Snake Meat......source of chinese virus

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Has anyone had a chance to point out just how filthy, disgusting and inhuman Chinese people are yet??

Maybe if we keep stressing this point, this may help with combating the virus...

Well....your focus seems to be on that but I have not seen anyone else on here claim that.

Irregardless..........what folks really need to understand that China presents two huge threats to the rest of the world....their production and incubation of various viruses that sweep across the world...mainly flu viruses and few realize how many millions have died from the various flu viruses.

Then of course their huge military threat....which left-wingers never want to hear about.

1918 Pandemic (H1N1 virus) | Pandemic Influenza (Flu) | CDC

Where did the Spanish flu really originate?
For many years, medical historians and epidemiologists hypothesized that the outbreak could have started at a British army base in Étaples, France, or at Fort Riley in Kansas, where the first American cases of this new strain of flu were recorded in March of 1918.

More recently, experts have proposed a third hypothesis: The Spanish flu originated somewhere in northern China in late 1917 and swiftly moved to western Europe with the 140,000 Chinese laborers the French and British governments recruited to perform manual labor to free up troops for wartime duty.

Regardless of its origins, the Spanish Flu was an unprecedented global epidemic

HHS secretary declares coronavirus a public health emergency
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It seemed appropriate to start a snake/ACE2 trajectory. Bungarotoxin is from the krait genus Bungarus.

Black Mamba Toxin / Alpha Bungarotoxin / ACE2
Rapid ligand fishing for identification of acetylcholinesterase-binding peptides in snake venom reveals new properties of dendrotoxins. - PubMed - NCBI
'....and five non-binders (mambalgin-1, angiotensin II, bradykinin, cardiotoxin and alpha-bungarotoxin)....'

Alpha-Bungarotoxin / SARS Spike Protein-Like Domains
Using common spatial distributions of atoms to relate functionally divergent influenza virus N10 and N11 protein structures to functionally charact... - PubMed - NCBI
Has anyone had a chance to point out just how filthy, disgusting and inhuman Chinese people are yet??

Maybe if we keep stressing this point, this may help with combating the virus...

Well....your focus seems to be on that but I have not seen anyone else on here claim that.

Irregardless..........what folks really need to understand that China presents two huge threats to the rest of the world....their production and incubation of various viruses that sweep across the world...mainly flu viruses and few realize how many millions have died from the various flu viruses.

Then of course their huge military threat....which left-wingers never want to hear about.

1918 Pandemic (H1N1 virus) | Pandemic Influenza (Flu) | CDC

Where did the Spanish flu really originate?
For many years, medical historians and epidemiologists hypothesized that the outbreak could have started at a British army base in Étaples, France, or at Fort Riley in Kansas, where the first American cases of this new strain of flu were recorded in March of 1918.

More recently, experts have proposed a third hypothesis: The Spanish flu originated somewhere in northern China in late 1917 and swiftly moved to western Europe with the 140,000 Chinese laborers the French and British governments recruited to perform manual labor to free up troops for wartime duty.

Regardless of its origins, the Spanish Flu was an unprecedented global epidemic

HHS secretary declares coronavirus a public health emergency
My focus??

Your fellow Trump circle-jerk team mate went on a bitch-fit rant about how disgusting Chinese are ----OR as he calls them....monkeys....


And I don't recall you making A SINGLE COMMENT to him....

But the minute I say what he said -- (IN SARCASM) -- here come yo bitch ass....funny how you ignore that racist shit when your fellow dic sucker says it....
Has anyone had a chance to point out just how filthy, disgusting and inhuman Chinese people are yet??

Maybe if we keep stressing this point, this may help with combating the virus...
The videos of what they do to dogs is extremely disturbing. The fact that they allow that shit to happen speaks volumes about Chinese people. That is a rutheless culture, so it deserves a lot of criticism.
So when is Trump going to get on that??

