Sleepy Joe's Bizarre Grin...

my2¢, I saw a documentary on Secret Service relationships with Presidents on Newsmax and Jimmy "I'll Never Lie To You" Carter was the worst. Despite Fake News claiming Carter was a humble peanut farmer, Carter was an arrogant fraud (not unlike Crazy Bernie) and even refused to even talk to them because they were beneath his level of pay or whatever. In contrast, Trump treats the Secret Service as friends and actually engages them in conversation and asks their input on various things.

you forgot that while carter was still involved with his habitat for humanity foundation well into his 90s that donny charges the SS for the luxery of protecting his ample orange ass when he goes to his golf resorts/hotels.
toobfreak and sparky seem to be ignorant that democrats get plastic surgery to fool delusional retarded democrats.

Hey you stupid dumbass, instead of disagreeing, why don't you PUT UP OR SHUT UP? Plastic surgery? First of all shitstain, you apparently are clueless that I'm the single person here championing the idea multiple times in recent weeks that I believe Biden had cosmetic surgery on his face to eliminate the hundred age spots and other things he USED to have. And I showed photographic evidence to support it.

Now show us ANYTHING to support that Biden had plastic surgery! And what does that have to do with the Joker? The only thing I know of is that there is reason to suggest that one time he had some surgery around his earlobes, but that could have been for something like an infection in his mastoid.

But even if Joe did, so what? Women have major elective surgery all the time, what I object to is the idea that he might have clandestinely has cosmetic surgery on his face just to make himself look younger in an effort to further defraud the voters into selling himself as looking younger than he really is.
my2¢, I saw a documentary on Secret Service relationships with Presidents on Newsmax and Jimmy "I'll Never Lie To You" Carter was the worst. Despite Fake News claiming Carter was a humble peanut farmer, Carter was an arrogant fraud (not unlike Crazy Bernie) and even refused to even talk to them because they were beneath his level of pay or whatever. In contrast, Trump treats the Secret Service as friends and actually engages them in conversation and asks their input on various things.

you forgot that while carter was still involved with his habitat for humanity foundation well into his 90s that donny charges the SS for the luxery of protecting his ample orange ass when he goes to his golf resorts/hotels.

Hey asshole, Trump doesn't charge the SS anything, he is SUPPOSED to have that protection all the time, REQUIRED to have it, THE SAME PROTECTION OBUMMA HAD FOR 8 YEARS while he golfed, partied and fooled around.
Folks, plastic surgeons need to tell their patients that they will look like the Jack Nicholson version of "The Joker" in Batman if they get multiple face lifts and other procedures. That said, democrats in general have really weird giggling and grinning, like they can't help laughing at the idiots that support them and that law enforcement does nothing to remove them.

View attachment 414110
The fucker's a bit strange, isn't he? And SENILE and most likely wears Depends, as well. God help us if his election "win" goes through. :(
Look at it like the Bush era. Cheney was the pResident and W was the...podium occupier
Folks, plastic surgeons need to tell their patients that they will look like the Jack Nicholson version of "The Joker" in Batman if they get multiple face lifts and other procedures.
Joe Biden has plenty of LEGITIMATE things to criticize without making up faux topics like this about how he smiles and polluting Politics with non-stories.
Why not pile on?

I agree, Joe's smile is so manufactured it rests in the Uncanny Valley.
Folks, plastic surgeons need to tell their patients that they will look like the Jack Nicholson version of "The Joker" in Batman if they get multiple face lifts and other procedures.
Joe Biden has plenty of LEGITIMATE things to criticize without making up faux topics like this about how he smiles and polluting Politics with non-stories.
Why not pile on?

I agree, Joe's smile is so manufactured it rests in the Uncanny Valley.

Joe is a professional career politician, Jim, that's what people want. Like a baby without a teething ring to suck on, Democrats had to have their Pressed Suit back to walk and talk and ACT like the politician they have been programmed to expect.

Politics is a performance art, just like Hollywood, all the people get face lifts, teeth capped, you name it, they can afford it and are PUBLIC FIGURES. Joe Biden no doubt had speech coaches, trainers, therapists, Hollywood advertising agencies designing his campaign, ads and speeches. And America swallowed it hook, like and sinker.

Here's the REAL Chelsea Clinton:

Here's what Hillary REALLY looks like (and years ago!):

And here's how she looked like a couple years ago:

There is nothing new here, politics is a sham, a fraud, and now we know our elections are faked too. America had a REAL President, but I guess he was just TOO MUCH reality for too many people.
Folks, plastic surgeons need to tell their patients that they will look like the Jack Nicholson version of "The Joker" in Batman if they get multiple face lifts and other procedures. That said, democrats in general have really weird giggling and grinning, like they can't help laughing at the idiots that support them and that law enforcement does nothing to remove them.

View attachment 414110
Everything about Sleepy is fake.... from the hair plugs to those "give me the brights!" ridiculous caps. It would be funny if the Kung Flu ends up sending that ridiculous spectacle back up satan's ass..... the irony.... LOL
my2¢, I saw a documentary on Secret Service relationships with Presidents on Newsmax and Jimmy "I'll Never Lie To You" Carter was the worst. Despite Fake News claiming Carter was a humble peanut farmer, Carter was an arrogant fraud (not unlike Crazy Bernie) and even refused to even talk to them because they were beneath his level of pay or whatever. In contrast, Trump treats the Secret Service as friends and actually engages them in conversation and asks their input on various things.

you forgot that while carter was still involved with his habitat for humanity foundation well into his 90s that donny charges the SS for the luxery of protecting his ample orange ass when he goes to his golf resorts/hotels.

Hey asshole, Trump doesn't charge the SS anything, he is SUPPOSED to have that protection all the time, REQUIRED to have it, THE SAME PROTECTION OBUMMA HAD FOR 8 YEARS while he golfed, partied and fooled around.

Donald Trump
Published September 17
Trump’s Bedminster golf club charged taxpayers $1.1M for Secret Service even while closed during pandemic: report
Watchdog group calls the charges 'appalling'
Trump’s Bedminster golf club charged taxpayers $1.1M for Secret Service even while closed during pandemic: report

Folks, plastic surgeons need to tell their patients that they will look like the Jack Nicholson version of "The Joker" in Batman if they get multiple face lifts and other procedures. That said, democrats in general have really weird giggling and grinning, like they can't help laughing at the idiots that support them and that law enforcement does nothing to remove them.

View attachment 414110
Everything about Sleepy is fake.... from the hair plugs to those "give me the brights!" ridiculous caps. It would be funny if the Kung Flu ends up sending that ridiculous spectacle back up satan's ass..... the irony.... LOL

lol!!!!! uh - donny has had a scalp reduction that makes it look like a good damn tribble is living on his head & with that orange make up, he reminds me of a walking mango.

& you know damn well that if it weren't for his cash - no way would he get the women that he has banged, let alone married.

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