So....A&E producers paid kkk to say things and burn crosses....of course they did... we are to believe that the left wing producers at A&E who paid the kkk to say specific things and paid for cross burnings have no relation to the democrats inciting violence at Trump rallies...that doing these things are just completely outside the democrat/left wing play book?

KKK Members Claim Reality Show Producers Paid for Faked Scenes

Ku Klux Klan members who were to be the subjects of a reality television series about their lives have alleged that producers of the show paid them to fake scenes, recite specific dialogue and even paid for materials for cross burnings.

A&E canceled its series Escaping the KKK: A Documentary Exposing Hate in America last week after the network announced it had discovered that cash payments were made to some of the subjects of the series “in order to facilitate access.”

The highly controversial documentary was to explore the relationships of Klan members and their families, including those trying to leave the white supremacist group, and was advertised to viewers as a no-holds-barred account of life inside the organization.

But according to an investigation by Variety, some KKK members featured in the documentary allege they were instructed by producers to do and say certain things, including using the racial slur “n*gger” in interviews and to re-shoot certain scenes until the production was satisfied.
The last civilian member of the KKK died in 1968. Every member since has been undercover law enforcement. The effort to eradicate this menacing scourge is so enormous many state and federal agencies aren't aware of who all has embedded agents in the Klan so we have the spectacle of KKK rallies drawing the same six guys every year, all of whom are there spying on the other five, all of whom report back dutifully to their handlers, who compile the reports and distribute the "intelligence" to the law enforcement community. So everybody is reading six versions of the same meeting, which was just as boring and awkward as last year's meeting of six redneck Inspector Clouseaus. Meanwhile, the $PLC has a flash of brilliance, aggregates all six meetings, and raises $300 million on a fundraiser to elderly Jews screamiung about a six-fold increase in KKK membership. we are to believe that the left wing producers at A&E who paid the kkk to say specific things and paid for cross burnings have no relation to the democrats inciting violence at Trump rallies...that doing these things are just completely outside the democrat/left wing play book?

KKK Members Claim Reality Show Producers Paid for Faked Scenes

Ku Klux Klan members who were to be the subjects of a reality television series about their lives have alleged that producers of the show paid them to fake scenes, recite specific dialogue and even paid for materials for cross burnings.

A&E canceled its series Escaping the KKK: A Documentary Exposing Hate in America last week after the network announced it had discovered that cash payments were made to some of the subjects of the series “in order to facilitate access.”

The highly controversial documentary was to explore the relationships of Klan members and their families, including those trying to leave the white supremacist group, and was advertised to viewers as a no-holds-barred account of life inside the organization.

But according to an investigation by Variety, some KKK members featured in the documentary allege they were instructed by producers to do and say certain things, including using the racial slur “n*gger” in interviews and to re-shoot certain scenes until the production was satisfied.
The last civilian member of the KKK died in 1968. Every member since has been undercover law enforcement. The effort to eradicate this menacing scourge is so enormous many state and federal agencies aren't aware of who all has embedded agents in the Klan so we have the spectacle of KKK rallies drawing the same six guys every year, all of whom are there spying on the other five, all of whom report back dutifully to their handlers, who compile the reports and distribute the "intelligence" to the law enforcement community. So everybody is reading six versions of the same meeting, which was just as boring and awkward as last year's meeting of six redneck Inspector Clouseaus. Meanwhile, the $PLC has a flash of brilliance, aggregates all six meetings, and raises $300 million on a fundraiser to elderly Jews screamiung about a six-fold increase in KKK membership.

i'm the first to dismiss the Klan as a significant organization, but ZERO members? we are to believe that the left wing producers at A&E who paid the kkk to say specific things and paid for cross burnings have no relation to the democrats inciting violence at Trump rallies...that doing these things are just completely outside the democrat/left wing play book?

KKK Members Claim Reality Show Producers Paid for Faked Scenes

Ku Klux Klan members who were to be the subjects of a reality television series about their lives have alleged that producers of the show paid them to fake scenes, recite specific dialogue and even paid for materials for cross burnings.

