Iran Bans U.S. Inspectors from All Nuclear Sites

Of course you do. That is a page out of Obama's playbook. It is always Americas fault.
And to you America can do no wrong...keep floundering.

And to you and Obama America can do nothing right. Keep lying!
Well I would like to hear from you what America has done right. It doesn't take care of the poor here but is MORE than willing to give away our tax dollars to the poor overseas,it causes and starts wars that gets thousands of men and women killed for the rich and military industrial complex to get richer. So I am all ears.

The poor in the US get food stamps, housing, free medical insurance, free cell phones, welfare payments and I could go on but you get the drift. The US does not start wars without a valid reason and in the Bush administration, with congressional and United Nations approval. We responded to the attack on Pearl Harbor and we responded to the attack on the World Trade Center.
Attacking Iraq had nothing to do with Pearl Harbor or the World Trade Center. Americas actions abroad stoke the flames of "terrorism" by using terrorism itself. America has no moral high ground let alone any right to demand they be able to inspect where someone else is in charge.

Iraq was in material breach of several UN resolutions that created the cease fire and Bush and the US Congress stopped honoring the cease fire. Get over it.
And to you America can do no wrong...keep floundering.

And to you and Obama America can do nothing right. Keep lying!
Well I would like to hear from you what America has done right. It doesn't take care of the poor here but is MORE than willing to give away our tax dollars to the poor overseas,it causes and starts wars that gets thousands of men and women killed for the rich and military industrial complex to get richer. So I am all ears.

The poor in the US get food stamps, housing, free medical insurance, free cell phones, welfare payments and I could go on but you get the drift. The US does not start wars without a valid reason and in the Bush administration, with congressional and United Nations approval. We responded to the attack on Pearl Harbor and we responded to the attack on the World Trade Center.
Attacking Iraq had nothing to do with Pearl Harbor or the World Trade Center. Americas actions abroad stoke the flames of "terrorism" by using terrorism itself. America has no moral high ground let alone any right to demand they be able to inspect where someone else is in charge.

Iraq was in material breach of several UN resolutions that created the cease fire and Bush and the US Congress stopped honoring the cease fire. Get over it.
You make my point for me. Their terrorist actions have escalated the situation. Those 4 marines are dead because of the support of people like you.
And to you and Obama America can do nothing right. Keep lying!
Well I would like to hear from you what America has done right. It doesn't take care of the poor here but is MORE than willing to give away our tax dollars to the poor overseas,it causes and starts wars that gets thousands of men and women killed for the rich and military industrial complex to get richer. So I am all ears.

The poor in the US get food stamps, housing, free medical insurance, free cell phones, welfare payments and I could go on but you get the drift. The US does not start wars without a valid reason and in the Bush administration, with congressional and United Nations approval. We responded to the attack on Pearl Harbor and we responded to the attack on the World Trade Center.
Attacking Iraq had nothing to do with Pearl Harbor or the World Trade Center. Americas actions abroad stoke the flames of "terrorism" by using terrorism itself. America has no moral high ground let alone any right to demand they be able to inspect where someone else is in charge.

Iraq was in material breach of several UN resolutions that created the cease fire and Bush and the US Congress stopped honoring the cease fire. Get over it.
You make my point for me. Their terrorist actions have escalated the situation. Those 4 marines are dead because of the support of people like you.

They are dead because of an Islamist terrorist that is supported by traitors like you.
Well I would like to hear from you what America has done right. It doesn't take care of the poor here but is MORE than willing to give away our tax dollars to the poor overseas,it causes and starts wars that gets thousands of men and women killed for the rich and military industrial complex to get richer. So I am all ears.

The poor in the US get food stamps, housing, free medical insurance, free cell phones, welfare payments and I could go on but you get the drift. The US does not start wars without a valid reason and in the Bush administration, with congressional and United Nations approval. We responded to the attack on Pearl Harbor and we responded to the attack on the World Trade Center.
Attacking Iraq had nothing to do with Pearl Harbor or the World Trade Center. Americas actions abroad stoke the flames of "terrorism" by using terrorism itself. America has no moral high ground let alone any right to demand they be able to inspect where someone else is in charge.

Iraq was in material breach of several UN resolutions that created the cease fire and Bush and the US Congress stopped honoring the cease fire. Get over it.
You make my point for me. Their terrorist actions have escalated the situation. Those 4 marines are dead because of the support of people like you.

They are dead because of an Islamist terrorist that is supported by traitors like you.
Nope. They are dead because of your stupendously stupid support of meddling in the Middle East.
Of course you do. That is a page out of Obama's playbook. It is always Americas fault.
And to you America can do no wrong...keep floundering.

