SNAP (food stamps) should be restricted to rice, flour, rolled oats, and sugar

When you take my money that I work for so you can optionally stay home and watch television all day, that's not capitalism, that's socialism.
You don't have to work if you don't want to; underpayment is capitalism, not socialism.

It is socialism. If you're living on other people's money, that's socialism.
dude; using the (other) People's tax monies is socialism, so what is your point?

Socialism starts with a Social Contract like a federal or State Constitution.

That is my point. When you use others money to support yourself, it is socialism. Where do you think this unemployment money comes from? It came from other people that created that money.
our wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror are being funded by socialism, and you are complaining about unemployment compensation?

No, those are crimes taxpayers fund to fight. Those laws benefit most if not all Americans, so we all fund them.
Not in the least bit. The only place money "goes" is to the poor and the lazy. Money doesn't "go" to the rich, it's created by the rich and then taken from them..

So when the wealthy refuse to pay their workers a living wage because the government says they don't have to, and they choose to pay their executives and their shareholders, you're just fine with subsidizing their payroll so that the executives and the shareholders get more.

People get paid what they are worth. The shareholders and executives are not being subsidized by anybody.
worth is relative. Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages not minimum wages.

Because he felt that's what it took to keep good workers. And it's not relative. A persons worth to an employer is what a company can get another person to do the same quality of work for.

If you scrub toilets for a living, sweep floors, or stock shelves, those are jobs you can train a monkey to do, therefore because anybody can do these jobs, they don't pay very well because if you don't want to take that job, somebody else will.

Less likely if you are skilled such as an electrician, HVAC, carpenter, bricklayer, you make much better money because an employer can't find just anybody to do that kind of work. You need education, training, and experience.

If you study hard and become a doctor, lawyer, engineer, pharmacist, you make great money because most people can't do those jobs.

The bottom line is the less people that have the ability to do your job, the more money you are worth to an employer.
The point was; he doubled autoworker wages, not minimum wages. why is the right whining about it.

Why would we be whining about what Ford did decades and decades ago?

When you take my money that I work for so you can optionally stay home and watch television all day, that's not capitalism, that's socialism.

The Moon Bat is confused about things like this. You are probably just wasting your time trying to educate him.

Not in the least bit. The only place money "goes" is to the poor and the lazy. Money doesn't "go" to the rich, it's created by the rich and then taken from them..

These stupid Moon Bats think that everybody making more money than themselves should be taxed at 100%. If they are not taxed at that amount then the Moon Bats think they are somehow stealing money from the Moon Bats.

I know it is ridiculous and convoluted but these Moon Bats are not exactly the best and the brightest and they are filled with envy and greed and think somebody else should be paying their bills.

I think you are just being like that, if you care how much the poor make and how they make it. How much do the rich actually pay in personal income taxes?

The people that are considered rich pays the great bulk of the income tax so that greedy worthless Moon Bats like yourself can get something for nothing, which is despicable..

CBO study shows that 'the rich' don’t just pay a 'fair share' of federal taxes, they pay almost everybody’s share - AEI

CBO study shows that ‘the rich’ don’t just pay a ‘fair share’ of federal taxes, they pay almost everybody’s share

One of the main takeaways from this year’s report is that the richest Americans pay a lot in taxes. In 2013, the top 1% of households paid an average of 34% of their income in federal taxes. To compare, the middle 20% of households paid only 12.8% of their income in taxes. Moreover, taxes on the rich are much higher than they’ve been in recent years.

Not in the least bit. The only place money "goes" is to the poor and the lazy. Money doesn't "go" to the rich, it's created by the rich and then taken from them..

These stupid Moon Bats think that everybody making more money than themselves should be taxed at 100%. If they are not taxed at that amount then the Moon Bats think they are somehow stealing money from the Moon Bats.

I know it is ridiculous and convoluted but these Moon Bats are not exactly the best and the brightest and they are filled with envy and greed and think somebody else should be paying their bills.

What's telling is the entitlement mentality. Money belongs to whoever the government thinks it belongs to instead of the creator and owner of that money. Leftists think that the United States should operate like one giant commune. When somebody makes or earns a substantial amount of money, that money belongs to everybody. That's what Danny thinks is capitalism.

"Liberals believe if you make money, you are not entitled to it, but if you want money, you are."
Ken Blackwell

What's telling is the entitlement mentality. Money belongs to whoever the government thinks it belongs to instead of the creator and owner of that money. Leftists think that the United States should operate like one giant commune. When somebody makes or earns a substantial amount of money, that money belongs to everybody. That's what Danny thinks is capitalism.

"Liberals believe if you make money, you are not entitled to it, but if you want money, you are."
Ken Blackwell

Danny is a confused, envious, greedy and not all that bright Moon Bat. He is simply not capable of ever getting it right.

