Snowden tells Chinese that we are hacking them.

Great guy!

Edward Snowden Claims NSA Documents Show U.S. Hacks China: Report

Alleged NSA leaker Edward Snowden claimed today to have evidence that the U.S. government has been hacking into Chinese computer networks since at least 2009 – an effort he said is part of the tens of thousands of hacking operations American cyber spies have launched around the world, according to a Hong Kong newspaper.

The newspaper, the South China Morning Post, reported it had conducted a lengthy interview with the 29-year-old former NSA contractor, who is hiding out in Hong Kong after revealing himself to be the source of a series of headline-grabbing stories about the National Security Agency's secret, vast surveillance programs. After their unveiling, those programs were acknowledged and defended by top Obama administration officials.

What a dumbfuck.

Speaking of dumbfucks, why would you start a thread with a title like that? It's pretty clear to anyone following the story in the media that conservatives and liberals are pretty evenly divided on the whole hero/traitor thing. People on both sides of the issue come from both sides of the aisle.
QFT... this is a liberty vs. authoritarian thing... not a left vs. right thing.
Horseshit---you just hate the guy because he's making things a bit uncomfortable for Obama. You have no clue what he has told China or what China already knew.

^ Here's one "patriot". Any more? Good on you to advocate for the Chinese.


This is how real American patriots handle this sort of shit.

[ame=]Rangel Responds to Chavez - YouTube[/ame]

Didn't matter who the President was to Rangel.

You fuck with one of fuck with us all.

You miss the point. Obama is not one of us, and neither are you it seems. You are like one of the folks that supported the King of England during the Revolutionary War. You and your King Obama are traitors to those who desire freedom in this country. Yes, you and your ilk are the Enemy.

We live in a Representative Democracy.

Got it?

Or is the Constitution not known to you.

And in that Constitution it allows for a MAJORITY of AMERICANS to elect a President.

That's what happened.

NOT ONCE..BUT TWICE. DON'T know what the fuck you are talking about, ace.
^ Here's one "patriot". Any more? Good on you to advocate for the Chinese.


This is how real American patriots handle this sort of shit.

Rangel Responds to Chavez - YouTube

Didn't matter who the President was to Rangel.

You fuck with one of fuck with us all.

You miss the point. Obama is not one of us, and neither are you it seems. You are like one of the folks that supported the King of England during the Revolutionary War. You and your King Obama are traitors to those who desire freedom in this country. Yes, you and your ilk are the Enemy.

We live in a Representative Democracy.

Got it?

Or is the Constitution not known to you.

And in that Constitution it allows for a MAJORITY of AMERICANS to elect a President.

That's what happened.

NOT ONCE..BUT TWICE. DON'T know what the fuck you are talking about, ace.

The majority of Americans abstained from voting. A majority of Americans voted "no one".

But, hacks with low information gonna hack. Hackity hack hack hack.
^ Here's one "patriot". Any more? Good on you to advocate for the Chinese.


This is how real American patriots handle this sort of shit.

Rangel Responds to Chavez - YouTube

Didn't matter who the President was to Rangel.

You fuck with one of fuck with us all.

You miss the point. Obama is not one of us, and neither are you it seems. You are like one of the folks that supported the King of England during the Revolutionary War. You and your King Obama are traitors to those who desire freedom in this country. Yes, you and your ilk are the Enemy.

We live in a Representative Democracy.

Got it?

Or is the Constitution not known to you.

And in that Constitution it allows for a MAJORITY of AMERICANS to elect a President.

That's what happened.

NOT ONCE..BUT TWICE. DON'T know what the fuck you are talking about, ace.

What's your point? That the democrats can steal elections by having 101% turn out in their districts where every single voter voted democrat and not one voted republican? I could win elections too if I was doing the counting.
Great guy!

Edward Snowden Claims NSA Documents Show U.S. Hacks China: Report

Alleged NSA leaker Edward Snowden claimed today to have evidence that the U.S. government has been hacking into Chinese computer networks since at least 2009 – an effort he said is part of the tens of thousands of hacking operations American cyber spies have launched around the world, according to a Hong Kong newspaper.

