SNUB: Obama won't meet Netanyahu

I don't think Netanyahu gives a shit about a popularity contest like Barry does.


Cause he's so manly and strong and "alpha", right?

You do realize he's a politician?
I realize he is an honest politician. Every pol likes their ego stroked.

No such animal.

Even on the local level?

Is Bibi on "the local level"?

But yes - even on the local level. Local pols are usually the most corrupt.

Another BROAD BRUSH statement from the left!
Benjamin Netanyahu's popularity took a big hit at home approaching the end of his 2nd full year as PM. That's because he said the country would do better to move towards an unfettered free market, which meant selling gov't assets and control in banks and other companies. Of course, once set free, the Israeli citizens began benefiting less not more and income inequality has become a big issue there.

Over the past year, his popularity was shot because of all the strife with Palestine. He had promised that he was the one who could best keep them safe and the people of Israel just don't buy it anymore. In the most recent polling, 60% of Israeli voters say they don't want to vote for him.

It didn't help his cause when, last November, he shot his mouth off about the fact that the White House doesn't see his settlement plan as being very prudent. The Obama administration was quick to publicly remind him that Israel continues to receive the most generous amount of money and support between two countries, to which Netanyahu had to shut up.

His approval ratings are consistently where Dubya's was after Katrina, in the low 30's. Figures that Republicans love Bibi, he's a total loser who can't keep his people or their economy safe from his own stupidity.

Bibi NEEDS a photo-op with Obama a hell of a lot more than the other way around. Our right-wing friends here are deluding themselves with yet another fairytale they've concocted up on what Jon Stewart calls "Bullshit Mountain".
Netanyahu should have been gone years ago

Why do you hate Jews?

It's the fashionable leftie thing to do. They all hate Jews. They gussie their hate up fashionably and call it "anti-Zionism." But in no way do I excuse left-wing Jews who themselves who have spent years in the industry internecine race baiting & hatred in our own country. The monster they created is come back to smite them.
Amazing then that Jews nearly all vote Democratic in the US.
Why did Boehnner invite Netanyahu? He is overstepping his authority. The Speaker of the House does not conduct foreign policy.

And Obama oversteps his authority legislating from the Oval Office. Eye for an eye.

For once I like Boehner's style.

"Separation of Powers? What Separation?" constitutional scholar Obama said.

"Gee, I don't know," Speaker Boehner concurred.
Benjamin Netanyahu's popularity took a big hit at home approaching the end of his 2nd full year as PM. That's because he said the country would do better to move towards an unfettered free market, which meant selling gov't assets and control in banks and other companies. Of course, once set free, the Israeli citizens began benefiting less not more and income inequality has become a big issue there.

Over the past year, his popularity was shot because of all the strife with Palestine. He had promised that he was the one who could best keep them safe and the people of Israel just don't buy it anymore. In the most recent polling, 60% of Israeli voters say they don't want to vote for him.

It didn't help his cause when, last November, he shot his mouth off about the fact that the White House doesn't see his settlement plan as being very prudent. The Obama administration was quick to publicly remind him that Israel continues to receive the most generous amount of money and support between two countries, to which Netanyahu had to shut up.

His approval ratings are consistently where Dubya's was after Katrina, in the low 30's. Figures that Republicans love Bibi, he's a total loser who can't keep his people or their economy safe from his own stupidity.

Bibi NEEDS a photo-op with Obama a hell of a lot more than the other way around. Our right-wing friends here are deluding themselves with yet another fairytale they've concocted up on what Jon Stewart calls "Bullshit Mountain".
His people and the economy seem to be doing just fine. You can't argue he hasn't defended them, done an excellent job there. He may nnot get re-elected but he did a good job while there.
Netanyahu should have been gone years ago

Why do you hate Jews?

It's the fashionable leftie thing to do. They all hate Jews. They gussie their hate up fashionably and call it "anti-Zionism." But in no way do I excuse left-wing Jews who themselves who have spent years in the industry internecine race baiting & hatred in our own country. The monster they created is come back to smite them.
Amazing then that Jews nearly all vote Democratic in the US.
Yeah, not sure why they do that either.
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama will not meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu when he travels to Washington in March, the White House said Thursday, one day after being caught off-guard by Republicans' invitation for the Israeli leader to address a joint session of Congress.

Spokeswoman Bernadette Meehan said that in keeping with "long-standing practice and principle," the president does not meet with heads of state or candidates in close proximity to their elections.

"Accordingly, the president will not be meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu because of the proximity to the Israeli election, which is just two weeks after his planned address to the U.S. Congress," Meehan said.

More: Obama Will Not Meet With Netanyahu During Trip To Washington

Thank you, President Obama! Hopefully, Netanyahu will be defeated in the upcoming Israeli election.

Benjamin Netanyahu and Barak Obama at age 28, one smoked "choom" while the other smoked terrorists.

Looks like we drew the short straw.

Netanyahu should have been gone years ago

Why do you hate Jews?

