Snowden Provides Transparency; Obama Mum


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
There is already a thread on this site about how the Spy Agency has abused privacy rules THOUSANDS of times.

But, I didn't see where it gave credit to the person who provided the information to the American people.

There was an Internal Audit that found out about the abuse. But, it didn't go to the Congress in hopes those whores would correct the abuse.

It was suppressed by the Administration of our Transparency President. The socialist liar in the White House told us that there were no abuses. The audit was handled like the old Soviet Politboro would have handled it. Buried.

We found out about it only because SNOWDEN LEAKED IT.

Does anyone know why a supposed traitor living in Russia had to tell us about the Internal Audit, instead of the Transparency Administration?
Snowden is a hero. I m sure his parents are very proud of him. It is just sad they can't see him anywhere but in Russia. One day the scumbag in chief will be out and perhaps good legal counsel can bring him home to the hero's welcome he deserves.
let me take a wild ass guess, the Transparency Administration lies, then tells another lie to cover the first lie, then lies to cover that lie and the cycle of lies continue to build till a patriot like Snowden gets fed up with this regimes lies and bullshit then outs the liars.., am i close ?
Snowden is a hero. I m sure his parents are very proud of him. It is just sad they can't see him anywhere but in Russia. One day the scumbag in chief will be out and perhaps good legal counsel can bring him home to the hero's welcome he deserves.

That's a long time coming. America is now among the most corrupt nations. It's very sad.
I'm amazed some posters are anti Snowden.
The bloke has done you lot a massive favour in exposing criminal acts by your government.
At least he found a country. I could easily channel the fears his parents had when he was living in that airport. I have a son in the tech field who is so idealistic he would have done the same thing.
I'm amazed some posters are anti Snowden.
The bloke has done you lot a massive favour in exposing criminal acts by your government.

What did I miss. The other two posts do not seem anti Snowden.
I'm amazed some posters are anti Snowden.
The bloke has done you lot a massive favour in exposing criminal acts by your government.

What did I miss. The other two posts do not seem anti Snowden.

Other threads.
He's been called everything from a pig to a dog but all he's really done is expose criminals.
People usually get a reward for that.
I'm amazed some posters are anti Snowden.
The bloke has done you lot a massive favour in exposing criminal acts by your government.

What did I miss. The other two posts do not seem anti Snowden.

Other threads.
He's been called everything from a pig to a dog but all he's really done is expose criminals.
People usually get a reward for that.

Yeah those freedom loving liberals, they hate anyone who exposes their little tin god in the White House. In fact, they are just haters. Period. Don't believe it? Visit The Repository of Liberal Intolerance thread.
Snowden is a hero. I m sure his parents are very proud of him. It is just sad they can't see him anywhere but in Russia. One day the scumbag in chief will be out and perhaps good legal counsel can bring him home to the hero's welcome he deserves.


Trust in Obama has faded by imperceptible degrees. He has ceased to inspire confidence. Mendacity has proven to be a foundational element of his character.

His condemnation of Snowden, joined by most of the other leading whores of both parties in that cesspool we call our capitol, is alone reason enough to side with Snowden.

A hero is someone who puts himself in harm's way for the good of others in a worthy cause.

Snowden put himself in harm's way for the American people. The only question was whether he did so in a worthy cause. Did he do more good than harm?

It is a unique case. Public opinion, not establishment Washington, gets to decide. And it appears Public Opinion has found in his favor.....and in the process has also found that our leaders are not to be trusted.

Sad times.

Bring Snowden home and decorate him.
What did I miss. The other two posts do not seem anti Snowden.

Other threads.
He's been called everything from a pig to a dog but all he's really done is expose criminals.
People usually get a reward for that.

Yeah those freedom loving liberals, they hate anyone who exposes their little tin god in the White House. In fact, they are just haters. Period. Don't believe it? Visit The Repository of Liberal Intolerance thread.

I thought Obama in the white house was a good idea; if for nothing else, he really pissed off the racists.
However, he's turning into a first class corrupt bastard.
Edward Snowden is the genuine real deal hero. I am so glad he is in a safe country strong enough to protect him.

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