Snowden tells Chinese that we are hacking them.

How does that help America, exactly?

We have extradition treaties with china.

We ask for him, they will hand him over.

He found out, to late, about this and is now spilling his guts to the chinese to get to stay there and not face justice here.

But now he is a traitor.

unless you just made this up, since there's no link.

No we don't have an extradition treaty with China. We do with Hong Kong but not with China. The treaty with Hong Kong exempts political asylum seekers anyway. We can ask and both China and Hong Kong can tell obama to pound sand. Edward Snowden is a genuine American hero. He ripped the scab off washington to let the pus flow.

Would obama declare war with China just to get Snowden back? Nope.

Now for the pessimist in me to come out. Does Snowden have any family? Not saying that his family is in danger, but the government could make their lives very miserable. Snowden will be coming home eventually.
Personally, I think what he initially did was what he claimed...being american and likened to Paul Revere in wanting what was best for his countrymen and countrywomen. However, that all flew out the window when he aided and abetted another country by telling them secrets they had no business hearing from him whether they already knew or not. This shows me he has another agenda....and he is now a traitor. Jane Fonda did not give out info, but hobnobbing with the enemy is what this guy is doing. Americans don't rat out their country to another potential rival. So no. He may claim he is american. I say Traitor.
Personally, I think what he initially did was what he claimed...being american and likened to Paul Revere in wanting what was best for his countrymen and countrywomen. However, that all flew out the window when he aided and abetted another country by telling them secrets they had no business hearing from him whether they already knew or not. This shows me he has another agenda....and he is now a traitor. Jane Fonda did not give out info, but hobnobbing with the enemy is what this guy is doing. Americans don't rat out their country to another potential rival. So no. He may claim he is american. I say Traitor.


Inside the NSA's Ultra-Secret Hacking Group

From Matthew M. Aid, Foreign Policy: According to a number of confidential sources, a highly secretive unit of the National Security Agency (NSA), the U.S. government's huge electronic eavesdropping organization, called the Office of Tailored Access Operations, or TAO, has successfully penetrated Chinese computer and telecommunications systems for almost 15 years, generating some of the best and most reliable intelligence information about what is going on inside the People's Republic of China.

Hidden away inside the massive NSA headquarters complex at Fort Meade, Maryland, in a large suite of offices segregated from the rest of the agency, TAO is a mystery to many NSA employees. Relatively few NSA officials have complete access to information about TAO because of the extraordinary sensitivity of its operations, and it requires a special security clearance to gain access to the unit's work spaces inside the NSA operations complex. The door leading to its ultramodern operations center is protected by armed guards, an imposing steel door that can only be entered by entering the correct six-digit code into a keypad, and a retinal scanner to ensure that only those individuals specially cleared for access get through the door.

According to former NSA officials interviewed for this article, TAO's mission is simple. It collects intelligence information on foreign targets by surreptitiously hacking into their computers and telecommunications systems, cracking passwords, compromising the computer security systems protecting the targeted computer, stealing the data stored on computer hard drives, and then copying all the messages and data traffic passing within the targeted email and text-messaging systems. The technical term of art used by NSA to describe these operations is computer network exploitation (CNE).

TAO is also responsible for developing the information that would allow the United States to destroy or damage foreign computer and telecommunications systems with a cyberattack if so directed by the president. The organization responsible for conducting such a cyberattack is U.S. Cyber Command (Cybercom), whose headquarters is located at Fort Meade and whose chief is the director of the NSA, Gen. Keith Alexander.

More: Inside the NSA's Ultra-Secret Hacking Group | Atlantic Council

U.S. NSA Unit 'TAO' Hacking China For Years - Business Insider

China Hacked US Military Weapons Systems - Business Insider

Confidential report lists U.S. weapons system designs compromised by Chinese cyberspies - The Washington Post
Great guy!

Edward Snowden Claims NSA Documents Show U.S. Hacks China: Report

Alleged NSA leaker Edward Snowden claimed today to have evidence that the U.S. government has been hacking into Chinese computer networks since at least 2009 – an effort he said is part of the tens of thousands of hacking operations American cyber spies have launched around the world, according to a Hong Kong newspaper.

The newspaper, the South China Morning Post, reported it had conducted a lengthy interview with the 29-year-old former NSA contractor, who is hiding out in Hong Kong after revealing himself to be the source of a series of headline-grabbing stories about the National Security Agency's secret, vast surveillance programs. After their unveiling, those programs were acknowledged and defended by top Obama administration officials.

What a dumbfuck.
I agree with you on a lot of things, Ravi, but this isn't one of them. Issues like this show people's partisan side. Republicans who wanted Bradley Manning executed now praise Snowden. Democrats who praised Manning now want Snowden extradited and put in jail. In my opinion, they are both heroes. They both exposed criminal behavior by the US government.

As far as telling Chinese we have been spying, I agree with what a few others have said. Telling any government we are spying is like saying the sky is blue. Maybe he thought it would earn him brownie points with the Chinese, but it isn't anything they didn't already know.

You are certainly entitled to your opinion but please tell me, if telling the Chinese we are spying is like telling them the sky is blue it is also true that telling us that the NSA is spying is like telling us the sky is blue.

Where is the heroism in that?

I think he, and Manning, set out to harm the USA for personal reasons by stealing classified information and using it for their own ends and as such should spend a good deal of time in prison. That is my OPINION and until proven otherwise will continue to be my opinion.
I agree with you on a lot of things, Ravi, but this isn't one of them. Issues like this show people's partisan side. Republicans who wanted Bradley Manning executed now praise Snowden. Democrats who praised Manning now want Snowden extradited and put in jail. In my opinion, they are both heroes. They both exposed criminal behavior by the US government.

