SNUB: Obama won't meet Netanyahu

The Speaker of the House does not conduct foreign policy.

Is that what you said when this happened?

Netanyahu should have been gone years ago

Why do you hate Jews?

It's the fashionable leftie thing to do. They all hate Jews. They gussie their hate up fashionably and call it "anti-Zionism." But in no way do I excuse left-wing Jews who themselves who have spent years in the industry internecine race baiting & hatred in our own country. The monster they created is come back to smite them.
Amazing then that Jews nearly all vote Democratic in the US.
It's proof that liberalism is a mental disease. It's why blacks vote for their oppressors.
He's a fucking asshole who gets testy if America and it's president does not kiss his ass and blindly back him up no matter what kind of fascist shit he does.
^^^ here's another Jew-hating closeted Nazi. Do you people miss the old days? Israel is our friend and you jackasses make kissy-kissy with the people who danced in the streets on 9/11. What in the hell is your defect, people?l
I do not hate Jews. I just do not elevate Israel above any other country we have to deal with. They have an erratic and reckless conservative leadership that often acts in a contrary way to the wishes of their citizens and needlessly imperils them economically and militarily. Why do you think Israel is so special that they should dictate our foreign policy in the region even when it is in conflict with our national interests?
He's a fucking asshole who gets testy if America and it's president does not kiss his ass and blindly back him up no matter what kind of fascist shit he does.
^^^ here's another Jew-hating closeted Nazi. Do you people miss the old days? Israel is our friend and you jackasses make kissy-kissy with the people who danced in the streets on 9/11. What in the hell is your defect, people?l
So did the Israeli's
Were Israelis Detained on Sept. 11 Spies - ABC News
He's a fucking asshole who gets testy if America and it's president does not kiss his ass and blindly back him up no matter what kind of fascist shit he does.
^^^ here's another Jew-hating closeted Nazi. Do you people miss the old days? Israel is our friend and you jackasses make kissy-kissy with the people who danced in the streets on 9/11. What in the hell is your defect, people?l
I do not hate Jews. I just do not elevate Israel above any other country we have to deal with. They have an erratic and reckless conservative leadership that often acts in a contrary way to the wishes of their citizens and needlessly imperils them economically and militarily. Why do you think Israel is so special that they should dictate our foreign policy in the region even when it is in conflict with our national interests?

Yes you do! You are far left drone and you hate them by voting far left..
[ ... snip ..

Looks like we drew the short straw.
Why can't we have a man's man as our President?
You mean a reckless warhawk that gets thousands of Americans killed in useless ill concieved wars of profit? No thanks, we already had one of those.

So the far left talking points not connected to reality come out as they are silent on all of Obama's illegal wars..
Why did Boehnner invite Netanyahu? He is overstepping his authority. The Speaker of the House does not conduct foreign policy.

And Obama oversteps his authority legislating from the Oval Office. Eye for an eye.

For once I like Boehner's style.

"Separation of Powers? What Separation?" constitutional scholar Obama said.

"Gee, I don't know," Speaker Boehner concurred.
When was Executive Action deemed unconstitutional and why didn't the Tea Baggers whine when it was done previously?
He's a fucking asshole who gets testy if America and it's president does not kiss his ass and blindly back him up no matter what kind of fascist shit he does.
^^^ here's another Jew-hating closeted Nazi. Do you people miss the old days? Israel is our friend and you jackasses make kissy-kissy with the people who danced in the streets on 9/11. What in the hell is your defect, people?l
Time for people to wake up and realize Communists/Progressives are no friend to Jews. They despise Israel. They're the driving force behind the rapid rise of Antisemitism in Western Europe and the U.S. It's shameful so many American Jews still support the Democratic Party. It is fair to call them Uncle Toms at this point.

lots of self hating leftists in the DNC.

Yeah, it seems most American Jews are still clinging to their Communist ideology, and to a Party that actually despises them. It's pretty sad.
Why did Boehnner invite Netanyahu? He is overstepping his authority. The Speaker of the House does not conduct foreign policy.

Boehner likely did so because he was told to. Obama is using diplomacy and sanctions against Iran's nuclear ambtions. It's working, the economy of Iraq, much like that of Russian is suffering (of course the price of oil is helping of late) and we know the Israeli PM is a hawk and wants to strike Iran but will do so only with our help.

This gives Boehner cred with the neo cons and also always him to embarrass the POTUS, at least in Boehner's mind. More and more Americans wonder about the Israeli policy of "Manifest Destiny" and given the results of "Arab Springs" the words of RFK ring loudly. The day before he was shot, my then college SO and I went to SF's Civic Auditorium to hear him speak (he had just won the CA Primary that day), and that night he said the turmoil in the ME was the one greatest threat to a third world war.
Why did Boehnner invite Netanyahu? He is overstepping his authority. The Speaker of the House does not conduct foreign policy.

I guess it's just karma.

Obama ignores Congress so they decided to ignore him.

Spot On. Good to see Boehner finally stepping up. Now it's time for McConnell to grow a pair.

Boehner's a wimp, he's doing what he was told. And, the policy of sanctions and diplomacy need time, but all indications suggest it is working toward our goal of keeping Iran's nuclear ambitions in check. Boehner may upset that delicate balance; maybe he's too dumb know that or may be he doesn't care.

The Speaker of the House has his role, but not to be a wannabe Sec. of State, or Sec. of Defense!. His actions are tantamount to treason and are an affront to the Constitution, for no where in the enumerated powers is he given the authority to act in their capacity or usurpe their policies.
Why did Boehnner invite Netanyahu? He is overstepping his authority. The Speaker of the House does not conduct foreign policy.

Boehner likely did so because he was told to. Obama is using diplomacy and sanctions against Iran's nuclear ambtions. It's working, the economy of Iraq, much like that of Russian is suffering (of course the price of oil is helping of late) and we know the Israeli PM is a hawk and wants to strike Iran but will do so only with our help.

This gives Boehner cred with the neo cons and also always him to embarrass the POTUS, at least in Boehner's mind. More and more Americans wonder about the Israeli policy of "Manifest Destiny" and given the results of "Arab Springs" the words of RFK ring loudly. The day before he was shot, my then college SO and I went to SF's Civic Auditorium to hear him speak (he had just won the CA Primary that day), and that night he said the turmoil in the ME was the one greatest threat to a third world war.
The current POTUS needs a sycophantic media and a full-time staff to prevent him from embarrassment.
Why did Boehnner invite Netanyahu? He is overstepping his authority. The Speaker of the House does not conduct foreign policy.

I guess it's just karma.

Obama ignores Congress so they decided to ignore him.

Spot On. Good to see Boehner finally stepping up. Now it's time for McConnell to grow a pair.

Boehner's a wimp, he's doing what he was told. And, the policy of sanctions and diplomacy need time, but all indications suggest it is working toward our goal of keeping Iran's nuclear ambitions in check. Boehner may upset that delicate balance; maybe he's too dumb know that or may be he doesn't care.

The Speaker of the House has his role, but not to be a wannabe Sec. of State, or Sec. of Defense!. His actions are tantamount to treason and are an affront to the Constitution, for no where in the enumerated powers is he given the authority to act in their capacity or usurpe their policies.

Elections have consequences. Congress is gonna go it alone. Just like your Supreme Leader boasts about doing. Congress will now rule as if there is no President. Just like the Supreme Leader has ruled as if there is no Congress. Looks like Boehner and McConnell are finally gonna step up. That's what they were elected to do. It's about time.

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