Iran Bans U.S. Inspectors from All Nuclear Sites

Now, as to Iran barring/banning U.S. Weapons Inspectors on the ground in their country, Iran that is.

As I understand Iran is a sovereign nation, which can enact laws it's that it believes in their best interest. Iran has no reason to trust the U.S. (Overthrew the Duly Elected Democratic Government of Mohammaed Mossadegh in 1953).

Iran has as much to decide who it can and cannot allow in their country as the U.S. does.

As an indpendent sovereign nation, Iran is free to decide what foreign nationals that it will/will not allow into their country, that is their right.

Are those on the Right now saying that the United States has a right to decide other nations who and what those nations can allow in their country?

no, not saying that......but saying that this deal should have allowed the US to inspect without Iran doing the same....
If we signed a deal with them that we were to be inspected why not?

If you agree to inspection by the international community you can't cherry pick who does the inspections.

At least you can't when a deal is written properly and this one isn't

Why doesn't the U.S. submit to such inspections? We know it has Nuclear Weapons. Why are some nations allowed Nukes, while others aren't? All nations have equal rights. That's why this deal will inevitably fail. The Iranians will only put up with it for so long.

"all nations have equal rights"......? under what doctrine did you find that gem....?
It was right next to the one that says americans have the right to decide who they inspect.


you seem to think a terrorist country is equal to the USA.........guess again smartass....
All countries are equal to the USA. Thats pretty much a fact.

nations are like people......nobody is "equal" to another....
Why doesn't the U.S. submit to such inspections? We know it has Nuclear Weapons. Why are some nations allowed Nukes, while others aren't? All nations have equal rights. That's why this deal will inevitably fail. The Iranians will only put up with it for so long.

"all nations have equal rights"......? under what doctrine did you find that gem....?
It was right next to the one that says americans have the right to decide who they inspect.


you seem to think a terrorist country is equal to the USA.........guess again smartass....
All countries are equal to the USA. Thats pretty much a fact.

nations are like people......nobody is "equal" to another....
Good comparison. Everyone is "equal". Maybe thats your problem. You dont know that inherent truth.
Is it me or does it strike anyone else as odd that Americans think they have the right to inspect someone else?
Inspections are supposed to be part of the deal the Iranians signed.
They are getting inspected. Just not by Americans.

They made the deal with us as well as others so we should be able to confirm the inspections.

It's not an outrageous request.

But I know Iran wouldn't honor the deal anyway so I'm not surprised in the least
They said americans were not allowed. There is absolutely no need to let their enemy inspect them.

But if you listen to Obama we're not enemies.

This deal will be ignored by the Iranians and they will not only have the bomb but billions of dollars flowing into their coffers with which to export more terror.
I'm listening to Iran. Obama is american.
"all nations have equal rights"......? under what doctrine did you find that gem....?
It was right next to the one that says americans have the right to decide who they inspect.


you seem to think a terrorist country is equal to the USA.........guess again smartass....
All countries are equal to the USA. Thats pretty much a fact.

nations are like people......nobody is "equal" to another....
Good comparison. Everyone is "equal". Maybe thats your problem. You dont know that inherent truth.

the inherent truth is that Iran is a terrorist you think the US is equal to that....?
It was right next to the one that says americans have the right to decide who they inspect.


you seem to think a terrorist country is equal to the USA.........guess again smartass....
All countries are equal to the USA. Thats pretty much a fact.

nations are like people......nobody is "equal" to another....
Good comparison. Everyone is "equal". Maybe thats your problem. You dont know that inherent truth.
It was right next to the one that says americans have the right to decide who they inspect.


you seem to think a terrorist country is equal to the USA.........guess again smartass....
All countries are equal to the USA. Thats pretty much a fact.

nations are like people......nobody is "equal" to another....
Good comparison. Everyone is "equal". Maybe thats your problem. You dont know that inherent truth.

the inherent truth is that Iran is a terrorist you think the US is equal to that....?
Yes. Actually more so. The US is the only country in the world to actually use a nuclear weapon.

you seem to think a terrorist country is equal to the USA.........guess again smartass....
All countries are equal to the USA. Thats pretty much a fact.

nations are like people......nobody is "equal" to another....
Good comparison. Everyone is "equal". Maybe thats your problem. You dont know that inherent truth.

