Skyrocketing drug prices leave cures out of reach for some patients

Our govt. has always left out negotiations with drug makers like other nations do for their citizens, they rape Americans on drug prices compared to other places.....
Sophisticated drugs are opening the door, scientists say, to an era of "precision medicine."

They're also ushering in an age of astronomical prices.

New cancer drugs are routinely priced at more than $100,000 a year — nearly twice the average household income.

Experimental cholesterol drugs — widely predicted to be approved this summer — could cost $10,000 a year

A drug for a subset of people of cystic fibrosis, a lung disease that kills most patients by their early 40s, commands more than $300,000 a year.

Even with insurance, patients might pay thousands of dollars a month out of pocket.

For many people, care for cancer and other serious diseases is "a doorway to bankruptcy or poverty," said Timothy Turnham, executive director of the Melanoma Research Foundation. "It's a tremendous economic burden."

But patients aren't the only ones paying.

Taxpayers underwrite the cost of prescription drugs provided by Medicare, Medicaid and other public insurance programs.

Spending on prescription drugs last year reached a record-breaking $374 billion, up 13% from 2013, with the largest percentage increase in more than a decade, said Clare Krusing,spokeswoman for America's Health Insurance Plans. Almost half of that increase came from drugs launched in the past two years.
Continued here: Skyrocketing drug prices leave cures out of reach for some patients

You should not have supported Obamacare..
Fuck obamacare, why do you assume I support a system that goes through private sectors? I want universal healthcare.

You will support what ever the far left tells you to support.

"Universal" Healthcare does not exist anywhere..
You're a moron. WHO Universal health coverage

Says the far left drone..

And my comments stands, "Universal" Healthcare does not exist anywhere..
Sophisticated drugs are opening the door, scientists say, to an era of "precision medicine."

They're also ushering in an age of astronomical prices.

New cancer drugs are routinely priced at more than $100,000 a year — nearly twice the average household income.

Experimental cholesterol drugs — widely predicted to be approved this summer — could cost $10,000 a year

A drug for a subset of people of cystic fibrosis, a lung disease that kills most patients by their early 40s, commands more than $300,000 a year.

Even with insurance, patients might pay thousands of dollars a month out of pocket.

For many people, care for cancer and other serious diseases is "a doorway to bankruptcy or poverty," said Timothy Turnham, executive director of the Melanoma Research Foundation. "It's a tremendous economic burden."

But patients aren't the only ones paying.

Taxpayers underwrite the cost of prescription drugs provided by Medicare, Medicaid and other public insurance programs.

Spending on prescription drugs last year reached a record-breaking $374 billion, up 13% from 2013, with the largest percentage increase in more than a decade, said Clare Krusing,spokeswoman for America's Health Insurance Plans. Almost half of that increase came from drugs launched in the past two years.
Continued here: Skyrocketing drug prices leave cures out of reach for some patients
Yep so see affordable care can't be accomplished. Obamacare was descended to fail and anyone with a brain saw it coming.

Yup. Especially since the ACA didn't address the cost. All it did was saddle the taxpayers with another entitlement. Those that pay taxes will pay for those that can't or won't pay their own way.

Such a fucking deal.

As for the Govt. running the healthcare system for three hundred million Americans?? Anyone wanting that is a fucking idiot.

The Govt. has never run anything cheaply or well in its entire history. Everything they touch turns into mountains of red tape and paperwork. One can just imagine how it would run a health care system. No thanks.
Sophisticated drugs are opening the door, scientists say, to an era of "precision medicine."

They're also ushering in an age of astronomical prices.

New cancer drugs are routinely priced at more than $100,000 a year — nearly twice the average household income.

Experimental cholesterol drugs — widely predicted to be approved this summer — could cost $10,000 a year

A drug for a subset of people of cystic fibrosis, a lung disease that kills most patients by their early 40s, commands more than $300,000 a year.

Even with insurance, patients might pay thousands of dollars a month out of pocket.

For many people, care for cancer and other serious diseases is "a doorway to bankruptcy or poverty," said Timothy Turnham, executive director of the Melanoma Research Foundation. "It's a tremendous economic burden."

