Iran Bans U.S. Inspectors from All Nuclear Sites

If all countries are equal Asclepias, then Iran has the right to decide who will and will not allow into the country. Which of course would include any and all U.S. Nationals.
that certainly is Obama's he said in a UN speech...."No world order that elevates one nation or group over another will succeed. No balance of power among nations will hold."

he is so wrong.....that is why he is making this huge mistake with Iran....

As opposed the Ronald Reagan selling Weapons to Iran as part of Iran/Contra?

and that is supposed to mean something...? didn't you know Obama idiolizes Reagan....?

(but he's more like the peanutty guy on steroids....)

Obama could NEVER be a Reagan. Reagan served his country and cared about it and US while serving we the people

Obama serves NO ONE but himself and his Foreign Backers like Soros, the Iranian midge woman, Jarrett, Mexico etc etc
If all countries are equal Asclepias, then Iran has the right to decide who will and will not allow into the country. Which of course would include any and all U.S. Nationals.
that certainly is Obama's he said in a UN speech...."No world order that elevates one nation or group over another will succeed. No balance of power among nations will hold."

he is so wrong.....that is why he is making this huge mistake with Iran....

As opposed the Ronald Reagan selling Weapons to Iran as part of Iran/Contra?

and that is supposed to mean something...? didn't you know Obama idiolizes Reagan....?

(but he's more like the peanutty guy on steroids....)

Obama could NEVER be a Reagan. Reagan served his country and cared about it and US while serving we the people

Obama serves NO ONE but himself and his Foreign Backers like Soros, the Iranian midge woman, Jarrett, Mexico etc etc
got that right.....Iran set 29 hostages free on Reagan's first day......Obama can't even get 4 hostages free...
We are paying for it and that gives us the right. What traitorous American(s) negotiated a joke of an agreement that excludes one of the members of the UN Security Counsel. Don't answer that, I already know.
We are paying for what? When did Iran exchange money for the right of Americans to inspect?

We pay BILLIONS of dollars to the United Nations who will be doing he inspections. Most people would know that.
What does that have to do with Iran? I asked you when did Iran receive money in exchange for allowing Americans to inspect?

Iran is the country being inspected. Your question is to foolish to answer.
Thats correct. Iran is a country. If my question was too foolish to answer why did you try and fail?

You asked "What does that have to do with Iran?" I answered "Iran is the country being inspected."
You then asked. "I asked you when did Iran receive money in exchange for allowing Americans to inspect?" I answered. "Your question is to foolish to answer."
Try and keep up.
This is the US's problem.THEY have chosen for 30 + years to have no diplomatic relations with Iran. Don't blame Iran for doing this. Congrats to both sides getting this deal done.

Iran raided the US Embassy and held the staff hostage for a year or so. That is the reason the US "chose' to severe diplomatic relations with Iran. I am reasonable sure Obama would blame that on Bush. Who do you blame that on?
We are paying for what? When did Iran exchange money for the right of Americans to inspect?

We pay BILLIONS of dollars to the United Nations who will be doing he inspections. Most people would know that.
What does that have to do with Iran? I asked you when did Iran receive money in exchange for allowing Americans to inspect?

Iran is the country being inspected. Your question is to foolish to answer.
Thats correct. Iran is a country. If my question was too foolish to answer why did you try and fail?

You asked "What does that have to do with Iran?" I answered "Iran is the country being inspected."
You then asked. "I asked you when did Iran receive money in exchange for allowing Americans to inspect?" I answered. "Your question is to foolish to answer."
Try and keep up.
Pror to that I asked you when Iran was paid money to be inspected by the US. Playing dumb is not a viable position. You deflected because you couldnt answer the question.
...I asked why Americans thought they had the right to inspect anyone...
Because we are contemplating the lifting of sanctions against Iran.

American participation in the Inspection Regimen should have been one of the concessions made to the US for its willingness to lift those sanctions.

No tickee... no washee.

Iran is a rogue state, and a lying, matyrdom-encouraging theocratic rogue state, to boot.

