SNUB: Obama won't meet Netanyahu

This is what happens when you have an asshole Dictator-wannabe for a President. The Republican-controlled Congress will have to go it alone. Hopefully some honorable Democrats will step up and help though. I guess we'll see. Stay tuned.
Why did Boehnner invite Netanyahu? He is overstepping his authority. The Speaker of the House does not conduct foreign policy.

Boehner likely did so because he was told to. Obama is using diplomacy and sanctions against Iran's nuclear ambtions. It's working, the economy of Iraq, much like that of Russian is suffering (of course the price of oil is helping of late) and we know the Israeli PM is a hawk and wants to strike Iran but will do so only with our help.

This gives Boehner cred with the neo cons and also always him to embarrass the POTUS, at least in Boehner's mind. More and more Americans wonder about the Israeli policy of "Manifest Destiny" and given the results of "Arab Springs" the words of RFK ring loudly. The day before he was shot, my then college SO and I went to SF's Civic Auditorium to hear him speak (he had just won the CA Primary that day), and that night he said the turmoil in the ME was the one greatest threat to a third world war.
The current POTUS needs a sycophantic media and a full-time staff to prevent him from embarrassment.

You need someone to remind you that your posts are an embarrassment, and you could self regulate if you were capable.

What if as Speaker, Nancy Pelosi usurped the polices of the Dept of State? You and other partisan hacks would have a dozen threads going on how treasonous she was, evidenced by the crap you've posted year after year.
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This is what happens when you have an asshole Dictator-wannabe for a President. The Republican-controlled Congress will have to go it alone. Hopefully some honorable Democrats will step up and help though. I guess we'll see. Stay tuned.

Paulitician is challenged by reality, and not very bright. President Obama was elected POTUS twice, so elections do have consequences and one result is that as President he can and will veto those bills passed by both Chambers and sent to him with poison pills.

Given the rules in both Chambers, the possibility of a clean bill going to President Obama's Desk is very unlikely, thus we can expect another two years of governance by piss contest.
Why did Boehnner invite Netanyahu? He is overstepping his authority. The Speaker of the House does not conduct foreign policy.

I guess it's just karma.

Obama ignores Congress so they decided to ignore him.

Spot On. Good to see Boehner finally stepping up. Now it's time for McConnell to grow a pair.

Boehner's a wimp, he's doing what he was told. And, the policy of sanctions and diplomacy need time, but all indications suggest it is working toward our goal of keeping Iran's nuclear ambitions in check. Boehner may upset that delicate balance; maybe he's too dumb know that or may be he doesn't care.

The Speaker of the House has his role, but not to be a wannabe Sec. of State, or Sec. of Defense!. His actions are tantamount to treason and are an affront to the Constitution, for no where in the enumerated powers is he given the authority to act in their capacity or usurpe their policies.

Elections have consequences. Congress is gonna go it alone. Just like your Supreme Leader boasts about doing. Congress will now rule as if there is no President. Just like the Supreme Leader has ruled as if there is no Congress. Looks like Boehner and McConnell are finally gonna step up. That's what they were elected to do. It's about time.

Boehner and McConnell are your idea of leaders? That's funny, and a sure sign you are way out of touch with reality.
Netanyahu should have been gone years ago

It doesn't matter who is elected, none of them had pledged to dissolve the Jewish State.

BTW, Libertarians do not mind sharing a box of crayons. We object to having government bureaucrats, who have no authority to compel me to share the wealth , force me to share the box of crayons with you, Specially, when I do not know why you don't have your own.

Why did Boehnner invite Netanyahu? He is overstepping his authority. The Speaker of the House does not conduct foreign policy.

Boehner likely did so because he was told to. Obama is using diplomacy and sanctions against Iran's nuclear ambtions. It's working, the economy of Iraq, much like that of Russian is suffering (of course the price of oil is helping of late) and we know the Israeli PM is a hawk and wants to strike Iran but will do so only with our help.