But patients aren't the only ones paying.

Taxpayers underwrite the cost of prescription drugs provided by Medicare, Medicaid and other public insurance programs.

Spending on prescription drugs last year reached a record-breaking $374 billion, up 13% from 2013, with the largest percentage increase in more than a decade, said Clare Krusing,spokeswoman for America's Health Insurance Plans. Almost half of that increase came from drugs launched in the past two years.
Continued here: Skyrocketing drug prices leave cures out of reach for some patients

You should not have supported Obamacare..
Fuck obamacare, why do you assume I support a system that goes through private sectors? I want universal healthcare.

There you go. A system that leaves people to die on waiting lists.

"You can have free care! No problem. Put your name on the list. You are number 434872... someone will see you 'shortly'." much money does it take to go from " Wow...we need a drug for this disease" to actually having the pill for the disease......tell us that aint cheap....and it takes a lot of time in person's actually create the pill....sure, the Canadians, and the other socialist countries can manufacture pills for pennies....but actually creating that first pill that will cure or alleviate the disease....cost hundreds of millions....and so many hours of a researchers life.....

and you bitch about them making money to do, you chain them to their work station and force them to create the pill...right? What are the odds those miracle pills will be made?

I think about people when they are sick, or when they have a sick child they want cured....they sit there, and pray, (the atheists sit there in silence) and think...I would give all I have in the world to cure my child of this disease.......

And then the child is cured and then should they say..."Hey Doc.....thanks for saving the life of my child....or hey, thanks Pharma company for making that miracle pill....but.....why are you driving that nice car and living in that nice house.....?"

I have no problem with people making money to make these cures....and almost all companies have "compassionate" use programs for people who need their medicine....and you know what Socialist....why don't you get off your ass and open up your wallet....go to the local hospital and give all of your disposable income to the needy.........but just want to take it from the people actually creating the cures.....

How big of you....
Latest advances in medical research thread Page 22 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Is it possible the socialist Cuba, in concert with certain Latin American countries, might save millions of American lives by producing cheaper drugs? If the above link is correct, that possibility has arrived and could be the reason that President Obama is making overtures towards Cuba. We've seen in North America that greed kills. If that kind of capitalistic indifference can be so callously dispensed why not reach out to the affordable life saving MEDICINES offered by socialists. Cuba, can become the democrat's stick behind the door to keep drug prices lower and to save the PPACA. much money does it take to go from " Wow...we need a drug for this disease" to actually having the pill for the disease......tell us that aint cheap....and it takes a lot of time in person's actually create the pill....sure, the Canadians, and the other socialist countries can manufacture pills for pennies....but actually creating that first pill that will cure or alleviate the disease....cost hundreds of millions....and so many hours of a researchers life.....

and you bitch about them making money to do, you chain them to their work station and force them to create the pill...right? What are the odds those miracle pills will be made?

I think about people when they are sick, or when they have a sick child they want cured....they sit there, and pray, (the atheists sit there in silence) and think...I would give all I have in the world to cure my child of this disease.......

And then the child is cured and then should they say..."Hey Doc.....thanks for saving the life of my child....or hey, thanks Pharma company for making that miracle pill....but.....why are you driving that nice car and living in that nice house.....?"

I have no problem with people making money to make these cures....and almost all companies have "compassionate" use programs for people who need their medicine....and you know what Socialist....why don't you get off your ass and open up your wallet....go to the local hospital and give all of your disposable income to the needy.........but just want to take it from the people actually creating the cures.....

How big of you....
Latest advances in medical research thread Page 22 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Is it possible the socialist Cuba, in concert with certain Latin American countries, might save millions of American lives by producing cheaper drugs? If the above link is correct, that possibility has arrived and could be the reason that President Obama is making overtures towards Cuba. We've seen in North America that greed kills. If that kind of capitalistic indifference can be so callously dispensed why not reach out to the affordable life saving MEDICINES offered by socialists. Cuba, can become the democrat's stick behind the door to keep drug prices lower and to save the PPACA.

