SNUB: Obama won't meet Netanyahu

You need someone to remind you that your posts are an embarrassment, and you could self regulate if you were capable.

What if as Speaker, Nancy Pelosi usurped the polices of the Dept of State? You and other partisan hacks would have a dozen threads going on how treasonous she was, evidenced by the crap you've posted year after year.

Now, do you understand what we feel about what Obama has been doing?

I say this much; Nobody forced him down this road. Now the chickens are coming home to roost.
Could you tell us about all the times the House Republicans agreed with the President? How many times they managed to compromise?

If not, how on God's green Earth can you say nobody forced him down any roads?

Are Executive Actions constitutional actions? Where were you during Republican administrations when they used Executive Actions?

It's difficult to compromise with utter stupidity.
Is it difficult to compromise with an elected President? It seems he did win two elections. Could you explain how the nation elected this man twice and yet you consider him to have utter stupidity? Does the Republican controlled congress feature nothing but the best and brightest?

Your response reflects petulance, not wisdom. Capriciousness, not statesmanship. Authoritarianism, not the best ideals of a free democracy.

I mean when Obama was in control of both houses, he was full of compromises, wasn't he? :rofl:

Congress controls the POTUS not vice versa, but I get what you're saying.

Guess what? Republicans control Congress now. It's their turn. All they have to do is hold on the Congress after 2016 and then a Republican candidate who can beat Hillary.

Snowball fight in hell, be there !
Now, do you understand what we feel about what Obama has been doing?

I say this much; Nobody forced him down this road. Now the chickens are coming home to roost.
Could you tell us about all the times the House Republicans agreed with the President? How many times they managed to compromise?

If not, how on God's green Earth can you say nobody forced him down any roads?

Are Executive Actions constitutional actions? Where were you during Republican administrations when they used Executive Actions?

It's difficult to compromise with utter stupidity.
Is it difficult to compromise with an elected President? It seems he did win two elections. Could you explain how the nation elected this man twice and yet you consider him to have utter stupidity? Does the Republican controlled congress feature nothing but the best and brightest?

Your response reflects petulance, not wisdom. Capriciousness, not statesmanship. Authoritarianism, not the best ideals of a free democracy.

I mean when Obama was in control of both houses, he was full of compromises, wasn't he? :rofl:
Had the Republicans offered suggestions for the ACA other than NO!...

How do you compromise with NO!?

Amendments were shut out. They were not allowed in the Senate, so the no's were by Democrats. Not one Republican voted for it consequently.
Now, do you understand what we feel about what Obama has been doing?

I say this much; Nobody forced him down this road. Now the chickens are coming home to roost.
Could you tell us about all the times the House Republicans agreed with the President? How many times they managed to compromise?

If not, how on God's green Earth can you say nobody forced him down any roads?

Are Executive Actions constitutional actions? Where were you during Republican administrations when they used Executive Actions?

It's difficult to compromise with utter stupidity.
Is it difficult to compromise with an elected President? It seems he did win two elections. Could you explain how the nation elected this man twice and yet you consider him to have utter stupidity? Does the Republican controlled congress feature nothing but the best and brightest?

Your response reflects petulance, not wisdom. Capriciousness, not statesmanship. Authoritarianism, not the best ideals of a free democracy.

I mean when Obama was in control of both houses, he was full of compromises, wasn't he? :rofl:

Congress controls the POTUS not vice versa, but I get what you're saying.

Guess what? Republicans control Congress now. It's their turn. All they have to do is hold on the Congress after 2016 and then a Republican candidate who can beat Hillary.

Snowball fight in hell, be there !
Hillary shouldn't be tough to beat. She looks like shit, comes off like an angry bitch, and she's not a change but a continuation of the same old shit.

Perhaps the dogs, can go back to Jordan, from whence they came?

Perhaps some will realize why your post proves that the RWnut crowd has no claim to the moral high ground on the Israeli/Palestinian issue.
Could you tell us about all the times the House Republicans agreed with the President? How many times they managed to compromise?

If not, how on God's green Earth can you say nobody forced him down any roads?

Are Executive Actions constitutional actions? Where were you during Republican administrations when they used Executive Actions?

It's difficult to compromise with utter stupidity.
Is it difficult to compromise with an elected President? It seems he did win two elections. Could you explain how the nation elected this man twice and yet you consider him to have utter stupidity? Does the Republican controlled congress feature nothing but the best and brightest?

Your response reflects petulance, not wisdom. Capriciousness, not statesmanship. Authoritarianism, not the best ideals of a free democracy.

I mean when Obama was in control of both houses, he was full of compromises, wasn't he? :rofl:

Congress controls the POTUS not vice versa, but I get what you're saying.

Guess what? Republicans control Congress now. It's their turn. All they have to do is hold on the Congress after 2016 and then a Republican candidate who can beat Hillary.

Snowball fight in hell, be there !
Hillary shouldn't be tough to beat. She looks like shit, comes off like an angry bitch, and she's not a change but a continuation of the same old shit.

unfortunately for all the nutjobs like you, that's not what it takes lose.