This gives Boehner cred with the neo cons and also always him to embarrass the POTUS, at least in Boehner's mind. More and more Americans wonder about the Israeli policy of "Manifest Destiny" and given the results of "Arab Springs" the words of RFK ring loudly. The day before he was shot, my then college SO and I went to SF's Civic Auditorium to hear him speak (he had just won the CA Primary that day), and that night he said the turmoil in the ME was the one greatest threat to a third world war.
The current POTUS needs a sycophantic media and a full-time staff to prevent him from embarrassment.

You need someone to remind you that your posts are an embarrassment, and you could self regulate if you were capable.

What if as Speaker, Nancy Pelosi usurped the polices of the Dept of State? You and other partisan hacks would have a dozen threads going on how treasonous she was, evidenced by the crap you've posted year after year.

She kinda did that when she went behind Bush's back and had a meeting with that mass murderer Assad.
Why did Boehnner invite Netanyahu? He is overstepping his authority. The Speaker of the House does not conduct foreign policy.

Boehner likely did so because he was told to. Obama is using diplomacy and sanctions against Iran's nuclear ambtions. It's working, the economy of Iraq, much like that of Russian is suffering (of course the price of oil is helping of late) and we know the Israeli PM is a hawk and wants to strike Iran but will do so only with our help.

This gives Boehner cred with the neo cons and also always him to embarrass the POTUS, at least in Boehner's mind. More and more Americans wonder about the Israeli policy of "Manifest Destiny" and given the results of "Arab Springs" the words of RFK ring loudly. The day before he was shot, my then college SO and I went to SF's Civic Auditorium to hear him speak (he had just won the CA Primary that day), and that night he said the turmoil in the ME was the one greatest threat to a third world war.
The current POTUS needs a sycophantic media and a full-time staff to prevent him from embarrassment.

You need someone to remind you that your posts are an embarrassment, and you could self regulate if you were capable.

What if as Speaker, Nancy Pelosi usurped the polices of the Dept of State? You and other partisan hacks would have a dozen threads going on how treasonous she was, evidenced by the crap you've posted year after year.

Now, do you understand what we feel about what Obama has been doing?

I say this much; Nobody forced him down this road. Now the chickens are coming home to roost.
Why did Boehnner invite Netanyahu? He is overstepping his authority. The Speaker of the House does not conduct foreign policy.

Boehner likely did so because he was told to. Obama is using diplomacy and sanctions against Iran's nuclear ambtions. It's working, the economy of Iraq, much like that of Russian is suffering (of course the price of oil is helping of late) and we know the Israeli PM is a hawk and wants to strike Iran but will do so only with our help.

This gives Boehner cred with the neo cons and also always him to embarrass the POTUS, at least in Boehner's mind. More and more Americans wonder about the Israeli policy of "Manifest Destiny" and given the results of "Arab Springs" the words of RFK ring loudly. The day before he was shot, my then college SO and I went to SF's Civic Auditorium to hear him speak (he had just won the CA Primary that day), and that night he said the turmoil in the ME was the one greatest threat to a third world war.
The current POTUS needs a sycophantic media and a full-time staff to prevent him from embarrassment.

You need someone to remind you that your posts are an embarrassment, and you could self regulate if you were capable.

What if as Speaker, Nancy Pelosi usurped the polices of the Dept of State? You and other partisan hacks would have a dozen threads going on how treasonous she was, evidenced by the crap you've posted year after year.

Now, do you understand what we feel about what Obama has been doing?

I say this much; Nobody forced him down this road. Now the chickens are coming home to roost.
Could you tell us about all the times the House Republicans agreed with the President? How many times they managed to compromise?

If not, how on God's green Earth can you say nobody forced him down any roads?

Are Executive Actions constitutional actions? Where were you during Republican administrations when they used Executive Actions?
Why did Boehnner invite Netanyahu? He is overstepping his authority. The Speaker of the House does not conduct foreign policy.

