So a private citizen can’t pick and choose who they want to live with?


Jeffersonian Liberal
May 22, 2010
A civil rights complaint has been filed against a Grand Rapids woman who posted an advertisement at her church last July seeking a Christian roommate.
“The statement “expresses an illegal preference for a Christian roommate, thus excluding people of other faiths,” according to the complaint filed by the Fair Housing Center of West Michigan.
“It’s a violation to make, print or publish a discriminatory statement,” Executive Director Nancy Haynes told Fox News. “There are no exemptions to that.”
Haynes said the unnamed 31-year-old woman’s alleged violation was turned over to the Michigan Department of Civil Rights. Depending on the outcome of her case, the Christian woman could face several hundreds of dollars in fines and “fair housing training so it doesn’t happen again.”
“This is outrageous,” said attorney Joel Oster, with the Alliance Defense Fund. His organization is representing the woman free of charge. “Clearly this woman as a right to pick and choose who she wants to live with.”
Oster said he’s sent a letter to the state asking them to dismiss the case as groundless.
Christians shouldn’t live in fear of being punished by the government for being Christians,” he said. “It is completely absurd to try to penalize a single Christian woman for privately seeking a Christian roommate at church–an obviously legal and constitutionally protected activity,”
But Haynes said they plan on pursuing the matter.
“We want to make sure it doesn’t happen again,” she said.
The person who filed the initial complaint apparently saw the ad on the church bulletin board.
It included the words, “Christian roommate wanted” along with her contact information. Had the ad not included the word “Christian,’ she said it would not have been illegal.
“If you read it and you were not Christian, would you not feel welcome to rent there?” Haynes asked.
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This has been the topic on talk radio here in Grand Rapids this morning.

One caller - I believe from the Fair Housing Center - said the ad would have been fine if the woman had instead written something like "Christian woman seeks roommate" rather than "Christian roommate wanted."

This PC crap is just insane sometimes.
everyone involved in filing the civil rights complaint should be publicly executed
? Was the residence in question a private home, or a home paid for in part by the housing authority (secton 8)?
? Was the residence in question a private home, or a home paid for in part by the housing authority (secton 8)?

So WC confirms the Lefty Reality that if our lives are subsidized by the Feds, we have no Constitutional Rights.
? Was the residence in question a private home, or a home paid for in part by the housing authority (secton 8)?

Since no such claim is made I will go with she owns her own place. After all if she were renting she would need the permission of whom she was renting from to sub rent. No mention at all of Government involvement just a statement that she made an illegal ad.

But then you are communist light, you probably agree with the complaint.
? Was the residence in question a private home, or a home paid for in part by the housing authority (secton 8)?
Section 8 tenants cannot sublet their units. If they take in a roomate, that roomate must be related and included on the lease.
“It’s a violation to make, print or publish a discriminatory statement,” Executive Director Nancy Haynes told Fox News. “There are no exemptions to that.”
FreeDumb.................and this **** enforces it like a Nazi slave.
Executive director. Gimme a fucking break. She's nothing more than an office manager.
Good Lord! Sometimes I think I'll never see anything more lunatic than what I'm then looking at ... then it happens: An even more lunatic issue.

Hell, if I wanted a roommate who is male, and advertised such preference, would that mean I'm discriminating against women? If a lesbian came to my door to fill a roommate request in an ad, would I get sued for discrimination?

