Snake Meat......source of chinese virus

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10 minutes ago: WHO Declares

They declared, all right: and the stock market, down ALL day, went up to 124 positive!! WHAT? WHILE he was talking the Dow went down from -32 to -120 in TWO jumps, darndest thing to watch, very dramatic. But shortly it started up and closed quite high. I cannot understand what the traders were thinking.
Yes, and notice that it's from Rome (previous post) where the study supports the snake hypothesis of Ji et al. Unfortunately, we can't exclude viral mutations as the epidemic proceeds. The virulence may not remain at this level. The virus may also be transmitted through the eyes. What if no breathing has to happen? Suspected cases are pending in the Sudan.

Due to the moth-cell studies, it is time to investigate the target article we mentioned earlier in post #148: Characterization of Two Temperature-Sensitive Mutants of Coronavirus, (precisely [italics]) because it's the same strain as the moth cell reports.
Variants at this time, and a map:
(click on Latest Data and Analysis; Nonthaburi is in Thailand)
Forthcoming, will link the mouse hepatitis coronavirus to cold-shock for human hepatitis B virus and both to vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) spikeless particles. Ebola vaccine is based on VSV.
Avian Flu Talk forum: 'When the true CFR starts to show up in about two weeks, people are going to start freaking out....Doctor infected in France (source: Jerome Salomon)

Promedmail: China: There are now 7711 confirmed cases and 12,167 suspected cases....India patient was studying at Wuhan University....Vancouver, British Columbia, 1 confirmed case....North Shore, Richmond and Sea to Sky Corridor as far as Bella Coola.'
On the "Official" coronavirus thread, one can see how easy it is to go off-track by fixating on numbers: 'The overall numbers are for influenza, but you know it's not the same. It's like comparing mass shooting to auto accidents.'

When we notice similarities, the parameters change:

'....Another finding which supports the role of the homologous spike proteins in directing virus assembly is the inhibition of mixed phenotype formation in polarized epithelial cells. Mixed phenotypes were not formed between influenza virus and VSV early in double infections (Roth and Compans, 1981) because influenza virus buds from the apical membrane domain and VSV from the basolateral membrane of polarized MDCK cells. Formation of mixed viruses was observed only after cytopathic effects had led to loss of surface polarity and to mixing of the basolateral VSV G protein and the apical influenza surface glycoprotein over the whole cell surface.'
(Metsikko K, Simons K, THe Budding Mechanism of Spikeless Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Particles, EMBO Journal [1986] 5: 1913-20)
The chiinese eat all kinds of exotic foods......and live with pigs in many cases....the source of most of the flu viruses that travel around the world.

.Wuhan: Chinese scientists trace coronavirus to snakes - Breitbart do believe that the OP is a legitimate case of "fake news" How ironic, eh?

Don’t Blame Bat Soup for the Wuhan Virus

"Racist memes target Chinese eating habits, but the real causes of the coronavirus are more mundane.

As news of the Wuhan virus spread online, one video became emblematic of its claimed origin: It showed a young Chinese woman, supposedly in Wuhan, biting into a virtually whole bat as she held the creature up with chopsticks. Media outlets from the Daily Mail to RT promoted the video, as did a number of prominent extremist bloggers such as Paul Joseph Watson. Thousands of Twitter users blamed supposedly “dirty” Chinese eating habits—in particular the consumption of wildlife—for the outbreak, said to have begun at a so-called wet market that sold animals in Wuhan, China.

There was just one problem. The video wasn’t set in Wuhan at all, where bat isn’t a delicacy. It wasn’t even from China. Instead it showed Wang Mengyun, the host of an online travel show, eating a dish in Palau, a Pacific island nation. Sampling the bat was simply an addition to the well-trodden cannon of adventurism and enthusiasm for unusual foods that numerous American chefs and travel hosts have shown in the past.
At a time of heightened fear over a viral pandemic, the Palau video has been deployed in the United States and Europe to renew an old narrative about the supposedly disgusting eating habits of foreigners, especially Asians. Images of Chinese people or other Asians eating insects, snakes, or mice frequently circulate on social media or in clickbait news stories. This time, that was mixed with another old racist idea: that the “dirty” Chinese are carriers of disease. Many Americans long believed that, as the New York Daily Tribune wrote in 1854, Chinese people were “uncivilized, unclean, filthy beyond all conception.” Today, those same ideas have often been transferred to other groups such as South American refugees, yet they still persist in the way some Westerners think about China.

At a time of heightened fear over a viral pandemic, the Palau video has been deployed in the United States and Europe to renew an old narrative about the supposedly disgusting eating habits of foreigners, especially Asians.

