Snowden tells Chinese that we are hacking them.

Nope, still not a traitor even if it's true.

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort." - Article 3, Section 3, U.S. Constitution

he told them we were hacking them

that's aid

When did the U.S. declare war on China?

When did we declare war on the USSR?

While Snowden cannot be technically convicted of treason, he can be convicted of espionage if he reveals any classified information to any other country.

I find it interesting both Assange and Snowden sought totalitarian regimes to hide in and from which to bloviate about our society needing to be more open and transparent. Regimes which oppress the press and are highly secretive police states.

The irony is just too rich.
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he told them we were hacking them

that's aid

When did the U.S. declare war on China?

When did we declare war on the USSR?

While Snowden cannot be technically convicted of treason, he can be convicted of espionage if he reveals any classified information to any other country.

I find it interesting both Assange and Snowden sought totalitarian regimes to hide in and from which to bloviate about our society needing to be more open and transparent. Regimes which oppress the press and are highly secretive police states.

The irony is just too rich.

Precisely. We never did.

It's not ironic, because they're not going to these governments on the basis that they're ideal or perfect in all of their policies. They're going to these governments on the basis that they might be willing to stand up to the U.S.
How does that help America, exactly?

Lmao he is a 29 year old kid, on the run from the U.S. law of course now he will say ANYTHING to avoid going back to the U.S.........and btw no kidding the U.S. hacks countrys computers friends and foes.....China will stay out of it because they just had a freindly talk a few weeks ago with the States...
Highlights of US-China talks - Politics Wires -
Again, 29 is not a kid. But yeah, he'll say anything to glad hand himself.
It seems that the US was hacking Hong Kong and telling them that the hacking was being done by mainland China. Now Hong Kong would like a few answers.

obama is about to be hog tied by his own lies. He never did have it in him to play with the big boys.
How does that help America, exactly?

Lmao he is a 29 year old kid, on the run from the U.S. law of course now he will say ANYTHING to avoid going back to the U.S.........and btw no kidding the U.S. hacks countrys computers friends and foes.....China will stay out of it because they just had a freindly talk a few weeks ago with the States...
Highlights of US-China talks - Politics Wires -
Again, 29 is not a kid. But yeah, he'll say anything to glad hand himself.

29 is a kid if you ask me.....They are still trying to find themselfs.... and the older I get I think Obama and Boehner are just kids playing with toys that they dont know what the hell they are doing. and yup I am 48 my generation and the end part of the baby boomers sucks ...We are Stuuuuuupid leaders...
Lmao he is a 29 year old kid, on the run from the U.S. law of course now he will say ANYTHING to avoid going back to the U.S.........and btw no kidding the U.S. hacks countrys computers friends and foes.....China will stay out of it because they just had a freindly talk a few weeks ago with the States...
Highlights of US-China talks - Politics Wires -
Again, 29 is not a kid. But yeah, he'll say anything to glad hand himself.

29 is a kid if you ask me.....They are still trying to find themselfs.... and the older I get I think Obama and Boehner are just kids playing with toys that they dont know what the hell they are doing. and yup I am 48 my generation and the end part of the baby boomers sucks ...We are Stuuuuuupid leaders...
Well, heck, if you're going to type out "themselfs" then you aren't too mature yourself.

But please, continue explaining why legal adults are still kids.
I know what he wants now is China to protect him. He wants a nice appartment in Bejing china, and a cushy job, everything I read not a bad place to live....Instead of defecting to Cuba or the old Soviet Union... lol he knows what he wants.
U.S. Fears Edward Snowden May Defect to China: Sources

So...he was concerned about invasion of privacy in the USA, but runs to China to tell them our secrets. And he is a hero for doing that. And to not get arrested HERE, he plans to defect THERE. Does that about sum it up?

I wonder what will happen when China, if they let him defect, gets tired of him? Does he think they would ever trust him with THEIR secrets? And what if they think he is a double agent? Will they treat him better?

This guy is not only a traitor, but an idiot.
Again, 29 is not a kid. But yeah, he'll say anything to glad hand himself.

