Snowden's Statement against the Regime: Obama fears and informed people

I haven't been watching Fox. What have they been saying? I figured out that Fox sanitizes their news just like any other news outlet. I lost all respect for Bill O'Reilly when he called the 'birthers' 'pinheads' despite the mounds of evidence supporting their claim. I mean look at Fox News's analysis on that subject. It's been virtually non-existent.

Dana Perino, Kimberly Guilfoyle, and Greg Gutfield of The Five have had an erroneous state of mind against Edward Snowden. They blame the leaker of misdeeds, and not those who did the deeds themselves. Bob Beckel and Eric Bolling have, I think, more favorable views towards him. Eric seemed to note the hypocrisy and injustice in attacking Snowden while being deliberately silent against the actual villains in this story.

Bill O'Reilly and his various spokesmouths tend to rally against Snowden while denying the truth. One of his talking heads last night seemed to take joy in seeing Edward Snowden being an unwanted man without a nation. Something tells me these people can't see the forest for the trees.

Yea. I'm watching MSNBC and Fox News segments now. Ironically (or not so ironically), they both are villainizing Snowden.

Here's an interesting point. It's not even Obama and his Democrat hounds coming after Snowden the hardest. It's the Boehners and Cheneys, etc. Of course, we know in the background, Obama, Holden and all the minions are in over-driving doing whatever they can against Snowden.
Poor, poor Snowden

Gets to live out his life in an airport

Of course, if he decides to return, we have a nice jail cell for him

I don't know how you hang someone by their thumbs. I think we should use him to find out.
I take exception with secret surveillance, secret courts and a secret police being considered classified information!

No you don't.

Or, rather, you didn't when we learned that Bush was doing it.


Bush didn't do it. obama did it. obama took the tools Bush provided and used those tools against obama's chief enemies. The American people.

The public first learned about warrantless wiretaps in 2005 thanks to coverage in the New York Times . The stories focused on the National Security Agency, which monitors foreign communications and intelligence. The New York Times revealed that the agency was monitoring phone and e-mail conversations of people in the United States who were communicating with people in other countries. This type of monitoring required a warrant, but President George W. Bush authorized it without warrants.

The Bush administration insisted the program was legal, though many people, particularly civil libertarians, disagreed. In 2008, Congress passed a law giving the administration the legal authority to do what it was doing anyway, and the law included retroactive immunity for telecommunications companies that had allowed the government to tap into into networks, so their customers couldn't sue them for privacy violations. Obama, then a senator, voted in favor of this bill

PolitiFact | The Obameter: Restrict warrantless wiretaps
I'm very certain that if Snowden had done the exact same thing during the Bush era, you'd be hailing him as a hero.

Actually, I wouldn't

I take the leaking of classified information seriously.....especially to our enemies

So, the American people are the enemy of government? That's a really nice brown shirt you have there, fella. :cuckoo:

I consider Russia and China not to have our countries best interests at heart

I also understand that there is specific information that is not cleared for release to the American public
I talked with a friend who often is tasked with working on classified government documents. He, like Snowden, works for a company that deals in government contractual work.

I posed a question to him: How is Snowden wrong if he has let the world know what our government is doing?

His response: First Snowden could have refused the work for conscious sake. Second, knowing what he does he MUST also know it is not only us, but every government is running this kind of program. Thirdly, There were/are legal rts. for him to have taken. Fourthly, he is misleading people as to exactly how a program like this can/does run (my friend builds electronic storage for a number of government agencies, including the NSA)

I ended up agreeing with him that Snowden is guilty of theft in the very least- and depending on what he actually has stolen and shared, likely espionage as well.

As an aside, he says that he is always allowed to accept specific work according to conscious or not. For instance, he was asked one time to build a program that recorded some pretty disgusting experiments on animals...he refused knowing they'd find someone else to work on the program...BTW that program was run under Clinton. The point being Snowden must have known prior to his accepting this work...what was being asked of him.

Your friend was likely another govt. weenie who is doing CYA. If it gets out that he's sympathizing with Snowden, he's toast.