The newspaper, the South China Morning Post, reported it had conducted a lengthy interview with the 29-year-old former NSA contractor, who is hiding out in Hong Kong after revealing himself to be the source of a series of headline-grabbing stories about the National Security Agency's secret, vast surveillance programs. After their unveiling, those programs were acknowledged and defended by top Obama administration officials.

What a dumbfuck.

Speaking of dumbfucks, why would you start a thread with a title like that? It's pretty clear to anyone following the story in the media that conservatives and liberals are pretty evenly divided on the whole hero/traitor thing. People on both sides of the issue come from both sides of the aisle.

It should have been pretty clear when Snowden left the country.

Unfortunately..for some..not so much.
The left must be desperate to change the subject. It's clear that the "intelligence community" is hemorrhaging information but that is par for the course since the CIA turned on president Bush. Manning and Major Nadal might be left wing heroes but who said Snowden a "conservative hero"? Republican congressman King wants him arrested.
You miss the point. Obama is not one of us, and neither are you it seems. You are like one of the folks that supported the King of England during the Revolutionary War. You and your King Obama are traitors to those who desire freedom in this country. Yes, you and your ilk are the Enemy.

We live in a Representative Democracy.

Got it?

Or is the Constitution not known to you.

And in that Constitution it allows for a MAJORITY of AMERICANS to elect a President.

That's what happened.

NOT ONCE..BUT TWICE. DON'T know what the fuck you are talking about, ace.

What's your point? That the democrats can steal elections by having 101% turn out in their districts where every single voter voted democrat and not one voted republican? I could win elections too if I was doing the counting.

Ah reject the Presidents you don't like and acknowledge the Presidents you do..

How do you think that's going to work out in the long run if everyone did that?

Oh guys tried it once..and got your asses kicked.

It was called the Civil war.

A time when Conservatives fought and died for the right to enslave their fellow Americans.
Great guy!

What a dumbfuck.

Speaking of dumbfucks, why would you start a thread with a title like that? It's pretty clear to anyone following the story in the media that conservatives and liberals are pretty evenly divided on the whole hero/traitor thing. People on both sides of the issue come from both sides of the aisle.

It should have been pretty clear when Snowden left the country.

Unfortunately..for some..not so much.
His issue, with your title is your accusation that this guy is a "conservative" hero. As he clearly stated the left and right appear to be divided on the issue. Just a troll? Yeah you can't be that dumb to think this is just a republican thing.
The left must be desperate to change the subject. It's clear that the "intelligence community" is hemorrhaging information but that is par for the course since the CIA turned on president Bush. Manning and Major Nadal might be left wing heroes but who said Snowden a "conservative hero"? Republican congressman King wants him arrested.

Not changing the subject at all. I thought the Patriot Act was a piece of shit from the start. it was something you conservatives rammed down through congress on to the nation. But it's the law.

You don't get to break the law..because you don't like who is using it.
Let's discuss this. Although I am very uncomfortable with the NSA spying on regular American folks (if indeed it is spying), there is something basically wrong with Mr. Snowden and in a greater sense, Bradley Manning.

Mr. Snowden took an oath. Bradley Manning took an oath. It is apparent that to either one, the oath that they took means nothing. To me, that is of much greater concern. Someone who violates their oath is pond scum of the lowest order.

There does come a time when your oath does not cover activities that are completely against the constitution, however, I am not completely convinced that this is one of those times. I am convinced that Bradley Manning's activities were not one of those times, Al Queda and Osama Bin Ladin used the data that Manning 'leaded'. Mai Lai was a perfect instance of the activities outweighing any oath or 'sense of duty.'

Mr. Snowden has provided information to The Guardian, moved to Hong Kong, and has now given information to a newspaper there. The first thing to come to mind is: Why Hong Kong, when their ties to the Chinese are so obvious? Could it be that Mr. Snowden was providing information to the Chinese government and was afraid he would get caught? I don't know the answer to that, but it does beg careful consideration as to his 'motives.'

If the NSA is warehousing only numbers called, time of call and numbers that made the call, and storing that information for a definitive period of time, then my basic concerns are minimized. If they are paying closer attention to calls from foreign numbers (suspected terrorists or numbers from 'hot spots' such as Yemen) to persons inside the USA, then I am even more supportive of the program. But I have questions, especially concerning any email interceptions, if there were any.

