SNUB: Obama won't meet Netanyahu

Why did Boehnner invite Netanyahu? He is overstepping his authority. The Speaker of the House does not conduct foreign policy.
Boehner is not conducting foreign policy, is he?

Looks to me like he merely invited another head of state to address Congress.
Next, Congress should invite Egypt strong man and president Abdel Fattah el-Sisi....
That should REALLY FROST whatever balls the obomanation has! Like to hear the Egyptian RIP APART the muslim brotherhood in front of the Congress and thus, the entire world will be able to listen!
I'll bet the Obumble Administration is rather sorry, right about now, that they called Bibi 'chickenshit' last summer, eh?

Looks like Bibi decided on a little show of his own flag, right under the Administration's nose, with the help of Congress, no less !

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, but you can't even make-up high-quality entertainment shit like this...

Congress is already moving to marginalize Obumble during his last two lame-duck years, and this is an outright bitch-slap at His Imperial Majesty, for his rule-by-decree approach to Immigration, and other pot-shots that the danged fool decided to take at Congress and The People...

Payback's a bitch, ain't it?

And after all that Hyper-Liberal orgasmic spraying after the SOTU speech, earlier this week.

My, my, my... looks like play-time's over, kiddies.

Ahhhhhhh... life is good.
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WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama will not meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu when he travels to Washington in March, the White House said Thursday, one day after being caught off-guard by Republicans' invitation for the Israeli leader to address a joint session of Congress.

Spokeswoman Bernadette Meehan said that in keeping with "long-standing practice and principle," the president does not meet with heads of state or candidates in close proximity to their elections.

"Accordingly, the president will not be meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu because of the proximity to the Israeli election, which is just two weeks after his planned address to the U.S. Congress," Meehan said.

More: Obama Will Not Meet With Netanyahu During Trip To Washington

Thank you, President Obama! Hopefully, Netanyahu will be defeated in the upcoming Israeli election.

What more is there to say on the matter?
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama will not meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu when he travels to Washington in March, the White House said Thursday, one day after being caught off-guard by Republicans' invitation for the Israeli leader to address a joint session of Congress.

Spokeswoman Bernadette Meehan said that in keeping with "long-standing practice and principle," the president does not meet with heads of state or candidates in close proximity to their elections.

"Accordingly, the president will not be meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu because of the proximity to the Israeli election, which is just two weeks after his planned address to the U.S. Congress," Meehan said.

More: Obama Will Not Meet With Netanyahu During Trip To Washington

Thank you, President Obama! Hopefully, Netanyahu will be defeated in the upcoming Israeli election.

What more is there to say on the matter?

Perhaps ONE more thing.....

The current POTUS needs a sycophantic media and a full-time staff to prevent him from embarrassment.

You need someone to remind you that your posts are an embarrassment, and you could self regulate if you were capable.

What if as Speaker, Nancy Pelosi usurped the polices of the Dept of State? You and other partisan hacks would have a dozen threads going on how treasonous she was, evidenced by the crap you've posted year after year.

Now, do you understand what we feel about what Obama has been doing?

I say this much; Nobody forced him down this road. Now the chickens are coming home to roost.
Could you tell us about all the times the House Republicans agreed with the President? How many times they managed to compromise?

If not, how on God's green Earth can you say nobody forced him down any roads?

Are Executive Actions constitutional actions? Where were you during Republican administrations when they used Executive Actions?

Don't expect an honest response from Mudwhistle. Honesty is a concept, one of many, which he cannot comprehend.
That's pretty funny.....considering you support Obama.

I support Obama on issue where I feel he and I agree. I'm not a lock-step ideologue like you, I actually have a quality brain, and a quality education and life experience.
Is it difficult to compromise with an elected President? It seems he did win two elections.
Why don't Republicans respect the will of the people?

Your question is an important one.

Q. Why don't Republicans respect the will of the people?

A. The Republican establishment (defined by those who are attending the Koch Brother's Winter Retreat) fear the hoi polloi.
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama will not meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu when he travels to Washington in March, the White House said Thursday, one day after being caught off-guard by Republicans' invitation for the Israeli leader to address a joint session of Congress.

Spokeswoman Bernadette Meehan said that in keeping with "long-standing practice and principle," the president does not meet with heads of state or candidates in close proximity to their elections.

"Accordingly, the president will not be meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu because of the proximity to the Israeli election, which is just two weeks after his planned address to the U.S. Congress," Meehan said.

More: Obama Will Not Meet With Netanyahu During Trip To Washington

Thank you, President Obama! Hopefully, Netanyahu will be defeated in the upcoming Israeli election.

What more is there to say on the matter?

Perhaps ONE more thing.....