Making the actual pill is easy...and big is the actual research and the ability to find the actual ingredients that make the pill work that is so far beyond Cuba and the other countries where the lie comes from.....that is why Canada and the other countries who provide cheaper medicines get the ability...they don't do the actual would be like a company that simply makes the old records selling them cheaper than the company that created the music on the album.
Systems and things exist for people. When people exist for the state or for profits, the world is turned upside down.
Sophisticated drugs are opening the door, scientists say, to an era of "precision medicine."

They're also ushering in an age of astronomical prices.

New cancer drugs are routinely priced at more than $100,000 a year — nearly twice the average household income.

Experimental cholesterol drugs — widely predicted to be approved this summer — could cost $10,000 a year

A drug for a subset of people of cystic fibrosis, a lung disease that kills most patients by their early 40s, commands more than $300,000 a year.

Even with insurance, patients might pay thousands of dollars a month out of pocket.

For many people, care for cancer and other serious diseases is "a doorway to bankruptcy or poverty," said Timothy Turnham, executive director of the Melanoma Research Foundation. "It's a tremendous economic burden."

But patients aren't the only ones paying.

Taxpayers underwrite the cost of prescription drugs provided by Medicare, Medicaid and other public insurance programs.

Spending on prescription drugs last year reached a record-breaking $374 billion, up 13% from 2013, with the largest percentage increase in more than a decade, said Clare Krusing,spokeswoman for America's Health Insurance Plans. Almost half of that increase came from drugs launched in the past two years.
Continued here: Skyrocketing drug prices leave cures out of reach for some patients

You should not have supported Obamacare..
Fuck obamacare, why do you assume I support a system that goes through private sectors? I want universal healthcare.
Universal healthcare still costs money, as does research. much money does it take to go from " Wow...we need a drug for this disease" to actually having the pill for the disease......tell us that aint cheap....and it takes a lot of time in person's actually create the pill....sure, the Canadians, and the other socialist countries can manufacture pills for pennies....but actually creating that first pill that will cure or alleviate the disease....cost hundreds of millions....and so many hours of a researchers life.....

and you bitch about them making money to do, you chain them to their work station and force them to create the pill...right? What are the odds those miracle pills will be made?

I think about people when they are sick, or when they have a sick child they want cured....they sit there, and pray, (the atheists sit there in silence) and think...I would give all I have in the world to cure my child of this disease.......

And then the child is cured and then should they say..."Hey Doc.....thanks for saving the life of my child....or hey, thanks Pharma company for making that miracle pill....but.....why are you driving that nice car and living in that nice house.....?"

I have no problem with people making money to make these cures....and almost all companies have "compassionate" use programs for people who need their medicine....and you know what Socialist....why don't you get off your ass and open up your wallet....go to the local hospital and give all of your disposable income to the needy.........but just want to take it from the people actually creating the cures.....

How big of you....
Latest advances in medical research thread Page 22 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Is it possible the socialist Cuba, in concert with certain Latin American countries, might save millions of American lives by producing cheaper drugs? If the above link is correct, that possibility has arrived and could be the reason that President Obama is making overtures towards Cuba. We've seen in North America that greed kills. If that kind of capitalistic indifference can be so callously dispensed why not reach out to the affordable life saving MEDICINES offered by socialists. Cuba, can become the democrat's stick behind the door to keep drug prices lower and to save the PPACA.

Making the actual pill is easy...and big is the actual research and the ability to find the actual ingredients that make the pill work that is so far beyond Cuba and the other countries where the lie comes from.....that is why Canada and the other countries who provide cheaper medicines get the ability...they don't do the actual would be like a company that simply makes the old records selling them cheaper than the company that created the music on the album.
Bullshit. you didn't even bother to read the link that you? Cuba and Argentine did the research in developing a lung cancer vaccine that works. Let me repeat that. Cuba and Argentine did the research and developed a lung cancer vaccine. they didn't just make the pill, they did the research. All it takes to do research is a lab and people willing to do it. In a socialist or communist society that labor is free and done by people dedicated to humanity rather than profit. I am NOTa communist but I am a pragmatist. much money does it take to go from " Wow...we need a drug for this disease" to actually having the pill for the disease......tell us that aint cheap....and it takes a lot of time in person's actually create the pill....sure, the Canadians, and the other socialist countries can manufacture pills for pennies....but actually creating that first pill that will cure or alleviate the disease....cost hundreds of millions....and so many hours of a researchers life.....

and you bitch about them making money to do, you chain them to their work station and force them to create the pill...right? What are the odds those miracle pills will be made?

