So 8Chan Got Shut Down; But is That a Good Thing?

jesus christ the blacks on USMB post a lot hate/anger
go to black forums= they post a LOT of hate of whites

Sounds like u have lost control of those Darkies....I bet a couple got some education and got all uppity.....that happens....
Well, considering that 8chan was used by at least 3 mass shooters to post their manifesto on just before they went on a killing spree, yeah, I think it should be shut down. Apparently, it's a hot gathering spot for racists and white supremacists.

I've seen torture and murder livestreamed on Facebook. When do they get shut down?
Well, considering that 8chan was used by at least 3 mass shooters to post their manifesto on just before they went on a killing spree, yeah, I think it should be shut down. Apparently, it's a hot gathering spot for racists and white supremacists.
So, they wouldn’t have gone on their shooting spree
had they not been able to post their manifesto

Isn’t it easier to monitor potential violence
and individuals threatening to carry out mass killings
if they are gathering on a particular site?

There were no warning signs?
I doubt that
Why is the FBI always a day late and a dollar short?
Don’t we have cyber security intelligence?
Oh, wait, of course not

Something is going on....
Police are flying down 59th
Chiraq...Home Sweet Home, Chicago

Where mass shootings are the norm
I doubt it will go down now, considering what has happened in the last 48 hours. The site couldn't have asked for a better promotional campaign than this.
It will just make us harder to find. :) Thought government wanted the OPPOSITE of that? The bear starts swinging blindly. Between the government spending its self into massive debt and attacking free speech rights and soon enough gun rights the country is in a downward spiral...its a beautiful fucking sight to see!
8chan did not make the cut, but is a good thing that some people have this power to decide who is ore is not worthy of Freedom of Speech? Is the NRA next?


You rightarded whiners really are quite something.

"Congress shall make no law [...] abridging the freedom of speech".

How is a corporation refusing to do business with another corporation running afoul of free speech protection?

Actually reading the Constitution, and for comprehension, might help. It does not guarantee mental cases their safe space amidst the dumbest of crackpots.

You may now resume the whining, and mutually assure yourself of your perennial victim status. It is, after all, all you have.
Their business, their rules.
but a business can't to deny someone because of their race--businesses have limitations on their ''rules''

Sure they can. Show me a public accommodation law that applies to website hosting and I will reconsider.
like I said:
The law forbids discrimination when it comes to any aspect of employment, including hiring, firing, pay, job assignments, promotions, layoff, training, fringe benefits, and any other term or condition of employment.
Race/Color Discrimination
So 8chan was shut down by Big Tech Bullies, the real kind of bullies that decide whther your opinion is to be tolerated or not.

8chan did not make the cut, but is a good thing that some people have this power to decide who is ore is not worthy of Freedom of Speech? Is the NRA next?

Works for me.

I'd personally like to see the NRA declared a terrorist organization and their leaders sent to Gitmo...
I doubt it will go down now, considering what has happened in the last 48 hours. The site couldn't have asked for a better promotional campaign than this.
Racist homicidal maniacs will be swarming to it even more than before, no doubt, to egg each other on. What's your username?
Well, considering that 8chan was used by at least 3 mass shooters to post their manifesto on just before they went on a killing spree, yeah, I think it should be shut down. Apparently, it's a hot gathering spot for racists and white supremacists.
Yeah I'm sure being unable to post something online will stop someone from committing murder.

And speech is speech. All of it is protected even the stuff you don't like
It will just make us harder to find. :) Thought government wanted the OPPOSITE of that? The bear starts swinging blindly. Between the government spending its self into massive debt and attacking free speech rights and soon enough gun rights the country is in a downward spiral...its a beautiful fucking sight to see!

The government had nothing to do with this.
So 8chan was shut down by Big Tech Bullies, the real kind of bullies that decide whther your opinion is to be tolerated or not.

8chan did not make the cut, but is a good thing that some people have this power to decide who is ore is not worthy of Freedom of Speech? Is the NRA next?

A defiant 8chan vowed to fight on, saying its “heartbeat is strong.” Then a tech firm knocked it offline

Abandoned by its key partner Cloudflare for its “lawlessness” in the wake of the El Paso mass shooting, 8chan briefly disappeared from the Web early Monday before reappearing with the help of a sympathetic ally: BitMitigate, whose cybersecurity services also helped keep the neo-Nazi site Daily Stormer online after Cloudflare dropped it in 2017.

But by Monday afternoon, both 8chan and the Daily Stormer plunged into darkness when Voxility, a tech firm that has leased servers to BitMitigate, announced that it would no longer provide those services. The site for Vancouver-based BitMitigate was also dropped offline.

It’s “totally against our policy,” Maria Sirbu, a Voxility executive, told The Washington Post. “As soon as we were notified ... we proceeded with (completely) removing" the company from their network.

She said Voxility was making a “firm stand” and urged that many other Internet authorities should take more action in “keeping the Internet a safer place.”

Shortly after noon, Ron Watkins, 8chan’s administrator, said that the site was down and that it looked like its content-delivery network, provided by BitMitigate, was “under attack.” Minutes later, he said that BitMitigate had instead been “deplatformed for hosting 8chan.”

The war drew attention to the role played by the Internet’s hidden infrastructure in deciding what ideas and content can circulate online. Most of the key players in Monday’s fight are unknown to consumers, but they run some of the critical elements supporting the modern Web.