A&E canceled its series Escaping the KKK: A Documentary Exposing Hate in America last week after the network announced it had discovered that cash payments were made to some of the subjects of the series “in order to facilitate access.”

The highly controversial documentary was to explore the relationships of Klan members and their families, including those trying to leave the white supremacist group, and was advertised to viewers as a no-holds-barred account of life inside the organization.

But according to an investigation by Variety, some KKK members featured in the documentary allege they were instructed by producers to do and say certain things, including using the racial slur “n*gger” in interviews and to re-shoot certain scenes until the production was satisfied.
The last civilian member of the KKK died in 1968. Every member since has been undercover law enforcement. The effort to eradicate this menacing scourge is so enormous many state and federal agencies aren't aware of who all has embedded agents in the Klan so we have the spectacle of KKK rallies drawing the same six guys every year, all of whom are there spying on the other five, all of whom report back dutifully to their handlers, who compile the reports and distribute the "intelligence" to the law enforcement community. So everybody is reading six versions of the same meeting, which was just as boring and awkward as last year's meeting of six redneck Inspector Clouseaus. Meanwhile, the $PLC has a flash of brilliance, aggregates all six meetings, and raises $300 million on a fundraiser to elderly Jews screamiung about a six-fold increase in KKK membership.


OK the reality is the Klan officially ceased to exist in 1944 after the IRS got on their ass. Everything since then is bubblings-up of regional loonies playing dress-up.

There was a guy named Sam Green who tried to re-organized it in several states after WW2. Happily he keeled over and croaked of a deserved heart attack (1949) and that was the end of that.

Whether A&E would have gone into that detail I have my doubts. Wouldn't sell that well.
:lol: Your own link in your own OP says the network canceled the show upon learning of monetary transactions.

Not to be lost is how you take Klanners' word about what went down as gospel when it suits your partisan hack purpose.

From the OP.

"after the network announced it had discovered that cash payments were made to some of the subjects of the series "

Yes exactly. I just said that.

OP makes it sound like the network itself was making these payments and then cancelled it when it found out what itself was doing.

A&E typically buys a product from an unrelated production company and then airs it.

I think the OP focus was the corrupt and dishonest nature of the production, not the exact level of connection between the show and A&E.

Perhaps it was going to be but the OP exposes his own fundamental lack of understanding about how things work when he posts "the left wing producers at A&E who paid the kkk to say specific things" and then proceeds to quote a link that directly says that A&E was the entity that shut it down.

In other words he's so desperate to find something to echo in his partisan hack echobubble that he's got the same entity busting itself.

There is no reason that an "entity" can't bust itself.

Producers on the scene, motivated to produce a successful show, want drama.

That people back at Corporate had a cow over the idea of their money being used to make cross burnings HAPPEN...

What part of that is unreasonable?

And why is it important that the producers of the show might not be technically a&e staff?


Look --- the OP has A&E playing both roles here --- the perpetrator AND the punisher --- simultaneously..

He's so blinded by his own partisan-hack agenda that he didn't bother to read his own link that would have spelled that out -- and did spell that out.

To use a metaphor he shot himself in the foot. Appropriate considering his usual gun-worship content.
From the OP.

"after the network announced it had discovered that cash payments were made to some of the subjects of the series "

Yes exactly. I just said that.

OP makes it sound like the network itself was making these payments and then cancelled it when it found out what itself was doing.

A&E typically buys a product from an unrelated production company and then airs it.

I think the OP focus was the corrupt and dishonest nature of the production, not the exact level of connection between the show and A&E.

Perhaps it was going to be but the OP exposes his own fundamental lack of understanding about how things work when he posts "the left wing producers at A&E who paid the kkk to say specific things" and then proceeds to quote a link that directly says that A&E was the entity that shut it down.

In other words he's so desperate to find something to echo in his partisan hack echobubble that he's got the same entity busting itself.

There is no reason that an "entity" can't bust itself.

Producers on the scene, motivated to produce a successful show, want drama.

That people back at Corporate had a cow over the idea of their money being used to make cross burnings HAPPEN...

What part of that is unreasonable?

And why is it important that the producers of the show might not be technically a&e staff?


