Snowden's Statement against the Regime: Obama fears and informed people

The government permits the police and military to be armed. We expect that these agencies won't go house to house killing everyone they find.

Protective surveillance techniques were put in place to locate terrorists who hide in plain sight in our communities, yet make their plans with foreign help. No one wanted or expected these surveillance weapons to be turned against the public. Worse, no one wanted or expected these surveillance weapons to be used against the public in countries that were supposed to be our allies.

Since, as you say, the terrorists are hiding in the public, anyone who did not supsect they would be looking at the public can only be described as fools.
Snowden's GF was hot and lovely and he essentially let her go for love of his country! Your GD right he was hero! FUCK ALL THE HATERZ.

I dislike the Obama administration. I believe that Barry and his cronies are walking this country down one of the most destructive paths ever conceived. I have asked, begged, and cajoled my senators and representatives to do what ever is necessary to stop this man from achieving his goals. I am a member of the Tea Party because I believe that the current direction of the country is dangerous and potentially suicidal.

But Edward Snowden took an oath. Bradley Manning took an oath. IF they saw something that bothered them so bad that they felt compelled to tell someone, there are ways to do it and channels to pursue FIRST. Then, if all else fails, those men can take the path to 'blow the whistle' on programs or individuals that they think are violating the constitution.

My father taught me and I taught my son that your 'word is your bond.' You keep your word no matter what.

Edward Snowden is a traitor. Bradley Manning is a traitor. There are punishments for traitors. Each of those men deserve the punishment prescribed by law...

Sometimes circumstances call for instances in which people liek Snowden have to tell us the truth the way they did. Do you honestly think the people who have the power to screw you are going to let you reveal their lies and schemes? I don't think so.

Do you find honor in loyalty towards liars?

I find honor in loyalty to a principle. Our entire nation is a principle. The founding fathers created this principle and then tried to define it in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. I didn't go to Vietnam for Lyndon Baines Johnson. I didn't go to Vietnam for any Senator or Representative serving at the time. I didn't go because of any general or member of the government. I went to Vietnam because I believed that my country is the greatest nation on the face of this planet and my family had benefitted from the freedoms that were afforded them. I went to Vietnam because I felt I owed something and wanted to pay something back.

I became a policeman for partly the same reasons. It sure as hell wasn't the respect or the money or the incredible working environment.

Snowden is a traitor. He deserves to be treated like one. If he comes back on his own, he should be met at the airport, handcuffed, tried and if convicted then I would imagine that the death penalty will be possible.

Snowden's violation of his oath is no more palatible than the scores of spy's that sit rotting in federal prisons right now.
I dislike the Obama administration. I believe that Barry and his cronies are walking this country down one of the most destructive paths ever conceived. I have asked, begged, and cajoled my senators and representatives to do what ever is necessary to stop this man from achieving his goals. I am a member of the Tea Party because I believe that the current direction of the country is dangerous and potentially suicidal.

But Edward Snowden took an oath. Bradley Manning took an oath. IF they saw something that bothered them so bad that they felt compelled to tell someone, there are ways to do it and channels to pursue FIRST. Then, if all else fails, those men can take the path to 'blow the whistle' on programs or individuals that they think are violating the constitution.

My father taught me and I taught my son that your 'word is your bond.' You keep your word no matter what.

Edward Snowden is a traitor. Bradley Manning is a traitor. There are punishments for traitors. Each of those men deserve the punishment prescribed by law...

Sometimes circumstances call for instances in which people liek Snowden have to tell us the truth the way they did. Do you honestly think the people who have the power to screw you are going to let you reveal their lies and schemes? I don't think so.

Do you find honor in loyalty towards liars?

I find honor in loyalty to a principle. Our entire nation is a principle. The founding fathers created this principle and then tried to define it in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. I didn't go to Vietnam for Lyndon Baines Johnson. I didn't go to Vietnam for any Senator or Representative serving at the time. I didn't go because of any general or member of the government. I went to Vietnam because I believed that my country is the greatest nation on the face of this planet and my family had benefitted from the freedoms that were afforded them. I went to Vietnam because I felt I owed something and wanted to pay something back.