It takes a very despicable human being to think that they are entitled to have somebody else pay their bills simply because they are alive.

What's telling is the entitlement mentality. Money belongs to whoever the government thinks it belongs to instead of the creator and owner of that money. Leftists think that the United States should operate like one giant commune. When somebody makes or earns a substantial amount of money, that money belongs to everybody. That's what Danny thinks is capitalism.

"Liberals believe if you make money, you are not entitled to it, but if you want money, you are."
Ken Blackwell

Danny is a confused, envious, greedy and not all that bright Moon Bat. He is simply not capable of ever getting it right.

It takes a very despicable human being to think that they are entitled to have somebody else pay their bills simply because they are alive.
Ever notice how liberals think they are entitled to everything while conservatives are entitled to nothing?

They are self absorbed and don't live in reality.
You don't have to work if you don't want to; underpayment is capitalism, not socialism.

It is socialism. If you're living on other people's money, that's socialism.
dude; using the (other) People's tax monies is socialism, so what is your point?

Socialism starts with a Social Contract like a federal or State Constitution.

That is my point. When you use others money to support yourself, it is socialism. Where do you think this unemployment money comes from? It came from other people that created that money.
our wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror are being funded by socialism, and you are complaining about unemployment compensation?

No, those are crimes taxpayers fund to fight. Those laws benefit most if not all Americans, so we all fund them.
same thing with social services.
So when the wealthy refuse to pay their workers a living wage because the government says they don't have to, and they choose to pay their executives and their shareholders, you're just fine with subsidizing their payroll so that the executives and the shareholders get more.

People get paid what they are worth. The shareholders and executives are not being subsidized by anybody.
worth is relative. Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages not minimum wages.

Because he felt that's what it took to keep good workers. And it's not relative. A persons worth to an employer is what a company can get another person to do the same quality of work for.

If you scrub toilets for a living, sweep floors, or stock shelves, those are jobs you can train a monkey to do, therefore because anybody can do these jobs, they don't pay very well because if you don't want to take that job, somebody else will.

Less likely if you are skilled such as an electrician, HVAC, carpenter, bricklayer, you make much better money because an employer can't find just anybody to do that kind of work. You need education, training, and experience.

If you study hard and become a doctor, lawyer, engineer, pharmacist, you make great money because most people can't do those jobs.

The bottom line is the less people that have the ability to do your job, the more money you are worth to an employer.
The point was; he doubled autoworker wages, not minimum wages. why is the right whining about it.

Why would we be whining about what Ford did decades and decades ago?
because, you can't do it today with minimum wages without whining about it, not autoworker wages.

Not in the least bit. The only place money "goes" is to the poor and the lazy. Money doesn't "go" to the rich, it's created by the rich and then taken from them..

These stupid Moon Bats think that everybody making more money than themselves should be taxed at 100%. If they are not taxed at that amount then the Moon Bats think they are somehow stealing money from the Moon Bats.

I know it is ridiculous and convoluted but these Moon Bats are not exactly the best and the brightest and they are filled with envy and greed and think somebody else should be paying their bills.
did you know, you have nothing but fallacy? why mooch off those that actually have an argument.

I think you are just being like that, if you care how much the poor make and how they make it. How much do the rich actually pay in personal income taxes?

The people that are considered rich pays the great bulk of the income tax so that greedy worthless Moon Bats like yourself can get something for nothing, which is despicable..

CBO study shows that 'the rich' don’t just pay a 'fair share' of federal taxes, they pay almost everybody’s share - AEI

CBO study shows that ‘the rich’ don’t just pay a ‘fair share’ of federal taxes, they pay almost everybody’s share

One of the main takeaways from this year’s report is that the richest Americans pay a lot in taxes. In 2013, the top 1% of households paid an average of 34% of their income in federal taxes. To compare, the middle 20% of households paid only 12.8% of their income in taxes. Moreover, taxes on the rich are much higher than they’ve been in recent years.
How much in personal income tax did the rich pay?

How much did Mr. Trump pay in personal income taxes?

I think you are just being like that, if you care how much the poor make and how they make it. How much do the rich actually pay in personal income taxes?

The people that are considered rich pays the great bulk of the income tax so that greedy worthless Moon Bats like yourself can get something for nothing, which is despicable..

CBO study shows that 'the rich' don’t just pay a 'fair share' of federal taxes, they pay almost everybody’s share - AEI

CBO study shows that ‘the rich’ don’t just pay a ‘fair share’ of federal taxes, they pay almost everybody’s share

One of the main takeaways from this year’s report is that the richest Americans pay a lot in taxes. In 2013, the top 1% of households paid an average of 34% of their income in federal taxes. To compare, the middle 20% of households paid only 12.8% of their income in taxes. Moreover, taxes on the rich are much higher than they’ve been in recent years.
How much in personal income tax did the rich pay?