Look --- the OP has A&E playing both roles here --- the perpetrator AND the punisher --- simultaneously..

He's so blinded by his own partisan-hack agenda that he didn't bother to read his own link that would have spelled that out -- and did spell that out.

The fact that the people in charge drew the line at using a&e funds to have cross burnings, doesn't distract from the overall dishonesty of a reality show demanding certain words and reshooting scenes.

It is one thing if it is pure entertainment, like Swamp People or American PIckers, but obviously any documentary on the KKK would carry a politial and probably a partisan message.

I don't see how the point you raise about the network "busting" itself, takes away from that point.
The fact that the people in charge drew the line at using a&e funds to have cross burnings, doesn't distract from the overall dishonesty of a reality show demanding certain words and reshooting scenes.

Those are TWO DIFFERENT ENTITIES. One of them apparently paid money to accentuate a story and The Other of them found out and nixed it.

OP-boi was so eager to bust A&E for ---- whatever his partisan hack agenda is----- that he didn't bother to figure out that the network actually put a stop to it. He has them as the perpetrator.

Other than explaining that this is blatant Doublethink (or really just careless partisan hackitude) it really can't be reduced to anything simpler.

Again --- typically a network like A&E doesn't originate content on its own --- it buys some idea from various production companies that pitch those ideas to them. If the network likes the idea, they buy it.

This then would have been the production company --- which is a whole separate entity from the network --- that was bribing people..... not the network.

I've seen the diarrhea that A&E generally puts on the air and calls entertainment and they deserve a great deal of disdain for it. But they're not the ones at fault here.
The fact that the people in charge drew the line at using a&e funds to have cross burnings, doesn't distract from the overall dishonesty of a reality show demanding certain words and reshooting scenes.

Those are TWO DIFFERENT ENTITIES. One of them apparently paid money to accentuate a story and The Other of them found out and nixed it.

OP-boi was so eager to bust A&E for ---- whatever his partisan hack agenda is----- that he didn't bother to figure out that the network actually put a stop to it. He has them as the perpetrator.

Other than explaining that this is blatant Doublethink (or really just careless partisan hackitude) it really can't be reduced to anything simpler.

Again --- typically a network like A&E doesn't originate content on its own --- it buys some idea from various production companies that pitch those ideas to them. If the network likes the idea, they buy it.

This then would have been the production company --- which is a whole separate entity from the network --- that was bribing people..... not the network.

I've seen the diarrhea that A&E generally puts on the air and calls entertainment and they deserve a great deal of disdain for it. But they're not the ones at fault here.

Do you think they would have accepted the final product if the abuses were less obvious but the final product was still grossly dishonest? we are to believe that the left wing producers at A&E who paid the kkk to say specific things and paid for cross burnings have no relation to the democrats inciting violence at Trump rallies...that doing these things are just completely outside the democrat/left wing play book?

KKK Members Claim Reality Show Producers Paid for Faked Scenes

Ku Klux Klan members who were to be the subjects of a reality television series about their lives have alleged that producers of the show paid them to fake scenes, recite specific dialogue and even paid for materials for cross burnings.

A&E canceled its series Escaping the KKK: A Documentary Exposing Hate in America last week after the network announced it had discovered that cash payments were made to some of the subjects of the series “in order to facilitate access.”

The highly controversial documentary was to explore the relationships of Klan members and their families, including those trying to leave the white supremacist group, and was advertised to viewers as a no-holds-barred account of life inside the organization.

But according to an investigation by Variety, some KKK members featured in the documentary allege they were instructed by producers to do and say certain things, including using the racial slur “n*gger” in interviews and to re-shoot certain scenes until the production was satisfied.
From Breitbart, the biggest producer of Fake News.
The fact that the people in charge drew the line at using a&e funds to have cross burnings, doesn't distract from the overall dishonesty of a reality show demanding certain words and reshooting scenes.

Those are TWO DIFFERENT ENTITIES. One of them apparently paid money to accentuate a story and The Other of them found out and nixed it.

OP-boi was so eager to bust A&E for ---- whatever his partisan hack agenda is----- that he didn't bother to figure out that the network actually put a stop to it. He has them as the perpetrator.