These prejudices can fuel fear and racism. As the Wuhan virus spreads, the Chinese as a group are more and more likely to be blamed for its incubation and spread. In countries such as Malaysia and Indonesia, where there are already clashes around ethnic Chinese, those sentiments could turn nasty. In the West, especially under the Trump administration, it could fuel both government and public prejudices."
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The chiinese eat all kinds of exotic foods......and live with pigs in many cases....the source of most of the flu viruses that travel around the world.

.Wuhan: Chinese scientists trace coronavirus to snakes - Breitbart do believe that the OP is a legitimate case of fa\\"fake news" How ironic, eh?

Don’t Blame Bat Soup for the Wuhan Virus

"Racist memes target Chinese eating habits, but the real causes of the coronavirus are more mundane.

As news of the Wuhan virus spread online, one video became emblematic of its claimed origin: It showed a young Chinese woman, supposedly in Wuhan, biting into a virtually whole bat as she held the creature up with chopsticks. Media outlets from the Daily Mail to RT promoted the video, as did a number of prominent extremist bloggers such as Paul Joseph Watson. Thousands of Twitter users blamed supposedly “dirty” Chinese eating habits—in particular the consumption of wildlife—for the outbreak, said to have begun at a so-called wet market that sold animals in Wuhan, China.

There was just one problem. The video wasn’t set in Wuhan at all, where bat isn’t a delicacy. It wasn’t even from China. Instead it showed Wang Mengyun, the host of an online travel show, eating a dish in Palau, a Pacific island nation. Sampling the bat was simply an addition to the well-trodden cannon of adventurism and enthusiasm for unusual foods that numerous American chefs and travel hosts have shown in the past.
At a time of heightened fear over a viral pandemic, the Palau video has been deployed in the United States and Europe to renew an old narrative about the supposedly disgusting eating habits of foreigners, especially Asians. Images of Chinese people or other Asians eating insects, snakes, or mice frequently circulate on social media or in clickbait news stories. This time, that was mixed with another old racist idea: that the “dirty” Chinese are carriers of disease. Many Americans long believed that, as the New York Daily Tribune wrote in 1854, Chinese people were “uncivilized, unclean, filthy beyond all conception.” Today, those same ideas have often been transferred to other groups such as South American refugees, yet they still persist in the way some Westerners think about China.

At a time of heightened fear over a viral pandemic, the Palau video has been deployed in the United States and Europe to renew an old narrative about the supposedly disgusting eating habits of foreigners, especially Asians.

These prejudices can fuel fear and racism. As the Wuhan virus spreads, the Chinese as a group are more and more likely to be blamed for its incubation and spread. In countries such as Malaysia and Indonesia, where there are already clashes around ethnic Chinese, those sentiments could turn nasty. In the West, especially under the Trump administration, it could fuel both government and public prejudices."

Such a typical liberal response....blame any and or everyone but those responsible.....and above all --try to divert attention from the real cause and those really responsible in order to try and shift blame to the Trump administration....thus ignoring the real cause and things that actually need to be done to stop the spread of this idiotic poster such as above could easily be ignored but this type of mindset is so prevalent with the democrats/liberals/leftwingers.

This sort of mindset/stupidity comes into play time and again over and over....anytime there is a problem this liberal knee-jerk reaction to not blame the real cause or those responsible but to shift it to their political opponents is truly outrageous....blatantly trying to turn a very dangerous health problem into a political issue.....we saw the same thing when the hiv problem presented itself....and the result of that was millions of deaths that could have been avoided if the political game played by the liberals had not interfered.

Hopefully the chinese coronavirus will be stopped but--- if it it is not and it continues to spread world-wide and millions die...those who have played or are trying to play politics with it will be a huge reason for it not being stopped.....and we see China after being the cause of this virus......refusing to accept our help....we have very capable experts from the center for disease control that could be of tremendous help to china....but China is refusing the help..........why? -- politics.

Where Does The Flu Come From, And Why Are We Susceptible To Flu Every Year?

But whatever the cause it originated in China and they need to be more cooperative with the rest of the world to stop it.