Maybe he should shame the Chinese for being filthy inhuman savages instead of sucking up to their president like he always does...
The article from Minnesota/North Carolina continues:

'Third, residues 455, 486 and 494 are leucine, phenylalanine and serine in 2019-nCoV RBD, respectively (corresponding to residues 442, 472, and 480 in SARS-CoV, respectively). Based on our previous structural analysis, these three residues in SARS-CoV RBD play significant roles, albeit not as dramatic as residues 479 and 487, in ACE binding. More specifically, Tyr442 of human and civet SARS-CoV RBDs provides unfavorable interactions with hotspot-31 on human ACE2 (this residue has been mutated to Phe442 in the optimized RBD); Leu455 of 2019-nCoV RBD provides favorable interactions with hotspot-31, hence enhancing viral binding to human ACE2. Leu472 of human and civet SARS-CoV RBDs provides favorable support for hotspot-31 on human ACE2 through hydrophobic interactions with ACE2 residu Met82 and several other hydrophobic residues (this residue has been mutated to Phe472 in the optimized RBD); Phe486 of 2019-nCoV RBD provides even more support for hotspot-31, hence also enhancing viral binding to human ACE2. Asp480 of human and civet SARS-CoV Rbds provides favorable support for hotspot-353 on human ACE2 through a neighboring tyrosine (this residue remains as an aspartate in the optimized RBD); Ser494 in 2019-nCoV still provides positive support for hotspot-353, but the support is not as favorable as provided by Asp480. Overall, Leu455, Phe486 and Ser494 of 2019-nCoV RBD support that 2019-nCoV recognizes human ACE2 and infects human cells.

Last, having analyzed the interactions between 2019-nCoV RBD and human ACE2, how does 2019-nCoV RBD interact with putative ACE2 receptor orthologues from other animal species? Compared to human ACE2, both hotspot-31 and hotspot-353 on civet ACE2 have changed significantly (Fig.4). Specifically, residue 31 of civet ACE2 becomes a threonine, which can no longer form a salt bridge with Glu35; residue 38 of civet ACE2 becomes a glutamate, which forms a strong bifurcated salt bridge with Lys353 and no longer needs strong support from neighboring residues. A previously designed SARS-CoV RBD is optimal for binding to civet ACE2 (Fig 1B, 4B). In this designed RBD, Tyr442 forms a hydrogen bond with Thr31 of civet ACE2, and Gly480 does not provide unneeded support for hotspot-353. Furthermore, in the designed RBD, Thr487 provides limited but helpful support for hotspot-353. Here we constructed a structural model for the complex of 2019-nCoV RBD and civet ACE2. Based on this model, Phe486 of 2019-nCoV RBD forms moderately unfavorable interaction with the polar side chain of Thr82 of civet ACE2, and Leu455 and Gln493 would lose favorable interactions with civet ACE2 but they would be still compatible with civet ACE2. Thus, 2019-nCoV likely still uses civet ACE2 as its receptor, although it appears that 2019-nCoV RBD has not evolved adaptively for civet ACE2 binding.

Moreover, 2019-nCoV likely does not use mouse or rat ACE2 as its receptor because mouse or rat ACE2 contains a histidine at position 353, which does not fit into the virus-receptor interact as well as a lysine does. 2019-nCoV RBD likely recognizes ACE2 from pigs, ferrets, cats, orangutans, monkeys and humans with similar efficiency, because these ACE2 molecules are identical or similar in the critical virus-binding residues. The situation involving bat ACE2 is complex because of the diversity of bat species. Based on the sequence of ACE2 from Rhinolophus sinicus bats (which can be recognized by bat SARS-CoV strain Rs3367), 2019-nCoV RBD likely also recognizes bat ACE2 as it receptor. Overall, 2019-nCoV likely recognizes ACE2 orthologues from a diversity of species, except for mouse and rat ACE2 (which should be poor receptors fo 2019-nCoV).
Thus, 2019-nCoV evolution in patients should be closely monitored for the emergence of novel mutations at the 501 position (to a lesser extent, also the 494 position).'
www. Boston Symphony Orchestra Cancels East Asia Tour

Avian Flu Talk: 7th case, Germany; confirmed case, Santa Clara, Ca.
Has anyone had a chance to point out just how filthy, disgusting and inhuman Chinese people are yet??

Maybe if we keep stressing this point, this may help with combating the virus...
The videos of what they do to dogs is extremely disturbing. The fact that they allow that shit to happen speaks volumes about Chinese people. That is a rutheless culture, so it deserves a lot of criticism.
So when is Trump going to get on that??

Maybe he should shame the Chinese for being filthy inhuman savages instead of sucking up to their president like he always does...
That sounds like a terrible idea, considering he is in the middle of trade negotiations with them. You would suck at running a country.
Has anyone had a chance to point out just how filthy, disgusting and inhuman Chinese people are yet??

