Slappin' Bama! Iran to U.S.: No, we’re not going to allow snap inspections of our nuclear facilities


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
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Welp, that about wraps it up for the great Iranian diplomacy goose chase. The only way to justify letting Iran continue to enrich uranium is if UN inspectors can come and go as they please whenever they please to verify that Iran's not cheating. Without snap inspections, there's no way to verify. Now Obama gets to walk away. No, no, I'm kidding. Obamas invested so much political capital in getting this deal done, even at the price of driving relations with Israel to the lowest point they've been in decades, that he's got to see it through now. Contrary to...

Shithead is negotiating with Muslim MS13 and he expects an honest deal? What a jerk! Impeach him for willfully putting the country at risk.
Right about now Israel is practicing bomb runs on Iranian nuke reactors. And they know where they're all located.

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