Boehner likely did so because he was told to. Obama is using diplomacy and sanctions against Iran's nuclear ambtions. It's working, the economy of Iraq, much like that of Russian is suffering (of course the price of oil is helping of late) and we know the Israeli PM is a hawk and wants to strike Iran but will do so only with our help.

This gives Boehner cred with the neo cons and also always him to embarrass the POTUS, at least in Boehner's mind. More and more Americans wonder about the Israeli policy of "Manifest Destiny" and given the results of "Arab Springs" the words of RFK ring loudly. The day before he was shot, my then college SO and I went to SF's Civic Auditorium to hear him speak (he had just won the CA Primary that day), and that night he said the turmoil in the ME was the one greatest threat to a third world war.
The current POTUS needs a sycophantic media and a full-time staff to prevent him from embarrassment.

You need someone to remind you that your posts are an embarrassment, and you could self regulate if you were capable.

What if as Speaker, Nancy Pelosi usurped the polices of the Dept of State? You and other partisan hacks would have a dozen threads going on how treasonous she was, evidenced by the crap you've posted year after year.

She kinda did that when she went behind Bush's back and had a meeting with that mass murderer Assad.

I remember McDermott visiting Saddam just to undermine Bush.
Why did Boehnner invite Netanyahu? He is overstepping his authority. The Speaker of the House does not conduct foreign policy.

Boehner likely did so because he was told to. Obama is using diplomacy and sanctions against Iran's nuclear ambtions. It's working, the economy of Iraq, much like that of Russian is suffering (of course the price of oil is helping of late) and we know the Israeli PM is a hawk and wants to strike Iran but will do so only with our help.

This gives Boehner cred with the neo cons and also always him to embarrass the POTUS, at least in Boehner's mind. More and more Americans wonder about the Israeli policy of "Manifest Destiny" and given the results of "Arab Springs" the words of RFK ring loudly. The day before he was shot, my then college SO and I went to SF's Civic Auditorium to hear him speak (he had just won the CA Primary that day), and that night he said the turmoil in the ME was the one greatest threat to a third world war.
The current POTUS needs a sycophantic media and a full-time staff to prevent him from embarrassment.

You need someone to remind you that your posts are an embarrassment, and you could self regulate if you were capable.

What if as Speaker, Nancy Pelosi usurped the polices of the Dept of State? You and other partisan hacks would have a dozen threads going on how treasonous she was, evidenced by the crap you've posted year after year.

Now, do you understand what we feel about what Obama has been doing?

I say this much; Nobody forced him down this road. Now the chickens are coming home to roost.
Could you tell us about all the times the House Republicans agreed with the President? How many times they managed to compromise?

If not, how on God's green Earth can you say nobody forced him down any roads?

Are Executive Actions constitutional actions? Where were you during Republican administrations when they used Executive Actions?

It's difficult to compromise with utter stupidity.
Why did Boehnner invite Netanyahu? He is overstepping his authority. The Speaker of the House does not conduct foreign policy.

Boehner likely did so because he was told to. Obama is using diplomacy and sanctions against Iran's nuclear ambtions. It's working, the economy of Iraq, much like that of Russian is suffering (of course the price of oil is helping of late) and we know the Israeli PM is a hawk and wants to strike Iran but will do so only with our help.

This gives Boehner cred with the neo cons and also always him to embarrass the POTUS, at least in Boehner's mind. More and more Americans wonder about the Israeli policy of "Manifest Destiny" and given the results of "Arab Springs" the words of RFK ring loudly. The day before he was shot, my then college SO and I went to SF's Civic Auditorium to hear him speak (he had just won the CA Primary that day), and that night he said the turmoil in the ME was the one greatest threat to a third world war.
The current POTUS needs a sycophantic media and a full-time staff to prevent him from embarrassment.

You need someone to remind you that your posts are an embarrassment, and you could self regulate if you were capable.

What if as Speaker, Nancy Pelosi usurped the polices of the Dept of State? You and other partisan hacks would have a dozen threads going on how treasonous she was, evidenced by the crap you've posted year after year.