What I do know is my absolute disgust (although expected) of some of the other threads on this forum. For example, Seawytch says that of course, the NSA's current abuse of the Patriot Act is Republicans fault. It's Republicans fault because they (liberals) told us that the Patriot Act would be abused. It makes no matter that for eight years it was not, but since they came into power it is and they told us they would abuse it. So it is our fault. The logic of that arguement just defies explination and can be colored "STUPID."

Another point is that this 'scandal' is simply another example of gross mismanagement. But what can you expect from a community organizer?
Speaking of dumbfucks, why would you start a thread with a title like that? It's pretty clear to anyone following the story in the media that conservatives and liberals are pretty evenly divided on the whole hero/traitor thing. People on both sides of the issue come from both sides of the aisle.

It should have been pretty clear when Snowden left the country.

Unfortunately..for some..not so much.
His issue, with your title is your accusation that this guy is a "conservative" hero. As he clearly stated the left and right appear to be divided on the issue. Just a troll? Yeah you can't be that dumb to think this is just a republican thing.

Going by the pundits like Limbaugh, Savage and Beck..along with the people who post here.

Of course..anyone who hates Obama is heroic with you guys.

That includes Putin.
^This is simply retarded.

You don't violate your oath and betray your country. Doesn't matter who is president.

So where's your post on how you had a cow with the left praising the wikileaks leaker because it doesn't matter who was in the White House and you don't violate your oath to your country? I'm still holding my breath, but I'm starting to get blue, can you hurry that one up?
You can search for it yourself. I think that guy is a toad.

Yeah, you're hesitant to prove me wrong. LMAO. You're a hack partisan Democrat tool.
Let's discuss this. Although I am very uncomfortable with the NSA spying on regular American folks (if indeed it is spying), there is something basically wrong with Mr. Snowden and in a greater sense, Bradley Manning.

Mr. Snowden took an oath. Bradley Manning took an oath. It is apparent that to either one, the oath that they took means nothing. To me, that is of much greater concern. Someone who violates their oath is pond scum of the lowest order.

There does come a time when your oath does not cover activities that are completely against the constitution, however, I am not completely convinced that this is one of those times. I am convinced that Bradley Manning's activities were not one of those times, Al Queda and Osama Bin Ladin used the data that Manning 'leaded'. Mai Lai was a perfect instance of the activities outweighing any oath or 'sense of duty.'

Mr. Snowden has provided information to The Guardian, moved to Hong Kong, and has now given information to a newspaper there. The first thing to come to mind is: Why Hong Kong, when their ties to the Chinese are so obvious? Could it be that Mr. Snowden was providing information to the Chinese government and was afraid he would get caught? I don't know the answer to that, but it does beg careful consideration as to his 'motives.'

If the NSA is warehousing only numbers called, time of call and numbers that made the call, and storing that information for a definitive period of time, then my basic concerns are minimized. If they are paying closer attention to calls from foreign numbers (suspected terrorists or numbers from 'hot spots' such as Yemen) to persons inside the USA, then I am even more supportive of the program. But I have questions, especially concerning any email interceptions, if there were any.

What I do know is my absolute disgust (although expected) of some of the other threads on this forum. For example, Seawytch says that of course, the NSA's current abuse of the Patriot Act is Republicans fault. It's Republicans fault because they (liberals) told us that the Patriot Act would be abused. It makes no matter that for eight years it was not, but since they came into power it is and they told us they would abuse it. So it is our fault. The logic of that arguement just defies explination and can be colored "STUPID."

Another point is that this 'scandal' is simply another example of gross mismanagement. But what can you expect from a community organizer?

I am in agreement with most of this..

Especially the oath part.
The left must be desperate to change the subject. It's clear that the "intelligence community" is hemorrhaging information but that is par for the course since the CIA turned on president Bush. Manning and Major Nadal might be left wing heroes but who said Snowden a "conservative hero"? Republican congressman King wants him arrested.

Not changing the subject at all. I thought the Patriot Act was a piece of shit from the start. it was something you conservatives rammed down through congress on to the nation. But it's the law.