If an African can beat down the Republicans twice in a row, Hillary goes for a walk in the park on election day... so get ready ..
He's a fucking asshole who gets testy if America and it's president does not kiss his ass and blindly back him up no matter what kind of fascist shit he does.
^^^ here's another Jew-hating closeted Nazi. Do you people miss the old days? Israel is our friend and you jackasses make kissy-kissy with the people who danced in the streets on 9/11. What in the hell is your defect, people?l
What does him being Jewish have to do with anything?
After Bibi loses his re-election campaign, he can move to the US and run for office as a Republican.

You guys seem to like him a lot more than Israelis do.
Bibi would make an outstanding President.

62% of Israelis disagree with you.

According to a 2014 CNN poll nearly twice as many Americans view Netanyahu favorably (39%) as do unfavorably (20%). Obama would slit Michelle's throat for those numbers.

Have you not been paying attention?

Obama's back up to 50% approval.
Those numbers are fudged. Re: 50% approval. Taken by liberal pollsters.
We're back to 'skewed polls'.
You need someone to remind you that your posts are an embarrassment, and you could self regulate if you were capable.

What if as Speaker, Nancy Pelosi usurped the polices of the Dept of State? You and other partisan hacks would have a dozen threads going on how treasonous she was, evidenced by the crap you've posted year after year.

Now, do you understand what we feel about what Obama has been doing?

I say this much; Nobody forced him down this road. Now the chickens are coming home to roost.
Could you tell us about all the times the House Republicans agreed with the President? How many times they managed to compromise?

If not, how on God's green Earth can you say nobody forced him down any roads?

Are Executive Actions constitutional actions? Where were you during Republican administrations when they used Executive Actions?

It's difficult to compromise with utter stupidity.
Is it difficult to compromise with an elected President? It seems he did win two elections. Could you explain how the nation elected this man twice and yet you consider him to have utter stupidity? Does the Republican controlled congress feature nothing but the best and brightest?

Your response reflects petulance, not wisdom. Capriciousness, not statesmanship. Authoritarianism, not the best ideals of a free democracy.

Obama believes in populist drivel (lies) that sound good on the surface but in reality are total horse shit. He has a sycophantic media to repeat his lies and reinforce them to give them legitimacy.

He never seeked to compromise with Republicans, choosing instead to insult them at every opportunity. He told them 5 mins after they were sworn in that whatever they had in mind he was gonna veto it.

So you see, anyone with half a motherfucking brain can see the problem is Obama is a dick.

Gee, equal rights and equal opportunity is "populist drivel". Maybe the first honest thing Mudwhistle ever posted.
Why did Boehnner invite Netanyahu? He is overstepping his authority. The Speaker of the House does not conduct foreign policy.

And Obama oversteps his authority legislating from the Oval Office. Eye for an eye.

For once I like Boehner's style.

"Separation of Powers? What Separation?" constitutional scholar Obama said.

"Gee, I don't know," Speaker Boehner concurred.
When was Executive Action deemed unconstitutional and why didn't the Tea Baggers whine when it was done previously?
Further, why haven't ANY Republicans - even teabaggers like Cruz - introduced a single Bill to strip Executive Powers away from the Executive Branch?

Because they love it when they are in power.

Now, do you understand what we feel about what Obama has been doing?

I say this much; Nobody forced him down this road. Now the chickens are coming home to roost.
Could you tell us about all the times the House Republicans agreed with the President? How many times they managed to compromise?

If not, how on God's green Earth can you say nobody forced him down any roads?

Are Executive Actions constitutional actions? Where were you during Republican administrations when they used Executive Actions?

It's difficult to compromise with utter stupidity.
Is it difficult to compromise with an elected President? It seems he did win two elections. Could you explain how the nation elected this man twice and yet you consider him to have utter stupidity? Does the Republican controlled congress feature nothing but the best and brightest?

Your response reflects petulance, not wisdom. Capriciousness, not statesmanship. Authoritarianism, not the best ideals of a free democracy.

Obama believes in populist drivel (lies) that sound good on the surface but in reality are total horse shit. He has a sycophantic media to repeat his lies and reinforce them to give them legitimacy.

He never seeked to compromise with Republicans, choosing instead to insult them at every opportunity. He told them 5 mins after they were sworn in that whatever they had in mind he was gonna veto it.

So you see, anyone with half a motherfucking brain can see the problem is Obama is a dick.

Gee, equal rights and equal opportunity is "populist drivel". Maybe the first honest thing Mudwhistle ever posted.
Obama doesn't believe in true equality. Whatever gave you that silly idea?
What this really shows is Netanyahu's lack of respect for the Office of the Presidency.
It shows Obama's lack of respect to the Prime Minister of Israel and in a sense, to the lack of respect to Obama. Works both ways.
No. You don't piss on recognized protocol by going behind the back of the elected leader of the United States.

Whether you like it or not, Obama represents American foreign policy, not Boehner.

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