Holy mackerel!
A civil rights complaint has been filed against a Grand Rapids woman who posted an advertisement at her church last July seeking a Christian roommate.
“The statement “expresses an illegal preference for a Christian roommate, thus excluding people of other faiths,” according to the complaint filed by the Fair Housing Center of West Michigan.
“It’s a violation to make, print or publish a discriminatory statement,” Executive Director Nancy Haynes told Fox News. “There are no exemptions to that.”
Haynes said the unnamed 31-year-old woman’s alleged violation was turned over to the Michigan Department of Civil Rights. Depending on the outcome of her case, the Christian woman could face several hundreds of dollars in fines and “fair housing training so it doesn’t happen again.”
“This is outrageous,” said attorney Joel Oster, with the Alliance Defense Fund. His organization is representing the woman free of charge. “Clearly this woman as a right to pick and choose who she wants to live with.”
Oster said he’s sent a letter to the state asking them to dismiss the case as groundless.
Christians shouldn’t live in fear of being punished by the government for being Christians,” he said. “It is completely absurd to try to penalize a single Christian woman for privately seeking a Christian roommate at church–an obviously legal and constitutionally protected activity,”
But Haynes said they plan on pursuing the matter.
“We want to make sure it doesn’t happen again,” she said.
The person who filed the initial complaint apparently saw the ad on the church bulletin board.
It included the words, “Christian roommate wanted” along with her contact information. Had the ad not included the word “Christian,’ she said it would not have been illegal.
“If you read it and you were not Christian, would you not feel welcome to rent there?” Haynes asked.
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Why did she have to specify that she wants a Christian roommate in an ad that she placed in her Church?
? Was the residence in question a private home, or a home paid for in part by the housing authority (secton 8)?

Since no such claim is made I will go with she owns her own place. After all if she were renting she would need the permission of whom she was renting from to sub rent. No mention at all of Government involvement just a statement that she made an illegal ad.

But then you are communist light, you probably agree with the complaint.

Red Baiting? No asshole, I'm not a "commie". You however, are a cowardly asshole, an apt description given the volume of posts which include personal attacks from the safety of your keyboard.
You're also stupid, but that is self evident using the same evidence.
Gee, if she has a government backed mortgage, or a mortgage bought by a GSE like Freddie or Fannie, or she takes a tax deduction on her mortgage interest, can government tell her who to live with?
Good Lord! Sometimes I think I'll never see anything more lunatic than what I'm then looking at ... then it happens: An even more lunatic issue.

Hell, if I wanted a roommate who is male, and advertised such preference, would that mean I'm discriminating against women? If a lesbian came to my door to fill a roommate request in an ad, would I get sued for discrimination?

Holy mackerel!

Well, how many times have we seen ads for roommates that specify "non-smoker"? Yeah, it's discriminating, but what's wrong with that? Everything about the process of choosing one applicant over another is discriminating.
A civil rights complaint has been filed against a Grand Rapids woman who posted an advertisement at her church last July seeking a Christian roommate.
“The statement “expresses an illegal preference for a Christian roommate, thus excluding people of other faiths,” according to the complaint filed by the Fair Housing Center of West Michigan.
“It’s a violation to make, print or publish a discriminatory statement,” Executive Director Nancy Haynes told Fox News. “There are no exemptions to that.”
Haynes said the unnamed 31-year-old woman’s alleged violation was turned over to the Michigan Department of Civil Rights. Depending on the outcome of her case, the Christian woman could face several hundreds of dollars in fines and “fair housing training so it doesn’t happen again.”
“This is outrageous,” said attorney Joel Oster, with the Alliance Defense Fund. His organization is representing the woman free of charge. “Clearly this woman as a right to pick and choose who she wants to live with.”
Oster said he’s sent a letter to the state asking them to dismiss the case as groundless.
Christians shouldn’t live in fear of being punished by the government for being Christians,” he said. “It is completely absurd to try to penalize a single Christian woman for privately seeking a Christian roommate at church–an obviously legal and constitutionally protected activity,”
But Haynes said they plan on pursuing the matter.
“We want to make sure it doesn’t happen again,” she said.
The person who filed the initial complaint apparently saw the ad on the church bulletin board.
It included the words, “Christian roommate wanted” along with her contact information. Had the ad not included the word “Christian,’ she said it would not have been illegal.
“If you read it and you were not Christian, would you not feel welcome to rent there?” Haynes asked.
Rest here>>>

Why did she have to specify that she wants a Christian roommate in an ad that she placed in her Church?

Shockingly, churches are for the unsaved as well as the saved. It's kinda part of the process of getting people to be Christians.

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