Other than explaining that this is blatant Doublethink (or really just careless partisan hackitude) it really can't be reduced to anything simpler.

Again --- typically a network like A&E doesn't originate content on its own --- it buys some idea from various production companies that pitch those ideas to them. If the network likes the idea, they buy it.

This then would have been the production company --- which is a whole separate entity from the network --- that was bribing people..... not the network.

I've seen the diarrhea that A&E generally puts on the air and calls entertainment and they deserve a great deal of disdain for it. But they're not the ones at fault here.

Do you think they would have accepted the final product if the abuses were less obvious but the final product was still grossly dishonest?

I'm in no position to know but given their track record I suspect they would.

Completely irrelevant here though. The point is the OP tried to point fingers at A&E ---- and then pasted a link that threw his finger right back at him.

Again it really doesn't get much simpler than this.
If the KKK remained ignored they'd essentially go away. But the left want to keep the KKK ostensibly relevant just to use for their bogus agenda. Like picking a scab.
True they'd go away without the attention. But hey this is the sensationalist commercial media and they know what sells --- fear and loathing and suspicion and intrigue.

Exactly the same reason the Weather Channel doesn't broadcast what your weather is in prime time --- it broacasts "YOU COULD DIE TOMORROW" if a meteor hit your house during a combination earthquake and lightning strike.

So the same principle holds --- if the masses weren't watching KKK shows and naked people on an island and fake wrestling ----- it wouldn't exist.
You are spot on. However the shows exploiting the KKK used to be Geraldo or Springer. Now it's NBC, CBS, PBS, etc.
Granny says, "Dat's right...

... it's dem lefty loony yankee media types...

... comin' down here from up nawth...

... tryin' to `cause trouble."
The fact that the people in charge drew the line at using a&e funds to have cross burnings, doesn't distract from the overall dishonesty of a reality show demanding certain words and reshooting scenes.

Those are TWO DIFFERENT ENTITIES. One of them apparently paid money to accentuate a story and The Other of them found out and nixed it.

OP-boi was so eager to bust A&E for ---- whatever his partisan hack agenda is----- that he didn't bother to figure out that the network actually put a stop to it. He has them as the perpetrator.

Other than explaining that this is blatant Doublethink (or really just careless partisan hackitude) it really can't be reduced to anything simpler.

Again --- typically a network like A&E doesn't originate content on its own --- it buys some idea from various production companies that pitch those ideas to them. If the network likes the idea, they buy it.

This then would have been the production company --- which is a whole separate entity from the network --- that was bribing people..... not the network.

I've seen the diarrhea that A&E generally puts on the air and calls entertainment and they deserve a great deal of disdain for it. But they're not the ones at fault here.

Do you think they would have accepted the final product if the abuses were less obvious but the final product was still grossly dishonest?

I'm in no position to know but given their track record I suspect they would.

Completely irrelevant here though. The point is the OP tried to point fingers at A&E ---- and then pasted a link that threw his finger right back at him.

Again it really doesn't get much simpler than this.

Except that I think the point of the op was the gross dishonesty of the project, the industry and the Left in general, not the exact personal fingerprints.

You seem to be quibbling over details.
The fact that the people in charge drew the line at using a&e funds to have cross burnings, doesn't distract from the overall dishonesty of a reality show demanding certain words and reshooting scenes.

Those are TWO DIFFERENT ENTITIES. One of them apparently paid money to accentuate a story and The Other of them found out and nixed it.

OP-boi was so eager to bust A&E for ---- whatever his partisan hack agenda is----- that he didn't bother to figure out that the network actually put a stop to it. He has them as the perpetrator.

Other than explaining that this is blatant Doublethink (or really just careless partisan hackitude) it really can't be reduced to anything simpler.

Again --- typically a network like A&E doesn't originate content on its own --- it buys some idea from various production companies that pitch those ideas to them. If the network likes the idea, they buy it.

This then would have been the production company --- which is a whole separate entity from the network --- that was bribing people..... not the network.

I've seen the diarrhea that A&E generally puts on the air and calls entertainment and they deserve a great deal of disdain for it. But they're not the ones at fault here.