You don't get to break the law..because you don't like who is using it.

The Patriot Act could have been flushed. Why did Obama and the Democrats extend it again and again? Why did the democrats vote for it? If your party is so bent on removing the Patriot Act why do they keep using it to spy on us? Why are they using it to murder US Citizens?
The left must be desperate to change the subject. It's clear that the "intelligence community" is hemorrhaging information but that is par for the course since the CIA turned on president Bush. Manning and Major Nadal might be left wing heroes but who said Snowden a "conservative hero"? Republican congressman King wants him arrested.

Not changing the subject at all. I thought the Patriot Act was a piece of shit from the start. it was something you conservatives rammed down through congress on to the nation. But it's the law.

You don't get to break the law..because you don't like who is using it.

conservatives rammed it through with complete bipartisan support?

Dude, you have lost absolutely ALL credibiility. You're a hack, a liar and worst of all, dumber than a 25 lb bell.
It should have been pretty clear when Snowden left the country.

Unfortunately..for some..not so much.
His issue, with your title is your accusation that this guy is a "conservative" hero. As he clearly stated the left and right appear to be divided on the issue. Just a troll? Yeah you can't be that dumb to think this is just a republican thing.

Going by the pundits like Limbaugh, Savage and Beck..along with the people who post here.

Of course..anyone who hates Obama is heroic with you guys.

That includes Putin.
Putin is Obama's buddy. Want to see the video?

The enemy of my enemy is my friend? Eh... Snowden worked for Obama. Snowden says he had a hard on for Obama, and then found out Obama lied, so he decided to screw Obama. Yeah it's an interesting story, if only for the part about he loved Obama and now he doesn't. I won't hide the fact that I think Obama is the most vile despicable politician we have ever had in this country. But this is Obama's nightmare and it has nothing to do with conservatism. The guy appears to be a pro liberty guy, who came to find out Obama was lying about being against tyranny.
Last edited:
Great guy!

Edward Snowden Claims NSA Documents Show U.S. Hacks China: Report

Alleged NSA leaker Edward Snowden claimed today to have evidence that the U.S. government has been hacking into Chinese computer networks since at least 2009 – an effort he said is part of the tens of thousands of hacking operations American cyber spies have launched around the world, according to a Hong Kong newspaper.

The newspaper, the South China Morning Post, reported it had conducted a lengthy interview with the 29-year-old former NSA contractor, who is hiding out in Hong Kong after revealing himself to be the source of a series of headline-grabbing stories about the National Security Agency's secret, vast surveillance programs. After their unveiling, those programs were acknowledged and defended by top Obama administration officials.

What a dumbfuck.

You and Lahkota are selectively dumb about this... I post what''s in the public domain about US Cyber Security Group at NSA INCLUDING PICTURES AND FACES of the spies and their military assets.. Then Lahkota is dumb enough to simultaneously whine about "giving secret info to China AND post 5 media articles about How And Where and When America has been spying on China..

Then YOU come back 0-0 IGNORE all that, print the obviously NOT secret thing that Snowden acknowledges US spying on China and call him a traitor... Who are you parroting and why? Because rational folks would look at the public domain facts and just shrug..

Or are you supposing that he's cooperating with China because that's what you'd like to believe?

Can't ask Lahkota.. It's beyond him... But YOU could quote EXACTLY the traitorist comments from Snowden and I will fiind you OLD media articles saying essentially the same thing.. Matter of Fact --- Lahkota did that work for me....

I asked ANY of you asserting that Snowden released information compromising our security to prove that allegation in light of what's already in the public domain.. I asked that HERE

and in my following post with PICTURES of the inside of our Cyber Security operation at NSA. The Wiki has a list of ASSETS used to spy on China, the location and the dates it went operational. The pictures include FACES of some of the operators and you can find their Chain of Command and org chart on Google.. They've had TV crews in to brag about their capabilitiies...

Can ANY of you tell me ONE NEW THING that Snowden has revealed?

I don't believe he knew or even quoted the NUMBER of operations against China. I believe that probably was the Chinese govt performing literary license with the interview.. If you don't believe the Govt was informed of this interview before this happened -- you're not gonna believe what your govt is doing to you and your rights right now....

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