Snowflakes to hold... MOCK FUNERALS ... for ACA. Bwahahahaha!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Democrats plan ‘visceral’ theatrics in defense of Obamacare including mock funerals - Hot Air

"Are you ready for the mock funerals in defense of Obamacare? One Manhattan real estate investor has started a super PAC aimed at defending the law using shock tactics. From Politico:

“We must be far more visceral,” said Jason Haber, a Manhattan real estate investor who started a super PAC that he said will host mock funerals — including “tombstones, coffins, even eulogies” — later this month for “the constituents that will be killed as a result of losing access to health care.”"

The only funeral the snowflakes should have, if they keep on like this is THIS one:

upload_2017-5-9_16-0-10.jpeg :p
the snowflakes who keep up with snowflakes are bigger snowflakes than the snowflakes themselves.

the little bitches ...
Democrats plan ‘visceral’ theatrics in defense of Obamacare including mock funerals - Hot Air

"Are you ready for the mock funerals in defense of Obamacare? One Manhattan real estate investor has started a super PAC aimed at defending the law using shock tactics. From Politico:

“We must be far more visceral,” said Jason Haber, a Manhattan real estate investor who started a super PAC that he said will host mock funerals — including “tombstones, coffins, even eulogies” — later this month for “the constituents that will be killed as a result of losing access to health care.”"

The only funeral the snowflakes should have, if they keep on like this is THIS one:

View attachment 125776 :p
Democrats plan ‘visceral’ theatrics in defense of Obamacare including mock funerals - Hot Air

"Are you ready for the mock funerals in defense of Obamacare? One Manhattan real estate investor has started a super PAC aimed at defending the law using shock tactics. From Politico:

“We must be far more visceral,” said Jason Haber, a Manhattan real estate investor who started a super PAC that he said will host mock funerals — including “tombstones, coffins, even eulogies” — later this month for “the constituents that will be killed as a result of losing access to health care.”"

The only funeral the snowflakes should have, if they keep on like this is THIS one:

View attachment 125776 :p

The Democrats have pulled this kind of Dumbass stunt at least twice with Buchanan's Blunder prior to the Civil War and the disastrous three nominations of William Jennings Bryant. the Ds are like cockroaches they'll probably survive the Great Tribulation of Revelations.
No one outside of the left wing nutters cares one bit. They are preaching to the choir. This will gain them not one more vote and may cost them moderates. Stupid fuckers.
Just as with the violent protests at Trump rallies trying to make his supporters look bad, this is just another organized and funded Soros activity. Part of their "Resistance."

If I had my way, I would start gathering up these assholes at these divisive demonstrations, bus them to the west coast, push them off the cliff into the ocean and tell them to start swimming! Anyone within gun shot range in 5 minutes and we start picking off your ass!

The only people with time for such stuff obviously have no job to go to and no life to pursue!
No one outside of the left wing nutters cares one bit. They are preaching to the choir. This will gain them not one more vote and may cost them moderates. Stupid fuckers.


Trump drones don't care, and they are the minority of the country..

Stupid Fuckers
No one outside of the left wing nutters cares one bit. They are preaching to the choir. This will gain them not one more vote and may cost them moderates. Stupid fuckers.


Trump drones don't care, and they are the minority of the country..

Stupid Fuckers

That's not a translation, that's just what your feeble mind wants to hear. Stupid fucker.
The dead are going to pile up in the streets, rotting corpses everywhere, OH THE HUMANITY. Source, Democratic party, 1995. :laugh::laugh::laugh:
Snowflakes to hold... MOCK FUNERALS ... for ACA. Bwahahahaha!

Will they also hold "funerals" for the very real people who were killed by their gun control laws?

People who died in their "gun free zones", unable to defend themselves?

Women who died at the hands of men they had gotten restraining orders against, and tried to buy a weapon to protect themselves but had to wait for a two-week waiting period and the men showed up without waiting?

Children who were killed in mass murders in schools, where none of the staff was allowed to carry a gun?

They should have just repealed the whole fuckin thing.

Get government the fuck out of the industry.

Like why can't you just buy insurance and change policies whenever you want? What's the "open season" bullshit about? More fuckin government. They pass so many regulations you have to have armies of lawyers who do nothing but review and create new fuckin regulation. Think that shit's free and not part of your health care costs?

You think the thousands of homeless fuckers across the country who occupy emergeny rooms and hospital beds for bullshit reasons aren't funded by you, assuming you pay into the system at all?

I'll celebrate when government is curtailed. Not just because they took a tax out and called it "Not Obozocare".

the little RW snowflakes who worry so much about snowflakes are all going to have a stroke and kick off = mass funerals.
We just saw a post by left wingers who thought it was a good idea for 20 something liberal burger flippers who live in their parent's basements to send human cremation remains (of relatives?) to politicians. The crazy radical left is calling out all the stops.

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