Since I linked to the actual story moron, it is obvious that I knew the story...and the title of the Thread states this....
The fact that the people in charge drew the line at using a&e funds to have cross burnings, doesn't distract from the overall dishonesty of a reality show demanding certain words and reshooting scenes.

Those are TWO DIFFERENT ENTITIES. One of them apparently paid money to accentuate a story and The Other of them found out and nixed it.

OP-boi was so eager to bust A&E for ---- whatever his partisan hack agenda is----- that he didn't bother to figure out that the network actually put a stop to it. He has them as the perpetrator.

Other than explaining that this is blatant Doublethink (or really just careless partisan hackitude) it really can't be reduced to anything simpler.

Again --- typically a network like A&E doesn't originate content on its own --- it buys some idea from various production companies that pitch those ideas to them. If the network likes the idea, they buy it.

This then would have been the production company --- which is a whole separate entity from the network --- that was bribing people..... not the network.

I've seen the diarrhea that A&E generally puts on the air and calls entertainment and they deserve a great deal of disdain for it. But they're not the ones at fault here.

Here, can re read my original quote from the link....where I quote that A&E dropped the show...that doesn't change the fact that their producers paid to stage fake klan crap..........they just got caught...and the network pulled the show....

KKK Members Claim Reality Show Producers Paid for Faked Scenes

Ku Klux Klan members who were to be the subjects of a reality television series about their lives have alleged that producers of the show paid them to fake scenes, recite specific dialogue and even paid for materials for cross burnings.

A&E canceled its series Escaping the KKK: A Documentary Exposing Hate in America last week after the network announced it had discovered that cash payments were made to some of the subjects of the series “in order to facilitate access.”

The highly controversial documentary was to explore the relationships of Klan members and their families, including those trying to leave the white supremacist group, and was advertised to viewers as a no-holds-barred account of life inside the organization.

But according to an investigation by Variety, some KKK members featured in the documentary allege they were instructed by producers to do and say certain things, including using the racial slur “n*gger” in interviews and to re-shoot certain scenes until the production was satisfied.
The fact that the people in charge drew the line at using a&e funds to have cross burnings, doesn't distract from the overall dishonesty of a reality show demanding certain words and reshooting scenes.

Those are TWO DIFFERENT ENTITIES. One of them apparently paid money to accentuate a story and The Other of them found out and nixed it.

OP-boi was so eager to bust A&E for ---- whatever his partisan hack agenda is----- that he didn't bother to figure out that the network actually put a stop to it. He has them as the perpetrator.

Other than explaining that this is blatant Doublethink (or really just careless partisan hackitude) it really can't be reduced to anything simpler.

Again --- typically a network like A&E doesn't originate content on its own --- it buys some idea from various production companies that pitch those ideas to them. If the network likes the idea, they buy it.

This then would have been the production company --- which is a whole separate entity from the network --- that was bribing people..... not the network.

I've seen the diarrhea that A&E generally puts on the air and calls entertainment and they deserve a great deal of disdain for it. But they're not the ones at fault here.

Do you think they would have accepted the final product if the abuses were less obvious but the final product was still grossly dishonest?

I'm in no position to know but given their track record I suspect they would.

Completely irrelevant here though. The point is the OP tried to point fingers at A&E ---- and then pasted a link that threw his finger right back at him.

Again it really doesn't get much simpler than this.

Except that I think the point of the op was the gross dishonesty of the project, the industry and the Left in general, not the exact personal fingerprints.

You seem to be quibbling over details.

That's just it --- the story has nothing to do with "the left" or with politics at all. It's a freaking TV production. But OP was so bent on hammering it into some kind of political partisan hackery point that he's got the same entity calling itself on the carpet for what it presumably didn't know it was doing.

I'm sure the sparks were flying in that office as one guy excoriated himself. "What do I think I'm doing?" he demanded. "Look, I don't have to take this kind of amateurish production from myself --- "I'm fired!" He then walked out of his own office snapping "And STAY out!" He then consulted his attorney -- which is also himself -- to consider suing himself for breach of contract. He wanted to but he talked himself out of it.

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