And to you and Obama America can do nothing right. Keep lying!
Well I would like to hear from you what America has done right. It doesn't take care of the poor here but is MORE than willing to give away our tax dollars to the poor overseas,it causes and starts wars that gets thousands of men and women killed for the rich and military industrial complex to get richer. So I am all ears.

The poor in the US get food stamps, housing, free medical insurance, free cell phones, welfare payments and I could go on but you get the drift. The US does not start wars without a valid reason and in the Bush administration, with congressional and United Nations approval. We responded to the attack on Pearl Harbor and we responded to the attack on the World Trade Center.
The poor that WORK wouldn't need that stuff if it wasn't for such poor wages and jobs being sent overseas by corporations. We could EASILY cut the amount of people on welfare to historical lows by forcing companies to hire Americans and livable wages. If they try going overseas tax the shit out of their product once they try to sell it in the US.

You can blame Clinton andNAFTA and GATT for a good part of that and we are about to get another 'free' trade agreement from Obama. If they would lower the corporate tax rate in the US they wouldn't go to countries where it is much lower.
The poor in the US get food stamps, housing, free medical insurance, free cell phones, welfare payments and I could go on but you get the drift. The US does not start wars without a valid reason and in the Bush administration, with congressional and United Nations approval. We responded to the attack on Pearl Harbor and we responded to the attack on the World Trade Center.
Attacking Iraq had nothing to do with Pearl Harbor or the World Trade Center. Americas actions abroad stoke the flames of "terrorism" by using terrorism itself. America has no moral high ground let alone any right to demand they be able to inspect where someone else is in charge.

Iraq was in material breach of several UN resolutions that created the cease fire and Bush and the US Congress stopped honoring the cease fire. Get over it.
You make my point for me. Their terrorist actions have escalated the situation. Those 4 marines are dead because of the support of people like you.

They are dead because of an Islamist terrorist that is supported by traitors like you.
Nope. They are dead because of your stupendously stupid support of meddling in the Middle East.


Iran Bans U.S. Inspectors from All Nuclear Sites

No Americans permitted under final nuclear deal

U.S. and Iranian officials confirmed Thursday that no American nuclear inspectors will be permitted to enter the country’s contested nuclear site under the parameters of a deal reached with world powers this week, according to multiple statements by American and Iranian officials.

Under the tenants of the final nuclear deal reached this week in Vienna, only countries with normal diplomatic relations with Iran will be permitted to participate in inspections teams organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

The revelation of this caveat has attracted concern from some analysts who maintain that only American experts can be trusted to verify that Iran is not cheating on the deal and operating clandestine nuclear facilities.

The admission is the latest in a series of apparent concessions made by the United States to Iran under the deal. Other portions of the agreement include a promise by the United States to help Iran combat nuclear sabotage and threats to its program.

“Iran will increase the number of designated IAEA inspectors to the range of 130-150 within 9 months from the date of the implementation of the JCPOA, and will generally allow the designation of inspectors from nations that have diplomatic relations with Iran, consistent with its laws and regulations,” the deal states, according to text released by the Russians and Iranians.

Susan Rice, President Obama’s national security adviser, confirmed this in an interview with CNN.

Iran Bans U.S. Inspectors from All Nuclear Sites Washington Free Beacon

We knew something like this was coming, didn't we?
Guess Obama forgot about the Iraqi UN inspections which led to the invasion of Iraq. They wouldn't allow American inspectors either. If the UN is in charge of inspections there will never be an honest inspection.


Iran Bans U.S. Inspectors from All Nuclear Sites

No Americans permitted under final nuclear deal

U.S. and Iranian officials confirmed Thursday that no American nuclear inspectors will be permitted to enter the country’s contested nuclear site under the parameters of a deal reached with world powers this week, according to multiple statements by American and Iranian officials.

Under the tenants of the final nuclear deal reached this week in Vienna, only countries with normal diplomatic relations with Iran will be permitted to participate in inspections teams organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

The revelation of this caveat has attracted concern from some analysts who maintain that only American experts can be trusted to verify that Iran is not cheating on the deal and operating clandestine nuclear facilities.

The admission is the latest in a series of apparent concessions made by the United States to Iran under the deal. Other portions of the agreement include a promise by the United States to help Iran combat nuclear sabotage and threats to its program.

“Iran will increase the number of designated IAEA inspectors to the range of 130-150 within 9 months from the date of the implementation of the JCPOA, and will generally allow the designation of inspectors from nations that have diplomatic relations with Iran, consistent with its laws and regulations,” the deal states, according to text released by the Russians and Iranians.