It's the fashionable leftie thing to do. They all hate Jews. They gussie their hate up fashionably and call it "anti-Zionism." But in no way do I excuse left-wing Jews who themselves who have spent years in the industry internecine race baiting & hatred in our own country. The monster they created is come back to smite them.
Amazing then that Jews nearly all vote Democratic in the US.
Yeah, not sure why they do that either.
Well, the republicans having David Duke, Scalise and other Far Right members might give you a clue.
Netanyahu should have been gone years ago

Why do you hate Jews?

It's the fashionable leftie thing to do. They all hate Jews. They gussie their hate up fashionably and call it "anti-Zionism." But in no way do I excuse left-wing Jews who themselves who have spent years in the industry internecine race baiting & hatred in our own country. The monster they created is come back to smite them.
Amazing then that Jews nearly all vote Democratic in the US.
Yeah, not sure why they do that either.

Because they're resentful of the fact that one of them hasn't had the chance to step into the oval office and fuck things up as bad as the rest of the American species have.
Netanyahu should have been gone years ago

Why do you hate Jews?

It's the fashionable leftie thing to do. They all hate Jews. They gussie their hate up fashionably and call it "anti-Zionism." But in no way do I excuse left-wing Jews who themselves who have spent years in the industry internecine race baiting & hatred in our own country. The monster they created is come back to smite them.
Amazing then that Jews nearly all vote Democratic in the US.
Yeah, not sure why they do that either.

Because they're resentful of the fact that one of them hasn't had the chance to step into the oval office and fuck things up as bad as the rest of the American species have.

Thanks to Obama many loyal Jews that have traditionally voted Democrat will no longer do that. :clap2:
Why do you hate Jews?

It's the fashionable leftie thing to do. They all hate Jews. They gussie their hate up fashionably and call it "anti-Zionism." But in no way do I excuse left-wing Jews who themselves who have spent years in the industry internecine race baiting & hatred in our own country. The monster they created is come back to smite them.
Amazing then that Jews nearly all vote Democratic in the US.
Yeah, not sure why they do that either.

Because they're resentful of the fact that one of them hasn't had the chance to step into the oval office and fuck things up as bad as the rest of the American species have.

Thanks to Obama many loyal Jews that have traditionally voted Democrat will no longer do that. :clap2:
Really? Wanna bet?
It's the fashionable leftie thing to do. They all hate Jews. They gussie their hate up fashionably and call it "anti-Zionism." But in no way do I excuse left-wing Jews who themselves who have spent years in the industry internecine race baiting & hatred in our own country. The monster they created is come back to smite them.
Amazing then that Jews nearly all vote Democratic in the US.
Yeah, not sure why they do that either.

Because they're resentful of the fact that one of them hasn't had the chance to step into the oval office and fuck things up as bad as the rest of the American species have.

Thanks to Obama many loyal Jews that have traditionally voted Democrat will no longer do that. :clap2:
Really? Wanna bet?

Depends who's running.

He's a fucking asshole who gets testy if America and it's president does not kiss his ass and blindly back him up no matter what kind of fascist shit he does.
^^^ here's another Jew-hating closeted Nazi. Do you people miss the old days? Israel is our friend and you jackasses make kissy-kissy with the people who danced in the streets on 9/11. What in the hell is your defect, people?l
After Bibi loses his re-election campaign, he can move to the US and run for office as a Republican.

You guys seem to like him a lot more than Israelis do.
Bibi would make an outstanding President.

62% of Israelis disagree with you.

According to a 2014 CNN poll nearly twice as many Americans view Netanyahu favorably (39%) as do unfavorably (20%). Obama would slit Michelle's throat for those numbers.

Have you not been paying attention?

Obama's back up to 50% approval.
Those numbers are fudged. Re: 50% approval. Taken by liberal pollsters.
It's the fashionable leftie thing to do. They all hate Jews. They gussie their hate up fashionably and call it "anti-Zionism." But in no way do I excuse left-wing Jews who themselves who have spent years in the industry internecine race baiting & hatred in our own country. The monster they created is come back to smite them.
Amazing then that Jews nearly all vote Democratic in the US.
Yeah, not sure why they do that either.

Because they're resentful of the fact that one of them hasn't had the chance to step into the oval office and fuck things up as bad as the rest of the American species have.

Thanks to Obama many loyal Jews that have traditionally voted Democrat will no longer do that. :clap2:
Really? Wanna bet?

We will see since not only Obama is snubbing him, so are many other far left members..

I am sure this will be reflected in 2016..
Why did Boehnner invite Netanyahu? He is overstepping his authority. The Speaker of the House does not conduct foreign policy.

Why did Pelosi fly to meet with foreign dignitaries? To embarrass the President, the same reason Boehner is having a dignitary speak before Congress. To embarrass the President.

Both are outside the scope of their authority, both did it. Find one wrong, find them both wrong.
Why did Boehnner invite Netanyahu? He is overstepping his authority. The Speaker of the House does not conduct foreign policy.

Why did Pelosi fly to meet with foreign dignitaries? To embarrass the President, the same reason Boehner is having a dignitary speak before Congress. To embarrass the President.

Both are outside the scope of their authority, both did it. Find one wrong, find them both wrong.

One was, one is not!

Can you figure out which one?
Liberal Democrats can no longer disguise their racism, misogyny and bigotry. They call themselves Democrats when they are actually national worker's party socialists.

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