I think about people when they are sick, or when they have a sick child they want cured....they sit there, and pray, (the atheists sit there in silence) and think...I would give all I have in the world to cure my child of this disease.......

And then the child is cured and then should they say..."Hey Doc.....thanks for saving the life of my child....or hey, thanks Pharma company for making that miracle pill....but.....why are you driving that nice car and living in that nice house.....?"

I have no problem with people making money to make these cures....and almost all companies have "compassionate" use programs for people who need their medicine....and you know what Socialist....why don't you get off your ass and open up your wallet....go to the local hospital and give all of your disposable income to the needy.........but just want to take it from the people actually creating the cures.....

How big of you....
Latest advances in medical research thread Page 22 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Is it possible the socialist Cuba, in concert with certain Latin American countries, might save millions of American lives by producing cheaper drugs? If the above link is correct, that possibility has arrived and could be the reason that President Obama is making overtures towards Cuba. We've seen in North America that greed kills. If that kind of capitalistic indifference can be so callously dispensed why not reach out to the affordable life saving MEDICINES offered by socialists. Cuba, can become the democrat's stick behind the door to keep drug prices lower and to save the PPACA.

Making the actual pill is easy...and big is the actual research and the ability to find the actual ingredients that make the pill work that is so far beyond Cuba and the other countries where the lie comes from.....that is why Canada and the other countries who provide cheaper medicines get the ability...they don't do the actual would be like a company that simply makes the old records selling them cheaper than the company that created the music on the album.
Bullshit. you didn't even bother to read the link that you? Cuba and Argentine did the research in developing a lung cancer vaccine that works. Let me repeat that. Cuba and Argentine did the research and developed a lung cancer vaccine. they didn't just make the pill, they did the research. All it takes to do research is a lab and people willing to do it. In a socialist or communist society that labor is free and done by people dedicated to humanity rather than profit. I am NOTa communist but I am a pragmatist.

And if whatever cure they come up with backfires and has massive side effects, the government can just sweep it under the rug. They also don't have to worry about lawsuits so they don't have to spend 10 years getting their equivalent of FDA approval.

In socialists countries all your replace money with is power, it's the same thing.
Sophisticated drugs are opening the door, scientists say, to an era of "precision medicine."

They're also ushering in an age of astronomical prices.

New cancer drugs are routinely priced at more than $100,000 a year — nearly twice the average household income.

Experimental cholesterol drugs — widely predicted to be approved this summer — could cost $10,000 a year

A drug for a subset of people of cystic fibrosis, a lung disease that kills most patients by their early 40s, commands more than $300,000 a year.

Even with insurance, patients might pay thousands of dollars a month out of pocket.

For many people, care for cancer and other serious diseases is "a doorway to bankruptcy or poverty," said Timothy Turnham, executive director of the Melanoma Research Foundation. "It's a tremendous economic burden."

But patients aren't the only ones paying.

Taxpayers underwrite the cost of prescription drugs provided by Medicare, Medicaid and other public insurance programs.

Spending on prescription drugs last year reached a record-breaking $374 billion, up 13% from 2013, with the largest percentage increase in more than a decade, said Clare Krusing,spokeswoman for America's Health Insurance Plans. Almost half of that increase came from drugs launched in the past two years.
Continued here: Skyrocketing drug prices leave cures out of reach for some patients

You should not have supported Obamacare..
Fuck obamacare, why do you assume I support a system that goes through private sectors? I want universal healthcare.