Snowden's not even releasing sensitive info. He's just letting us know that this is being done. So, citizens are not allowed to know that they're being spied on en masse? Why should the government be privy to our private records without just cause? Snowden is protecting the Constitution; simple as that.
Actually, I wouldn't

I take the leaking of classified information seriously.....especially to our enemies

So, the American people are the enemy of government? That's a really nice brown shirt you have there, fella. :cuckoo:

I consider Russia and China not to have our countries best interests at heart

I also understand that there is specific information that is not cleared for release to the American public

Nothing of interest or revelation was revealed to china or russia. If you think so, you're pretty ignorant. They all spy on each other and the depth is probably miles deeper than snowden ever knew about.

SPecific information not cleared for the public like spying on them in violation of the 4th? Yeah, your brown shirt looks good on you. You probably think you're some portion of the government, which is why you talk the way you do. When in reality, youre just another useful idiot who would be thrown in the pit next to snowden if you failed to tow the line.

Poor, poor Snowden

Gets to live out his life in an airport

Of course, if he decides to return, we have a nice jail cell for him

I'm very certain that if Snowden had done the exact same thing during the Bush era, you'd be hailing him as a hero.

just like republicans using the filibuster = obstructionists, a democrat using the filibuster to stob an abortion bill is a progressive hero. hypocrites
I talked with a friend who often is tasked with working on classified government documents. He, like Snowden, works for a company that deals in government contractual work.

I posed a question to him: How is Snowden wrong if he has let the world know what our government is doing?

His response: First Snowden could have refused the work for conscious sake. Second, knowing what he does he MUST also know it is not only us, but every government is running this kind of program. Thirdly, There were/are legal rts. for him to have taken. Fourthly, he is misleading people as to exactly how a program like this can/does run (my friend builds electronic storage for a number of government agencies, including the NSA)

I ended up agreeing with him that Snowden is guilty of theft in the very least- and depending on what he actually has stolen and shared, likely espionage as well.

As an aside, he says that he is always allowed to accept specific work according to conscious or not. For instance, he was asked one time to build a program that recorded some pretty disgusting experiments on animals...he refused knowing they'd find someone else to work on the program...BTW that program was run under Clinton. The point being Snowden must have known prior to his accepting this work...what was being asked of him.

Your friend was likely another govt. weenie who is doing CYA. If it gets out that he's sympathizing with Snowden, he's toast.

Snowden's not even releasing sensitive info. He's just letting us know that this is being done. So, citizens are not allowed to know that they're being spied on en masse? Why should the government be privy to our private records without just cause? Snowden is protecting the Constitution; simple as that.

My "friend" is hardly a "weenie". We do not yet know what exactly Snowden is releasing- that's why we need him back here. That's why charges have been filed.

Our government is Constitutionally "tasked" first and foremost with our protection. WE elected officials who, with a majority in both houses, voted in the PA. Under this legislation a number of programs were lawfully allowed to run. I never supported the PA- but this is not equal to saying that Snowden, or anyone, gets to go tell secrets to foreign governments. He is now a pawn and a pawn only. He could have and SHOULD have followed a "legal" route provided him under Whistle Blower status, if, indeed, there was a "need" for the American public to know.
I talked with a friend who often is tasked with working on classified government documents. He, like Snowden, works for a company that deals in government contractual work.

I posed a question to him: How is Snowden wrong if he has let the world know what our government is doing?

His response: First Snowden could have refused the work for conscious sake. Second, knowing what he does he MUST also know it is not only us, but every government is running this kind of program. Thirdly, There were/are legal rts. for him to have taken. Fourthly, he is misleading people as to exactly how a program like this can/does run (my friend builds electronic storage for a number of government agencies, including the NSA)

I ended up agreeing with him that Snowden is guilty of theft in the very least- and depending on what he actually has stolen and shared, likely espionage as well.

As an aside, he says that he is always allowed to accept specific work according to conscious or not. For instance, he was asked one time to build a program that recorded some pretty disgusting experiments on animals...he refused knowing they'd find someone else to work on the program...BTW that program was run under Clinton. The point being Snowden must have known prior to his accepting this work...what was being asked of him.