I became a policeman for partly the same reasons. It sure as hell wasn't the respect or the money or the incredible working environment.

Snowden is a traitor. He deserves to be treated like one. If he comes back on his own, he should be met at the airport, handcuffed, tried and if convicted then I would imagine that the death penalty will be possible.

Snowden's violation of his oath is no more palatible than the scores of spy's that sit rotting in federal prisons right now.

You went to Vietnam cos you were drafted and you became a police officer to smack some hoodlum's head against a hood of your car while getting paid for it. Fuck your police state, asshole.
If thats the case, Mr Snowden has no reason to be hiding out in an airport does he?

Classified information is classified for a reason. It is not up to low level snakes like Snowden to decide what should and what should not be released

well except for the fact that he embarrassed the president and the NSA who now have a hardon for him and are out to get him.

Lets try him and find the damage he has done

Right. So in this case you're ok with the government participating in unconsitutional activities because they classified the information to protect themselves from public backlash. Sycophants like you actually make me sick.

Why hide in an airport when he could be just like Bradly Manning? :cuckoo:

You want to try him, but think a few rounds of bureaucratic football over the NSA is completely acceptable. Just face it, dude. To you, the government is always right. And you'll stand by like a good little boot licker and allow whatever. No, sorry. You'll cheer them on and show disdain for fellow Americans that try to blow the whistle on the activity.

It's absolutely no wonder this country have completely defiled its founding principles with so many that think just like you do.
well except for the fact that he embarrassed the president and the NSA who now have a hardon for him and are out to get him.

Lets try him and find the damage he has done

Right. So in this case you're ok with the government participating in unconsitutional activities because they classified the information to protect themselves from public backlash. Sycophants like you actually make me sick.

Why hide in an airport when he could be just like Bradly Manning? :cuckoo:

You want to try him, but think a few rounds of bureaucratic football over the NSA is completely acceptable. Just face it, dude. To you, the government is always right. And you'll stand by like a good little boot licker and allow whatever. No, sorry. You'll cheer them on and show disdain for fellow Americans that try to blow the whistle on the activity.

It's absolutely no wonder this country have completely defiled its founding principles with so many that think just like you do.

RW is just a character. The reality is the average American doesn't give an F.
Lets try him and find the damage he has done

Right. So in this case you're ok with the government participating in unconsitutional activities because they classified the information to protect themselves from public backlash. Sycophants like you actually make me sick.

Why hide in an airport when he could be just like Bradly Manning? :cuckoo:

You want to try him, but think a few rounds of bureaucratic football over the NSA is completely acceptable. Just face it, dude. To you, the government is always right. And you'll stand by like a good little boot licker and allow whatever. No, sorry. You'll cheer them on and show disdain for fellow Americans that try to blow the whistle on the activity.

It's absolutely no wonder this country have completely defiled its founding principles with so many that think just like you do.

RW is just a character. The reality is the average American doesn't give an F.

That's just as bad, IMHO.
The irony is if he'd pulled this on Putin, he'd be lucky to be bleeding in the Lubyanka and not screaming from the dioxin.

I hear Levenworth is an absolute bitch in the winter.
well except for the fact that he embarrassed the president and the NSA who now have a hardon for him and are out to get him.

Lets try him and find the damage he has done

Right. So in this case you're ok with the government participating in unconsitutional activities because they classified the information to protect themselves from public backlash. Sycophants like you actually make me sick.

Why hide in an airport when he could be just like Bradly Manning? :cuckoo:

You want to try him, but think a few rounds of bureaucratic football over the NSA is completely acceptable. Just face it, dude. To you, the government is always right. And you'll stand by like a good little boot licker and allow whatever. No, sorry. You'll cheer them on and show disdain for fellow Americans that try to blow the whistle on the activity.

It's absolutely no wonder this country have completely defiled its founding principles with so many that think just like you do.

Low level employees do not get to decide what is classified or unclassified.
:cough: Michael Hastings.... It's not ironic at all.

Adjust the tin foil thingees on your hat.

Adjust my foot up your ass.

I'm scared now, tough guy. You're a conspiracy loon, so sue me.

