So....A&E producers paid kkk to say things and burn crosses....of course they did... we are to believe that the left wing producers at A&E who paid the kkk to say specific things and paid for cross burnings have no relation to the democrats inciting violence at Trump rallies...that doing these things are just completely outside the democrat/left wing play book?

KKK Members Claim Reality Show Producers Paid for Faked Scenes

Ku Klux Klan members who were to be the subjects of a reality television series about their lives have alleged that producers of the show paid them to fake scenes, recite specific dialogue and even paid for materials for cross burnings.

A&E canceled its series Escaping the KKK: A Documentary Exposing Hate in America last week after the network announced it had discovered that cash payments were made to some of the subjects of the series “in order to facilitate access.”

The highly controversial documentary was to explore the relationships of Klan members and their families, including those trying to leave the white supremacist group, and was advertised to viewers as a no-holds-barred account of life inside the organization.

But according to an investigation by Variety, some KKK members featured in the documentary allege they were instructed by producers to do and say certain things, including using the racial slur “n*gger” in interviews and to re-shoot certain scenes until the production was satisfied.
The left are black belt experts at fake news.
I'm sure those knuckle draggers don't need much incentive to be racist.

I know right? You'd think they already have their fuel.

TV feeds purely on manipulating viewer emotion. Emotion means attention and attention means ratings. But when they get X amount of emotion --- it's never enough. They need X + 1 then X + 2 ad infinitum.

The same thing as was going on here where a Fox Noise producer amps up the crowd to make a story more emotional -- this was immediately what the OP topic made me think of --


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