Smashing The Coronavirus.


Gold Member
Apr 19, 2020
I'm not a scientist. But what I heard on the news the other day about creating a vaccine for the coronavirus sounds just plain stupid to me. They talked about taking some DNA from the coronavirus and putting it into a cold virus. Just how insane are those people. Your bodies defense system doesn't care about what is on the inside of a virus. It is what is on the outside that matters. That is what antibodies learn how to detect and destroy.

That aside, we should have had a vaccine for the coronavirus some time ago. Making one is remarkably easy to do. All you have to do is grow a lot of coronavirus. Then centrifuge out or otherwise separate out everything that isn't coronavirus. Then you zap the coronavirus with enough radiation to make sure it is too messed up (or even dead) to reproduce. Then you dilute it to whatever degree and inject it into people's bodies. Though to be on the safe side, I would first inject 10 rats, 10 pigs and 10 monkeys first. If none of them have a bad reaction to it, inject 10 people with it. If they have no bad reaction from it, inoculate everybody. The body should be able to recognize the foreign coronavirus. And the antibodies the body produces to destroy them should help them learn how to destroy the live virus.
From what I have been reading is many are making decisions based on a hope of what may not be possible.

Even if one is found, expect another year until a significant part of the world's population receives it.
The virus will run its course around the globe forcing us to learn to live with the pathogen, herd immunity will happen regardless of any government intervention. The shutdowns were only about mitigation, not eradication as that is not even possible without a vaccine.
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I'm not a scientist. But what I heard on the news the other day about creating a vaccine for the coronavirus sounds just plain stupid to me. They talked about taking some DNA from the coronavirus and putting it into a cold virus. Just how insane are those people. Your bodies defense system doesn't care about what is on the inside of a virus. It is what is on the outside that matters. That is what antibodies learn how to detect and destroy.

That aside, we should have had a vaccine for the coronavirus some time ago. Making one is remarkably easy to do. All you have to do is grow a lot of coronavirus. Then centrifuge out or otherwise separate out everything that isn't coronavirus. Then you zap the coronavirus with enough radiation to make sure it is too messed up (or even dead) to reproduce. Then you dilute it to whatever degree and inject it into people's bodies. Though to be on the safe side, I would first inject 10 rats, 10 pigs and 10 monkeys first. If none of them have a bad reaction to it, inject 10 people with it. If they have no bad reaction from it, inoculate everybody. The body should be able to recognize the foreign coronavirus. And the antibodies the body produces to destroy them should help them learn how to destroy the live virus.

we will NEVER get rid of this virus it is here to stay forever and it will forever be used against you in ways most can't ever begin to imagine.
Get yourself healthier and boost your immune system. If you can't do that, then be really pro-active because viruses aren't going away and a vaccine is not going be ready in months. That is a pipe dream. We always think we know what to expect like "oh we think COVID-19 will be back in the Fall". Maybe. But what if a new one shows up? We don't know what we don't know.
I'm not a scientist. But what I heard on the news the other day about creating a vaccine for the coronavirus sounds just plain stupid to me. They talked about taking some DNA from the coronavirus and putting it into a cold virus.
You're full of shit. Coronaviruses don't have DNA.
I'm not a scientist. But what I heard on the news the other day about creating a vaccine for the coronavirus sounds just plain stupid to me. They talked about taking some DNA from the coronavirus and putting it into a cold virus. Just how insane are those people. Your bodies defense system doesn't care about what is on the inside of a virus. It is what is on the outside that matters. That is what antibodies learn how to detect and destroy.

That aside, we should have had a vaccine for the coronavirus some time ago. Making one is remarkably easy to do. All you have to do is grow a lot of coronavirus. Then centrifuge out or otherwise separate out everything that isn't coronavirus. Then you zap the coronavirus with enough radiation to make sure it is too messed up (or even dead) to reproduce. Then you dilute it to whatever degree and inject it into people's bodies. Though to be on the safe side, I would first inject 10 rats, 10 pigs and 10 monkeys first. If none of them have a bad reaction to it, inject 10 people with it. If they have no bad reaction from it, inoculate everybody. The body should be able to recognize the foreign coronavirus. And the antibodies the body produces to destroy them should help them learn how to destroy the live virus.
Like you said at the're not a scientist.
....stay hydrated [ with water!! ] --get lots of your weight = you're good to go, for most people
From what I have been reading is many are making decisions based on a hope of what may not be possible.

Even if one is found, expect another year until a significant part of the world's population receives it.
The virus will run its course around the globe forcing us to learn to live with the pathogen, herd immunity will happen regardless of any government intervention. The shutdowns were only about mitigation, not eradication as that is not even possible without a vaccine.

Eradication is possible with quarantine.
I'm not a scientist. But what I heard on the news the other day about creating a vaccine for the coronavirus sounds just plain stupid to me. They talked about taking some DNA from the coronavirus and putting it into a cold virus. Just how insane are those people. Your bodies defense system doesn't care about what is on the inside of a virus. It is what is on the outside that matters. That is what antibodies learn how to detect and destroy.