It is not to be trusted, the UN has proven itself far too agreeable to Arab and Muslim wishes time and again, and is also not to be entirely trusted, without Americans on-hand to judge the objectivity and efficiency of the Inspection Regimen.

Americans should have been included in the Inspection staffing.

An Administration with actual balls would have known this and accomplished this.
...I asked why Americans thought they had the right to inspect anyone...
Because we are contemplating the lifting of sanctions against Iran.....
So? I could contemplate lifting my boycott against Mcdonalds but I cant go on their property and inspect their fryer.
McDonald's doesn't give a rat's ass whether you boycott them or not - they don't need you to lift yours.

Iran is another matter.

Different kind of poker game.

With far too much at stake, to be trusted to Liberal wussbags who don't know any better.

Something which the Nation may remedy after January 20, 2017, Inshallah...
...I asked why Americans thought they had the right to inspect anyone...
Because we are contemplating the lifting of sanctions against Iran.....
So? I could contemplate lifting my boycott against Mcdonalds but I cant go on their property and inspect their fryer.
McDonald's doesn't give a rat's ass whether you boycott them or not - they don't need you to lift yours.

Iran is another matter.

Different kind of poker game.

With far too much at stake, to be trusted to Liberal wussbags who don't know any better.

Something which the Nation may remedy after January 20, 2017, Inshallah...
You make my point for me. Iran doesnt give a rats ass if the US lifts their sanctions. Thats why they said no Americans.
Is it me or does it strike anyone else as odd that Americans think they have the right to inspect someone else? is just really need to get a moral compass.....yours is either completely broken or never should also try to learn about the truth, reality, right and wrong and good and evil........try to get those concepts and you will see exactly how stupid you are......
Is it me or does it strike anyone else as odd that Americans think they have the right to inspect someone else? is just really need to get a moral compass.....yours is either completely broken or never should also try to learn about the truth, reality, right and wrong and good and evil........try to get those concepts and you will see exactly how stupid you are......
I dont subscribe to the same moral compass you posses. Personal attacks only show the weakness of your compass.
...I asked why Americans thought they had the right to inspect anyone...
Because we are contemplating the lifting of sanctions against Iran.....
So? I could contemplate lifting my boycott against Mcdonalds but I cant go on their property and inspect their fryer without their permission. Contemplation doesnt = "right".

Since you are a moron...and a lefty....which is really the same thing...and you think history only begins when you wake up in the morning...this is how the international community of criminals handled sadaam.....

The U.N. Oil for Food scandal - Washington Times

Oil For Food program suggests that there was never a serious possibility of getting Security Council support for military action because influential people in Russia and France were getting paid off by Saddam. After the fall of Baghdad last spring, France and Russia tried to delay the lifting of sanctions against Iraq and continue the Oil for Food program. That’s because France and Russia profited from it: The Times of London calculated that French and Russian companies received $11 billion worth of business from Oil for Food between 1996 and 2003.

Most disturbing are Iraqi records that suggest Benon Sevan, the executive director of the Oil for Food office, received a voucher for 11.5 million barrels of oil from Saddam’s manipulation of the program — enough to yield a profit of between $575,000 and $3.5 million.

In a series of articles published earlier this year, the Iraqi independent newspaper al Mada reported on a list of several hundred individuals, corporations and political parties that benefited from Saddam’s oil vouchers and explained how the system worked. The intent of the program was to sell Iraqi oil to pay for food and medicine for the Iraqi people, who were suffering due to sanctions. Instead, vouchers were doled out as gifts or as payment for goods imported into the country in violation of U.N. sanctions. The recipient would then turn the voucher over to one of a number of firms operating in the United Arab Emirates, in exchange for commissions ranging anywhere from 5 cents to 30 cents per barrel, depending on market conditions. (This translates into a profit of $50,000 on the low end and $300,000 on the high end for every 1 million barrels worth of oil vouchers.)

