Snake Meat......source of chinese virus

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A look at David Baltimore's link to temperature-sensitive spikeless VSV is not only an ebola vaccine link, but also an HIV link:

David Baltimore
David Baltimore - Wikipedia
'....He also met his future wife, Alice Huang, who began working with Baltimore at Salk in 1967....At MIT, Huang, Baltimore and graduate student Martha Stampfer discovered that VSV involved an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase within the virus particle, and used a novel replication strategy to replicate its genome. He went on to discover reverse transcriptase, essential for retroviruses. The viruses that fall into this category include HIV.'

'On the basis of results obtained with spikeless VSV particles formed during double infection with retroviruses and G protein mutants of VSV, it has been postulated that no G protein is needed to incorporate foreign glycoproteins into VSV particles....Our studies support the conclusion of Witte and Baltimore (1977) who reported that some G protein has to be included to form mixed VSV particles during double infection with Maloney murine leukemia virus in 3T3 fibroblasts....Our observations suggest that virus particles are formed at restrictive temperature with G protein which is later cleaved to produce spikeless particles. We suggest that this is due to a leak of G protein to the cell surface at 39.5 C where budding takes place....'
(Metsikko K, Simons K, The Budding Mechanism of Spikeless Vesicular Stomatitis Virus, EMBO Journal [1986] 5: 1913-20)

Thus, use of remdesevir links ebola and coronaviruses, while HIV and ACE2 are exceptions in pangolin alignments comparing 2019-nCoV.
For many years, medical historians and epidemiologists hypothesized that the outbreak could have started at a British army base in Étaples, France, or at Fort Riley in Kansas, where the first American cases of this new strain of flu were recorded in March of 1918.

More recently, experts have proposed a third hypothesis: The Spanish flu originated somewhere in northern China in late 1917 and swiftly moved to western Europe with the 140,000 Chinese laborers the French and British governments recruited to perform manual labor to free up troops for wartime duty.

Regardless of its origins, the Spanish Flu was an unprecedented global epidemic

HHS secretary declares coronavirus a public health emergency

These are the three origin hypotheses in the book on influenza I just finished, Pale Rider. It is the one I think is most likely, because most epidemics originate in China, and the ones that don't come from there come from Africa.
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53 minute ago (Avian Flu Talk) thread: 'Details of 1st U.S. Case Treatment'
'....Wonder if the antiviral intervention stopped him becoming critical like the Philippine case....That would not surprise me; there are some receptors in common between this virus and HIV.'
1.5 hours ago

AFT 3 Feb 2020 'Dr. Poland, Mayo Clinic: "We're basically at a pandemic now....17,205 cases, 361 deaths in China."....Dr. Scott Gottlieb, former FDA Commissioner: "I think we're going to start seeing secondary spread in the U.S. in the next two or three weeks." '
It's difficult not to fixate on the numbers:

Promedmail: 'As of 24:00 on 2 Feb 2020, the National Health and Health Commission has received a total of 17,205 cases (31 cases in Beijing and 1 case in Jiangxi Province and 1 case in Chongqing City), 147 newly cured cases (80 in Hubei Province) and 5173 newly suspected cases. At present, 189,583 close contacts have been traced....a total of 152,700 people are receiving medical observations.'
Promedmail: 2 Feb 2020 Secondary Transmission of MERS-CoV, 5 new cases, 2 deaths, Saudi Arabia. UAE, Abu Dhabi, 2 new cases. (contact with camels unknown)

2019-nCoV Cases
Japan 20
Thailand 19
Singapore 18
Hong Kong 15
S. Korea 15
Australia 12
Germany 10
Taiwan 10
U.S. 11
Macau 8
Malaysia 8
France 6
Vietnam 6
Canada 4
Italy 2
Russia 2
Philippines 2
India 2
UK 2
Nepal 1
Canada 1
Spain 1
Finland 1
Sweden 1
Sri Lanka 1....'
We'll excerpt from this article to help clarify diagnostic systems:
Treatment of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura with ascorbate. - PubMed - NCBI
'....Pairwise sliding window of percent nucleotide similarity of 2019-nCoV aligns with bat SARS-like coronavirus, MERS-CoV, HCoV-229E, HCoV-HKU1, HCoV-OC43....At present there are several commercially available multiplex NAAT tests for specimens in clinical virology laboratories. They can detect HCoV-229E, -NL63, -OC43 & HKU1. In addition, the BioFire Film Array Respiratory Panel 2 plus BioFire Film Array Pneumonia Panel plus can detect MERS-CoV in human clinical specimens. A recent study reported that the RespiFinderSmart 22 kit (Pathofinder BV, Netherlands) failed to identify 2019-nCoV in the bronchoaveolar-lavage specimens collected from 2019-nCoV-infected patients in Wuhan, China. Two major FDA-cleared multiplex PCR systems in the U.S., including the ePlex Respiratory Pathogen Panel (GenMark, Carlsbad, Ca) and the Film Array Coronavirus Assays (BioFire Diagnostics, Salt Lake, Ut), are predicted no cross-reactivity with 2019-nCoV....While we know relatively little about 2019-nCoV, we do know that it is a highly pathogenic human pathogen, possibly a zoonotic agent.'
Post # 234: Link? Yes, we have already posted Thai material to this thread, and we don't doubt the cure because at least one weak spot was the under-reporting of the HIV link to ACE2 and both to 2019-nCoV (previous posts).
Thai-linked reports are in posts # 212, 215 and 217. Remdesevir links both ebola and coronaviruses.
Oseltamivir synthesis starter material is shikimic acid from star anise, Illicium verum. This plant has been traded for centuries across borders of Thailand, Laos and Vietnam. Though from a different source, anise seed is from Pimpinella anisum. It is noteworthy that Illicium is a member of Schisandraceae. Schisandra species are used against Hepatitis B virus. Another med the Thais used is ritonavir, a protease inhibitor that is used against Hepatitis C virus. Amiodarone is contraindicated in use with ritonavir, which latter shuts down a liver enzyme, Cyp 3A4. Amiodarone synthesis starter material is khellin from Ammi majus (Apiaceae).

There is yet more to mention concerning mouse hepatitis coronavirus temperature-sensitive mutants, because it was Baruch S. Blumberg (NASA Astrobiology) who first used deoxynojirimycin from mulberry (Morus species) to prevent maturation of the hepatitis B virus. Forthcoming, we will link cold-shock in mulberry to the beginning of synthesis of deoxynojirimycin in the tree, and that parameter to the important article mentioned in post #148 (Luytjes, et al).

Though from a different source, anise seeds are from Pimpinella anisum. Badger recommends Pimpinella seed on Alaskan salmon.
Avian Flu Talk, 5 minutes ago: ' 19,843 confirmed cases worldwide, 426 fatalities.'
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