Small Hands Rump went after Elizabeth Warren Big Big Mistake. He did the old ugly and dumb routine

When a woman stands up to you, you’re going to call her a basket case. Hormonal. Ugly."
What about equality? So a male can criticize a male only, right? Criticizing a female is immediately hormonal to you losers, huh?
Don't bother about Correll. Dementia has settled in for the final ride.

Oh, so the rest of you want PC for your gang but not for the other side?

Nope, Trump opened the drain, so, yes, she can stamp her heels on his fleshy, flat head.

Tough, huh, you have to play by your own rules.
And Reid's nuclear option. That's going to be a rough pill to swallow innit?
Yup, when seven to nine GOP senators join the Dems to block much of McConnell's legislation. In fact,

The ACA will be morphed into a better program.

The illegals situation will be reasonably settled, finally.

There will be no SCOTUS nominations like Scalia or Alito.

And much, much more.
In yer dreams! Fakey lakey!
Yeah, put all your eggs in the Fake Indian basket. Go for it Democrats. Trump will win in a Landslide in 2020.
When a woman stands up to you, you’re going to call her a basket case. Hormonal. Ugly."
What about equality? So a male can criticize a male only, right? Criticizing a female is immediately hormonal to you losers, huh?
Don't bother about Correll. Dementia has settled in for the final ride.

Oh, so the rest of you want PC for your gang but not for the other side?

Nope, Trump opened the drain, so, yes, she can stamp her heels on his fleshy, flat head.

Tough, huh, you have to play by your own rules.
You are too stupid to even understand what "PC" means I see.
Yes, Trump is the next president, with the majority of the people and a good portion of the Congress against him. Oh, my! And he appears to be alienating the remainder. Even his press secretary was begging for the American people to give him a break.

The thread, however, is discussing the fact that Warren stomped on Trump. Good on her.
So she responded in kind---"We get it, @realDonaldTrump: When a woman stands up to you, you’re going to call her a basket case. Hormonal. Ugly." , "Do you think you're going to shut us up, @realDonaldTrump? Think again. It's time to answer for your dangerous ideas."--"You care so much about struggling American workers, @realDonaldTrump, that you want to abolish the federal minimum wage?"---"ou feel so much for people with college debt, @realDonaldTrump, that you raked in millions scamming students with Trump University?" "You're so concerned about Wall Street, @realDonaldTrump, that you say you’d “absolutely” repeal Dodd-Frank?" Then Psychopath responded "When asked what gov should stop doing, @realDonaldTrump said overseeing banks! How can you be tough on Wall Street by letting them off?" "@realDonaldTrump: Your policies are dangerous. Your words are reckless. Your record is embarrassing. And your free ride is over." The show just got started , he will be frothing at the mouth and drooling when His little power trip is dumped on by all good Progressives. Thin skin and all, Yup the show just begun.
If Donald grabbed Pokahontas' pussy he'd find a dick...with feathers.
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Elizabeth Warren reacts to being called hormonal by getting all hormonal.

Unfortunately for her she is dredging ip last year's outrage which has run its course.

Bunch of male yahoos from BOTH sides degrading women. Obviously we've progressed a WHOLE LOT. Because BOTH SIDES did it --- it's now OK... You jerks are ruining my country.. .
So she responded in kind---"We get it, @realDonaldTrump: When a woman stands up to you, you’re going to call her a basket case. Hormonal. Ugly." , "Do you think you're going to shut us up, @realDonaldTrump? Think again. It's time to answer for your dangerous ideas."--"You care so much about struggling American workers, @realDonaldTrump, that you want to abolish the federal minimum wage?"---"ou feel so much for people with college debt, @realDonaldTrump, that you raked in millions scamming students with Trump University?" "You're so concerned about Wall Street, @realDonaldTrump, that you say you’d “absolutely” repeal Dodd-Frank?" Then Psychopath responded "When asked what gov should stop doing, @realDonaldTrump said overseeing banks! How can you be tough on Wall Street by letting them off?" "@realDonaldTrump: Your policies are dangerous. Your words are reckless. Your record is embarrassing. And your free ride is over." The show just got started , he will be frothing at the mouth and drooling when His little power trip is dumped on by all good Progressives. Thin skin and all, Yup the show just begun.

She only convinced the readers that she's a shrill dingbat.
So she responded in kind---"We get it, @realDonaldTrump: When a woman stands up to you, you’re going to call her a basket case. Hormonal. Ugly." , "Do you think you're going to shut us up, @realDonaldTrump? Think again. It's time to answer for your dangerous ideas."--"You care so much about struggling American workers, @realDonaldTrump, that you want to abolish the federal minimum wage?"---"ou feel so much for people with college debt, @realDonaldTrump, that you raked in millions scamming students with Trump University?" "You're so concerned about Wall Street, @realDonaldTrump, that you say you’d “absolutely” repeal Dodd-Frank?" Then Psychopath responded "When asked what gov should stop doing, @realDonaldTrump said overseeing banks! How can you be tough on Wall Street by letting them off?" "@realDonaldTrump: Your policies are dangerous. Your words are reckless. Your record is embarrassing. And your free ride is over." The show just got started , he will be frothing at the mouth and drooling when His little power trip is dumped on by all good Progressives. Thin skin and all, Yup the show just begun.

You guys are running out of posting material and now you're grasping at straws. Trump slaughtered the wicked witch and will be kicking obama out of the white house soon. Not a good time for commies around here.
So she responded in kind---"We get it, @realDonaldTrump: When a woman stands up to you, you’re going to call her a basket case. Hormonal. Ugly." , "Do you think you're going to shut us up, @realDonaldTrump? Think again. It's time to answer for your dangerous ideas."--"You care so much about struggling American workers, @realDonaldTrump, that you want to abolish the federal minimum wage?"---"ou feel so much for people with college debt, @realDonaldTrump, that you raked in millions scamming students with Trump University?" "You're so concerned about Wall Street, @realDonaldTrump, that you say you’d “absolutely” repeal Dodd-Frank?" Then Psychopath responded "When asked what gov should stop doing, @realDonaldTrump said overseeing banks! How can you be tough on Wall Street by letting them off?" "@realDonaldTrump: Your policies are dangerous. Your words are reckless. Your record is embarrassing. And your free ride is over." The show just got started , he will be frothing at the mouth and drooling when His little power trip is dumped on by all good Progressives. Thin skin and all, Yup the show just begun.
If progressives are so great why is the country so fucked up?

Because we still have republicans around. Progressives do not run every aspect of the country. Also many democrats are center left and doesn't make them progressive.

If you want to see progressive nations , just look to northern Europe. Those are true progressive nations that do extremely well.

Or even look at the progressives in Canada.
Warren owns Trump, no question.

Trump is the president and Warren is well nobody. While Trump is flying around on Air Force 1, signing GOP bills into law, and nominating SCOTUS justices Warren will be sitting in the cheap seats looking on. :laugh::laugh::laugh:
Warren is a somebody long before Trump became President-elect.

When you're wrapped up in your conservative world, Elizabeth Warren is a nobody. Some of the stuff I read on here makes face palm so hard it leaves a handprint on my forehead.

He actually believes Warren is a nobody. Lol

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