Snopes Finally Gets Around to Fact-Checking the Entire Basis of Biden's Presidency, and Libs Are Big Mad


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Only took them 4-years (7 overall). smh

But anyone with ears to listen knew this back then. But fake news didn't care.

Since then, the idea that Trump "praised" neo-nazis has become canon on the left. Even in 2024, the White House still repeats the allegation. There's just one problem: It was never true.
For reasons that weren't immediately clear, Snopes randomly decided to set the record straight a week before the first presidential debate in 2024, and it has Democrats fuming.

We looked into these claims, and found that while Trump did say there were "very fine people on both sides," meaning both the protesters and the counterprotesters, he also condemned neo-Nazis and white nationalists outright and said he was specifically referring to those who were there only to participate in the statue protest. We found the original clip on C-SPAN, and transcribed the relevant section below:

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Yet the left STILL uses these true "cheap fakes" to attack Trump but then complains when the right uses REAL VIDEO of Biden off in la-la land to show that he's incompetent to be president.
Snopes is a super-liberal site so if they call biden a liar, that settles it. And still the TV press calls trump a liar. I can't think of any trump lies while biden has lied a ton of times.

The Trump campaign says a recent fact-check report debunking the claim that then-President Trump spoke favorably of neo-Nazis in 2017 shows President Biden and his campaign had promoted a "lie" and called on them to not promote the "hoax" again.

Left-leaning fact-checking website Snopes published a piece Saturday debunking claims promoted by President Biden and some members of the media that following the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017, Trump called neo-Nazis "very fine people." Biden has repeatedly cited the false claim, even saying it was the impetus for his 2020 White House run against Trump.

Trump campaign national press secretary Karoline Leavitt told Fox News Digital on Sunday that the Snopes fact check shows Biden and other "corrupt Democrats" promoted a "lie" and "hoax."

Snopes is a super-liberal site so if they call biden a liar, that settles it. And still the TV press calls trump a liar. I can't think of any trump lies while biden has lied a ton of times.

Yeah, far-Left Snopes occasionally gets something right. Took them seven years to post this fact check.

Snopes still can't be trusted for facts of a political nature.

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