Iran Bans U.S. Inspectors from All Nuclear Sites

Is it me or does it strike anyone else as odd that Americans think they have the right to inspect someone else? is just really need to get a moral compass.....yours is either completely broken or never should also try to learn about the truth, reality, right and wrong and good and evil........try to get those concepts and you will see exactly how stupid you are......
I dont subscribe to the same moral compass you posses. Personal attacks only show the weakness of your compass.

You don't have a moral compass....if you did you wouldn't post the stupid things you post....
Of course I have a moral compass. I just asked what right do Americans have to inspect when Iran said no.

Iran is evil, they need to be monitored to be kept from murdering innocent people...and the U.S. was the only entity that could do that..........the europeans are corrupt and lazy and also have no moral compass, but neither does it is all a moot point anyway.....
Iran is evil? No they are just people. Stop giving them supernatural powers they dont have. Did god tell you this or did you just make this up yourself?
Because we are contemplating the lifting of sanctions against Iran.....
So? I could contemplate lifting my boycott against Mcdonalds but I cant go on their property and inspect their fryer without their permission. Contemplation doesnt = "right".

Since you are a moron...and a lefty....which is really the same thing...and you think history only begins when you wake up in the morning...this is how the international community of criminals handled sadaam.....

The U.N. Oil for Food scandal - Washington Times
That still doesnt answer my question on why Americans think they have the right to inspect when Iran said no dice. Deflection wont get you anywhere so stick to the point.

Because we can't trust the Europeans to do the job....they are corrupt and lazy......and also have no moral doesn't matter, Iran is going to violate every single provision as soon as the sanctions are lifted.
So? Who said anyone cares if americans trust europeans to do the job? Youre having a hard time telling me where americans get this right from.

The right of self defense........I are an I am done with you....
So? I could contemplate lifting my boycott against Mcdonalds but I cant go on their property and inspect their fryer without their permission. Contemplation doesnt = "right".

Since you are a moron...and a lefty....which is really the same thing...and you think history only begins when you wake up in the morning...this is how the international community of criminals handled sadaam.....

The U.N. Oil for Food scandal - Washington Times
That still doesnt answer my question on why Americans think they have the right to inspect when Iran said no dice. Deflection wont get you anywhere so stick to the point.

Because we can't trust the Europeans to do the job....they are corrupt and lazy......and also have no moral doesn't matter, Iran is going to violate every single provision as soon as the sanctions are lifted.
So? Who said anyone cares if americans trust europeans to do the job? Youre having a hard time telling me where americans get this right from.

The right of self defense........I are an I am done with you....
Iran is not attacking us. Try again. Youre done because you cant answer the question. Thats the reason you have deflected and used personal attacks instead of debating the point. is just really need to get a moral compass.....yours is either completely broken or never should also try to learn about the truth, reality, right and wrong and good and evil........try to get those concepts and you will see exactly how stupid you are......
I dont subscribe to the same moral compass you posses. Personal attacks only show the weakness of your compass.

You don't have a moral compass....if you did you wouldn't post the stupid things you post....
Of course I have a moral compass. I just asked what right do Americans have to inspect when Iran said no.

Iran is evil, they need to be monitored to be kept from murdering innocent people...and the U.S. was the only entity that could do that..........the europeans are corrupt and lazy and also have no moral compass, but neither does it is all a moot point anyway.....
Iran is evil? No they are just people. Stop giving them supernatural powers they dont have. Did god tell you this or did you just make this up yourself?

It is interesting...I was listening to Mike Gallagher today on the way to the range.....and he had a British guy on who is an instructor at Annapolis...I think, I came in late....and Gallagher asked him why don't the elites in the U.S. and Europe understand islam.....

This guy said 1) they think they are so intelligent that religion is beneath them...and so they don't even try to understand the motivations of muslims.

2) They don't believe in good and evil.........thanks for confirming that....

Here is the guy...his wife actually wrote a paper on the topic...Katherine is online...

Terrorism expert Dr Sebastian Gorka SebGorka discusses the Tennessee terrorist attacks MikeOnline The Mike Gallagher Show

And here is one of her papers...
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I dont subscribe to the same moral compass you posses. Personal attacks only show the weakness of your compass.

You don't have a moral compass....if you did you wouldn't post the stupid things you post....
Of course I have a moral compass. I just asked what right do Americans have to inspect when Iran said no.

Iran is evil, they need to be monitored to be kept from murdering innocent people...and the U.S. was the only entity that could do that..........the europeans are corrupt and lazy and also have no moral compass, but neither does it is all a moot point anyway.....
Iran is evil? No they are just people. Stop giving them supernatural powers they dont have. Did god tell you this or did you just make this up yourself?

