Smotrich Knows A Hostage Deal Would Kill His Dream Of Annexing The West Bank


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich may be a delusional messianist, but he correctly understands one fundamental thing - the war in the Gaza Strip is essentially a war over the future of the West Bank and its settlers. An agreement to bring the hostages home and end the war could be the engine for launching a diplomatic process with the Palestinians.

Every Israeli with a brain who hasn't been deluded by the far right's fantasies about the Palestinians disappearing must understand that the first option - an agreement to bring the hostages home and launch a diplomatic process - is actually the only option. It's also the one that gives real meaning to the phrase "victory over Hamas," because for that murderous terrorist organization, just as for Smotrich, Ben-Gvir and Netanyahu, the true enemy is a diplomatic solution.

Every week you have 15 to 20 articles writen by total cretins advocating the 2-state solution... Some of them write in bad faith to deceive their readers but others are real dinosaurs from the 80's and 90's who can't get rid of old paradigms and ways of thinking.

The saddest thing of all is the fact that these "experts" are really able to convince people like skews13, IM2, Esay, surada, Coyote, etc... people with a limited, cursory knowledge of the ethnocratic conflict in Palestine that the partition of Palestine is feasible when in reality it never was, neither in the 90's nor today.

These journalists, writers, talking heads, etc... do a disservice to the resolution of the conflict. They are in fact prolonging it by presenting the only option that was never seriously considered by both sides.

Not even when one of the most famous handshakes in History happened in Washington DC:

The Arabs who began calling themselves "Palestinian" a few years back for political reasons have been indoctrinated from birth to seek the death of Jews. From the time they spend watching Farfur as children or wearing make believe suicide vests right through to adulthood, their entire life is consumed with this one thing.

They have never wanted a separate state. They want to wipe out the Jews and eliminate the one tiny state they have in a vast expanse of Arab land.

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