average household income.

Experimental cholesterol drugs — widely predicted to be approved this summer — could cost $10,000 a year

A drug for a subset of people of cystic fibrosis, a lung disease that kills most patients by their early 40s, commands more than $300,000 a year.

Even with insurance, patients might pay thousands of dollars a month out of pocket.

For many people, care for cancer and other serious diseases is "a doorway to bankruptcy or poverty," said Timothy Turnham, executive director of the Melanoma Research Foundation. "It's a tremendous economic burden."

But patients aren't the only ones paying.

Taxpayers underwrite the cost of prescription drugs provided by Medicare, Medicaid and other public insurance programs.

Spending on prescription drugs last year reached a record-breaking $374 billion, up 13% from 2013, with the largest percentage increase in more than a decade, said Clare Krusing,spokeswoman for America's Health Insurance Plans. Almost half of that increase came from drugs launched in the past two years.
Continued here: Skyrocketing drug prices leave cures out of reach for some patients

They do come up with some excellent cures in Cuba and Venezuela, don't they?
And naturally people blame the healthcare. What about the price gouging from the pharmaceuticals?
Stupid people.
Perhaps you will answer the question.

From diagnosis to you know everything that is involved in the creation of these drugs, and their costs?

Here's some simple math for you. Let's take a drug, say Taxol. Used for various cancers.
It was developed in 1962 and became the cancer drug du jour in 1992 after FDA approval.
The R&D long paid for over 20 years ago.
I know this for a fact: If you get a prescription for it, which you can because of FDA rules, you can walk into a pharmacy without insurance and pay retail prices: $31.00.
Get it from a hospital infusion room and pay $1700.00.
I lived this. I was sued over it. And I won.
Not to good with comprehension, eh?

The discussion in new drugs.....That have not been paid for yet.

BTW.....that R&D that is paid for over 20 years ago? The company that put all the money into that drug stopped making big dollars to generic drugs after the patent expired.

If you pay 1700 dollars for 20 year old drugs, you're not very bright. If the hospital charged you 1700 dollar for the drug, then your beef is with the hospital, not the drug company, and again, I'll not count you as too bright.
And do you know everything that pharmaceuticals do to enhance the cost of their drugs. You know through legislation. How they use the system go gain favor. Mostly economically. But you forget that soooooo conveniently don't you

And naturally people blame the healthcare. What about the price gouging from the pharmaceuticals?
Stupid people.
Perhaps you will answer the question.

From diagnosis to you know everything that is involved in the creation of these drugs, and their costs?
I, answer My question. How much does it cost from inception to market? Do you know? much money does it take to go from " Wow...we need a drug for this disease" to actually having the pill for the disease......tell us that aint cheap....and it takes a lot of time in person's actually create the pill....sure, the Canadians, and the other socialist countries can manufacture pills for pennies....but actually creating that first pill that will cure or alleviate the disease....cost hundreds of millions....and so many hours of a researchers life.....

and you bitch about them making money to do, you chain them to their work station and force them to create the pill...right? What are the odds those miracle pills will be made?

I think about people when they are sick, or when they have a sick child they want cured....they sit there, and pray, (the atheists sit there in silence) and think...I would give all I have in the world to cure my child of this disease.......

And then the child is cured and then should they say..."Hey Doc.....thanks for saving the life of my child....or hey, thanks Pharma company for making that miracle pill....but.....why are you driving that nice car and living in that nice house.....?"

I have no problem with people making money to make these cures....and almost all companies have "compassionate" use programs for people who need their medicine....and you know what Socialist....why don't you get off your ass and open up your wallet....go to the local hospital and give all of your disposable income to the needy.........but just want to take it from the people actually creating the cures.....

How big of you....
Latest advances in medical research thread Page 22 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Is it possible the socialist Cuba, in concert with certain Latin American countries, might save millions of American lives by producing cheaper drugs? If the above link is correct, that possibility has arrived and could be the reason that President Obama is making overtures towards Cuba. We've seen in North America that greed kills. If that kind of capitalistic indifference can be so callously dispensed why not reach out to the affordable life saving MEDICINES offered by socialists. Cuba, can become the democrat's stick behind the door to keep drug prices lower and to save the PPACA.

Is it possible the socialist Cuba, in concert with certain Latin American countries, might save millions of American lives by producing cheaper drugs?


We've seen in North America that greed kills

Based on all the life saving drugs created by Cuba? LOL! Moron. much money does it take to go from " Wow...we need a drug for this disease" to actually having the pill for the disease......tell us that aint cheap....and it takes a lot of time in person's actually create the pill....sure, the Canadians, and the other socialist countries can manufacture pills for pennies....but actually creating that first pill that will cure or alleviate the disease....cost hundreds of millions....and so many hours of a researchers life.....

and you bitch about them making money to do, you chain them to their work station and force them to create the pill...right? What are the odds those miracle pills will be made?

I think about people when they are sick, or when they have a sick child they want cured....they sit there, and pray, (the atheists sit there in silence) and think...I would give all I have in the world to cure my child of this disease.......

And then the child is cured and then should they say..."Hey Doc.....thanks for saving the life of my child....or hey, thanks Pharma company for making that miracle pill....but.....why are you driving that nice car and living in that nice house.....?"

I have no problem with people making money to make these cures....and almost all companies have "compassionate" use programs for people who need their medicine....and you know what Socialist....why don't you get off your ass and open up your wallet....go to the local hospital and give all of your disposable income to the needy.........but just want to take it from the people actually creating the cures.....

How big of you....
Latest advances in medical research thread Page 22 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Is it possible the socialist Cuba, in concert with certain Latin American countries, might save millions of American lives by producing cheaper drugs? If the above link is correct, that possibility has arrived and could be the reason that President Obama is making overtures towards Cuba. We've seen in North America that greed kills. If that kind of capitalistic indifference can be so callously dispensed why not reach out to the affordable life saving MEDICINES offered by socialists. Cuba, can become the democrat's stick behind the door to keep drug prices lower and to save the PPACA.

Is it possible the socialist Cuba, in concert with certain Latin American countries, might save millions of American lives by producing cheaper drugs?


We've seen in North America that greed kills

Based on all the life saving drugs created by Cuba? LOL! Moron.

You are coming in broken up, can't read you! Too much brain static in your cranium!
drugs typically cost more in the US than anywhere else in the world. That's because drug companies pass off their costs only to US citizens and not others. If they passed their costs off to everyone equally than drugs would be cheaper here. To make that happen we need to make it legal to buy drugs cross border line via the internet or mail order tariff free.

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