you seem to think a terrorist country is equal to the USA.........guess again smartass....
All countries are equal to the USA. Thats pretty much a fact.

nations are like people......nobody is "equal" to another....
Good comparison. Everyone is "equal". Maybe thats your problem. You dont know that inherent truth.

the inherent truth is that Iran is a terrorist you think the US is equal to that....?
Yes. Actually more so. The US is the only country in the world to actually use a nuclear weapon.

after we were attacked.....moron...
All countries are equal to the USA. Thats pretty much a fact.

nations are like people......nobody is "equal" to another....
Good comparison. Everyone is "equal". Maybe thats your problem. You dont know that inherent truth.
All countries are equal to the USA. Thats pretty much a fact.

nations are like people......nobody is "equal" to another....
Good comparison. Everyone is "equal". Maybe thats your problem. You dont know that inherent truth.

the inherent truth is that Iran is a terrorist you think the US is equal to that....?
Yes. Actually more so. The US is the only country in the world to actually use a nuclear weapon.

after we were attacked.....moron...
Who in the south pacifc attacked us? There are people dying from cancer down there due to american nuclear testing.
nations are like people......nobody is "equal" to another....
Good comparison. Everyone is "equal". Maybe thats your problem. You dont know that inherent truth.
nations are like people......nobody is "equal" to another....
Good comparison. Everyone is "equal". Maybe thats your problem. You dont know that inherent truth.

the inherent truth is that Iran is a terrorist you think the US is equal to that....?
Yes. Actually more so. The US is the only country in the world to actually use a nuclear weapon.

after we were attacked.....moron...
Who in the south pacifc attacked us? There are people dying from cancer down there due to american nuclear testing.

that was not terrorism.....moron
Good comparison. Everyone is "equal". Maybe thats your problem. You dont know that inherent truth.
Good comparison. Everyone is "equal". Maybe thats your problem. You dont know that inherent truth.

the inherent truth is that Iran is a terrorist you think the US is equal to that....?
Yes. Actually more so. The US is the only country in the world to actually use a nuclear weapon.

after we were attacked.....moron...
Who in the south pacifc attacked us? There are people dying from cancer down there due to american nuclear testing.

that was not terrorism.....moron
Why not?
the inherent truth is that Iran is a terrorist you think the US is equal to that....?
Yes. Actually more so. The US is the only country in the world to actually use a nuclear weapon.

after we were attacked.....moron...
Who in the south pacifc attacked us? There are people dying from cancer down there due to american nuclear testing.

that was not terrorism.....moron
Why not?

did America ever declare "death to the Samoans" or whomever......?

did America ever send out fatwas and jihadists.....?

i really get sick of hate-America-first people like you....we are the best country this world has ever seen.....7th century Iran does not hold a candle to America.....and now this backwards hateful and threatening regime is going to get their dirty hands on the bomb thanks to our first muslim president....he's brought nothing but insanity to this world....
If all countries are equal Asclepias, then Iran has the right to decide who will and will not allow into the country. Which of course would include any and all U.S. Nationals.
Yes. Actually more so. The US is the only country in the world to actually use a nuclear weapon.

after we were attacked.....moron...
Who in the south pacifc attacked us? There are people dying from cancer down there due to american nuclear testing.

that was not terrorism.....moron
Why not?

did America ever declare "death to the Samoans" or whomever......?

did America ever send out fatwas and jihadists.....?

i really get sick of hate-America-first people like you....we are the best country this world has ever seen.....7th century Iran does not hold a candle to America.....and now this backwards hateful and threatening regime is going to get their dirty hands on the bomb thanks to our first muslim president....he's brought nothing but insanity to this world....
You dont have to declare anything to be a terrorist. Where are you getting your definitions from?
So you are claiming only fatwas and jihadists are terrorists? Do you think every country we have ever invaded thought of americans as terrorists or are you claiming what they think doesnt matter?