Now, do you understand what we feel about what Obama has been doing?

I say this much; Nobody forced him down this road. Now the chickens are coming home to roost.
Could you tell us about all the times the House Republicans agreed with the President? How many times they managed to compromise?

If not, how on God's green Earth can you say nobody forced him down any roads?

Are Executive Actions constitutional actions? Where were you during Republican administrations when they used Executive Actions?

Don't expect an honest response from Mudwhistle. Honesty is a concept, one of many, which he cannot comprehend.
Boehner likely did so because he was told to. Obama is using diplomacy and sanctions against Iran's nuclear ambtions. It's working, the economy of Iraq, much like that of Russian is suffering (of course the price of oil is helping of late) and we know the Israeli PM is a hawk and wants to strike Iran but will do so only with our help.

This gives Boehner cred with the neo cons and also always him to embarrass the POTUS, at least in Boehner's mind. More and more Americans wonder about the Israeli policy of "Manifest Destiny" and given the results of "Arab Springs" the words of RFK ring loudly. The day before he was shot, my then college SO and I went to SF's Civic Auditorium to hear him speak (he had just won the CA Primary that day), and that night he said the turmoil in the ME was the one greatest threat to a third world war.
The current POTUS needs a sycophantic media and a full-time staff to prevent him from embarrassment.

You need someone to remind you that your posts are an embarrassment, and you could self regulate if you were capable.

What if as Speaker, Nancy Pelosi usurped the polices of the Dept of State? You and other partisan hacks would have a dozen threads going on how treasonous she was, evidenced by the crap you've posted year after year.

Now, do you understand what we feel about what Obama has been doing?

I say this much; Nobody forced him down this road. Now the chickens are coming home to roost.
Could you tell us about all the times the House Republicans agreed with the President? How many times they managed to compromise?

If not, how on God's green Earth can you say nobody forced him down any roads?

Are Executive Actions constitutional actions? Where were you during Republican administrations when they used Executive Actions?

Don't expect an honest response from Mudwhistle. Honesty is a concept, one of many, which he cannot comprehend.
That's pretty funny.....considering you support Obama.
Boehner likely did so because he was told to. Obama is using diplomacy and sanctions against Iran's nuclear ambtions. It's working, the economy of Iraq, much like that of Russian is suffering (of course the price of oil is helping of late) and we know the Israeli PM is a hawk and wants to strike Iran but will do so only with our help.

This gives Boehner cred with the neo cons and also always him to embarrass the POTUS, at least in Boehner's mind. More and more Americans wonder about the Israeli policy of "Manifest Destiny" and given the results of "Arab Springs" the words of RFK ring loudly. The day before he was shot, my then college SO and I went to SF's Civic Auditorium to hear him speak (he had just won the CA Primary that day), and that night he said the turmoil in the ME was the one greatest threat to a third world war.
The current POTUS needs a sycophantic media and a full-time staff to prevent him from embarrassment.

You need someone to remind you that your posts are an embarrassment, and you could self regulate if you were capable.

What if as Speaker, Nancy Pelosi usurped the polices of the Dept of State? You and other partisan hacks would have a dozen threads going on how treasonous she was, evidenced by the crap you've posted year after year.

Now, do you understand what we feel about what Obama has been doing?

I say this much; Nobody forced him down this road. Now the chickens are coming home to roost.
Could you tell us about all the times the House Republicans agreed with the President? How many times they managed to compromise?

If not, how on God's green Earth can you say nobody forced him down any roads?

Are Executive Actions constitutional actions? Where were you during Republican administrations when they used Executive Actions?

It's difficult to compromise with utter stupidity.
Is it difficult to compromise with an elected President? It seems he did win two elections. Could you explain how the nation elected this man twice and yet you consider him to have utter stupidity? Does the Republican controlled congress feature nothing but the best and brightest?

Your response reflects petulance, not wisdom. Capriciousness, not statesmanship. Authoritarianism, not the best ideals of a free democracy.
The current POTUS needs a sycophantic media and a full-time staff to prevent him from embarrassment.