Susan Rice, President Obama’s national security adviser, confirmed this in an interview with CNN.

Iran Bans U.S. Inspectors from All Nuclear Sites Washington Free Beacon

We knew something like this was coming, didn't we?
Guess Obama forgot about the Iraqi UN inspections which led to the invasion of Iraq. They wouldn't allow American inspectors either. If the UN is in charge of inspections there will never be an honest inspection.



Back in 1999, major papers ran front-page investigative stories revealing that the CIA had covertly used U.N. weapons inspectors to spy on Iraq for the U.S.’s own intelligence purposes. “United States officials said today that American spies had worked undercover on teams of United Nations arms inspectors,” the New York Times reported (1/7/99). According to the Washington Post (3/2/99), the U.S. “infiltrated agents and espionage equipment for three years into United Nations arms control teams in Iraq to eavesdrop on the Iraqi military without the knowledge of the U.N. agency.” Undercover U.S. agents “carried out an ambitious spying operation designed to penetrate Iraq’s intelligence apparatus and track the movement of Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, according to U.S. and U.N. sources,” wrote the Boston Globe (1/6/99).

Spying in Iraq From Fact to Allegation FAIR
Is it me or does it strike anyone else as odd that Americans think they have the right to inspect someone else?
Because might is right. If the US aren't the the Superpower, the world police, someone else will fill the vacuum.
You must have a lot of neanderthal DNA. They died out remember?
Aslepias, why do you have to be rude with everyone that disagrees with you? Just make your point as others do and then debate. No one is a neanderthal or an idiot. They are posters making a point just like you.
Steinlight is a rabid, racist little monkey and thats why I am rude to him. Other people that disagree respectfully receive that respect back. You mess up and say something disrespectful and I will get rude.
Oh look, the dumb nazi ape is chimping out. Love how you are crying about this you wanna be hitler. Every minute of it is lol. But guess what. Israel will survive and crush Iran if it comes to it. No matter the terrible deal negotiated by the US.
Of course you do. That is a page out of Obama's playbook. It is always Americas fault.
And to you America can do no wrong...keep floundering.

And to you and Obama America can do nothing right. Keep lying!
Well I would like to hear from you what America has done right. It doesn't take care of the poor here but is MORE than willing to give away our tax dollars to the poor overseas,it causes and starts wars that gets thousands of men and women killed for the rich and military industrial complex to get richer. So I am all ears.

The poor in the US get food stamps, housing, free medical insurance, free cell phones, welfare payments and I could go on but you get the drift. The US does not start wars without a valid reason and in the Bush administration, with congressional and United Nations approval. We responded to the attack on Pearl Harbor and we responded to the attack on the World Trade Center.
The poor that WORK wouldn't need that stuff if it wasn't for such poor wages and jobs being sent overseas by corporations. We could EASILY cut the amount of people on welfare to historical lows by forcing companies to hire Americans and livable wages. If they try going overseas tax the shit out of their product once they try to sell it in the US.

Jobs go overseas because Corporations do not want to comply with the gazillion rules and regulations imposed by the American Fascist state.

Only Capitalism and the Free Market will bring them back.

Why doesn't the U.S. submit to such inspections? We know it has Nuclear Weapons. Why are some nations allowed Nukes, while others aren't? All nations have equal rights. That's why this deal will inevitably fail. The Iranians will only put up with it for so long.

"all nations have equal rights"......? under what doctrine did you find that gem....?
It was right next to the one that says americans have the right to decide who they inspect.


you seem to think a terrorist country is equal to the USA.........guess again smartass....

It could be argued the U.S. is the most deadly Terrorist Nation on earth. When's the last time Iran invaded a nation and slaughtered Thousands? When's the last time the U.S. did that?
Iran doesn't invade countries they just arm and fund terror groups to kill people

Still not even close to the number of people the U.S. has murdered in just the last 10yrs or so. The U.S. has been doing most of the invading and butchering around the world. No other Nation is even close. That's just the truth. It preaches to others about peace, yet it doesn't support peace at all.

That's why i say these kinds of deals can't work. The only way they can work is for the U.S. and other Nuclear Powers to give up their Nukes and submit to foreign inspections of their own nuclear facilities. And of course that isn't gonna happen. So this deal is doomed to lead to conflict.
"all nations have equal rights"......? under what doctrine did you find that gem....?
It was right next to the one that says americans have the right to decide who they inspect.


you seem to think a terrorist country is equal to the USA.........guess again smartass....