Maybe if we keep stressing this point, this may help with combating the virus...

I am confident that most are cleaner and more civilized than YOU.
Has anyone had a chance to point out just how filthy, disgusting and inhuman Chinese people are yet??

Maybe if we keep stressing this point, this may help with combating the virus...
The videos of what they do to dogs is extremely disturbing. The fact that they allow that shit to happen speaks volumes about Chinese people. That is a rutheless culture, so it deserves a lot of criticism.

The fact that you reach for such broadly illogical conclusions speaks volumes about YOU.
Has anyone had a chance to point out just how filthy, disgusting and inhuman Chinese people are yet??

Maybe if we keep stressing this point, this may help with combating the virus...
The videos of what they do to dogs is extremely disturbing. The fact that they allow that shit to happen speaks volumes about Chinese people. That is a rutheless culture, so it deserves a lot of criticism.

The fact that you reach for such broadly illogical conclusions speaks volumes about YOU.
People would be up in arms if that was happening in the US. The fact that they can commit horrifying wide spread cruelty to dogs, speaks volumes about Chinese culture. Why arent YOU critical of china too?
Has anyone had a chance to point out just how filthy, disgusting and inhuman Chinese people are yet??

Maybe if we keep stressing this point, this may help with combating the virus...
The videos of what they do to dogs is extremely disturbing. The fact that they allow that shit to happen speaks volumes about Chinese people. That is a rutheless culture, so it deserves a lot of criticism.
So when is Trump going to get on that??

Maybe he should shame the Chinese for being filthy inhuman savages instead of sucking up to their president like he always does...
That sounds like a terrible idea, considering he is in the middle of trade negotiations with them. You would suck at running a country.
In other words, your shaming tactic is just you being full of it
Has anyone had a chance to point out just how filthy, disgusting and inhuman Chinese people are yet??

Maybe if we keep stressing this point, this may help with combating the virus...
The videos of what they do to dogs is extremely disturbing. The fact that they allow that shit to happen speaks volumes about Chinese people. That is a rutheless culture, so it deserves a lot of criticism.

The fact that you reach for such broadly illogical conclusions speaks volumes about YOU.
People would be up in arms if that was happening in the US. The fact that they can commit horrifying wide spread cruelty to dogs, speaks volumes about Chinese culture. Why arent YOU critical of china too?

It’s NOT widespread. Only a very small, and rapidly shrinking, number of people in China today eat dog. Almost everyone under 30 finds it appalling. There is a large and growing movement to outlaw the annual ‘festival’ that upsets so many people there and around the world.
Has anyone had a chance to point out just how filthy, disgusting and inhuman Chinese people are yet??

Maybe if we keep stressing this point, this may help with combating the virus...
The videos of what they do to dogs is extremely disturbing. The fact that they allow that shit to happen speaks volumes about Chinese people. That is a rutheless culture, so it deserves a lot of criticism.
So when is Trump going to get on that??

Maybe he should shame the Chinese for being filthy inhuman savages instead of sucking up to their president like he always does...
That sounds like a terrible idea, considering he is in the middle of trade negotiations with them. You would suck at running a country.
In other words, your shaming tactic is just you being full of it
No retard, im saying the president shouldnt do it while hes in negotiations with them. Youre dumb.
Has anyone had a chance to point out just how filthy, disgusting and inhuman Chinese people are yet??

Maybe if we keep stressing this point, this may help with combating the virus...
The videos of what they do to dogs is extremely disturbing. The fact that they allow that shit to happen speaks volumes about Chinese people. That is a rutheless culture, so it deserves a lot of criticism.

The fact that you reach for such broadly illogical conclusions speaks volumes about YOU.
People would be up in arms if that was happening in the US. The fact that they can commit horrifying wide spread cruelty to dogs, speaks volumes about Chinese culture. Why arent YOU critical of china too?

It’s NOT widespread. Only a very small, and rapidly shrinking, number of people in China today eat dog. Almost everyone under 30 finds it appalling. There is a large and growing movement to outlaw the annual ‘festival’ that upsets so many people there and around the world.
You mean the festival where they torture puppies? Yeah, we should never criticize that. :cuckoo:
Has anyone had a chance to point out just how filthy, disgusting and inhuman Chinese people are yet??

