
Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
Once again, 45 puts the more appropriate label on "Leakin' Jim" given this irrelevant trash account of the two men's encounters. What I don't understand is how a publisher believes they can make any money on crap like this. Wolff's lurid lies about the Trump WH finally got him literally kicked off the "mourning joe" show on-air. How many Trump haters can even read much less afford a $30 paperweight or shelving to put it on? Hillary's ghost-written tales fill warehouses with unsold copies after supposedly being best-sellers. My guess is FOB (Friends of Bill) pony up the dough to give publishers a tiny profit so they can claim they're wildly popular with the bookworm crowd. But Comey has no FOBs or anybody else who likes him or wants their name linked to his. MacMillan (a British publisher) put out both this bucket of sewage along with Wolff's fantasies....maybe Sessions should look into that contract to see how Comey got it. :doubt:

I love that comment. And The President is right.

Comey lied to him and concealed the source of funding for The Dossier, and actually was very evasive about that even calling it "other material" to try to conceal where it was originated.

Knowing it was false and salacious, and funded by The Democrat Party as part of a smear campaign, he again concealed its funding and origination when he submitted a false affidavit in FISA Court for an IIlegal & Unconstitutional Surveillance Warrant.

It is also rumored that the way Comey relayed the tales of the salacious "Clinton Dossier" was to do so in a graphic manner in order to embarass The President and apply a subtle leverage to him for Comey to keep his job.

Based on this alone, Comey should have been fired. But he also lied to Congress, violated multiple FBI procedures and policies during The Clinton Investigation, and he leaked all sorts of Classified and Privileged Intel to The Media which is not only a violation of FBI Conduct Policy, but it is a Felony.
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The left has consumed the entire federal government. It is a corruptocracy at this point and I hope Trump is working behind the scenes with loyal military officers to purge the government of regressive globalist sociopaths.

We need a modern Augusto Pinochet. We have reached the point of no return.


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