You need someone to remind you that your posts are an embarrassment, and you could self regulate if you were capable.

What if as Speaker, Nancy Pelosi usurped the polices of the Dept of State? You and other partisan hacks would have a dozen threads going on how treasonous she was, evidenced by the crap you've posted year after year.

Now, do you understand what we feel about what Obama has been doing?

I say this much; Nobody forced him down this road. Now the chickens are coming home to roost.
Could you tell us about all the times the House Republicans agreed with the President? How many times they managed to compromise?

If not, how on God's green Earth can you say nobody forced him down any roads?

Are Executive Actions constitutional actions? Where were you during Republican administrations when they used Executive Actions?

It's difficult to compromise with utter stupidity.
Is it difficult to compromise with an elected President? It seems he did win two elections. Could you explain how the nation elected this man twice and yet you consider him to have utter stupidity? Does the Republican controlled congress feature nothing but the best and brightest?

Your response reflects petulance, not wisdom. Capriciousness, not statesmanship. Authoritarianism, not the best ideals of a free democracy.

I mean when Obama was in control of both houses, he was full of compromises, wasn't he? :rofl:
The current POTUS needs a sycophantic media and a full-time staff to prevent him from embarrassment.

You need someone to remind you that your posts are an embarrassment, and you could self regulate if you were capable.

What if as Speaker, Nancy Pelosi usurped the polices of the Dept of State? You and other partisan hacks would have a dozen threads going on how treasonous she was, evidenced by the crap you've posted year after year.

Now, do you understand what we feel about what Obama has been doing?

I say this much; Nobody forced him down this road. Now the chickens are coming home to roost.
Could you tell us about all the times the House Republicans agreed with the President? How many times they managed to compromise?

If not, how on God's green Earth can you say nobody forced him down any roads?

Are Executive Actions constitutional actions? Where were you during Republican administrations when they used Executive Actions?

It's difficult to compromise with utter stupidity.
Is it difficult to compromise with an elected President? It seems he did win two elections. Could you explain how the nation elected this man twice and yet you consider him to have utter stupidity? Does the Republican controlled congress feature nothing but the best and brightest?

Your response reflects petulance, not wisdom. Capriciousness, not statesmanship. Authoritarianism, not the best ideals of a free democracy.

Obama believes in populist drivel (lies) that sound good on the surface but in reality are total horse shit. He has a sycophantic media to repeat his lies and reinforce them to give them legitimacy.

He never seeked to compromise with Republicans, choosing instead to insult them at every opportunity. He told them 5 mins after they were sworn in that whatever they had in mind he was gonna veto it.

So you see, anyone with half a motherfucking brain can see the problem is Obama is a dick.
You need someone to remind you that your posts are an embarrassment, and you could self regulate if you were capable.

What if as Speaker, Nancy Pelosi usurped the polices of the Dept of State? You and other partisan hacks would have a dozen threads going on how treasonous she was, evidenced by the crap you've posted year after year.

Now, do you understand what we feel about what Obama has been doing?

I say this much; Nobody forced him down this road. Now the chickens are coming home to roost.
Could you tell us about all the times the House Republicans agreed with the President? How many times they managed to compromise?

If not, how on God's green Earth can you say nobody forced him down any roads?

Are Executive Actions constitutional actions? Where were you during Republican administrations when they used Executive Actions?

It's difficult to compromise with utter stupidity.
Is it difficult to compromise with an elected President? It seems he did win two elections. Could you explain how the nation elected this man twice and yet you consider him to have utter stupidity? Does the Republican controlled congress feature nothing but the best and brightest?

Your response reflects petulance, not wisdom. Capriciousness, not statesmanship. Authoritarianism, not the best ideals of a free democracy.

I mean when Obama was in control of both houses, he was full of compromises, wasn't he? :rofl:
Had the Republicans offered suggestions for the ACA other than NO!...

How do you compromise with NO!?

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