It is interesting...I was listening to Mike Gallagher today on the way to the range.....and he had a British guy on who is an instructor at Annapolis...I think, I came in late....and Gallagher asked him why don't the elites in the U.S. and Europe understand islam.....

This guy said 1) they think they are so intelligent that religion is beneath them...and so they don't even try to understand the motivations of muslims.

2) They don't believe in good and evil.........thanks for confirming that....
Thanks for confirming you have attributed supernatural powers to other humans. Thats pretty sad.
Since you are a moron...and a lefty....which is really the same thing...and you think history only begins when you wake up in the morning...this is how the international community of criminals handled sadaam.....

The U.N. Oil for Food scandal - Washington Times
That still doesnt answer my question on why Americans think they have the right to inspect when Iran said no dice. Deflection wont get you anywhere so stick to the point.

Because we can't trust the Europeans to do the job....they are corrupt and lazy......and also have no moral doesn't matter, Iran is going to violate every single provision as soon as the sanctions are lifted.
So? Who said anyone cares if americans trust europeans to do the job? Youre having a hard time telling me where americans get this right from.

The right of self defense........I are an I am done with you....
Iran is not attacking us. Try again. Youre done because you cant answer the question. Thats the reason you have deflected and used personal attacks instead of debating the point.

They are the main reason we are leaving Iraq...they supplied the muslim terrorists with training and equipment....they killed American Soldiers...they are evil.....if you can't see it you simply prove my point about your moral compass....
That still doesnt answer my question on why Americans think they have the right to inspect when Iran said no dice. Deflection wont get you anywhere so stick to the point.

Because we can't trust the Europeans to do the job....they are corrupt and lazy......and also have no moral doesn't matter, Iran is going to violate every single provision as soon as the sanctions are lifted.
So? Who said anyone cares if americans trust europeans to do the job? Youre having a hard time telling me where americans get this right from.

The right of self defense........I are an I am done with you....
Iran is not attacking us. Try again. Youre done because you cant answer the question. Thats the reason you have deflected and used personal attacks instead of debating the point.

They are the main reason we are leaving Iraq...they supplied the muslim terrorists with training and equipment....they killed American Soldiers...they are evil.....if you can't see it you simply prove my point about your moral compass....
You obviously have lost your mind. If your moral compass tells you someone possesses supernatural powers then you need medication. Sorry guy but this is the end of the road for you and I.
This is the US's problem.THEY have chosen for 30 + years to have no diplomatic relations with Iran. Don't blame Iran for doing this. Congrats to both sides getting this deal done.

Iran raided the US Embassy and held the staff hostage for a year or so. That is the reason the US "chose' to severe diplomatic relations with Iran. I am reasonable sure Obama would blame that on Bush. Who do you blame that on?
I blame it on the AMERICAN government and CIA for backing and participating in the coup in 1953 that overthrew the DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED PM of Iran. Its been nothing but blowback since then.
This is the US's problem.THEY have chosen for 30 + years to have no diplomatic relations with Iran. Don't blame Iran for doing this. Congrats to both sides getting this deal done.

Iran raided the US Embassy and held the staff hostage for a year or so. That is the reason the US "chose' to severe diplomatic relations with Iran. I am reasonable sure Obama would blame that on Bush. Who do you blame that on?
I blame it on the AMERICAN government and CIA for backing and participating in the coup in 1953 that overthrew the DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED PM of Iran. Its been nothing but blowback since then.

You mean the soviet backed puppet.....yeah...your moral compass is broken too.....
This is the US's problem.THEY have chosen for 30 + years to have no diplomatic relations with Iran. Don't blame Iran for doing this. Congrats to both sides getting this deal done.

Iran raided the US Embassy and held the staff hostage for a year or so. That is the reason the US "chose' to severe diplomatic relations with Iran. I am reasonable sure Obama would blame that on Bush. Who do you blame that on?
I blame it on the AMERICAN government and CIA for backing and participating in the coup in 1953 that overthrew the DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED PM of Iran. Its been nothing but blowback since then.

You mean the soviet backed puppet.....yeah...your moral compass is broken too.....
1. He was democratically elected by the people of Iran
2.I don't give a flying fuck WHO backed him he was elected
3.Once again the US sticking its nose where it didn't belong has ended up causing over 60 years of problems with Iran.
This is the US's problem.THEY have chosen for 30 + years to have no diplomatic relations with Iran. Don't blame Iran for doing this. Congrats to both sides getting this deal done.

Iran raided the US Embassy and held the staff hostage for a year or so. That is the reason the US "chose' to severe diplomatic relations with Iran. I am reasonable sure Obama would blame that on Bush. Who do you blame that on?
I blame it on the AMERICAN government and CIA for backing and participating in the coup in 1953 that overthrew the DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED PM of Iran. Its been nothing but blowback since then.

