Smart Move: Gov. Palin Refuses To Support And Put Her Faith In Chris Christie

Whoooooooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

I love you guys on the left. 15 minutes of fame eh? You made her rich you assholes!

we went to her zany rallies and bought her books? :eusa_eh: :eusa_hand: You Righties are the ones writing her checks & watching her on murdochTV, not us Progressives :rofl:
I remember her being so far up sarahs ass her shoulders where covered in shit.
I think loony-tune Palin not supporting Christie is going to help him in the long run. The far-right has had their fun running the Republican Party and the sane politicians are starting to prevail. If the Republicans plan on putting Cruz, Rubio, or Paul on their ticket...they will give the Democrats the keys to the White House for another term or two. Palin did get rich off of the Republican media and reactionary orgy over her presence, she used to be a sideshow and now, sadly, she is one of their voices. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard of Republicans becoming registered Democrats because the party became so extreme. I also was unaware that "compromise" was such a bad word for the far right...which again, won't get them anywhere on a national scale.

Kind of hard to get the votes of women, minorities, LGBT community, and the young population when your policies are alienating them all.

You won't find ANY political figure endorsing any other political figure for 2016 this far ahead. It's a stupid throwaway question that lesser journalists ask because they can't generate enough intellectual wattage to ask about shit that matters.

Refusing to put her "faith" in anyone, not just Christie, doesn't make the airhead smart. She's playing the exact same game every other political figure does. She will be on her knees gobbling Christie's package if he wins the nomination, just like she gobbled McCain's and Romney's.
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Sara is the reason McCain lost the election. I find it amusing that some people keep hoisting her up as if she ever did anything useful. I put her in the same catagory as Honey Boo Boo.
She is smart not to do so. It is a good strategy to embark on because Christie has shown he has a little Benedict Arnold in him as he has embraced Obama on issues several times. One thing Governor Palin states and she is right on the money is that there no Ronald Reagan on the scene today. The only person that has freedom loving values and a staunch conservative ideology that is similar to him today would be Sarah Palin. She is the type of person that would save this country from the depths of communism, a place where we are headed.

Sarah Palin One-On-One With Matt Lauer on Obamacare Rollout Debacle - Today Show - 11-11-13 - YouTube

You must have been a kid when Reagan was in office, because you have no idea what kind of conservative he was. Every time a con tells me what a great conservative Reagan was, I just laugh. Remember, Reagan supported the idea of capping the capital gains tax at the same rate as the income tax. Remember that? Remember that in eight years, Reagan nearly doubled the size of the federal government. Remember that?

Honest to God, if we compared Reagan and Obama only by their records, Reagan would be considered the spend thrift.
Who gets invited to CPAC is apropos of nothing.

No far right reactionary will be nominated for Pres, or even VP this time.

It's over for the reactionaries.

What makes you think that Jake? What you have is a bad case of wishful thinking. Christie may get the nomination if he runs, but it will be ugly and it will leave a bad taste in the mouths of cons who in turn will not show up at the polls come election day.

The only way Republicans would truly unite and have a shot is if Warren is the Democratic nominee.
Whoooooooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

I love you guys on the left. 15 minutes of fame eh? You made her rich you assholes!

Why do you support a quitter? She quit on Alaska, whose to say she wouldn't quit on America?
She is smart not to do so. It is a good strategy to embark on because Christie has shown he has a little Benedict Arnold in him as he has embraced Obama on issues several times. One thing Governor Palin states and she is right on the money is that there no Ronald Reagan on the scene today. The only person that has freedom loving values and a staunch conservative ideology that is similar to him today would be Sarah Palin. She is the type of person that would save this country from the depths of communism, a place where we are headed.

Sarah Palin One-On-One With Matt Lauer on Obamacare Rollout Debacle - Today Show - 11-11-13 - YouTube

As Governor of Alaska didn't she oversee the confiscation and redistribution of oil revenues to all citizens of the state.

No. That plan was in effect back in the late 70s. What she did was stop oil companies from sitting on leases that was owned by the people of Alaska.

So she received her checks then? What did she do to stop such blatant redistribution policies?

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