That aside, we should have had a vaccine for the coronavirus some time ago. Making one is remarkably easy to do. All you have to do is grow a lot of coronavirus. Then centrifuge out or otherwise separate out everything that isn't coronavirus. Then you zap the coronavirus with enough radiation to make sure it is too messed up (or even dead) to reproduce. Then you dilute it to whatever degree and inject it into people's bodies. Though to be on the safe side, I would first inject 10 rats, 10 pigs and 10 monkeys first. If none of them have a bad reaction to it, inject 10 people with it. If they have no bad reaction from it, inoculate everybody. The body should be able to recognize the foreign coronavirus. And the antibodies the body produces to destroy them should help them learn how to destroy the live virus.

we will NEVER get rid of this virus it is here to stay forever and it will forever be used against you in ways most can't ever begin to imagine.

I disagree. If the government gets its shit together, we can get rid of the coronavirus. Just like we did with smallpox and polio.
No one has ever created a vaccine nor a cure for the common cold —which is a corona virus— so why should we suddenly expect one now?

There are too many strains of the cold virus to beat. But for the time being, we only have covid-19 to deal with.
I'm not a scientist. But what I heard on the news the other day about creating a vaccine for the coronavirus sounds just plain stupid to me. They talked about taking some DNA from the coronavirus and putting it into a cold virus. Just how insane are those people. Your bodies defense system doesn't care about what is on the inside of a virus. It is what is on the outside that matters. That is what antibodies learn how to detect and destroy.

That aside, we should have had a vaccine for the coronavirus some time ago. Making one is remarkably easy to do. All you have to do is grow a lot of coronavirus. Then centrifuge out or otherwise separate out everything that isn't coronavirus. Then you zap the coronavirus with enough radiation to make sure it is too messed up (or even dead) to reproduce. Then you dilute it to whatever degree and inject it into people's bodies. Though to be on the safe side, I would first inject 10 rats, 10 pigs and 10 monkeys first. If none of them have a bad reaction to it, inject 10 people with it. If they have no bad reaction from it, inoculate everybody. The body should be able to recognize the foreign coronavirus. And the antibodies the body produces to destroy them should help them learn how to destroy the live virus.

we will NEVER get rid of this virus it is here to stay forever and it will forever be used against you in ways most can't ever begin to imagine.

I disagree. If the government gets its shit together, we can get rid of the coronavirus. Just like we did with smallpox and polio.

I wouldn't stay to trusty and comfy with these CDC a. holes....... I'll b b with why in a few.
I'm not a scientist. But what I heard on the news the other day about creating a vaccine for the coronavirus sounds just plain stupid to me. They talked about taking some DNA from the coronavirus and putting it into a cold virus. Just how insane are those people. Your bodies defense system doesn't care about what is on the inside of a virus. It is what is on the outside that matters. That is what antibodies learn how to detect and destroy.

That aside, we should have had a vaccine for the coronavirus some time ago. Making one is remarkably easy to do. All you have to do is grow a lot of coronavirus. Then centrifuge out or otherwise separate out everything that isn't coronavirus. Then you zap the coronavirus with enough radiation to make sure it is too messed up (or even dead) to reproduce. Then you dilute it to whatever degree and inject it into people's bodies. Though to be on the safe side, I would first inject 10 rats, 10 pigs and 10 monkeys first. If none of them have a bad reaction to it, inject 10 people with it. If they have no bad reaction from it, inoculate everybody. The body should be able to recognize the foreign coronavirus. And the antibodies the body produces to destroy them should help them learn how to destroy the live virus.

we will NEVER get rid of this virus it is here to stay forever and it will forever be used against you in ways most can't ever begin to imagine.

I disagree. If the government gets its shit together, we can get rid of the coronavirus. Just like we did with smallpox and polio.

Ok here we go and this is in or at least was in the medical journals there are also law suites on it--- You will not be able to sue ask yourself why !

The SV40 Virus: Has Tainted Polio Vaccine Caused An Increase in Cancer?

Today, U.S. federal health agencies admit the following two facts: 1. Salk polio vaccine released for public use between 1955 and 1963 was contaminated with SV40; and2. SV40 has been proven to cause cancer in animals. In fact, at a conference on SV-40 and human cancers held by the National Institutes of Health in 1997, which I attended, there was no disagreement among both government and non-government scientists about these two facts. The only disagreement was whether SV40 was actually being identified in the cancerous tumors of children and adults alive today and, if it was, whether the monkey virus was in fact responsible for their cancer. Non-government scientists working in independent labs around the world said, “Yes.” But the scientists connected with the U.S. government said “No.” (Transcript of FDA, CDC, NIH, NIP, NVPO January 27-28, 1997 Workshop on Simian Virus 40: A Possible Human Polyomavirus).

and then you have millions of medical documents which aare now kept from the public and on purpose.


Once they were busted the SOB's sent it to EUROPE which then ncaused------------------


annd when you find some BS LEFTIST article that tells you thiiis is all fake or it's a conspiracy lmfao you might want ot gog with your OWN GUT and not PARROT the idiots who can't think for themselves.
From what I have been reading is many are making decisions based on a hope of what may not be possible.