You mean the soviet backed puppet.....yeah...your moral compass is broken too.....
If your asshole neighbor came to your house to inspect your guns for illegal modification would you allow him to inspect?
We pay BILLIONS of dollars to the United Nations who will be doing he inspections. Most people would know that.
What does that have to do with Iran? I asked you when did Iran receive money in exchange for allowing Americans to inspect?

Iran is the country being inspected. Your question is to foolish to answer.
Thats correct. Iran is a country. If my question was too foolish to answer why did you try and fail?

You asked "What does that have to do with Iran?" I answered "Iran is the country being inspected."
You then asked. "I asked you when did Iran receive money in exchange for allowing Americans to inspect?" I answered. "Your question is to foolish to answer."
Try and keep up.
Pror to that I asked you when Iran was paid money to be inspected by the US. Playing dumb is not a viable position. You deflected because you couldnt answer the question.

I didn't answer because it is a really stupid question.
This is the US's problem.THEY have chosen for 30 + years to have no diplomatic relations with Iran. Don't blame Iran for doing this. Congrats to both sides getting this deal done.

Iran raided the US Embassy and held the staff hostage for a year or so. That is the reason the US "chose' to severe diplomatic relations with Iran. I am reasonable sure Obama would blame that on Bush. Who do you blame that on?
I blame it on the AMERICAN government and CIA for backing and participating in the coup in 1953 that overthrew the DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED PM of Iran. Its been nothing but blowback since then.

Of course you do. That is a page out of Obama's playbook. It is always Americas fault.
Is it me or does it strike anyone else as odd that Americans think they have the right to inspect someone else?
Because might is right. If the US aren't the the Superpower, the world police, someone else will fill the vacuum.
You must have a lot of neanderthal DNA. They died out remember?
Aslepias, why do you have to be rude with everyone that disagrees with you? Just make your point as others do and then debate. No one is a neanderthal or an idiot. They are posters making a point just like you.
Why would Iran want the only nation to ever use nukes against another nation to be on the IAEA inspection team? I don't blame them. Americans even cheated on Saddam's inspections.
Why doesn't the U.S. submit to such inspections? We know it has Nuclear Weapons. Why are some nations allowed Nukes, while others aren't? All nations have equal rights. That's why this deal will inevitably fail. The Iranians will only put up with it for so long.

"all nations have equal rights"......? under what doctrine did you find that gem....?
It was right next to the one that says americans have the right to decide who they inspect.


you seem to think a terrorist country is equal to the USA.........guess again smartass....
All countries are equal to the USA. Thats pretty much a fact.

nations are like people......nobody is "equal" to another....

When will nations like China, Great Britain, and U.S. begin allowing foreign inspections of their Nuclear facilities? We know they have nuclear weapons. Why should other nations be forced to submit to inspections and told they can't acquire nuclear weapons?
Why would Iran want the only nation to ever use nukes against another nation to be on the IAEA inspection team? I don't blame them. Americans even cheated on Saddam's inspections.

Have to agree. Inspections were actually used to start the Iraq War. This won't end well either. It's only a temporary success for Iran. They'll get some nice cash outta the deal. But the mood will darken at some point. I still see war.
It's a fair point. Will the U.S allow Iranian inspections of its Nuclear facilities?

If we signed a deal with them that we were to be inspected why not?

If you agree to inspection by the international community you can't cherry pick who does the inspections.

At least you can't when a deal is written properly and this one isn't

Why doesn't the U.S. submit to such inspections? We know it has Nuclear Weapons. Why are some nations allowed Nukes, while others aren't? All nations have equal rights. That's why this deal will inevitably fail. The Iranians will only put up with it for so long.

"all nations have equal rights"......? under what doctrine did you find that gem....?
It was right next to the one that says americans have the right to decide who they inspect.


you seem to think a terrorist country is equal to the USA.........guess again smartass....

It could be argued the U.S. is the most deadly Terrorist Nation on earth. When's the last time Iran invaded a nation and slaughtered Thousands? When's the last time the U.S. did that?
This is the US's problem.THEY have chosen for 30 + years to have no diplomatic relations with Iran. Don't blame Iran for doing this. Congrats to both sides getting this deal done.

Iran raided the US Embassy and held the staff hostage for a year or so. That is the reason the US "chose' to severe diplomatic relations with Iran. I am reasonable sure Obama would blame that on Bush. Who do you blame that on?
I blame it on the AMERICAN government and CIA for backing and participating in the coup in 1953 that overthrew the DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED PM of Iran. Its been nothing but blowback since then.

You mean the soviet backed puppet.....yeah...your moral compass is broken too.....
If your asshole neighbor came to your house to inspect your guns for illegal modification would you allow him to inspect?

I would have too if I had signed an agreement allowing inspections with him and 5 others.

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