Who's going to pay for your utopia? much money does it take to go from " Wow...we need a drug for this disease" to actually having the pill for the disease......tell us that aint cheap....and it takes a lot of time in person's actually create the pill....sure, the Canadians, and the other socialist countries can manufacture pills for pennies....but actually creating that first pill that will cure or alleviate the disease....cost hundreds of millions....and so many hours of a researchers life.....

and you bitch about them making money to do, you chain them to their work station and force them to create the pill...right? What are the odds those miracle pills will be made?

I think about people when they are sick, or when they have a sick child they want cured....they sit there, and pray, (the atheists sit there in silence) and think...I would give all I have in the world to cure my child of this disease.......

And then the child is cured and then should they say..."Hey Doc.....thanks for saving the life of my child....or hey, thanks Pharma company for making that miracle pill....but.....why are you driving that nice car and living in that nice house.....?"

I have no problem with people making money to make these cures....and almost all companies have "compassionate" use programs for people who need their medicine....and you know what Socialist....why don't you get off your ass and open up your wallet....go to the local hospital and give all of your disposable income to the needy.........but just want to take it from the people actually creating the cures.....

How big of you....
Latest advances in medical research thread Page 22 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Is it possible the socialist Cuba, in concert with certain Latin American countries, might save millions of American lives by producing cheaper drugs? If the above link is correct, that possibility has arrived and could be the reason that President Obama is making overtures towards Cuba. We've seen in North America that greed kills. If that kind of capitalistic indifference can be so callously dispensed why not reach out to the affordable life saving MEDICINES offered by socialists. Cuba, can become the democrat's stick behind the door to keep drug prices lower and to save the PPACA.

Making the actual pill is easy...and big is the actual research and the ability to find the actual ingredients that make the pill work that is so far beyond Cuba and the other countries where the lie comes from.....that is why Canada and the other countries who provide cheaper medicines get the ability...they don't do the actual would be like a company that simply makes the old records selling them cheaper than the company that created the music on the album.
Bullshit. you didn't even bother to read the link that you? Cuba and Argentine did the research in developing a lung cancer vaccine that works. Let me repeat that. Cuba and Argentine did the research and developed a lung cancer vaccine. they didn't just make the pill, they did the research. All it takes to do research is a lab and people willing to do it. In a socialist or communist society that labor is free and done by people dedicated to humanity rather than profit. I am NOTa communist but I am a pragmatist.

And if whatever cure they come up with backfires and has massive side effects, the government can just sweep it under the rug. They also don't have to worry about lawsuits so they don't have to spend 10 years getting their equivalent of FDA approval.

In socialists countries all your replace money with is power, it's the same thing.

You can sit here trying to play politics all day long but that has nothing to do with saving lives and money in the process of doing so. I think Obama, the Cubans and Argentine have something going in cutting drug costs dramatically for the globe. I hope they pursue it for the sake of all humanity.

Argentine and Cuban scientists have developed the world's first lung cancer vaccine that clinical trials have shown prolonged the life of three times more patients in the late stages of the disease than traditional chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments.

The drug, Racotumomab, is not a vaccine in the ordinary sense. It neither prevents, nor cures, what is one of the most aggressive and hard-to-heal cancers, and one which is usually detected only when it is already very advanced.

Clinical trials on some 1,700 patients have shown that 24 per cent of late-stage lung cancer sufferers lived for two years with Racotumomab, whereas the figure was only 8 per cent on chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Phase III trials are continuing in seven countries.

Whereas those traditional treatments kill cancer cells but attack all cells, Racotumomab is one of a new breed of drugs designed to spark the body's immune system into destroying the cancer by unmasking it and allowing the body to kill it, said Mr Alonso.
Sophisticated drugs are opening the door, scientists say, to an era of "precision medicine."

They're also ushering in an age of astronomical prices.

New cancer drugs are routinely priced at more than $100,000 a year — nearly twice the average household income.

Experimental cholesterol drugs — widely predicted to be approved this summer — could cost $10,000 a year

A drug for a subset of people of cystic fibrosis, a lung disease that kills most patients by their early 40s, commands more than $300,000 a year.

Even with insurance, patients might pay thousands of dollars a month out of pocket.

For many people, care for cancer and other serious diseases is "a doorway to bankruptcy or poverty," said Timothy Turnham, executive director of the Melanoma Research Foundation. "It's a tremendous economic burden."