Wuhan Coronavirus: China Plays the Blame Game
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For excerpting the "addiction module" in viruses and temperature-sensitive mutants, a rival study has emerged at Pubmed which goes into detail of the 2019-nCoV:

Receptor Recognition by Novel Coronavirus from Wuhan: An Analysis Based on Decade-Long Structural Studies of SARS
Receptor recognition by novel coronavirus from Wuhan: An analysis based on decade-long structural studies of SARS. - PubMed - NCBI
'....What is the source of 2019-nCoV and did a key intermediate host play an important role in the current 2019-nCoV outbreak? Similar to SARS-CoV, 2019-nCoV most likely has originated from bats, given its close phylogenetic relationship with other beta-genus lineage b bat SARS-CoV (Fig. 2). Moreover, 2019-nCoV likely recognizes ACE2 (angiotensin-converting enzyme 2) from a diversity of animal species, including palm civets, as its receptor. In the case of SARS-CoV, some of its critical RBD (receptor binding domain) residues were adapted to human ACE2, while some others were adapted to civet ACE2; this type of partial viral adaptions to two host species promoted virus replication and cross-species transmission between the two host species. In the case of 2019-nCoV, however, there is no strong evidence for adaptive mutations in its critical RBM (receptor binding motif) residues that specifically promote viral binding to civet ACE2.

Hence, either palm civets were not intermediate hosts for 2019-nCoV, or they passed 2019-nCoV to humans quickly before 2019-nCoV had any chance to adapt to civet ACE2. Like SARS-CoV, 2019-nCoV will likely replicate inefficiently in mice and rats, ruling them out as intermediate hosts for 2019-nCoV. Moreover, we predict that either 2019-nCoV or laboratory mice and rats would need to be genetically engineered before a robust mouse model for 2019-nCoV would become available. Pigs, ferrets, cats and non-human primates contain largely favorable 2019-nCoV-contacting residues in their ACE2, and hence may serve as animal models or intermediate hosts for 2019-nCoV. It is worth noting that SARS-CoV was isolated from palm civets near Wuhan in 2005, and its RBD had already been well adapted to civet ACE2 (except for residue 487). Thus bats, and other wild animals in and near Wuhan should be screened for both SARS-CoV and 2019-nCoV.

These above analyses are based on the modelling of 2019-nCoV RBD/ACE2 interactions, heavily grounded in a series of atomic level structures of SARS-CoV isolated from different hosts in different years. There are certainly other factors that affect the infectivity and pathogenesis of 2019-nCoV and will need to be investigated.'
Certain residues allow super-efficient binding, as the above article continues:

'(University of Minnesota/University of North Carolina). These structures showed that SARS-CoV RBD contains a core structure and a receptor-binding motif (RBM), and that the RBM binds to the outer surface of the claw-like structure of ACE2. Importantly, we identified two virus binding hotspots on human ACE2. A number of naturally selected RBM mutations occurred near these two virus-binding hotspots and these residues largely determined host range of SARS-CoV. Furthermore, we discovered specific amino acids at 442, 472, 479, 480 and 487 positions that enhance viral binding to human ACE2 and some other amino acids at these same positions that enhance viral binding to civet ACE2. Importantly, when all human-ACE2-favoring residues were combined into one RBD, this RBD binds to human ACE2 with super affinity and the corresponding spike protein mediates viral entry into human cells with super efficiency. An RBD with super affinity for civet ACE2 was also designed and empirically confirmed. These gain-of-function data provided strong evidence for the accuracy of our structural predictions.

A long-term goal of these earlier studies is to establish a structure-function predictive framework for improved epidemic surveillance. More specifically, we aim to predict receptor usage and host cell infectivity of future SARS-CoV or SARS-like viral strains and identify their possible animal origins and animal models. based on the sequences of their spike proteins and the known atomic structures of original SARS-CoV RBD/ACE2 complex.
Furthermore, among the 14 ACE2-contacting residues in the RBD, 9 are fully conserved and 4 are partially conserved among 2019-nCoV and SARS-CoV from human, civet and bat.'
(Receptor Recognition by Novel Coronavirus from Wuhan, op cit)
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Has anyone had a chance to point out just how filthy, disgusting and inhuman Chinese people are yet??

Maybe if we keep stressing this point, this may help with combating the virus...
The specifics of 2019-nCoV amino acids are intriguing:

'First, residue 493 in 2019-nCoV RBD (corresponding to residue 479 in SARS-CoV) is a glutamine (Fig. 1B, 1D). A previously designed SARS-CoV RBD is optimal for binding to human ACE2 (Fig 1B, 1C). Residue 479 in SARS-CoV RBD is located near virus-binding hotspot Lys31 (i.e., hotspot-31) on human ACE2. Hotspot-31 consists of a salt bridge between Lys31 and Glu35 buried in a hydrophobic environment. In civet SARS-CoV RBD (year 2002), residue 479 is a lysine, which imposes steric and electrostatic interference with hotspot-31. In human SARS-CoV RBD (year 2002), residue 479 becomes an asparagine. The the K479N (lysine479asparagine) mutation removes the unfavorable interaction at the RBD/human ACE2 interface, enhances viral binding to human ACE2, and played a critical role in civet-to-human transmission of SARS-CoV (Fig. 1C). Importantly, Gln 493 in 2019-nCoV RBD is compatible with hotspot-31, suggesting that 2019-nCoV is capable of recognizing human ACE2 and infecting human cells.