On a more rational level, you asserted the NSA program is unconstitutional, but it is not. It's survived legal challange. Further FISA warrants issue, and congress has been appraised all along, even by BushII, although I do think Obama has actually been a little bit more transparent. The govt is not reading your mail. It probably knows the porn sites you visit, but so far it has no interest in telling anyone that.
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I find honor in loyalty to a principle. Our entire nation is a principle. The founding fathers created this principle and then tried to define it in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. I didn't go to Vietnam for Lyndon Baines Johnson. I didn't go to Vietnam for any Senator or Representative serving at the time. I didn't go because of any general or member of the government. I went to Vietnam because I believed that my country is the greatest nation on the face of this planet and my family had benefitted from the freedoms that were afforded them. I went to Vietnam because I felt I owed something and wanted to pay something back.

I became a policeman for partly the same reasons. It sure as hell wasn't the respect or the money or the incredible working environment.

Snowden is a traitor. He deserves to be treated like one. If he comes back on his own, he should be met at the airport, handcuffed, tried and if convicted then I would imagine that the death penalty will be possible.

Snowden's violation of his oath is no more palatible than the scores of spy's that sit rotting in federal prisons right now.

Not all soldiers are like that. They make wages. Meaning, they fight and get paid for it. It may be true that some soldiers became soldiers because that was one of the few options they had left.

Nations can't be principles, because nations aren't concepts created out of the imaginations of humans. Principles aren't tangible. Nations are.

You find honor in loyalty to a principle. I don't mind that. What I do mind is acting loyally on behalf of one principle, while ignoring others. Isn't honesty a principle as well? Transparency? Fairness? Why drop other principles for being loyal to a "principle"? There is more than one "moral" out there, Sniper. Loyalty can be blinding. It can make us blind to the real enemies, the real... "monsters." Those who have the power to destroy you, and the willingness to lie to you. Some say familiarity breeds contempt. Is it not true that people are becoming increasingly fed up with their corrupt and deceitful government?

Are all traitors bad people? What if a man knew a secret. The secret was a big one. A secret in which a nation kmurdered thousands and covered it. He knew he couldn't reveal the truth if he wnet through "the proper channels," which really means "their way in which they have all the advantages." Humans are predisposed to being rather nasty little mammals at times, aren't they? Behind all these flashy slogans of fairness and transparency is a slimy, grinning politician. The man knows he can't speak truth to power, because power is powerful, especially when motivated by wicked desires. What other option is left? If a plan is set in motion in which a man takes those secrets, and steps a little out of the range of the corrupt, he can tell his fellow citizens the truth. Though it may cost him, though it may destroy him, he feels that deep down what he is doing is right, because it is a level of honesty one can never hope to receive from the people in power.

Familiarity breeds contempt. I'm reaching a point in my life where I can no longer trust or respect America, and its distinction from China and Russia is becoming more and more blurred. Loyalty means nothing if it means being wicked and ignorant. The breaking of an oath has less weight than the revelations of a rotting nation.
It's great to see Obama and his cohorts exposed for what they really are. I am beginning to believe we actually can restore our constitutional republic. The tipping point is coming soon.

Very soon.

The shadow forces will have to rapidly accelerate their plan before there's a PEACEFUL revolution vis elections and the restoration of Jury NUllification.

Yes, New Hampshire voters forced the restoration of Jury Nullification in June 2012

New Hampshire Adopts Jury Nullification Law - Hit & Run :
But Edward Snowden took an oath. Bradley Manning took an oath.

My father taught me and I taught my son that your 'word is your bond.' You keep your word no matter what.
So if you had been one of Hitler's soldiers who took an oath of loyalty to the Führer, you would have kept the oath "no matter what"?

What a robot !!!

IF they saw something that bothered them so bad that they felt compelled to tell someone, there are ways to do it and channels to pursue FIRST. Then, if all else fails, those men can take the path to 'blow the whistle' on programs or individuals that they think are violating the constitution.
Oh, sure, that's so very intelligent and practical in the present-day totalitarian USA !! · · :cuckoo:

Is this an example of how the US military brainwashes all common sense out of its cannon fodder?
Numan: Surprised to see you here arguing for Snowden, who basically did the libertarian thing by standing up against the oppressive government. I guess you want your cake and to eat it too.

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