But patients aren't the only ones paying.

Taxpayers underwrite the cost of prescription drugs provided by Medicare, Medicaid and other public insurance programs.

Spending on prescription drugs last year reached a record-breaking $374 billion, up 13% from 2013, with the largest percentage increase in more than a decade, said Clare Krusing,spokeswoman for America's Health Insurance Plans. Almost half of that increase came from drugs launched in the past two years.
Continued here: Skyrocketing drug prices leave cures out of reach for some patients

You should not have supported Obamacare..
Fuck obamacare, why do you assume I support a system that goes through private sectors? I want universal healthcare.
Universal healthcare still costs money, as does research.
In America it does because of greed. much money does it take to go from " Wow...we need a drug for this disease" to actually having the pill for the disease......tell us that aint cheap....and it takes a lot of time in person's actually create the pill....sure, the Canadians, and the other socialist countries can manufacture pills for pennies....but actually creating that first pill that will cure or alleviate the disease....cost hundreds of millions....and so many hours of a researchers life.....

and you bitch about them making money to do, you chain them to their work station and force them to create the pill...right? What are the odds those miracle pills will be made?

I think about people when they are sick, or when they have a sick child they want cured....they sit there, and pray, (the atheists sit there in silence) and think...I would give all I have in the world to cure my child of this disease.......

And then the child is cured and then should they say..."Hey Doc.....thanks for saving the life of my child....or hey, thanks Pharma company for making that miracle pill....but.....why are you driving that nice car and living in that nice house.....?"

I have no problem with people making money to make these cures....and almost all companies have "compassionate" use programs for people who need their medicine....and you know what Socialist....why don't you get off your ass and open up your wallet....go to the local hospital and give all of your disposable income to the needy.........but just want to take it from the people actually creating the cures.....

How big of you....
Latest advances in medical research thread Page 22 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Is it possible the socialist Cuba, in concert with certain Latin American countries, might save millions of American lives by producing cheaper drugs? If the above link is correct, that possibility has arrived and could be the reason that President Obama is making overtures towards Cuba. We've seen in North America that greed kills. If that kind of capitalistic indifference can be so callously dispensed why not reach out to the affordable life saving MEDICINES offered by socialists. Cuba, can become the democrat's stick behind the door to keep drug prices lower and to save the PPACA.

Making the actual pill is easy...and big is the actual research and the ability to find the actual ingredients that make the pill work that is so far beyond Cuba and the other countries where the lie comes from.....that is why Canada and the other countries who provide cheaper medicines get the ability...they don't do the actual would be like a company that simply makes the old records selling them cheaper than the company that created the music on the album.
Bullshit. you didn't even bother to read the link that you? Cuba and Argentine did the research in developing a lung cancer vaccine that works. Let me repeat that. Cuba and Argentine did the research and developed a lung cancer vaccine. they didn't just make the pill, they did the research. All it takes to do research is a lab and people willing to do it. In a socialist or communist society that labor is free and done by people dedicated to humanity rather than profit. I am NOTa communist but I am a pragmatist.

Sophisticated drugs are opening the door, scientists say, to an era of "precision medicine."

They're also ushering in an age of astronomical prices.

New cancer drugs are routinely priced at more than $100,000 a year — nearly twice the average household income.

Experimental cholesterol drugs — widely predicted to be approved this summer — could cost $10,000 a year

A drug for a subset of people of cystic fibrosis, a lung disease that kills most patients by their early 40s, commands more than $300,000 a year.

Even with insurance, patients might pay thousands of dollars a month out of pocket.

For many people, care for cancer and other serious diseases is "a doorway to bankruptcy or poverty," said Timothy Turnham, executive director of the Melanoma Research Foundation. "It's a tremendous economic burden."

But patients aren't the only ones paying.

Taxpayers underwrite the cost of prescription drugs provided by Medicare, Medicaid and other public insurance programs.