BitMitigate is owned by another company, Epik, a firm based outside Redmond, Wash., that bought the service earlier this year. Epik, a hosting and domain-name firm that gained notoriety after backing the far-right site Gab, has loudly criticized what it calls “digital censorship” and “organized efforts to de-platform and incapacitate practitioners of lawful free speech.”

Epik chief Rob Monster wrote Monday that the company had not solicited 8chan’s business but was now helping manage some of the site’s technical needs and was further evaluating whether to offer it other services, including a defense against cyberattacks."We enter into a slippery slope when we start to limit speech that makes us uncomfortable," Monster wrote.

The services provided by Cloudflare and BitMitigate form a key element of the Internet’s hidden backbone, helping sites boost their speed and stay online. They also help guard against vigilante strikes such as distributed denial of service, or DDoS, attacks, in which hackers flood a site with traffic to knock it offline.

For 8chan, a site that has attracted no small number of online enemies through its years of promoting racist, sexist and offensive content, those services have helped ensure its survival. The site is largely independent from the other advertising, hosting and technical giants that help form the infrastructure of other websites, and who can sometimes exert pressure on objectionable clients.

BitMitigate’s rules offer wide leniency to its clients: “We leave law enforcement to the experts and will not stop service to any of our clients unless by final court order,” the company says in its terms of service. The site has held itself up as a bastion of free-speech protections for sites too objectionable for others to support. BitMitigate is a “non-discriminatory” provider of “bulletproof DDoS protection with a proven commitment to liberty,” the company says on its Twitter account.

But online data show that BitMitigate has only a fraction of the server capacity of Cloudflare. Its dependence on renting from providers such as Voxility to help stay afloat, tech experts said, makes it vulnerable to pushback from other companies that may disagree with its indirect support of extremist speech.
But who watches the watchers?

No, it wasn't a good thing, because it only starts with the most never ends there.....when the left wingers in France had their mobile guillotines, the first victims were the bad guys...the ones actually hurting the end....anyone accused of any slight irritation of a neighbor ended up on the block.....

And another thing? 8chan was a great place to monitor the they will disperse, where they will be harder to watch .....

left wingers are stupid and insane...
So 8chan was shut down by Big Tech Bullies, the real kind of bullies that decide whther your opinion is to be tolerated or not.

8chan did not make the cut, but is a good thing that some people have this power to decide who is ore is not worthy of Freedom of Speech? Is the NRA next?

A defiant 8chan vowed to fight on, saying its “heartbeat is strong.” Then a tech firm knocked it offline

Abandoned by its key partner Cloudflare for its “lawlessness” in the wake of the El Paso mass shooting, 8chan briefly disappeared from the Web early Monday before reappearing with the help of a sympathetic ally: BitMitigate, whose cybersecurity services also helped keep the neo-Nazi site Daily Stormer online after Cloudflare dropped it in 2017.

But by Monday afternoon, both 8chan and the Daily Stormer plunged into darkness when Voxility, a tech firm that has leased servers to BitMitigate, announced that it would no longer provide those services. The site for Vancouver-based BitMitigate was also dropped offline.

It’s “totally against our policy,” Maria Sirbu, a Voxility executive, told The Washington Post. “As soon as we were notified ... we proceeded with (completely) removing" the company from their network.

She said Voxility was making a “firm stand” and urged that many other Internet authorities should take more action in “keeping the Internet a safer place.”

Shortly after noon, Ron Watkins, 8chan’s administrator, said that the site was down and that it looked like its content-delivery network, provided by BitMitigate, was “under attack.” Minutes later, he said that BitMitigate had instead been “deplatformed for hosting 8chan.”

The war drew attention to the role played by the Internet’s hidden infrastructure in deciding what ideas and content can circulate online. Most of the key players in Monday’s fight are unknown to consumers, but they run some of the critical elements supporting the modern Web.

BitMitigate is owned by another company, Epik, a firm based outside Redmond, Wash., that bought the service earlier this year. Epik, a hosting and domain-name firm that gained notoriety after backing the far-right site Gab, has loudly criticized what it calls “digital censorship” and “organized efforts to de-platform and incapacitate practitioners of lawful free speech.”

Epik chief Rob Monster wrote Monday that the company had not solicited 8chan’s business but was now helping manage some of the site’s technical needs and was further evaluating whether to offer it other services, including a defense against cyberattacks."We enter into a slippery slope when we start to limit speech that makes us uncomfortable," Monster wrote.

The services provided by Cloudflare and BitMitigate form a key element of the Internet’s hidden backbone, helping sites boost their speed and stay online. They also help guard against vigilante strikes such as distributed denial of service, or DDoS, attacks, in which hackers flood a site with traffic to knock it offline.

For 8chan, a site that has attracted no small number of online enemies through its years of promoting racist, sexist and offensive content, those services have helped ensure its survival. The site is largely independent from the other advertising, hosting and technical giants that help form the infrastructure of other websites, and who can sometimes exert pressure on objectionable clients.

BitMitigate’s rules offer wide leniency to its clients: “We leave law enforcement to the experts and will not stop service to any of our clients unless by final court order,” the company says in its terms of service. The site has held itself up as a bastion of free-speech protections for sites too objectionable for others to support. BitMitigate is a “non-discriminatory” provider of “bulletproof DDoS protection with a proven commitment to liberty,” the company says on its Twitter account.

But online data show that BitMitigate has only a fraction of the server capacity of Cloudflare. Its dependence on renting from providers such as Voxility to help stay afloat, tech experts said, makes it vulnerable to pushback from other companies that may disagree with its indirect support of extremist speech.
But who watches the watchers?
The truth is just not allowed, there is no difference between our net and the government run net in China

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