Your friend was likely another govt. weenie who is doing CYA. If it gets out that he's sympathizing with Snowden, he's toast.

Snowden's not even releasing sensitive info. He's just letting us know that this is being done. So, citizens are not allowed to know that they're being spied on en masse? Why should the government be privy to our private records without just cause? Snowden is protecting the Constitution; simple as that.

My "friend" is hardly a "weenie". We do not yet know what exactly Snowden is releasing- that's why we need him back here. That's why charges have been filed.

Our government is Constitutionally "tasked" first and foremost with our protection. WE elected officials who, with a majority in both houses, voted in the PA. Under this legislation a number of programs were lawfully allowed to run. I never supported the PA- but this is not equal to saying that Snowden, or anyone, gets to go tell secrets to foreign governments. He is now a pawn and a pawn only. He could have and SHOULD have followed a "legal" route provided him under Whistle Blower status, if, indeed, there was a "need" for the American public to know.

Your friend may be a nice guy to you and what not; but he indeed is another government coward, who is happy with his gravy.

And government is not first and foremost tasked with our protection. In fact, little of protection is even stated in the Constitution aside from very basic military matters. And even the second amendment puts militias in the hands of the people; not the federal government. You've simply been conditioned to the government's over-reach to not understand these things.

The government is only tasked to abide to the amendments of the Consittution and to honorably represent the people. There is no honor in what the government is doing.
Snowden should have followed a legal route? Why? So that a secret court could stonewall him? GROW UP.
Our government shouldn't necessitate the existence of people like Edward Snowden.
Your friend was likely another govt. weenie who is doing CYA. If it gets out that he's sympathizing with Snowden, he's toast.

Snowden's not even releasing sensitive info. He's just letting us know that this is being done. So, citizens are not allowed to know that they're being spied on en masse? Why should the government be privy to our private records without just cause? Snowden is protecting the Constitution; simple as that.

My "friend" is hardly a "weenie". We do not yet know what exactly Snowden is releasing- that's why we need him back here. That's why charges have been filed.

Our government is Constitutionally "tasked" first and foremost with our protection. WE elected officials who, with a majority in both houses, voted in the PA. Under this legislation a number of programs were lawfully allowed to run. I never supported the PA- but this is not equal to saying that Snowden, or anyone, gets to go tell secrets to foreign governments. He is now a pawn and a pawn only. He could have and SHOULD have followed a "legal" route provided him under Whistle Blower status, if, indeed, there was a "need" for the American public to know.

Your friend may be a nice guy to you and what not; but he indeed is another government coward, who is happy with his gravy.

And government is not first and foremost tasked with our protection. In fact, little of protection is even stated in the Constitution aside from very basic military matters. And even the second amendment puts militias in the hands of the people; not the federal government. You've simply been conditioned to the government's over-reach to not understand these things.

The government is only tasked to abide to the amendments of the Constitution and to honorably represent the people. There is no honor in what the government is doing.

I disagree- though admit to over-simplifying. The Constitution is tasked with our protection first and foremost which should go without saying, but I digress- Our protections as enumerated in the Bill of Rights.

My friend is not on a "gravy train". He accepts some contract work from our government. Due to his expertise he, his company, is often offered contracts-that is all.

I have yet to read anyone taking his arguments, as I presented them, to task. When I posed the question I was ambivalent towards Snowden's guilt or innocence. My friends reasoning swayed me to support the charges in order to bring Snowden back to the US to answer to them.
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So, the American people are the enemy of government? That's a really nice brown shirt you have there, fella. :cuckoo:

I consider Russia and China not to have our countries best interests at heart

I also understand that there is specific information that is not cleared for release to the American public

Nothing of interest or revelation was revealed to china or russia. If you think so, you're pretty ignorant. They all spy on each other and the depth is probably miles deeper than snowden ever knew about.

SPecific information not cleared for the public like spying on them in violation of the 4th? Yeah, your brown shirt looks good on you. You probably think you're some portion of the government, which is why you talk the way you do. When in reality, youre just another useful idiot who would be thrown in the pit next to snowden if you failed to tow the line.


