Snowden tells Chinese that we are hacking them.

We have extradition treaties with china.

We ask for him, they will hand him over.

He found out, to late, about this and is now spilling his guts to the chinese to get to stay there and not face justice here.

But now he is a traitor.

unless you just made this up, since there's no link.

Nope, still not a traitor even if it's true.

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort." - Article 3, Section 3, U.S. Constitution

he told them we were hacking them

that's aid

First, the precident was established by the Bush administration. Did not like it then, do not like it now. However, it does reveal how deep the partisanship is on this board.

As for Snowden, what he did is definately wrong. And then, by making the statements he has about our surveillance of China, he has betrayed his oath.
Snowden is not selling his own country down the river. He's an American, he might be selling obama's country down the river, but not America. The nation has divided, already. That's why Snowden is a hero to Americans, but not to obamamericans. Being a patriot to America automatically makes someone a traitor to obama's newly transformed obamamerica.

China may not actually be the biggest human rights abuser anymore. We might already have surpassed China. We have certainly passed up Russia.
Hong Kong is an autonomous territory of China with an extradition treaty with the United States that China does not have. There is an exception under Hong Kong law that prohibits extradition of political dissidents and political asylum seekers.
Rocks in the Head...

If it were some state secret.. I would be all over this no matter what party they belong to... but this is NOTHING...

Hell, it is even common knowledge that most information gathering of state secrets comes from one of our closest allies... Israel... this hacking and information gathering between countries is COMMON FUCKING KNOWLEDGE
Hong Kong is an autonomous territory of China with an extradition treaty with the United States that China does not have.

Sssssssssh! They think he's in China...

I've been to Hong Kong several times.

While it enjoys a certain amount of autonomy it isn't completely out of the yolk of the Chinese government.

The Chinese moved all the poor folks out of Hong Kong to the interior for "re-education" and started kicking out North Koreans.

I was pretty struck when I went to Aberdeen Bay which had the famous "Boat People". Under British rule they were allowed to live in the bay so long as they paid "taxes", which could be items like duck eggs and dried cuttlefish.

When the Chinese took over..they were gone.
man oh man, sallow...

now you come with dishonest and made up thread titles

a hero but not to anyone else, just conservatives...what is up with you people?
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Hong Kong is an autonomous territory of China with an extradition treaty with the United States that China does not have.

Sssssssssh! They think he's in China...

Uh huh. If China doesn't want the man extradited, the man will not be extradited. Hong Kong is not autonomous. But you all believe what makes you happy.

Snowden will not be extradited. Hong Kong will give him political asylum removing him from the possibility of extradition, or he will go to mainland China or take Russia up on its offer.

I want to hear the rest of what Snowden has to say. Exactly HOW criminal is obama's government?
Personally, I think what he initially did was what he claimed...being american and likened to Paul Revere in wanting what was best for his countrymen and countrywomen. However, that all flew out the window when he aided and abetted another country by telling them secrets they had no business hearing from him whether they already knew or not. This shows me he has another agenda....and he is now a traitor. Jane Fonda did not give out info, but hobnobbing with the enemy is what this guy is doing. Americans don't rat out their country to another potential rival. So no. He may claim he is american. I say Traitor.

China is not an enemy.

It is an adversary..and at the very least, a competitor.

In any case..we don't share secrets.
Personally, I think what he initially did was what he claimed...being american and likened to Paul Revere in wanting what was best for his countrymen and countrywomen. However, that all flew out the window when he aided and abetted another country by telling them secrets they had no business hearing from him whether they already knew or not. This shows me he has another agenda....and he is now a traitor. Jane Fonda did not give out info, but hobnobbing with the enemy is what this guy is doing. Americans don't rat out their country to another potential rival. So no. He may claim he is american. I say Traitor.

China is not an enemy.

It is an adversary..and at the very least, a competitor.

In any case..we don't share secrets.

Hacking is illegal. The government has no right to privacy when it is breaking the law.
Sssssssssh! They think he's in China...

Uh huh. If China doesn't want the man extradited, the man will not be extradited. Hong Kong is not autonomous. But you all believe what makes you happy.

Snowden will not be extradited. Hong Kong will give him political asylum removing him from the possibility of extradition, or he will go to mainland China or take Russia up on its offer.

I want to hear the rest of what Snowden has to say. Exactly HOW criminal is obama's government?

Once that happens, he will rightly be viewed as a tool for either Russian or Chinese propaganda.
Sssssssssh! They think he's in China...

Uh huh. If China doesn't want the man extradited, the man will not be extradited. Hong Kong is not autonomous. But you all believe what makes you happy.

Snowden will not be extradited. Hong Kong will give him political asylum removing him from the possibility of extradition, or he will go to mainland China or take Russia up on its offer.

I want to hear the rest of what Snowden has to say. Exactly HOW criminal is obama's government?

I'm sure you do. So far, I would say the current administration is, at worst, about par for the course. Nothing that disturbs me. Of course the NSA is hacking China, and China is hacking us. Nothing new there. Snowden is simply giving China a propaganda tool. Though, not much of one.

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