I'm not really concerned with what you hate and I wonder what made you think I was interested in it. No we are not the best country but I really dont want to get into your deflection.
after we were attacked.....moron...
Who in the south pacifc attacked us? There are people dying from cancer down there due to american nuclear testing.

that was not terrorism.....moron
Why not?

did America ever declare "death to the Samoans" or whomever......?

did America ever send out fatwas and jihadists.....?

i really get sick of hate-America-first people like you....we are the best country this world has ever seen.....7th century Iran does not hold a candle to America.....and now this backwards hateful and threatening regime is going to get their dirty hands on the bomb thanks to our first muslim president....he's brought nothing but insanity to this world....
You dont have to declare anything to be a terrorist. Where are you getting your definitions from?
So you are claiming only fatwas and jihadists are terrorists? Do you think every country we have ever invaded thought of americans as terrorists or are you claiming what they think doesnt matter?

I'm not really concerned with what you hate and I wonder what made you think I was interested in it. No we are not the best country but I really dont want to get into your deflection.
talk about can't prove America is a terrorist country...

your hate for America exudes itself all over this board....why don't you just leave the USA and move to Iran since you think it is such a righteous innocent country...

American exceptionalism is why everybody knocks at our door to get in..........not Iran's...
If all countries are equal Asclepias, then Iran has the right to decide who will and will not allow into the country. Which of course would include any and all U.S. Nationals.
that certainly is Obama's he said in a UN speech...."No world order that elevates one nation or group over another will succeed. No balance of power among nations will hold."

he is so wrong.....that is why he is making this huge mistake with Iran....
the inherent truth is that Iran is a terrorist you think the US is equal to that....?
Yes. Actually more so. The US is the only country in the world to actually use a nuclear weapon.

after we were attacked.....moron...
Who in the south pacifc attacked us? There are people dying from cancer down there due to american nuclear testing.

that was not terrorism.....moron
Why not?

We were at war with Japan.
If all countries are equal Asclepias, then Iran has the right to decide who will and will not allow into the country. Which of course would include any and all U.S. Nationals.
that certainly is Obama's he said in a UN speech...."No world order that elevates one nation or group over another will succeed. No balance of power among nations will hold."

he is so wrong.....that is why he is making this huge mistake with Iran....

As opposed the Ronald Reagan selling Weapons to Iran as part of Iran/Contra?
was just reading this. this whole deal stinks to high heaven. Obama should be kicked out of office before we suffer another 9/11. Billy Clinton tried to Appease terrorist. and we had the first world trade center bombing and then being PLANNED while he was still President. WE HAD 9/11 nine months after Clinton left office and Bush was elected.

Top Iranian Nuke Deal Negotiator Admits "Anytime" Inspections Are Pretty Much Bogus
Katie Pavlich | Jul 17, 2015

As you know by now, earlier this week the Obama administration struck a nuclear deal with Iran, claiming "the most intrusive inspections ever" were part of the negotiation process.

First, lets take a step back to April when White House Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes said the White House was demanding anytime, anywhere, 24/7 inspections.

"We will have anytime, anywhere access to the nuclear facilities."

As Guy has pointed out, Obama's Energy Secretary also said anytime, anywhere inspections were expected with a deal.

But fast forward to this week and Rhodes is claiming anytime, anywhere inspections weren't ever on the table and that inspections have been tailored to nuclear facilities.

"We never sought anytime/anywhere inspections," he recently told CNN's Erin Burnett.

Further, as part of the deal reached Iran will have a 24 day heads up period before inspections are conducted, giving the regime the ability to move around and hide any potential violations of the nuclear agreement.

Now Wendy Sherman, a top negotiator for the Iranian nuclear deal and the same woman who handled negotiations of North Korea's nuclear program in the 1990s (that went well), is admitting that the entire inspections process is pretty bogus (bolding is mine).

all of it here:
Top Iranian Nuke Deal Negotiator Admits Anytime Inspections Are Pretty Much Bogus - Katie Pavlich
If all countries are equal Asclepias, then Iran has the right to decide who will and will not allow into the country. Which of course would include any and all U.S. Nationals.
that certainly is Obama's he said in a UN speech...."No world order that elevates one nation or group over another will succeed. No balance of power among nations will hold."

he is so wrong.....that is why he is making this huge mistake with Iran....

As opposed the Ronald Reagan selling Weapons to Iran as part of Iran/Contra?

and that is supposed to mean something...? didn't you know Obama idiolizes Reagan....?

(but he's more like the peanutty guy on steroids....)

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