Snowden tells Chinese that we are hacking them.

^This is simply retarded.

You don't violate your oath and betray your country. Doesn't matter who is president.

He did his country a service by exposing what the government is doing to the country.
that's debatable, since we don't really have much information.

If it is true what he has told the Chinese then he has violated his oath and betrayed his country. I don't care if he thinks puppies are cute (just throwing in another non-sequitor for you to use).

Non-sequitor? As for not having much information, we now know that the Obama administration has been spying indiscriminately on essentially every American citizen without due process or probable cause. We know that James Clapper lied under oath about the NSA's data collection capabilities. I'd say we have quite a bit of information, with more to come apparently.
Wow, a Ron Paul libertarian with a GED and a Top Secret security clearance. What could possibly go wrong?!

There is a bonus to all this though. The libertarians are doomed as a viable political party if they keep supporting this asshole.

Just so you know, Ron Paul is a Republican...

And I'm not seeing how dropping below their present 1% would really mean they are "doomed." As if now they aren't but suddenly dropping below 1% would be a disaster for them.

I personally don't think Libertarians are libertarian anyway. Sure, more than the two parties. But they have a lot of shortcomings regarding supporting liberty.
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I agree, but that's not what we're discussing. We're discussing how Democrats were all over this with W but with Obama they suddenly are perfectly fine with it.

That's what you're discussing. Not what I'm discussing.

That's fine, but you responded to our posts on the topic you said you weren't discussing, which implies otherwise.

No, I replied to Ravi's post, in which she made a statement I felt was worth discussing. The original conversation between the two of you notwithstanding.
He did his country a service by exposing what the government is doing to the country.
that's debatable, since we don't really have much information.

If it is true what he has told the Chinese then he has violated his oath and betrayed his country. I don't care if he thinks puppies are cute (just throwing in another non-sequitor for you to use).

Non-sequitor? As for not having much information, we now know that the Obama administration has been spying indiscriminately on essentially every American citizen without due process or probable cause. We know that James Clapper lied under oath about the NSA's data collection capabilities. I'd say we have quite a bit of information, with more to come apparently.

Yes, and that is the real issue here.

and you're fucking kidding me

Trading partners are the best allies, as far as I can tell.

ok, thanks for that

You're a lying degenerate, and your view of what's going on is based on how you want it to be and not how it actually is.

You are dismissed.

If one isn't called a liar at least once a day then I believe that person isn't trying very hard, but degenerate? Really?

As for being dismissed, uhh... Thanks?
Sowden is a traitor. Maybe not technically, but he did betray his country's national security interests. China may know that we hack them, terrorists may know that we tap their phones and monitor their internet activity, but by revealing this info, Snowden tipped all of them off and legitimized their suspicions. He betrayed his country. He is no hero.

His telling people that government is violating our Constitutional rights is what he did that's honorable and I see no legitimate national security interest that's worth preserving by government violating our Constitutional rights. Democrats would get that too if a Republican were in the White House.
^This is simply retarded.

You don't violate your oath and betray your country. Doesn't matter who is president.

So where's your post on how you had a cow with the left praising the wikileaks leaker because it doesn't matter who was in the White House and you don't violate your oath to your country? I'm still holding my breath, but I'm starting to get blue, can you hurry that one up?
The guy thought someone might be pissed about being spied on only to discover that no one really gives a shit.

The chinese might keep him if he keeps spilling his guts, so he's going to get really fucked when they are done with him

Who knows and who cares? Everyone spies and hacks. It's no biggie.

I know that, since I was part of some of it.
and you know that, for whatever reason
but idiot didn't know that

so what he did was a crime

I'm sure the CH person he spoke to, had to struggle not to roll his eyes, but non-the-less, they will milk him now
The chinese might keep him if he keeps spilling his guts, so he's going to get really fucked when they are done with him

Who knows and who cares? Everyone spies and hacks. It's no biggie.

I know that, since I was part of some of it.
and you know that, for whatever reason
but idiot didn't know that

so what he did was a crime

I'm sure the CH person he spoke to, had to struggle not to roll his eyes, but non-the-less, they will milk him now

It could be that he's spreading misinformation for all we know.
Who knows and who cares? Everyone spies and hacks. It's no biggie.

I know that, since I was part of some of it.
and you know that, for whatever reason
but idiot didn't know that

so what he did was a crime

I'm sure the CH person he spoke to, had to struggle not to roll his eyes, but non-the-less, they will milk him now

It could be that he's spreading misinformation for all we know.

Yeah, that makes perfect sense.

Edward Snowden Tells South China Morning Post: U.S. Has Been Hacking Hong Kong And China Since 2009
Who knows and who cares? Everyone spies and hacks. It's no biggie.

I know that, since I was part of some of it.
and you know that, for whatever reason
but idiot didn't know that

so what he did was a crime

I'm sure the CH person he spoke to, had to struggle not to roll his eyes, but non-the-less, they will milk him now

It could be that he's spreading misinformation for all we know.

counter espionage with a man that plays the moronic tech geek that well?


I'd never see it coming.

Sowden is a traitor. Maybe not technically, but he did betray his country's national security interests. China may know that we hack them, terrorists may know that we tap their phones and monitor their internet activity, but by revealing this info, Snowden tipped all of them off and legitimized their suspicions. He betrayed his country. He is no hero.

His telling people that government is violating our Constitutional rights is what he did that's honorable and I see no legitimate national security interest that's worth preserving by government violating our Constitutional rights. Democrats would get that too if a Republican were in the White House.
^This is simply retarded.

You don't violate your oath and betray your country. Doesn't matter who is president.

He did not betray his country. The contrary, the ones responsible for violating the Constitution are the ones betraying the country. Just ONCE, try not being a partisan hack, hey?
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He just showed his true colors. He is a traitor.

Yep, this proves beyond a shadow of doubt that he's a traitor. Even though he said the obvious - he said it as a known fact from having classified insider knowledge. He's a traitor.

He's not only a traitor - he's a moron.
Snowden just gets better and better.

I am glad he's a hero to conservatives.

I see this whole thing in a totally bipartisan way.

I see Snowden purely as a whiz kid who was probably making $200 an hour when he was still in high school by cleaning up corporate computer systems and networks....All by the way of starting out as an expert hacker. So he drops out of high school because he has no motivation for going to college, and winds up getting a contract with BAH, which is ordinarily a very, very difficult firm to be hired into, and I suspect his motives are that he is more bored with what he does than anything Julian Assange-like.

This kid is like the Will Hunting of computer hackers...Brilliant but stupid in the ways of the real world. I suspect he will be extradited.

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