If this [U.S. et.al. Iran] agreement turns out to be effective, will R-W'ers apologize?

They always throw out why don't you put on a uniform and go gig.............it gets boring.

I ONLY state such when someone wants to go attack, invade and/or bomb another sovereign entity.....
I'm funny like that.
They always throw out why don't you put on a uniform and go gig.............it gets boring.

I ONLY state such when someone wants to go attack, invade and/or bomb another sovereign entity.....
I'm funny like that.
Some chose to look at the world REALISTICALLY.............others do not..............

Sometimes Reality sucks...............and some take the low path of Stupidity to escape reality.................

People like you guarantee a future Reality that sucks worse than it is already...............

Your views will speed up the process just like in North Korea and we can ONLY HOPE they don't use it...........either way it will spark the Sunni side to go Nuclear as well..............

Time will tell.
Before I leave you my dear right wingers.......contemplate this simple question:

Since you are against ANY negotiations by the likes of an Obama.......then exactly WHAT????

Sanctions barely work (China and Russia will take care of any serious shortages)......So the only thing left to do is attack Iran.......and since we've done so well with all the rest of the wars since WWII.........THINK with your heads and not your biases.
All I want is a binding agreement.
I'm not wishing on a pink unicorn that Iran can be trusted to hold their end.
How many UN resolutions were given to Saddam?
And I fail to see how ProgLibs can take a victory lap over this
Before I leave you my dear right wingers.......contemplate this simple question:

Since you are against ANY negotiations by the likes of an Obama...

Who in the hell convinced you of that fantasy?

Americans recognize obama as the enemy of the United States, who has managed to infiltrate the office of the Presidency. We don't want him anywhere near a negotiation of any kind on our behalf and we refuse to be bound by any agreement he makes.

Such is the nature of Relativism... it rejects the truth which is essential to trust and absent trust, there is no consent to be governed.

See how that works?
Been there done that, I spent 26 years in uniform, went to Vietnam, Panama, Grenada and others, war is a young mans game. I did everything I could to help train those that followed, it's up to them now. No military person wants war, sometimes it's a necessary evil and that's what we prepare for, and to ensure you can be free to criticize us.

Well, although NO Vietnamese, Panamanian or Grenadian EVER attacked us or threaten our way of life.......I STILL thank you for your service.
Before I leave you my dear right wingers.......contemplate this simple question:

Since you are against ANY negotiations by the likes of an Obama.......then exactly WHAT????

Sanctions barely work (China and Russia will take care of any serious shortages)......So the only thing left to do is attack Iran.......and since we've done so well with all the rest of the wars since WWII.........THINK with your heads and not your biases.

You call it bias, I call it knowledge of how Iran negotiates and follows through on it's commitments.
Why do that when Persia is working so frantically to come here? And because of that... we'll have plenty to do here, and very soon.

Well, that response was" insightful".......and, of course, on 9-11 all those terrorist bastards were Iranians, right?

Muslims.... with intent to murder innocent people in the name of their Political Cult. Are you hoping to convince someone that there's a difference?
WASHINGTON (AP) — Giving a scientific defense of the emerging nuclear deal with Iran, Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz called the plan a "forever agreement" that would block all pathways to a nuclear weapon and set up tough international inspections with no end date. Moniz, a nuclear physicist, spoke at the White House on Monday as the Obama administration ramped up its campaign for a framework deal with Iran that has drawn criticism from congressional Republicans, the Israeli government and skeptical Arab allies of the U.S.

Under the agreement, Moniz said, all plutonium created as a byproduct of Iran's nuclear power production would be sent out of the country so it couldn't be used to make weapons. And international inspectors would watch over all stages of Iran's nuclear program to ensure Tehran sticks to the agreement.
"This is not built upon trust, this is built upon hard-nosed requirements," Moniz said, describing the deal as providing "unprecedented access and transparency" to Iran's nuclear program. The White House says the tougher inspection requirements would continue in perpetuity.

Many Congress members, including several Democrats, have worried that the final deal may lift sanctions on Iran without ensuring that Tehran keeps its word.
At the same time, skeptical Arab allies worry about Iran's destabilizing activity in the region. President Barack Obama has invited leaders of six Gulf nations to Washington this spring and said he wanted to "formalize" U.S. assistance.

Obama is staunchly defending the framework agreement worked out with other world powers as a "once-in-a-lifetime opportunity" to prevent an Iranian bomb and bring longer-term stability to the Middle East. He insists the U.S. would stand by Israel if it were to come under attack, but acknowledged that his pursuit of diplomacy with Tehran has caused strain with the close ally.
"It's been a hard period," Obama said in an interview with New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman. He added that it is "personally difficult" for him to hear his administration accused of not looking out for Israel's interests.

The framework reached with Iran last week clears the way for negotiators to hammer out technical details ahead of a June 30 deadline for a final deal.
Obama argued that successful negotiations presented the most effective way to keep Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, but insisted he would keep all options on the table if Tehran were to violate the terms.

"I've been very clear that Iran will not get a nuclear weapon on my watch, and I think they should understand that we mean it," Obama said in the interview published Sunday.
The president said there are many details that still need to be worked out with the Iranians and cautioned that there would be "real political difficulties" in implementing an agreement in both countries. He reiterated his opposition to legislation that would give the U.S. Congress final say in approving or rejecting a deal, but said he hoped to find a path to allow Congress to "express itself."
Associated Press writers Hope Yen, Connie Cass and Josh Lederman contributed to this report.
I don't know why the USA needs any agreement at all with iran NAT , the santions were hard on iran and didn't matter to the USA or the west . Best to have kept and increased severe sanctions on iran until they came crawling imo !!
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I don't know why the USA needs any agreement at all with iran , the santions were hard on iran , didn't matter to the USA or the west . Best to have kept and increased severe sanctions on iran until they came crawling imo !!