Vigilante, you're not only dumb, you're an asshole too. Have you ever posted a thoughtful and substantive post? If you have in the past, please post it; otherwise I will continue to point out you are a dumb and arrogant asshole. Not that others have also come to the same conclusion.
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama will not meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu when he travels to Washington in March, the White House said Thursday, one day after being caught off-guard by Republicans' invitation for the Israeli leader to address a joint session of Congress.

Spokeswoman Bernadette Meehan said that in keeping with "long-standing practice and principle," the president does not meet with heads of state or candidates in close proximity to their elections.

"Accordingly, the president will not be meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu because of the proximity to the Israeli election, which is just two weeks after his planned address to the U.S. Congress," Meehan said.

More: Obama Will Not Meet With Netanyahu During Trip To Washington

Thank you, President Obama! Hopefully, Netanyahu will be defeated in the upcoming Israeli election.

What more is there to say on the matter?

Perhaps ONE more thing.....


Vigilante, you're not only dumb, you're an asshole too. Have you ever posted a thoughtful and substantive post? If you have in the past, please post it; otherwise I will continue to point out you are a dumb and arrogant asshole. Not that others have also come to the same conclusion.

Apparently Bibi giving your Muslim terrorist sympathizing president the FINGER has rubbed you the wrong way.... I just love it when you 2 digit IQ'd subversives get your panties all twisted...Je suis Vigilante... and I KILL liberals and subversives with small cartoons!..... I see you believe in the First amendment...NOT! :321:
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama will not meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu when he travels to Washington in March, the White House said Thursday, one day after being caught off-guard by Republicans' invitation for the Israeli leader to address a joint session of Congress.

Spokeswoman Bernadette Meehan said that in keeping with "long-standing practice and principle," the president does not meet with heads of state or candidates in close proximity to their elections.

"Accordingly, the president will not be meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu because of the proximity to the Israeli election, which is just two weeks after his planned address to the U.S. Congress," Meehan said.

More: Obama Will Not Meet With Netanyahu During Trip To Washington

Thank you, President Obama! Hopefully, Netanyahu will be defeated in the upcoming Israeli election.

What more is there to say on the matter?

Perhaps ONE more thing.....


Vigilante, you're not only dumb, you're an asshole too. Have you ever posted a thoughtful and substantive post? If you have in the past, please post it; otherwise I will continue to point out you are a dumb and arrogant asshole. Not that others have also come to the same conclusion.

Apparently Bibi giving your Muslim terrorist sympathizing president the FINGER has rubbed you the wrong way.... I just love it when you 2 digit IQ'd subversives get your panties all twisted...Je suis Vigilante... and I KILL liberals and subversives with small cartoons!..... I see you believe in the First amendment...NOT! :321:

More evidence that you are dumb. I have no desire to censor you, the stuff you post is an embarrassment to all honest conservatives. You're freak, though not the only one who hates Obama, liberals and anyone who holds considered opinions which you hate and fear.

Calling President Obama a "terrorist sympathizing president" is a lie, given his use of drones which other freaks bitch about, even as other freaks want to send other people's kids into harms way.

Your use of the subversive always makes me grin, I suggest you prove the point with evidence, but first, buy a dictionary and have someone help you to understand its meaning, and apply it with facts. As an example look to the words and actions of Cruz, Palin, Bachmann, McConnell, Boehner, Limbaugh, Levin, and other of your mentors.
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama will not meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu when he travels to Washington in March, the White House said Thursday, one day after being caught off-guard by Republicans' invitation for the Israeli leader to address a joint session of Congress.

Spokeswoman Bernadette Meehan said that in keeping with "long-standing practice and principle," the president does not meet with heads of state or candidates in close proximity to their elections.

"Accordingly, the president will not be meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu because of the proximity to the Israeli election, which is just two weeks after his planned address to the U.S. Congress," Meehan said.

More: Obama Will Not Meet With Netanyahu During Trip To Washington

Thank you, President Obama! Hopefully, Netanyahu will be defeated in the upcoming Israeli election.

What more is there to say on the matter?

Perhaps ONE more thing.....


Vigilante, you're not only dumb, you're an asshole too. Have you ever posted a thoughtful and substantive post? If you have in the past, please post it; otherwise I will continue to point out you are a dumb and arrogant asshole. Not that others have also come to the same conclusion.

Apparently Bibi giving your Muslim terrorist sympathizing president the FINGER has rubbed you the wrong way.... I just love it when you 2 digit IQ'd subversives get your panties all twisted...Je suis Vigilante... and I KILL liberals and subversives with small cartoons!..... I see you believe in the First amendment...NOT! :321:

More evidence that you are dumb. I have no desire to censor you, the stuff you post is an embarrassment to all honest conservatives. You're freak, though not the only one who hates Obama, liberals and anyone who holds considered opinions which you hate and fear.

Calling President Obama a "terrorist sympathizing president" is a lie, given his use of drones which other freaks bitch about, even as other freaks want to send other people's kids into harms way.