If thats the case, Mr Snowden has no reason to be hiding out in an airport does he?

Classified information is classified for a reason. It is not up to low level snakes like Snowden to decide what should and what should not be released
It's classified so the people don't know the level of obama's spying and data collection. It's not classified for protection of the nation but protection of obama.
Poor, poor Snowden

Gets to live out his life in an airport

Of course, if he decides to return, we have a nice jail cell for him

I'm very certain that if Snowden had done the exact same thing during the Bush era, you'd be hailing him as a hero.

Actually, I wouldn't

I take the leaking of classified information seriously.....especially to our enemies

You thought the same when information about water boarding was leaked?
I consider Russia and China not to have our countries best interests at heart

I also understand that there is specific information that is not cleared for release to the American public

Nothing of interest or revelation was revealed to china or russia. If you think so, you're pretty ignorant. They all spy on each other and the depth is probably miles deeper than snowden ever knew about.

SPecific information not cleared for the public like spying on them in violation of the 4th? Yeah, your brown shirt looks good on you. You probably think you're some portion of the government, which is why you talk the way you do. When in reality, youre just another useful idiot who would be thrown in the pit next to snowden if you failed to tow the line.


If thats the case, Mr Snowden has no reason to be hiding out in an airport does he?

Classified information is classified for a reason. It is not up to low level snakes like Snowden to decide what should and what should not be released

well except for the fact that he embarrassed the president and the NSA who now have a hardon for him and are out to get him.
Nothing of interest or revelation was revealed to china or russia. If you think so, you're pretty ignorant. They all spy on each other and the depth is probably miles deeper than snowden ever knew about.

SPecific information not cleared for the public like spying on them in violation of the 4th? Yeah, your brown shirt looks good on you. You probably think you're some portion of the government, which is why you talk the way you do. When in reality, youre just another useful idiot who would be thrown in the pit next to snowden if you failed to tow the line.


If thats the case, Mr Snowden has no reason to be hiding out in an airport does he?

Classified information is classified for a reason. It is not up to low level snakes like Snowden to decide what should and what should not be released

well except for the fact that he embarrassed the president and the NSA who now have a hardon for him and are out to get him.

Lets try him and find the damage he has done
My "friend" is hardly a "weenie". We do not yet know what exactly Snowden is releasing- that's why we need him back here. That's why charges have been filed.

Our government is Constitutionally "tasked" first and foremost with our protection. WE elected officials who, with a majority in both houses, voted in the PA. Under this legislation a number of programs were lawfully allowed to run. I never supported the PA- but this is not equal to saying that Snowden, or anyone, gets to go tell secrets to foreign governments. He is now a pawn and a pawn only. He could have and SHOULD have followed a "legal" route provided him under Whistle Blower status, if, indeed, there was a "need" for the American public to know.

Your friend may be a nice guy to you and what not; but he indeed is another government coward, who is happy with his gravy.

And government is not first and foremost tasked with our protection. In fact, little of protection is even stated in the Constitution aside from very basic military matters. And even the second amendment puts militias in the hands of the people; not the federal government. You've simply been conditioned to the government's over-reach to not understand these things.

The government is only tasked to abide to the amendments of the Constitution and to honorably represent the people. There is no honor in what the government is doing.

I disagree- though admit to over-simplifying. The Constitution is tasked with our protection first and foremost which should go without saying, but I digress- Our protections as enumerated in the Bill of Rights.

My friend is not on a "gravy train". He accepts some contract work from our government. Due to his expertise he, his company, is often offered contracts-that is all.

I have yet to read anyone taking his arguments, as I presented them, to task. When I posed the question I was ambivalent towards Snowden's guilt or innocence. My friends reasoning swayed me to support the charges in order to bring Snowden back to the US to answer to them.

No. The government could justify invading your home at any time or throwing you in a prinson at any time in the name of protection if their primary function was protection. You'll notice that Constitution doesn't even use the word police.

'Your friend' does not have the right to be taking innocent people's communications and phone records. If you think they do, then you deserve to lose your rights.

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