It could be argued the U.S. is the most deadly Terrorist Nation on earth. When's the last time Iran invaded a nation and slaughtered Thousands? When's the last time the U.S. did that?
Iran doesn't invade countries they just arm and fund terror groups to kill people

Still not even close to the number of people the U.S. has murdered in just the last 10yrs or so. The U.S. has been doing most of the invading and butchering around the world. No other Nation is even close. That's just the truth. It preaches to others about peace, yet it doesn't support peace at all.

That's why i say these kinds of deals can't work. The only way they can work is for the U.S. and other Nuclear Powers to give up their Nukes and submit to foreign inspections of their own nuclear facilities. And of course that isn't gonna happen. So this deal is doomed to lead to conflict.


It was right next to the one that says americans have the right to decide who they inspect.


you seem to think a terrorist country is equal to the USA.........guess again smartass....

It could be argued the U.S. is the most deadly Terrorist Nation on earth. When's the last time Iran invaded a nation and slaughtered Thousands? When's the last time the U.S. did that?
Iran doesn't invade countries they just arm and fund terror groups to kill people

Still not even close to the number of people the U.S. has murdered in just the last 10yrs or so. The U.S. has been doing most of the invading and butchering around the world. No other Nation is even close. That's just the truth. It preaches to others about peace, yet it doesn't support peace at all.

That's why i say these kinds of deals can't work. The only way they can work is for the U.S. and other Nuclear Powers to give up their Nukes and submit to foreign inspections of their own nuclear facilities. And of course that isn't gonna happen. So this deal is doomed to lead to conflict.



These deals aren't based on credibility and justice. So they can't work. The Nations that demanded the inspections, all have Nuclear Weapons. And they've actually caused most of the bloody carnage around the world in recent memory. Nations like the U.S. and Great Britain have been doing most of the invading and slaughtering.

Iran hasn't been invading and slaughtering. Yet it has to submit to foreign inspections of its nuclear facilities? Why are some nations allowed to have Nukes but others aren't? It isn't just. There will be blood.

you seem to think a terrorist country is equal to the USA.........guess again smartass....

It could be argued the U.S. is the most deadly Terrorist Nation on earth. When's the last time Iran invaded a nation and slaughtered Thousands? When's the last time the U.S. did that?
Iran doesn't invade countries they just arm and fund terror groups to kill people

Still not even close to the number of people the U.S. has murdered in just the last 10yrs or so. The U.S. has been doing most of the invading and butchering around the world. No other Nation is even close. That's just the truth. It preaches to others about peace, yet it doesn't support peace at all.

That's why i say these kinds of deals can't work. The only way they can work is for the U.S. and other Nuclear Powers to give up their Nukes and submit to foreign inspections of their own nuclear facilities. And of course that isn't gonna happen. So this deal is doomed to lead to conflict.



These deals aren't based on credibility and justice. So they can't work. The Nations that demanded the inspections, all have Nuclear Weapons. And they've actually caused most of the bloody carnage around the world in recent memory. Nations like the U.S. and Great Britain have been doing most of the invading and slaughtering.

Iran hasn't been invading and slaughtering. Yet it has to submit to foreign inspections of its nuclear facilities? Why are some nations allowed to have Nukes but others aren't? It isn't just. There will be blood.

"all nations have equal rights"......? under what doctrine did you find that gem....?
It was right next to the one that says americans have the right to decide who they inspect.


you seem to think a terrorist country is equal to the USA.........guess again smartass....

It could be argued the U.S. is the most deadly Terrorist Nation on earth. When's the last time Iran invaded a nation and slaughtered Thousands? When's the last time the U.S. did that?
Iran doesn't invade countries they just arm and fund terror groups to kill people

Still not even close to the number of people the U.S. has murdered in just the last 10yrs or so. The U.S. has been doing most of the invading and butchering around the world. No other Nation is even close. That's just the truth. It preaches to others about peace, yet it doesn't support peace at all.

That's why i say these kinds of deals can't work. The only way they can work is for the U.S. and other Nuclear Powers to give up their Nukes and submit to foreign inspections of their own nuclear facilities. And of course that isn't gonna happen. So this deal is doomed to lead to conflict.
People with low intelligence have a hard time seeing the results of their actions. They really think people will simply lay down and be abused without offering some resistance. When terrorist attacks in the US become a daily occurrence they will still wonder why.
Oh PUL EASE give me a break. There are over a 160 countries that belong to
International Atomic Energy Agency and nearly every one has diplomatic relations with Iran including France, Russia, Germany, Japan and so on. In fact, I suspect Israel holds diplomatic relations with fewer countries than Iran. Any country belonging to the IAEA can inspect. And do it on short notice so Iran wouldn't have time to hide anything.