29 is a kid if you ask me.....They are still trying to find themselfs.... and the older I get I think Obama and Boehner are just kids playing with toys that they dont know what the hell they are doing. and yup I am 48 my generation and the end part of the baby boomers sucks ...We are Stuuuuuupid leaders...
Well, heck, if you're going to type out "themselfs" then you aren't too mature yourself.

But please, continue explaining why legal adults are still kids.

I dont get paid to spell or for grammer I get paid for ideas, to read blue prints, to fix machines, to program robots. if you can do what I am paid to do? and also spell correctly.. well then my hat is off to you...... because your better then me...
I know what he wants now is China to protect him. He wants a nice appartment in Bejing china, and a cushy job, everything I read not a bad place to live....Instead of defecting to Cuba or the old Soviet Union... lol he knows what he wants.

So, will this "hero" work for China and hack America?
I know what he wants now is China to protect him. He wants a nice appartment in Bejing china, and a cushy job, everything I read not a bad place to live....Instead of defecting to Cuba or the old Soviet Union... lol he knows what he wants.

So, will this "hero" work for China and hack America?

Why you think this "Hero' has the brains of Charles Babbage? or are you just upset that it makes Obama look bad..... AGAIN.........
I know what he wants now is China to protect him. He wants a nice appartment in Bejing china, and a cushy job, everything I read not a bad place to live....Instead of defecting to Cuba or the old Soviet Union... lol he knows what he wants.

So, will this "hero" work for China and hack America?

Why you think this "Hero' has the brains of Charles Babbage? or are you just upset that it makes Obama look bad..... AGAIN.........

Personally, I think Snowden is a treasonous moron, but he apparently has some computer skills. Will he use those skills, combined with his NSA insider knowledge, to help China hack American systems?
So, will this "hero" work for China and hack America?

Why you think this "Hero' has the brains of Charles Babbage? or are you just upset that it makes Obama look bad..... AGAIN.........

Personally, I think Snowden is a treasonous moron, but he apparently has some computer skills. Will he use those skills, combined with his NSA insider knowledge, to help China hack American systems?

Snowden doesn't have to tell them JACKshit to be valuable to them as a trophy.. IN FACT, any forced or voluntary espionage would RUIN his value as an item that China can poke our leadership with every time WE raise the civil Rights issue with China..

They have Number 1 evidence of how the US oppresses and persecutes it's OWN people..
A geniuine US politcal refugee that would be DRONED if China didn't save him from evill Yankee Dogs. The citizens of China will just eat that stuff up... He's an instant ego boost for them...

Not gonna queer up an opportunity like that now --- would they?

Sorry Lahkota -- That observation above takes logic and reason.. Do you need help to understand WHY he's valuable to them now???
Why you think this "Hero' has the brains of Charles Babbage? or are you just upset that it makes Obama look bad..... AGAIN.........

Personally, I think Snowden is a treasonous moron, but he apparently has some computer skills. Will he use those skills, combined with his NSA insider knowledge, to help China hack American systems?

Snowden doesn't have to tell them JACKshit to be valuable to them as a trophy.. IN FACT, any forced or voluntary espionage would RUIN his value as an item that China can poke our leadership with every time WE raise the civil Rights issue with China..

They have Number 1 evidence of how the US oppresses and persecutes it's OWN people..
A geniuine US politcal refugee that would be DRONED if China didn't save him from evill Yankee Dogs. The citizens of China will just eat that stuff up... He's an instant ego boost for them...

Not gonna queer up an opportunity like that now --- would they?

Sorry Lahkota -- That observation above takes logic and reason.. Do you need help to understand WHY he's valuable to them now???

I totally understand why he's valuable to them - for many reasons. However, do you think they won't also try to "use" (cajole) him for espionage purposes?
How does Obama spying on US citizens help America?

What U.S. citizens are being spied upon? I don't know. Do you? And if so, for what reason(s)?

It was silly for Frank to ask you about spying on Americans under Obama.. Everyone KNOWS that only happened under Bush.... :cool:

Now Lahkota doesn't know, doesn't care, and doesn't remember that he was against it before he was for it.. :eusa_silenced:....

Ummmm Pattern here? Kerry, Lahkota, Obama???

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