Smart Meters


Gold Member
Dec 14, 2009
Just got this link in an email from a friend. Have any of you all heard anything about this? When I opened the link there were a number of other youtube videos on the same subject. Scary as hell if there's any truth to it.

Perhaps Simon & Garfunkel were ahead of their time ... "[America's] slip sliding away ..."

[ame=]‪Smart Meters‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
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That's always been the plan, government control of your thermostat in the name of "saving the earth".
They switched our water meter to a 'smart meter' about 6 months ago and we were told we had no choice in the matter. I called and the woman said there's no raido frequency transmitted . . . she's an idiot, of course there is.

Can you refuse to have it installed? Can it be removed? Our electric is still the old meter -- at least, I think it's still the old meter. This is nothing but an invasion of privacy under the guise of 'energy efficiency' or whatever. Smells like big brother bullshit to me.
Here, if you're truly that interested in being paranoid.

[ame=]‪Enemy of the State Trailer‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
All new flat panel LCD TV's have a camera in them.
I'm not doubting you, but could you provide a link? My "Google-Fu" skills are not working this morning. :lol:

Ohh you will not find it on google.
It was part of the censoring chip thing and the digital TV legislation.
An example of government planning ahead for 2 way TV. Or was it?

but of course "they" can already remote activate your PC cam in your laptop or cell device.
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Just got this link in an email from a friend. Have any of you all heard anything about this? When I opened the link there were a number of other youtube videos on the same subject. Scary as hell if there's any truth to it.

Perhaps Simon & Garfunkel were ahead of their time ... "[America's] slip sliding away ..."

‪Smart Meters‬‏ - YouTube

Holy crap is this guy paranoid. While I agree there should be controls on who gets the data, smart meters are required for smart grids, which would be able to better match power generation to power demand, reducing fuel usage and making the system more efficient.

Plus, the meters cannot tell WHAT device you are using, all it measures is gross power consumption. If you want to make the power company think you are home when you are not, leave the lights on and pay the extra 23 cents for an alibi.

One more thing, Finding pot growers doesnt require smart meters. Police could just scan the montly usage KWH for spikes, smart meter not needed.

I do agree with one thing, police agencies should need a warrant to get access to the records. they shouldn't be able to just scan power usages to find pot growers or any other activities. They should need probably cause to access the records, and only specfifc records.
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Utility companies and the government are two different things.
ATT and VErizon gave the Bush admin illegal access to customer records.
A pardon for them was later slipped into another bill to cover for them though.
This is nothing.

After suffering a pounding in the courts by big businesses (Vodafone, RBS, etc) over tax dodging, Britain's tax collection agency, Her Majesty's Revenue & Customs (HMRC), have set the ordinary internet trader firmly in their sights. They've funded the development of a form of roving bot that trawls the internet and identifies catch words that are believed to be assciated with trade that's gone untaxed. They target mainly auction sites like ebay where there's a strong possibility that someone's doing more than just supplementing their income. Basically, they know, due in most part to superior legal resources (and not to frighten them offshore), that big businesses are difficult to bully into paying taxes they owe. So instead they're covertly gathering evidence on the little guy with a view to prosecute or demand a comparatively petty amount in back taxes to the big fish they're too toothless to properly sanction.
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Most americans seem to think that their net communications are private and not monitored by the gummit.


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