Snowden's Statement against the Regime: Obama fears and informed people

Poor, poor Snowden

Gets to live out his life in an airport

Of course, if he decides to return, we have a nice jail cell for him

I'm very certain that if Snowden had done the exact same thing during the Bush era, you'd be hailing him as a hero.

Actually, I wouldn't

I take the leaking of classified information seriously.....especially to our enemies

What information did he leak? He just let Americans know that the government is secretly spying on the masses.
Poor, poor Snowden

Gets to live out his life in an airport

Of course, if he decides to return, we have a nice jail cell for him

I'm very certain that if Snowden had done the exact same thing during the Bush era, you'd be hailing him as a hero.

Actually, I wouldn't

I take the leaking of classified information seriously.....especially to our enemies

I do too but I'm not surprised at the trained dog reactions from the usual (traitorous) posters.
I support Edward Snowden and his courage to reveal to our nation that our very own government has been lying to us.

People pine for transparency. They say they want to be informed. Yet, some of these very same people castigate Snowden for giving them far more transparency than Obama or any other politician could provide. Maybe it is true that they can't handle the truth. While I generally like FOX News, shame on them for their attacks against Snowden. I judge these people by their actions, and I can see that conservative and liberal pundits, especially the Tea Party, are not quite who I thought they were.

All of this time they focus on punishing the man who told the truth, and not those in power who keep lying to us. People don't like being lied to. They're getting fed up, so they turn elsewhere.

I support you, Edward Snowden. Do not fear speaking truth to power. If I had the means, I would aid you as best I could.

I haven't been watching Fox. What have they been saying? I figured out that Fox sanitizes their news just like any other news outlet. I lost all respect for Bill O'Reilly when he called the 'birthers' 'pinheads' despite the mounds of evidence supporting their claim. I mean look at Fox News's analysis on that subject. It's been virtually non-existent.
I'm very certain that if Snowden had done the exact same thing during the Bush era, you'd be hailing him as a hero.

Actually, I wouldn't

I take the leaking of classified information seriously.....especially to our enemies

I do too but I'm not surprised at the trained dog reactions from the usual (traitorous) posters.

You're a useful idiot. Sometime down the line, you'll look back and realize how you were nothing more than a kog. Perhaps, you should start to stand up for your Constitutional rights.
Poor, poor Snowden

Gets to live out his life in an airport

Of course, if he decides to return, we have a nice jail cell for him

Ironic that Snowden's in Russia and Obama's the one who wants to put him in the Gulag. Freedom fighters have no place in this country.


There is a nice prison cell waiting for Snowden......same as any other traitor

I dislike the Obama administration. I believe that Barry and his cronies are walking this country down one of the most destructive paths ever conceived. I have asked, begged, and cajoled my senators and representatives to do what ever is necessary to stop this man from achieving his goals. I am a member of the Tea Party because I believe that the current direction of the country is dangerous and potentially suicidal.

But Edward Snowden took an oath. Bradley Manning took an oath. IF they saw something that bothered them so bad that they felt compelled to tell someone, there are ways to do it and channels to pursue FIRST. Then, if all else fails, those men can take the path to 'blow the whistle' on programs or individuals that they think are violating the constitution.

My father taught me and I taught my son that your 'word is your bond.' You keep your word no matter what.

Edward Snowden is a traitor. Bradley Manning is a traitor. There are punishments for traitors. Each of those men deserve the punishment prescribed by law...
[ame=]Donald Trump Goes After 'Grandstander' NSA Leaker Edward Snowden On Fox - YouTube[/ame]
I haven't been watching Fox. What have they been saying? I figured out that Fox sanitizes their news just like any other news outlet. I lost all respect for Bill O'Reilly when he called the 'birthers' 'pinheads' despite the mounds of evidence supporting their claim. I mean look at Fox News's analysis on that subject. It's been virtually non-existent.

Dana Perino, Kimberly Guilfoyle, and Greg Gutfield of The Five have had an erroneous state of mind against Edward Snowden. They blame the leaker of misdeeds, and not those who did the deeds themselves. Bob Beckel and Eric Bolling have, I think, more favorable views towards him. Eric seemed to note the hypocrisy and injustice in attacking Snowden while being deliberately silent against the actual villains in this story.

Bill O'Reilly and his various spokesmouths tend to rally against Snowden while denying the truth. One of his talking heads last night seemed to take joy in seeing Edward Snowden being an unwanted man without a nation. Something tells me these people can't see the forest for the trees.
I'm very certain that if Snowden had done the exact same thing during the Bush era, you'd be hailing him as a hero.

Actually, I wouldn't

I take the leaking of classified information seriously.....especially to our enemies

What information did he leak? He just let Americans know that the government is secretly spying on the masses.

Enough to prosecute him on

If the information he leaked to our enemies is inconsequential, he will prevail. However, I do notice he is hiding in an airport to avoid arrest....even Snowden must realize he screwed the pooch

Everyone already knows that NSA gathers information. If Snowden has released classified or NOFORN information, he should pay a price
I dislike the Obama administration. I believe that Barry and his cronies are walking this country down one of the most destructive paths ever conceived. I have asked, begged, and cajoled my senators and representatives to do what ever is necessary to stop this man from achieving his goals. I am a member of the Tea Party because I believe that the current direction of the country is dangerous and potentially suicidal.

But Edward Snowden took an oath. Bradley Manning took an oath. IF they saw something that bothered them so bad that they felt compelled to tell someone, there are ways to do it and channels to pursue FIRST. Then, if all else fails, those men can take the path to 'blow the whistle' on programs or individuals that they think are violating the constitution.