That all makes sense, if those at the table claiming to be representing the United States, were actually representing the United States.

Sadly, the US Federal Government is thoroughly compromised, with an actual traitor to the US as the Secretary of State and a man born to a Muslim Father and raised a communist... as the President of the United States... doing the best they can to get the best deal they can FOR THE IRANIANS. And at this point, I don't think it matters if it compromises them or not.

Things are moving very fast now... they beat Harry Reid's ass to shut him up... so they already know how close they are to being exposed.


The Federal Government is completely off the reservation... and they're groping for every minute to do whatever they can to screw us and I mean screw us NUCLEARLY...
Wow, you right wingers are a stubborn, somewhat hate-filled, and often dumb bunch....

You all think that "strategically and surgically bombing" another country is some panacea to placate the fears you harbor about.......as one of you dingbats put it.....that "all Muslims are out to get you."

The cat is out of the bag, as they say.....When Israel developed a nuclear arsenal, it was just a matter of time when her enemies would want nukes also....and yes if the Shi'a get them, the Sunnis will want one too.

Bombing another country has consequences....and if you deny that you're a moron.....When Israel bombed Syria and Iraq, the funding of terrorism toward Israel increased dramatically.

Without a declaration of war and without our armed forces backing, the bombings of Iran would be futile.......a few years later, Iran will have the sites rebuilt.....and all that we would have accomplished is to buy some time but also we would have spawned hatred toward us by virtually ALL Muslims.....Further, Iran would NEVER again decide to negotiate with us since we would have explicitly declared war at them..........and what Obama is attempting to do is to ALSO buy time, but without the bellicose and belligerent action on our part by bombing.

If you want Iranians to be involved in terrorism within our borders, the quickest and surer way to do that is for us to attack them.

Be honest (not to me, but to yourselves) if this plan had been hatched by Reagan, you'd be of a different mindset.
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thing that I find funny is that its guys like you and those like you that will have to deal with the consequences of what you are building Nat !!
WASHINGTON (AP) — Giving a scientific defense of the emerging nuclear deal with Iran, Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz called the plan a "forever agreement" that would block all pathways to a nuclear weapon and set up tough international inspections with no end date. Moniz, a nuclear physicist, spoke at the White House on Monday as the Obama administration ramped up its campaign for a framework deal with Iran that has drawn criticism from congressional Republicans, the Israeli government and skeptical Arab allies of the U.S.

Under the agreement, Moniz said, all plutonium created as a byproduct of Iran's nuclear power production would be sent out of the country so it couldn't be used to make weapons. And international inspectors would watch over all stages of Iran's nuclear program to ensure Tehran sticks to the agreement.
"This is not built upon trust, this is built upon hard-nosed requirements," Moniz said, describing the deal as providing "unprecedented access and transparency" to Iran's nuclear program. The White House says the tougher inspection requirements would continue in perpetuity.

Many Congress members, including several Democrats, have worried that the final deal may lift sanctions on Iran without ensuring that Tehran keeps its word.
At the same time, skeptical Arab allies worry about Iran's destabilizing activity in the region. President Barack Obama has invited leaders of six Gulf nations to Washington this spring and said he wanted to "formalize" U.S. assistance.

Obama is staunchly defending the framework agreement worked out with other world powers as a "once-in-a-lifetime opportunity" to prevent an Iranian bomb and bring longer-term stability to the Middle East. He insists the U.S. would stand by Israel if it were to come under attack, but acknowledged that his pursuit of diplomacy with Tehran has caused strain with the close ally.
"It's been a hard period," Obama said in an interview with New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman. He added that it is "personally difficult" for him to hear his administration accused of not looking out for Israel's interests.

The framework reached with Iran last week clears the way for negotiators to hammer out technical details ahead of a June 30 deadline for a final deal.
Obama argued that successful negotiations presented the most effective way to keep Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, but insisted he would keep all options on the table if Tehran were to violate the terms.

"I've been very clear that Iran will not get a nuclear weapon on my watch, and I think they should understand that we mean it," Obama said in the interview published Sunday.
The president said there are many details that still need to be worked out with the Iranians and cautioned that there would be "real political difficulties" in implementing an agreement in both countries. He reiterated his opposition to legislation that would give the U.S. Congress final say in approving or rejecting a deal, but said he hoped to find a path to allow Congress to "express itself."
Associated Press writers Hope Yen, Connie Cass and Josh Lederman contributed to this report.

Curious....when the politicians on the right were criticized and called "liars" when they warned that the ACA would result in higher premiums, the likelihood of many losing their policies that they liked and many also losing the right to use doctors of their choice....

Did the politicians on the left apologize when those on the right were proven to be correct?

Better yet....did the politicians on the left apologize to the public for misinforming them and telling them to ignore those that were offering correct information?

President Barack Obama said Thursday he was sorry that thousands of Americans were losing their health insurance, expressing regret for the first time that the Affordable Care Act hadn't lived up to his promise that people who liked their coverage could keep it.

Mr. Obama said he had intended to make good on his pledge but the administration wasn't as clear as it should have been in describing the changes the new health law would bring. Now, facing a chorus of complaints as many people receive notice that their plans have been canceled, Mr. Obama signaled he was open to some kind of relief, although he didn't give specifics.

Obama Apologizes for Insurance Cancellations - WSJ

"I am sorry that they...are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me," Mr. Obama told NBC News in an interview.

Basically "Sorry you got fucked, but oh well".

How magnanimous of him.

Yeah zippy, he used KY and gave them a reach around, unlike the R-Wers who .......
I don't know I do wonder if this deal happens and Iran test detonates a nuke will the left apologize?

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