Second, residue 501 in 2019-nCoV RBD (corresponding to residue 487 in SARS-CoV is an asparagine. Based on our previous structural analysis, residue 487 in SARS-CoV is located near virus-binding hotspot Lys353 (i.e., hotspot-353) on human ACE2. Hotspot-353 consists of a salt bridge between lys353 and asp38 also buried in a hydrophobic environment. In civet SARS-CoV RBD (year 2002), residue 487 is a serine, which cannot provide favorable support for hotspot-353. In human SARS-CoV isolated in year 2002, residue 487 is a threonine, which strengthens the structural stability of hotspot-353. The S487T mutation adds the favorable interaction at the RBD/human ACE2 interface, enhances viral binding to human ACE2, and played a critical role in the human-to-human transmission of SARS-CoV. In SARS-CoV isolated in 2003, residue 487 is a serine and there was no human-to-human transmission for this SARS-CoV strain. Asn 501 in 2019-nCoV RBD provides more support to hotspot-353 than Ser487, but less than Thr487. This analysis suggests that 2019-nCoV recognizes human ACE2 less efficiently than human SARS-CoV (year 2002), but more efficiently than human SARS-CoV (year 2003). Hence, at least when considering ACE2-RBD interactions, 2019-nCoV has gained some capability to transmit from human to human.'
(Receptor Recognition by Novel Coronavirus from Wuhan, op cit)
Has anyone had a chance to point out just how filthy, disgusting and inhuman Chinese people are yet??

Maybe if we keep stressing this point, this may help with combating the virus...
The videos of what they do to dogs is extremely disturbing. The fact that they allow that shit to happen speaks volumes about Chinese people. That is a rutheless culture, so it deserves a lot of criticism.
For excerpting the "addiction module" in viruses and temperature-sensitive mutants, a rival study has emerged at Pubmed which goes into detail of the 2019-nCoV:

Receptor Recognition by Novel Coronavirus from Wuhan: An Analysis Based on Decade-Long Structural Studies of SARS
Receptor recognition by novel coronavirus from Wuhan: An analysis based on decade-long structural studies of SARS. - PubMed - NCBI
'....What is the source of 2019-nCoV and did a key intermediate host play an important role in the current 2019-nCoV outbreak? Similar to SARS-CoV, 2019-nCoV most likely has originated from bats, given its close phylogenetic relationship with other beta-genus lineage b bat SARS-CoV (Fig. 2). Moreover, 2019-nCoV likely recognizes ACE2 (angiotensin-converting enzyme 2) from a diversity of animal species, including palm civets, as its receptor. In the case of SARS-CoV, some of its critical RBD (receptor binding domain) residues were adapted to human ACE2, while some others were adapted to civet ACE2; this type of partial viral adaptions to two host species promoted virus replication and cross-species transmission between the two host species. In the case of 2019-nCoV, however, there is no strong evidence for adaptive mutations in its critical RBM (receptor binding motif) residues that specifically promote viral binding to civet ACE2.

Hence, either palm civets were not intermediate hosts for 2019-nCoV, or they passed 2019-nCoV to humans quickly before 2019-nCoV had any chance to adapt to civet ACE2. Like SARS-CoV, 2019-nCoV will likely replicate inefficiently in mice and rats, ruling them out as intermediate hosts for 2019-nCoV. Moreover, we predict that either 2019-nCoV or laboratory mice and rats would need to be genetically engineered before a robust mouse model for 2019-nCoV would become available. Pigs, ferrets, cats and non-human primates contain largely favorable 2019-nCoV-contacting residues in their ACE2, and hence may serve as animal models or intermediate hosts for 2019-nCoV. It is worth noting that SARS-CoV was isolated from palm civets near Wuhan in 2005, and its RBD had already been well adapted to civet ACE2 (except for residue 487). Thus bats, and other wild animals in and near Wuhan should be screened for both SARS-CoV and 2019-nCoV.

These above analyses are based on the modelling of 2019-nCoV RBD/ACE2 interactions, heavily grounded in a series of atomic level structures of SARS-CoV isolated from different hosts in different years. There are certainly other factors that affect the infectivity and pathogenesis of 2019-nCoV and will need to be investigated.'

There are probably about 2 or 3 of us on here that understand what you are posting;
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