Even if one is found, expect another year until a significant part of the world's population receives it.
The virus will run its course around the globe forcing us to learn to live with the pathogen, herd immunity will happen regardless of any government intervention. The shutdowns were only about mitigation, not eradication as that is not even possible without a vaccine.

Eradication is possible with quarantine.
Not really. It just prolongs the virus. Herd immunity is the only way.
I'm not a scientist. But what I heard on the news the other day about creating a vaccine for the coronavirus sounds just plain stupid to me. They talked about taking some DNA from the coronavirus and putting it into a cold virus. Just how insane are those people. Your bodies defense system doesn't care about what is on the inside of a virus. It is what is on the outside that matters. That is what antibodies learn how to detect and destroy.

That aside, we should have had a vaccine for the coronavirus some time ago. Making one is remarkably easy to do. All you have to do is grow a lot of coronavirus. Then centrifuge out or otherwise separate out everything that isn't coronavirus. Then you zap the coronavirus with enough radiation to make sure it is too messed up (or even dead) to reproduce. Then you dilute it to whatever degree and inject it into people's bodies. Though to be on the safe side, I would first inject 10 rats, 10 pigs and 10 monkeys first. If none of them have a bad reaction to it, inject 10 people with it. If they have no bad reaction from it, inoculate everybody. The body should be able to recognize the foreign coronavirus. And the antibodies the body produces to destroy them should help them learn how to destroy the live virus.

we will NEVER get rid of this virus it is here to stay forever and it will forever be used against you in ways most can't ever begin to imagine.

I disagree. If the government gets its shit together, we can get rid of the coronavirus. Just like we did with smallpox and polio.

Ok here we go and this is in or at least was in the medical journals there are also law suites on it--- You will not be able to sue ask yourself why !

The SV40 Virus: Has Tainted Polio Vaccine Caused An Increase in Cancer?

Today, U.S. federal health agencies admit the following two facts: 1. Salk polio vaccine released for public use between 1955 and 1963 was contaminated with SV40; and2. SV40 has been proven to cause cancer in animals. In fact, at a conference on SV-40 and human cancers held by the National Institutes of Health in 1997, which I attended, there was no disagreement among both government and non-government scientists about these two facts. The only disagreement was whether SV40 was actually being identified in the cancerous tumors of children and adults alive today and, if it was, whether the monkey virus was in fact responsible for their cancer. Non-government scientists working in independent labs around the world said, “Yes.” But the scientists connected with the U.S. government said “No.” (Transcript of FDA, CDC, NIH, NIP, NVPO January 27-28, 1997 Workshop on Simian Virus 40: A Possible Human Polyomavirus).

and then you have millions of medical documents which aare now kept from the public and on purpose.

View attachment 335322

Once they were busted the SOB's sent it to EUROPE which then ncaused------------------

View attachment 335325

annd when you find some BS LEFTIST article that tells you thiiis is all fake or it's a conspiracy lmfao you might want ot gog with your OWN GUT and not PARROT the idiots who can't think for themselves.

You are all over the place. But as far as the polio vaccine is concerned, what did they know about SV40 before the vaccine was created. But that aside, no doubt it prevented far more instances of death and suffering from polio than it did cancers.
From what I have been reading is many are making decisions based on a hope of what may not be possible.

Even if one is found, expect another year until a significant part of the world's population receives it.
The virus will run its course around the globe forcing us to learn to live with the pathogen, herd immunity will happen regardless of any government intervention. The shutdowns were only about mitigation, not eradication as that is not even possible without a vaccine.

Eradication is possible with quarantine.
Not really. It just prolongs the virus. Herd immunity is the only way.

Please stop being stupid. The only way to get to "herd immunity" is for all those who can die from it to do so. That isn't the right approach.
From what I have been reading is many are making decisions based on a hope of what may not be possible.

Even if one is found, expect another year until a significant part of the world's population receives it.
The virus will run its course around the globe forcing us to learn to live with the pathogen, herd immunity will happen regardless of any government intervention. The shutdowns were only about mitigation, not eradication as that is not even possible without a vaccine.

Eradication is possible with quarantine.
Not really. It just prolongs the virus. Herd immunity is the only way.

Please stop being stupid. The only way to get to "herd immunity" is for all those who can die from it to do so. That isn't the right approach.
You have no idea what you’re talking about. Herd immunity comes from enough people with antibodies, be they a result of healing from the virus or being vaccinated, that the virus no longer has a place to go.
From what I have been reading is many are making decisions based on a hope of what may not be possible.

Even if one is found, expect another year until a significant part of the world's population receives it.
The virus will run its course around the globe forcing us to learn to live with the pathogen, herd immunity will happen regardless of any government intervention. The shutdowns were only about mitigation, not eradication as that is not even possible without a vaccine.

Eradication is possible with quarantine.
Not really. It just prolongs the virus. Herd immunity is the only way.

Please stop being stupid. The only way to get to "herd immunity" is for all those who can die from it to do so. That isn't the right approach.
You have no idea what you’re talking about. Herd immunity comes from enough people with antibodies, be they a result of healing from the virus or being vaccinated, that the virus no longer has a place to go.

Yeah. And how many people have to die to get there. Right now the death toll is over 80,000.

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