And these pathetic, terrified and stupid right wingers are already screaming the sky is falling. I wish these creeps would just shut the fuck up and let the adults do their job.
It could be argued the U.S. is the most deadly Terrorist Nation on earth. When's the last time Iran invaded a nation and slaughtered Thousands? When's the last time the U.S. did that?
Iran doesn't invade countries they just arm and fund terror groups to kill people

Still not even close to the number of people the U.S. has murdered in just the last 10yrs or so. The U.S. has been doing most of the invading and butchering around the world. No other Nation is even close. That's just the truth. It preaches to others about peace, yet it doesn't support peace at all.

That's why i say these kinds of deals can't work. The only way they can work is for the U.S. and other Nuclear Powers to give up their Nukes and submit to foreign inspections of their own nuclear facilities. And of course that isn't gonna happen. So this deal is doomed to lead to conflict.



These deals aren't based on credibility and justice. So they can't work. The Nations that demanded the inspections, all have Nuclear Weapons. And they've actually caused most of the bloody carnage around the world in recent memory. Nations like the U.S. and Great Britain have been doing most of the invading and slaughtering.

Iran hasn't been invading and slaughtering. Yet it has to submit to foreign inspections of its nuclear facilities? Why are some nations allowed to have Nukes but others aren't? It isn't just. There will be blood.


Spot On. 'Might makes Right'. If the U.S. says you're 'Bad', you're bad and will be targeted for elimination. Iran hasn't been doing any invading and slaughtering around the world. But nations like Great Britain and the U.S. have caused an untold amount of bloody carnage around the world in recent memory.

So why aren't those nations being forced to submit to foreign inspections of their own nuclear facilities? Well, because they own the UN and 'Might makes Right.' It's as simple as that.
It was right next to the one that says americans have the right to decide who they inspect.


you seem to think a terrorist country is equal to the USA.........guess again smartass....

It could be argued the U.S. is the most deadly Terrorist Nation on earth. When's the last time Iran invaded a nation and slaughtered Thousands? When's the last time the U.S. did that?
Iran doesn't invade countries they just arm and fund terror groups to kill people

Still not even close to the number of people the U.S. has murdered in just the last 10yrs or so. The U.S. has been doing most of the invading and butchering around the world. No other Nation is even close. That's just the truth. It preaches to others about peace, yet it doesn't support peace at all.

That's why i say these kinds of deals can't work. The only way they can work is for the U.S. and other Nuclear Powers to give up their Nukes and submit to foreign inspections of their own nuclear facilities. And of course that isn't gonna happen. So this deal is doomed to lead to conflict.
People with low intelligence have a hard time seeing the results of their actions. They really think people will simply lay down and be abused without offering some resistance. When terrorist attacks in the US become a daily occurrence they will still wonder why.






It was right next to the one that says americans have the right to decide who they inspect.


you seem to think a terrorist country is equal to the USA.........guess again smartass....

It could be argued the U.S. is the most deadly Terrorist Nation on earth. When's the last time Iran invaded a nation and slaughtered Thousands? When's the last time the U.S. did that?
Iran doesn't invade countries they just arm and fund terror groups to kill people

Still not even close to the number of people the U.S. has murdered in just the last 10yrs or so. The U.S. has been doing most of the invading and butchering around the world. No other Nation is even close. That's just the truth. It preaches to others about peace, yet it doesn't support peace at all.

That's why i say these kinds of deals can't work. The only way they can work is for the U.S. and other Nuclear Powers to give up their Nukes and submit to foreign inspections of their own nuclear facilities. And of course that isn't gonna happen. So this deal is doomed to lead to conflict.
People with low intelligence have a hard time seeing the results of their actions. They really think people will simply lay down and be abused without offering some resistance. When terrorist attacks in the US become a daily occurrence they will still wonder why.

It's the old 'Might makes Right' scenario. The U.S. is the most powerful nation on earth. If it declares you 'Bad', you're bad and will be targeted for elimination. It doesn't matter whether it's true or not. The U.S. does all the awful things it accuses others of doing. It's far far from a 'Peaceful Nation.' It's no surprise many around the world view it as the most deadly Terrorist State on earth.

Just look around, who's doing most of the invading and slaughtering around the world? Here's a hint, it ain't Iran or ISIS. So Iran will put up with this for awhile, but eventually it will grow wary. There will be conflict.

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