My father taught me and I taught my son that your 'word is your bond.' You keep your word no matter what.

Edward Snowden is a traitor. Bradley Manning is a traitor. There are punishments for traitors. Each of those men deserve the punishment prescribed by law...

Sometimes circumstances call for instances in which people liek Snowden have to tell us the truth the way they did. Do you honestly think the people who have the power to screw you are going to let you reveal their lies and schemes? I don't think so.

Do you find honor in loyalty towards liars?
Ironic that Snowden's in Russia and Obama's the one who wants to put him in the Gulag. Freedom fighters have no place in this country.


There is a nice prison cell waiting for Snowden......same as any other traitor

I dislike the Obama administration. I believe that Barry and his cronies are walking this country down one of the most destructive paths ever conceived. I have asked, begged, and cajoled my senators and representatives to do what ever is necessary to stop this man from achieving his goals. I am a member of the Tea Party because I believe that the current direction of the country is dangerous and potentially suicidal.

But Edward Snowden took an oath. Bradley Manning took an oath. IF they saw something that bothered them so bad that they felt compelled to tell someone, there are ways to do it and channels to pursue FIRST. Then, if all else fails, those men can take the path to 'blow the whistle' on programs or individuals that they think are violating the constitution.

My father taught me and I taught my son that your 'word is your bond.' You keep your word no matter what.

Edward Snowden is a traitor. Bradley Manning is a traitor. There are punishments for traitors. Each of those men deserve the punishment prescribed by law...

I agree

This goes way beyond party affiliation and involves loyalty to your country. I have had a clearance for most of my life. I have learned that it is not up to me to decide what can and cannot be released to the press and to our enemies.

Snowden is a little snake and should answer for his crimes
Actually, I wouldn't

I take the leaking of classified information seriously.....especially to our enemies

What information did he leak? He just let Americans know that the government is secretly spying on the masses.

Enough to prosecute him on

If the information he leaked to our enemies is inconsequential, he will prevail. However, I do notice he is hiding in an airport to avoid arrest....even Snowden must realize he screwed the pooch

Everyone already knows that NSA gathers information. If Snowden has released classified or NOFORN information, he should pay a price

Can you prove Snowden is hiding out in an airport? We are told, through state media that he's hiding out in an airport but it has never really been determined where he is. Putin says Snowden is still hiding out at the airport, or, at least our state run media said that's what Putin said.

For all we know, Snowden is really at some Russian mansion on the Black Sea.
Is the snake Edward Snowden, or those in power who lie to us?
I talked with a friend who often is tasked with working on classified government documents. He, like Snowden, works for a company that deals in government contractual work.

I posed a question to him: How is Snowden wrong if he has let the world know what our government is doing?

His response: First Snowden could have refused the work for conscious sake. Second, knowing what he does he MUST also know it is not only us, but every government is running this kind of program. Thirdly, There were/are legal rts. for him to have taken. Fourthly, he is misleading people as to exactly how a program like this can/does run (my friend builds electronic storage for a number of government agencies, including the NSA)

I ended up agreeing with him that Snowden is guilty of theft in the very least- and depending on what he actually has stolen and shared, likely espionage as well.

As an aside, he says that he is always allowed to accept specific work according to conscious or not. For instance, he was asked one time to build a program that recorded some pretty disgusting experiments on animals...he refused knowing they'd find someone else to work on the program...BTW that program was run under Clinton. The point being Snowden must have known prior to his accepting this work...what was being asked of him.
What information did he leak? He just let Americans know that the government is secretly spying on the masses.

Enough to prosecute him on

If the information he leaked to our enemies is inconsequential, he will prevail. However, I do notice he is hiding in an airport to avoid arrest....even Snowden must realize he screwed the pooch

Everyone already knows that NSA gathers information. If Snowden has released classified or NOFORN information, he should pay a price

Can you prove Snowden is hiding out in an airport? We are told, through state media that he's hiding out in an airport but it has never really been determined where he is. Putin says Snowden is still hiding out at the airport, or, at least our state run media said that's what Putin said.

For all we know, Snowden is really at some Russian mansion on the Black Sea.

I don't give a fuck...

I do enjoy watching him squirm as country after country refuses entry. He is not the hero he thought he was
Poor, poor Snowden

Gets to live out his life in an airport

Of course, if he decides to return, we have a nice jail cell for him

I'm very certain that if Snowden had done the exact same thing during the Bush era, you'd be hailing him as a hero.

Actually, I wouldn't

I take the leaking of classified information seriously.....especially to our enemies

So, the American people are the enemy of government? That's a really nice brown shirt you have there, fella. :cuckoo:
I'm very certain that if Snowden had done the exact same thing during the Bush era, you'd be hailing him as a hero.

Actually, I wouldn't

I take the leaking of classified information seriously.....especially to our enemies

So, the American people are the enemy of government? That's a really nice brown shirt you have there, fella. :cuckoo:

Of course the American people are the enemy of government, didn't we force the fat ass first heifer into prison?
I take exception with secret surveillance, secret courts and a secret police being considered classified information!

No you don't.

Or, rather, you didn't when we learned that Bush was doing it.


Bush didn't do it. obama did it. obama took the tools Bush provided and used those tools against obama's chief enemies. The American people.

I differ in that the Patriot Act was inherently dangerous... because given time it could be augmented to our own detriment. Now it has.

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