Spending on prescription drugs last year reached a record-breaking $374 billion, up 13% from 2013, with the largest percentage increase in more than a decade, said Clare Krusing,spokeswoman for America's Health Insurance Plans. Almost half of that increase came from drugs launched in the past two years.
Continued here: Skyrocketing drug prices leave cures out of reach for some patients

You should not have supported Obamacare..
Fuck obamacare, why do you assume I support a system that goes through private sectors? I want universal healthcare.
Universal healthcare still costs money, as does research.
In America it does because of greed. America it is done to provide a better life for your family or to fulfill your needs....that communist crap leads to a prison island and mass graves.... much money does it take to go from " Wow...we need a drug for this disease" to actually having the pill for the disease......tell us that aint cheap....and it takes a lot of time in person's actually create the pill....sure, the Canadians, and the other socialist countries can manufacture pills for pennies....but actually creating that first pill that will cure or alleviate the disease....cost hundreds of millions....and so many hours of a researchers life.....

and you bitch about them making money to do, you chain them to their work station and force them to create the pill...right? What are the odds those miracle pills will be made?

I think about people when they are sick, or when they have a sick child they want cured....they sit there, and pray, (the atheists sit there in silence) and think...I would give all I have in the world to cure my child of this disease.......

And then the child is cured and then should they say..."Hey Doc.....thanks for saving the life of my child....or hey, thanks Pharma company for making that miracle pill....but.....why are you driving that nice car and living in that nice house.....?"

I have no problem with people making money to make these cures....and almost all companies have "compassionate" use programs for people who need their medicine....and you know what Socialist....why don't you get off your ass and open up your wallet....go to the local hospital and give all of your disposable income to the needy.........but just want to take it from the people actually creating the cures.....

How big of you....
Latest advances in medical research thread Page 22 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Is it possible the socialist Cuba, in concert with certain Latin American countries, might save millions of American lives by producing cheaper drugs? If the above link is correct, that possibility has arrived and could be the reason that President Obama is making overtures towards Cuba. We've seen in North America that greed kills. If that kind of capitalistic indifference can be so callously dispensed why not reach out to the affordable life saving MEDICINES offered by socialists. Cuba, can become the democrat's stick behind the door to keep drug prices lower and to save the PPACA.

Making the actual pill is easy...and big is the actual research and the ability to find the actual ingredients that make the pill work that is so far beyond Cuba and the other countries where the lie comes from.....that is why Canada and the other countries who provide cheaper medicines get the ability...they don't do the actual would be like a company that simply makes the old records selling them cheaper than the company that created the music on the album.
Bullshit. you didn't even bother to read the link that you? Cuba and Argentine did the research in developing a lung cancer vaccine that works. Let me repeat that. Cuba and Argentine did the research and developed a lung cancer vaccine. they didn't just make the pill, they did the research. All it takes to do research is a lab and people willing to do it. In a socialist or communist society that labor is free and done by people dedicated to humanity rather than profit. I am NOTa communist but I am a pragmatist.

And if whatever cure they come up with backfires and has massive side effects, the government can just sweep it under the rug. They also don't have to worry about lawsuits so they don't have to spend 10 years getting their equivalent of FDA approval.

In socialists countries all your replace money with is power, it's the same thing.

You can sit here trying to play politics all day long but that has nothing to do with saving lives and money in the process of doing so. I think Obama, the Cubans and Argentine have something going in cutting drug costs dramatically for the globe. I hope they pursue it for the sake of all humanity.

Argentine and Cuban scientists have developed the world's first lung cancer vaccine that clinical trials have shown prolonged the life of three times more patients in the late stages of the disease than traditional chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments.

The drug, Racotumomab, is not a vaccine in the ordinary sense. It neither prevents, nor cures, what is one of the most aggressive and hard-to-heal cancers, and one which is usually detected only when it is already very advanced.

Clinical trials on some 1,700 patients have shown that 24 per cent of late-stage lung cancer sufferers lived for two years with Racotumomab, whereas the figure was only 8 per cent on chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Phase III trials are continuing in seven countries.

Whereas those traditional treatments kill cancer cells but attack all cells, Racotumomab is one of a new breed of drugs designed to spark the body's immune system into destroying the cancer by unmasking it and allowing the body to kill it, said Mr Alonso.