As far as telling Chinese we have been spying, I agree with what a few others have said. Telling any government we are spying is like saying the sky is blue. Maybe he thought it would earn him brownie points with the Chinese, but it isn't anything they didn't already know.

I agree with all of this, but want to bring up another point. Should we even be mad that he told the Chinese, whether they knew about it or not? Frankly I don't care if he tells them that the U.S. has been hacking them, and then goes into detail about how it was done so that the Chinese might better defend themselves from being hacked. The U.S. government shouldn't be hacking anybody, and in doing so is most certainly not representing me. So what do I care if he helps the Chinese government in this regard? It doesn't hurt me, or any other Americans, in the least.
I am having a hard time taking you seriously after reading that.

btw, would you also be okay with him detailing to AQ how we hack and spy on them?
Snowden just gets better and better.

I am glad he's a hero to conservatives.

Well, the media is trying to make the story about Mr Snowden, rather than the violation of the 4th Amendment perpetrated by the Obama administration that is the real story.

Mr Sallow, yer avatar looks a lot like a wolf but your behavior is more like a sheep. Kerry on.

Doctor..heal thyself.

The 4 amendment argument was so 7 years ago.

You know, when Republicans rammed the Patriot Act through the congress?
Snowden just gets better and better.

I am glad he's a hero to conservatives.

Well, the media is trying to make the story about Mr Snowden, rather than the violation of the 4th Amendment perpetrated by the Obama administration that is the real story.

Mr Sallow, yer avatar looks a lot like a wolf but your behavior is more like a sheep. Kerry on.

Doctor..heal thyself.

The 4 amendment argument was so 7 years ago.

You know, when Republicans rammed the Patriot Act through the congress?

Just like Democrats rammed Obamacare through Congress? Doctor, heal thyself.
Wha? Did he expose a little too much government corruption for you?

How far are you guys going to go to defend this idiot?

China's one of the biggest abusers of human rights in the world..and this day.

It's unbelievably ironic Snowden is hiding out there.

And even moreso that he's selling his country down the river.

You do know that Obama is involved with talks concerning this very topic, right? With the Chinese?

Personally, I think what he initially did was what he claimed...being american and likened to Paul Revere in wanting what was best for his countrymen and countrywomen. However, that all flew out the window when he aided and abetted another country by telling them secrets they had no business hearing from him whether they already knew or not. This shows me he has another agenda....and he is now a traitor. Jane Fonda did not give out info, but hobnobbing with the enemy is what this guy is doing. Americans don't rat out their country to another potential rival. So no. He may claim he is american. I say Traitor.

China is not an enemy.
Personally, I think what he initially did was what he claimed...being american and likened to Paul Revere in wanting what was best for his countrymen and countrywomen. However, that all flew out the window when he aided and abetted another country by telling them secrets they had no business hearing from him whether they already knew or not. This shows me he has another agenda....and he is now a traitor. Jane Fonda did not give out info, but hobnobbing with the enemy is what this guy is doing. Americans don't rat out their country to another potential rival. So no. He may claim he is american. I say Traitor.

China is not an enemy.

Eh? How not?
I agree with you on a lot of things, Ravi, but this isn't one of them. Issues like this show people's partisan side. Republicans who wanted Bradley Manning executed now praise Snowden. Democrats who praised Manning now want Snowden extradited and put in jail. In my opinion, they are both heroes. They both exposed criminal behavior by the US government.

As far as telling Chinese we have been spying, I agree with what a few others have said. Telling any government we are spying is like saying the sky is blue. Maybe he thought it would earn him brownie points with the Chinese, but it isn't anything they didn't already know.

I agree with all of this, but want to bring up another point. Should we even be mad that he told the Chinese, whether they knew about it or not? Frankly I don't care if he tells them that the U.S. has been hacking them, and then goes into detail about how it was done so that the Chinese might better defend themselves from being hacked. The U.S. government shouldn't be hacking anybody, and in doing so is most certainly not representing me. So what do I care if he helps the Chinese government in this regard? It doesn't hurt me, or any other Americans, in the least.
I am having a hard time taking you seriously after reading that.

btw, would you also be okay with him detailing to AQ how we hack and spy on them?

No, because you create a false equivalency between al-Qaeda and China. al-Qaeda is a criminal terrorist network of people who want to murder other people. China is one of the largest trading partners of the United States, and has done nothing to warrant being hacked by the United States.
Personally, I think what he initially did was what he claimed...being american and likened to Paul Revere in wanting what was best for his countrymen and countrywomen. However, that all flew out the window when he aided and abetted another country by telling them secrets they had no business hearing from him whether they already knew or not. This shows me he has another agenda....and he is now a traitor. Jane Fonda did not give out info, but hobnobbing with the enemy is what this guy is doing. Americans don't rat out their country to another potential rival. So no. He may claim he is american. I say Traitor.

China is not an enemy.

Eh? How not?

The United States Congress has not declared war on them, and they are one of our largest trading partners.

That people look at their growth and get scared of a new potential "rival," does not make them an enemy.

and you're fucking kidding me

Trading partners are the best allies, as far as I can tell.

ok, thanks for that

You're a lying degenerate, and your view of what's going on is based on how you want it to be and not how it actually is.

You are dismissed.

To neocons, the best allies are the ones that either drag us into wars or bow down to the military might we'll use if they refuse. Trading allies is as good as it gets in international affairs in reality. Only those who have a chickenhawk hard on for imperial policies would think differently.

Class dismissed.
Well? Where are all the civil libertarians on this? The ones that hailed this guy as a "hero"?

He's trying to get asylum in either Russia or China..

Gotta love it.

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