The beneficiary list (found in the archives of the Iraqi Oil Ministry and translated into English by the Middle East Media Research Institute) should be deeply embarrassing to many prominent people. In the United States, those listed include Iraqi American businessman Shaker Al-Khaffaji, who put up $400,000 to produce a film by ex-U.N. weapons inspector Scott Ritter, which aimed to discredit weapons inspections in Iraq. Also, British Labor MP George Galloway, a strident foe of taking action against Saddam, is listed as a recipient or co-recipient of 19.5 million barrels.
...I asked why Americans thought they had the right to inspect anyone...
Because we are contemplating the lifting of sanctions against Iran.....
So? I could contemplate lifting my boycott against Mcdonalds but I cant go on their property and inspect their fryer without their permission. Contemplation doesnt = "right".

Since you are a moron...and a lefty....which is really the same thing...and you think history only begins when you wake up in the morning...this is how the international community of criminals handled sadaam.....

The U.N. Oil for Food scandal - Washington Times
That still doesnt answer my question on why Americans think they have the right to inspect when Iran said no dice. Deflection wont get you anywhere so stick to the point.
Is it me or does it strike anyone else as odd that Americans think they have the right to inspect someone else? is just really need to get a moral compass.....yours is either completely broken or never should also try to learn about the truth, reality, right and wrong and good and evil........try to get those concepts and you will see exactly how stupid you are......
I dont subscribe to the same moral compass you posses. Personal attacks only show the weakness of your compass.

You don't have a moral compass....if you did you wouldn't post the stupid things you post....
Is it me or does it strike anyone else as odd that Americans think they have the right to inspect someone else? is just really need to get a moral compass.....yours is either completely broken or never should also try to learn about the truth, reality, right and wrong and good and evil........try to get those concepts and you will see exactly how stupid you are......
I dont subscribe to the same moral compass you posses. Personal attacks only show the weakness of your compass.

You don't have a moral compass....if you did you wouldn't post the stupid things you post....
Of course I have a moral compass. I just asked what right do Americans have to inspect when Iran said no.
...I asked why Americans thought they had the right to inspect anyone...
Because we are contemplating the lifting of sanctions against Iran.....
So? I could contemplate lifting my boycott against Mcdonalds but I cant go on their property and inspect their fryer without their permission. Contemplation doesnt = "right".

Since you are a moron...and a lefty....which is really the same thing...and you think history only begins when you wake up in the morning...this is how the international community of criminals handled sadaam.....

The U.N. Oil for Food scandal - Washington Times
That still doesnt answer my question on why Americans think they have the right to inspect when Iran said no dice. Deflection wont get you anywhere so stick to the point.

Because we can't trust the Europeans to do the job....they are corrupt and lazy......and also have no moral doesn't matter, Iran is going to violate every single provision as soon as the sanctions are lifted.
Is it me or does it strike anyone else as odd that Americans think they have the right to inspect someone else? is just really need to get a moral compass.....yours is either completely broken or never should also try to learn about the truth, reality, right and wrong and good and evil........try to get those concepts and you will see exactly how stupid you are......
I dont subscribe to the same moral compass you posses. Personal attacks only show the weakness of your compass.

You don't have a moral compass....if you did you wouldn't post the stupid things you post....
Of course I have a moral compass. I just asked what right do Americans have to inspect when Iran said no.

Iran is evil, they need to be monitored to be kept from murdering innocent people...and the U.S. was the only entity that could do that..........the europeans are corrupt and lazy and also have no moral compass, but neither does it is all a moot point anyway.....
...I asked why Americans thought they had the right to inspect anyone...
Because we are contemplating the lifting of sanctions against Iran.....
So? I could contemplate lifting my boycott against Mcdonalds but I cant go on their property and inspect their fryer without their permission. Contemplation doesnt = "right".

Since you are a moron...and a lefty....which is really the same thing...and you think history only begins when you wake up in the morning...this is how the international community of criminals handled sadaam.....

The U.N. Oil for Food scandal - Washington Times
That still doesnt answer my question on why Americans think they have the right to inspect when Iran said no dice. Deflection wont get you anywhere so stick to the point.

Because we can't trust the Europeans to do the job....they are corrupt and lazy......and also have no moral doesn't matter, Iran is going to violate every single provision as soon as the sanctions are lifted.
So? Who said anyone cares if americans trust europeans to do the job? Youre having a hard time telling me where americans get this right from.

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