You know communists, being leftists...lie....they lie because it is in their DNA......I would really hesitate before I took any medication from a prison island...... much money does it take to go from " Wow...we need a drug for this disease" to actually having the pill for the disease......tell us that aint cheap....and it takes a lot of time in person's actually create the pill....sure, the Canadians, and the other socialist countries can manufacture pills for pennies....but actually creating that first pill that will cure or alleviate the disease....cost hundreds of millions....and so many hours of a researchers life.....

and you bitch about them making money to do, you chain them to their work station and force them to create the pill...right? What are the odds those miracle pills will be made?

I think about people when they are sick, or when they have a sick child they want cured....they sit there, and pray, (the atheists sit there in silence) and think...I would give all I have in the world to cure my child of this disease.......

And then the child is cured and then should they say..."Hey Doc.....thanks for saving the life of my child....or hey, thanks Pharma company for making that miracle pill....but.....why are you driving that nice car and living in that nice house.....?"

I have no problem with people making money to make these cures....and almost all companies have "compassionate" use programs for people who need their medicine....and you know what Socialist....why don't you get off your ass and open up your wallet....go to the local hospital and give all of your disposable income to the needy.........but just want to take it from the people actually creating the cures.....

How big of you....
Latest advances in medical research thread Page 22 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Is it possible the socialist Cuba, in concert with certain Latin American countries, might save millions of American lives by producing cheaper drugs? If the above link is correct, that possibility has arrived and could be the reason that President Obama is making overtures towards Cuba. We've seen in North America that greed kills. If that kind of capitalistic indifference can be so callously dispensed why not reach out to the affordable life saving MEDICINES offered by socialists. Cuba, can become the democrat's stick behind the door to keep drug prices lower and to save the PPACA.

Making the actual pill is easy...and big is the actual research and the ability to find the actual ingredients that make the pill work that is so far beyond Cuba and the other countries where the lie comes from.....that is why Canada and the other countries who provide cheaper medicines get the ability...they don't do the actual would be like a company that simply makes the old records selling them cheaper than the company that created the music on the album.
Bullshit. you didn't even bother to read the link that you? Cuba and Argentine did the research in developing a lung cancer vaccine that works. Let me repeat that. Cuba and Argentine did the research and developed a lung cancer vaccine. they didn't just make the pill, they did the research. All it takes to do research is a lab and people willing to do it. In a socialist or communist society that labor is free and done by people dedicated to humanity rather than profit. I am NOTa communist but I am a pragmatist.

And if whatever cure they come up with backfires and has massive side effects, the government can just sweep it under the rug. They also don't have to worry about lawsuits so they don't have to spend 10 years getting their equivalent of FDA approval.

In socialists countries all your replace money with is power, it's the same thing.

You can sit here trying to play politics all day long but that has nothing to do with saving lives and money in the process of doing so. I think Obama, the Cubans and Argentine have something going in cutting drug costs dramatically for the globe. I hope they pursue it for the sake of all humanity.

Argentine and Cuban scientists have developed the world's first lung cancer vaccine that clinical trials have shown prolonged the life of three times more patients in the late stages of the disease than traditional chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments.

The drug, Racotumomab, is not a vaccine in the ordinary sense. It neither prevents, nor cures, what is one of the most aggressive and hard-to-heal cancers, and one which is usually detected only when it is already very advanced.

Clinical trials on some 1,700 patients have shown that 24 per cent of late-stage lung cancer sufferers lived for two years with Racotumomab, whereas the figure was only 8 per cent on chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Phase III trials are continuing in seven countries.

Whereas those traditional treatments kill cancer cells but attack all cells, Racotumomab is one of a new breed of drugs designed to spark the body's immune system into destroying the cancer by unmasking it and allowing the body to kill it, said Mr Alonso.

I wouldn't trust this if I were you.....the useful idiots in the "We love Cuba" club aren't objective when it come to anything with Cuba........this "cure" is one of those fairy tales they tell themselves to hide the reality of Cuba from their rational sides.........we'll see....but prepare yourself for a real reality check.....

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