Your use of the subversive always makes me grin, I suggest you prove the point with evidence, but first, buy a dictionary and have someone help you to understand its meaning, and apply it with facts. As an example look to the words and actions of Cruz, Palin, Bachmann, McConnell, Boehner, Limbaugh, Levin, and other of your mentors.
Why doesn't Obama want to fight Islamic terrorists? Drones and airstrikes don't count.
What more is there to say on the matter?

Perhaps ONE more thing.....


Vigilante, you're not only dumb, you're an asshole too. Have you ever posted a thoughtful and substantive post? If you have in the past, please post it; otherwise I will continue to point out you are a dumb and arrogant asshole. Not that others have also come to the same conclusion.

Apparently Bibi giving your Muslim terrorist sympathizing president the FINGER has rubbed you the wrong way.... I just love it when you 2 digit IQ'd subversives get your panties all twisted...Je suis Vigilante... and I KILL liberals and subversives with small cartoons!..... I see you believe in the First amendment...NOT! :321:

More evidence that you are dumb. I have no desire to censor you, the stuff you post is an embarrassment to all honest conservatives. You're freak, though not the only one who hates Obama, liberals and anyone who holds considered opinions which you hate and fear.

Calling President Obama a "terrorist sympathizing president" is a lie, given his use of drones which other freaks bitch about, even as other freaks want to send other people's kids into harms way.

Your use of the subversive always makes me grin, I suggest you prove the point with evidence, but first, buy a dictionary and have someone help you to understand its meaning, and apply it with facts. As an example look to the words and actions of Cruz, Palin, Bachmann, McConnell, Boehner, Limbaugh, Levin, and other of your mentors.
Why doesn't Obama want to fight Islamic terrorists? Drones and airstrikes don't count.

Do you think you're smarter than President Obama and his national security team?
Perhaps ONE more thing.....


Vigilante, you're not only dumb, you're an asshole too. Have you ever posted a thoughtful and substantive post? If you have in the past, please post it; otherwise I will continue to point out you are a dumb and arrogant asshole. Not that others have also come to the same conclusion.

Apparently Bibi giving your Muslim terrorist sympathizing president the FINGER has rubbed you the wrong way.... I just love it when you 2 digit IQ'd subversives get your panties all twisted...Je suis Vigilante... and I KILL liberals and subversives with small cartoons!..... I see you believe in the First amendment...NOT! :321:

More evidence that you are dumb. I have no desire to censor you, the stuff you post is an embarrassment to all honest conservatives. You're freak, though not the only one who hates Obama, liberals and anyone who holds considered opinions which you hate and fear.

Calling President Obama a "terrorist sympathizing president" is a lie, given his use of drones which other freaks bitch about, even as other freaks want to send other people's kids into harms way.

Your use of the subversive always makes me grin, I suggest you prove the point with evidence, but first, buy a dictionary and have someone help you to understand its meaning, and apply it with facts. As an example look to the words and actions of Cruz, Palin, Bachmann, McConnell, Boehner, Limbaugh, Levin, and other of your mentors.
Why doesn't Obama want to fight Islamic terrorists? Drones and airstrikes don't count.

Do you think you're smarter than President Obama and his national security team?
Damn right I am. None of those jerks have ever been in battle and don't realize you can't win a war without ground troops. Obama simply doesn't want to kill Muslims. When are people going to acknowledge that fact?
Vigilante, you're not only dumb, you're an asshole too. Have you ever posted a thoughtful and substantive post? If you have in the past, please post it; otherwise I will continue to point out you are a dumb and arrogant asshole. Not that others have also come to the same conclusion.

Apparently Bibi giving your Muslim terrorist sympathizing president the FINGER has rubbed you the wrong way.... I just love it when you 2 digit IQ'd subversives get your panties all twisted...Je suis Vigilante... and I KILL liberals and subversives with small cartoons!..... I see you believe in the First amendment...NOT! :321:

More evidence that you are dumb. I have no desire to censor you, the stuff you post is an embarrassment to all honest conservatives. You're freak, though not the only one who hates Obama, liberals and anyone who holds considered opinions which you hate and fear.

Calling President Obama a "terrorist sympathizing president" is a lie, given his use of drones which other freaks bitch about, even as other freaks want to send other people's kids into harms way.

Your use of the subversive always makes me grin, I suggest you prove the point with evidence, but first, buy a dictionary and have someone help you to understand its meaning, and apply it with facts. As an example look to the words and actions of Cruz, Palin, Bachmann, McConnell, Boehner, Limbaugh, Levin, and other of your mentors.
Why doesn't Obama want to fight Islamic terrorists? Drones and airstrikes don't count.

Do you think you're smarter than President Obama and his national security team?
Damn right I am. None of those jerks have ever been in battle and don't realize you can't win a war without ground troops. Obama simply doesn't want to kill Muslims. When are people going to acknowledge that fact?

Yes going into Iraq sure was a great idea. That seems to be what started all this mess...

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