Maybe if we keep stressing this point, this may help with combating the virus...
The videos of what they do to dogs is extremely disturbing. The fact that they allow that shit to happen speaks volumes about Chinese people. That is a rutheless culture, so it deserves a lot of criticism.

The fact that you reach for such broadly illogical conclusions speaks volumes about YOU.
People would be up in arms if that was happening in the US. The fact that they can commit horrifying wide spread cruelty to dogs, speaks volumes about Chinese culture. Why arent YOU critical of china too?

It’s NOT widespread. Only a very small, and rapidly shrinking, number of people in China today eat dog. Almost everyone under 30 finds it appalling. There is a large and growing movement to outlaw the annual ‘festival’ that upsets so many people there and around the world.
You mean the festival where they torture puppies? Yeah, we should never criticize that. :cuckoo:

Can you read at all?
The videos of what they do to dogs is extremely disturbing. The fact that they allow that shit to happen speaks volumes about Chinese people. That is a rutheless culture, so it deserves a lot of criticism.

The fact that you reach for such broadly illogical conclusions speaks volumes about YOU.
People would be up in arms if that was happening in the US. The fact that they can commit horrifying wide spread cruelty to dogs, speaks volumes about Chinese culture. Why arent YOU critical of china too?

It’s NOT widespread. Only a very small, and rapidly shrinking, number of people in China today eat dog. Almost everyone under 30 finds it appalling. There is a large and growing movement to outlaw the annual ‘festival’ that upsets so many people there and around the world.
You mean the festival where they torture puppies? Yeah, we should never criticize that. :cuckoo:

Can you read at all?
I knew there was no way you would be able to actually discuss a topic or defend your position. Its just more useless nonsense posts from Unkotare. What are you even doing here? What do you get out of this?
The fact that you reach for such broadly illogical conclusions speaks volumes about YOU.
People would be up in arms if that was happening in the US. The fact that they can commit horrifying wide spread cruelty to dogs, speaks volumes about Chinese culture. Why arent YOU critical of china too?

It’s NOT widespread. Only a very small, and rapidly shrinking, number of people in China today eat dog. Almost everyone under 30 finds it appalling. There is a large and growing movement to outlaw the annual ‘festival’ that upsets so many people there and around the world.
You mean the festival where they torture puppies? Yeah, we should never criticize that. :cuckoo:

Can you read at all?
I knew there was no way you would be able to actually discuss a topic or defend your position. Its just more useless nonsense posts from Unkotare. What are you even doing here? What do you get out of this?

I put him on ignore with a bunch of others....pretty soon my board will be liberal free. hehheh
People would be up in arms if that was happening in the US. The fact that they can commit horrifying wide spread cruelty to dogs, speaks volumes about Chinese culture. Why arent YOU critical of china too?

It’s NOT widespread. Only a very small, and rapidly shrinking, number of people in China today eat dog. Almost everyone under 30 finds it appalling. There is a large and growing movement to outlaw the annual ‘festival’ that upsets so many people there and around the world.
You mean the festival where they torture puppies? Yeah, we should never criticize that. :cuckoo:

Can you read at all?
I knew there was no way you would be able to actually discuss a topic or defend your position. Its just more useless nonsense posts from Unkotare. What are you even doing here? What do you get out of this?

I put him on ignore with a bunch of others....pretty soon my board will be liberal free. hehheh
I have never put anyone on ignore here, but ive been seriously considering it recently with Unkotare. His posts are so pointless, every time.
It’s NOT widespread. Only a very small, and rapidly shrinking, number of people in China today eat dog. Almost everyone under 30 finds it appalling. There is a large and growing movement to outlaw the annual ‘festival’ that upsets so many people there and around the world.
You mean the festival where they torture puppies? Yeah, we should never criticize that. :cuckoo:

Can you read at all?
I knew there was no way you would be able to actually discuss a topic or defend your position. Its just more useless nonsense posts from Unkotare. What are you even doing here? What do you get out of this?

I put him on ignore with a bunch of others....pretty soon my board will be liberal free. hehheh
I have never put anyone on ignore here, but ive been seriously considering it recently with Unkotare. His posts are so pointless, every time.

Exactly.....he along with several others are a complete waste of time.
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