Snowden tells Chinese that we are hacking them.

Personally, I think Snowden is a treasonous moron, but he apparently has some computer skills. Will he use those skills, combined with his NSA insider knowledge, to help China hack American systems?

Snowden doesn't have to tell them JACKshit to be valuable to them as a trophy.. IN FACT, any forced or voluntary espionage would RUIN his value as an item that China can poke our leadership with every time WE raise the civil Rights issue with China..

They have Number 1 evidence of how the US oppresses and persecutes it's OWN people..
A geniuine US politcal refugee that would be DRONED if China didn't save him from evill Yankee Dogs. The citizens of China will just eat that stuff up... He's an instant ego boost for them...

Not gonna queer up an opportunity like that now --- would they?

Sorry Lahkota -- That observation above takes logic and reason.. Do you need help to understand WHY he's valuable to them now???

I totally understand why he's valuable to them - for many reasons. However, do you think they won't also try to "use" (cajole) him for espionage purposes?

ABsolutely not.. They will give him ALL THE RESOURCES he needs to track and expose Civil Rights violation in the United States. IN FACT --- COULD BE ---- They will give HIM Chinese state secret information on what THEY KNOW about the US spying on you and me to include in his blog or YouTube Channel..

To rough him up for info --- ruins his value.. It's actually brilliant..
Snowden doesn't have to tell them JACKshit to be valuable to them as a trophy.. IN FACT, any forced or voluntary espionage would RUIN his value as an item that China can poke our leadership with every time WE raise the civil Rights issue with China..

They have Number 1 evidence of how the US oppresses and persecutes it's OWN people..
A geniuine US politcal refugee that would be DRONED if China didn't save him from evill Yankee Dogs. The citizens of China will just eat that stuff up... He's an instant ego boost for them...

Not gonna queer up an opportunity like that now --- would they?

Sorry Lahkota -- That observation above takes logic and reason.. Do you need help to understand WHY he's valuable to them now???

I totally understand why he's valuable to them - for many reasons. However, do you think they won't also try to "use" (cajole) him for espionage purposes?

ABsolutely not.. They will give him ALL THE RESOURCES he needs to track and expose Civil Rights violation in the United States. IN FACT --- COULD BE ---- They will give HIM Chinese state secret information on what THEY KNOW about the US spying on you and me to include in his blog or YouTube Channel..

To rough him up for info --- ruins his value.. It's actually brilliant..

He's already a traitor on the run - so why would they need to "rough him up"? You do know what cajole means, right?
I don't mind exposing the government spying on the people. That doesn't aide our enemies.

Telling other nations we are hacking them, i think that steps over the line.
I don't mind exposing the government spying on the people. That doesn't aide our enemies.

Telling other nations we are hacking them, i think that steps over the line.

Not if that information already resides OPENLY in the media.. Which it does. We BRAGGED about our ability to mount offensive hacking if it was required. And "hacking" doesn't mean doing damage. It only really implies "watching".


Snowden was not IN US Cyber Command --- the group that does strategic hacking and Cyber Security.. They are primarily a DEFENSIVE shield for the nations STRATEGIC data and resources. So even the amount of stuff he knew is questionable. People with clearances are very aware of what's public knowledge. Every conversation they have includes an assessment of the level of clearances in the room. It's automatic to filter what you say to what's in public domain and "need to know".
Snowden is not selling his own country down the river. He's an American, he might be selling obama's country down the river, but not America. The nation has divided, already. That's why Snowden is a hero to Americans, but not to obamamericans. Being a patriot to America automatically makes someone a traitor to obama's newly transformed obamamerica.

China may not actually be the biggest human rights abuser anymore. We might already have surpassed China. We have certainly passed up Russia.

Republicans let Bin Laden go so naturally they would see Snowden as a hero.
Snowden is no hero. I will make it clear. I will never understand why the youth of the world make any rebel they see out to be hero. Great, he exposed government corruption. But to make a hero out of a loser is stupid. He still violated his oath, and could most likely hand over information to the Chinese as he so chooses.

Does it ever occur to anyone, that this could start an armed conflict with someone?
Snowden is not selling his own country down the river. He's an American, he might be selling obama's country down the river, but not America. The nation has divided, already. That's why Snowden is a hero to Americans, but not to obamamericans. Being a patriot to America automatically makes someone a traitor to obama's newly transformed obamamerica.

China may not actually be the biggest human rights abuser anymore. We might already have surpassed China. We have certainly passed up Russia.

Republicans let Bin Laden go so naturally they would see Snowden as a hero.

Nobody let anyone go. Bush laid all the groundwork so that you Liberals were nothing but the tip of the spear.
By the time this government is through reinventing Snowdern, his own parents won't recognize him.

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