How much did Mr. Trump pay in personal income taxes?
More than you. Quit whining.

Not in the least bit. The only place money "goes" is to the poor and the lazy. Money doesn't "go" to the rich, it's created by the rich and then taken from them..

These stupid Moon Bats think that everybody making more money than themselves should be taxed at 100%. If they are not taxed at that amount then the Moon Bats think they are somehow stealing money from the Moon Bats.

I know it is ridiculous and convoluted but these Moon Bats are not exactly the best and the brightest and they are filled with envy and greed and think somebody else should be paying their bills.

What's telling is the entitlement mentality. Money belongs to whoever the government thinks it belongs to instead of the creator and owner of that money. Leftists think that the United States should operate like one giant commune. When somebody makes or earns a substantial amount of money, that money belongs to everybody. That's what Danny thinks is capitalism.

"Liberals believe if you make money, you are not entitled to it, but if you want money, you are."
Ken Blackwell
providing for the general welfare is in our Constitution. providing for a wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror, are not.

What's telling is the entitlement mentality. Money belongs to whoever the government thinks it belongs to instead of the creator and owner of that money. Leftists think that the United States should operate like one giant commune. When somebody makes or earns a substantial amount of money, that money belongs to everybody. That's what Danny thinks is capitalism.

"Liberals believe if you make money, you are not entitled to it, but if you want money, you are."
Ken Blackwell

Danny is a confused, envious, greedy and not all that bright Moon Bat. He is simply not capable of ever getting it right.

It takes a very despicable human being to think that they are entitled to have somebody else pay their bills simply because they are alive.
equal protection of the law just needs to be trampled, for profit?

What's telling is the entitlement mentality. Money belongs to whoever the government thinks it belongs to instead of the creator and owner of that money. Leftists think that the United States should operate like one giant commune. When somebody makes or earns a substantial amount of money, that money belongs to everybody. That's what Danny thinks is capitalism.

"Liberals believe if you make money, you are not entitled to it, but if you want money, you are."
Ken Blackwell

Danny is a confused, envious, greedy and not all that bright Moon Bat. He is simply not capable of ever getting it right.

It takes a very despicable human being to think that they are entitled to have somebody else pay their bills simply because they are alive.
Ever notice how liberals think they are entitled to everything while conservatives are entitled to nothing?

They are self absorbed and don't live in reality.
ever notice how alleged conservatives socialize everything, nationally, and blame the left for our welfare-state, because the right refuses to pay for our warfare-state.

What's telling is the entitlement mentality. Money belongs to whoever the government thinks it belongs to instead of the creator and owner of that money. Leftists think that the United States should operate like one giant commune. When somebody makes or earns a substantial amount of money, that money belongs to everybody. That's what Danny thinks is capitalism.

"Liberals believe if you make money, you are not entitled to it, but if you want money, you are."
Ken Blackwell

Danny is a confused, envious, greedy and not all that bright Moon Bat. He is simply not capable of ever getting it right.

It takes a very despicable human being to think that they are entitled to have somebody else pay their bills simply because they are alive.
Ever notice how liberals think they are entitled to everything while conservatives are entitled to nothing?

They are self absorbed and don't live in reality.
ever notice how alleged conservatives socialize everything, nationally, and blame the left for our welfare-state, because the right refuses to pay for our warfare-state.
Next time in English please.

I think you are just being like that, if you care how much the poor make and how they make it. How much do the rich actually pay in personal income taxes?

The people that are considered rich pays the great bulk of the income tax so that greedy worthless Moon Bats like yourself can get something for nothing, which is despicable..

CBO study shows that 'the rich' don’t just pay a 'fair share' of federal taxes, they pay almost everybody’s share - AEI

CBO study shows that ‘the rich’ don’t just pay a ‘fair share’ of federal taxes, they pay almost everybody’s share

One of the main takeaways from this year’s report is that the richest Americans pay a lot in taxes. In 2013, the top 1% of households paid an average of 34% of their income in federal taxes. To compare, the middle 20% of households paid only 12.8% of their income in taxes. Moreover, taxes on the rich are much higher than they’ve been in recent years.
How much in personal income tax did the rich pay?

How much did Mr. Trump pay in personal income taxes?
More than you. Quit whining.
in personal income tax?
just right wing fantasy?

Donald J. Trump declared a $916 million loss on his 1995 income tax returns, a tax deduction so substantial it could have allowed him to legally avoid paying any federal income taxes for up to 18 years, records obtained by The New York Times show.--

ever notice how the right wing, just makes up fantasies, and proclaims them to the "gospel Truth".

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