Smell of a Rightwing Agenda: protesters lay barricades at WH and not.the Capitol step

Riots?, these weren't left wing ding dongs.

Take a real close look..."riots" is in quotations...:eusa_hand:

it's was done to acknowledge that one is exceeding a word's meaning, or using it in a nonstandard way......:lol:

I am glad to enlighten to bring light into the "heart of Darkness" if necessary :eusa_whistle:

I know what it was done for, and you have been successful in shining a light upon your stupidity. You may now take a nap, I'm sure you feel you've earned it with all this hard work.

If you already knew then why say it was a "ding dong" thing...were you in a fit of mendacity :evil:
are you by any chance inbred ? :cool:
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No one with any sense believes those pawns are all vets. Jesus, the main leaders are Palin and Cruz. :lmao:

Truth is that they kinds crashed the party....

Says the Puppet who is blind to the strings

You think? Then how is it I seem to be the only person who knows that the entire thing was originally set up on FB and that it wasn't just DC but there were locations all over the country where Veterans and supporters marched on the monuments....
The White House is exactly where they belong. There aren't really that many people gullible enough to believe obama's bull shit. They know the truth.

Obama and the left are losing this, and we will have a repeat of the 1995 shutdown and the eventual GOP takeover.

Suck it!

And [MENTION=33194]PredFan[/MENTION] was predicting what only one short year ago in 2012? :rofl:
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Truth is that they kinds crashed the party....

Says the Puppet who is blind to the strings

You think? Then how is it I seem to be the only person who knows that the entire thing was originally set up on FB and that it wasn't just DC but there were locations all over the country where Veterans and supporters marched on the monuments....

I wonder what Astroturfers like David Axelrod do to keep people like you around
Smell of a Rightwing Agenda: protesters lay barricades at WH and not.the Capitol steps

We have an obvious agenda facilitated and most likely organized by professional, conservative, rightwing Obama-haters.

Not all veterans are being manipulated this way.

ex: Redge Ranyard is featured in a powerful ad taking congressional Republicans to task for the shuttered government and its impact on veterans. The 90-year-old World War II Navy veteran was ticked off by a comment House Speaker John Boehner made nearly two weeks ago. According to the New York Times story that got Ranyard's blood boiling, Boehner told his raucous caucus mere days after the start of the shutdown, "We are locked in an epic battle." In his response on behalf of, Ranyard doesn't mince words.

PLEEEASE!:eusa_hand: If this had been Bush the baracades would still be infront of the White House.

The Bush-whine?






It's not a Bush Whine cause this never happened on Bushes watch. You're messiah will have to go back to blame Clinton... oh wait, he's a dimocrat too so that won't work. Looks like your Messiah is on his own. :rofl:
The White House is exactly where they belong. There aren't really that many people gullible enough to believe obama's bull shit. They know the truth.

Obama and the left are losing this, and we will have a repeat of the 1995 shutdown and the eventual GOP takeover.

Suck it!

:lol: :lol::lol:
One day after Republicans declared a rally of 200 tea partiers represented a game-changing moment in the government shutdown, we're seeing another round of brutal numbers for the GOP from the newest ABC/Washington Post poll:

Poll: Republicans losing no-win game

Barely one in five Americans (21 percent) approve of the way Republicans in Congress are handling negotiations over the budget, while nearly three quarters disapprove (74 percent). Disapproval is up from 63 percent since the start of the shutdown, after reaching 70 percent last week. Disapproval of congressional Democrats has also risen by a smaller amount — 56 to 61 percent — as the shutdown has continued, owing in large part to greater approval among fellow Democrats.
Says the Puppet who is blind to the strings

You think? Then how is it I seem to be the only person who knows that the entire thing was originally set up on FB and that it wasn't just DC but there were locations all over the country where Veterans and supporters marched on the monuments....

I wonder what Astroturfers like David Axelrod do to keep people like you around

Unwilling to learn truth...Figures. But that's OK, you can live with your ignorance. Tell us where the right wing agenda was all over the country where veterans in groups of 5 to 200 met at Memorials in protest of the stupidity in Washington. And what in the world does Axelrod have to do with anything?
You think? Then how is it I seem to be the only person who knows that the entire thing was originally set up on FB and that it wasn't just DC but there were locations all over the country where Veterans and supporters marched on the monuments....

I wonder what Astroturfers like David Axelrod do to keep people like you around

Unwilling to learn truth...Figures. But that's OK, you can live with your ignorance. Tell us where the right wing agenda was all over the country where veterans in groups of 5 to 200 met at Memorials in protest of the stupidity in Washington. And what in the world does Axelrod have to do with anything?

Astroturfing ... grassroots: try to keep up gramps. :eusa_shhh:
[ame=]Sen. Gowdy questions NPS Director on Barricading Monuments - YouTube[/ame]
smell of a rightwing agenda: Protesters lay barricades at wh and not.the capitol steps

we have an obvious agenda facilitated and most likely organized by professional, conservative, rightwing obama-haters.

Not all veterans are being manipulated this way.

Ex: Redge ranyard is featured in a powerful ad taking congressional republicans to task for the shuttered government and its impact on veterans. The 90-year-old world war ii navy veteran was ticked off by a comment house speaker john boehner made nearly two weeks ago. According to the new york times story that got ranyard's blood boiling, boehner told his raucous caucus mere days after the start of the shutdown, "we are locked in an epic battle." in his response on behalf of, ranyard doesn't mince words.

always lay your barricades at the source of the stink...dat bes obabble!!!

Very true! After all, Obama is at the WH when he's not on the golf course or an expensive vacation. :cool:
Why did O close the memorial to us citizens and open the national mall to illegal citizens?

He did?

Myth alert! :lol:

Immigration activists and some politicians held a civil.disobediance action:

Civil disobedience action on an area closed to the American people.
But criminals were allowed to assemble.
A pop band from Mexico had a concert.
Some politicians?
Many liberal politicians arrived in support of these criminals.
Driven to the closed off area in golf carts supplied by the president.

The speeches thank you MR president for the golf carts, oh MR president, you walk on water!
God forbid these lazy fuckers walk to support their belved criminals protest!!!!!

They take from the law abiding and pander to criminal scum!!!

Absolutely sickening.

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