So a whopping 17% of Americans approve of the GOP healthcare plan.

If Trumps AHA bill gets less votes than Obama's AHCA will Trump claim it was because dozens of congressmen illegally voted for Obama?
Has Trump bribed any pols yet, as Obama did?

They added $157 million in bribes to the AHA, according to the CBO.
Are the claiming Trump bribed pols like Big Ears did?
Trump's efforts appear to be gathering votes rather than crafting legislation. How do you gather votes? Some call it quid pro quo, partisans call it bribery. Regardless, you never want to see them making sausages or laws.
Actually it is NOT Trumpcare, it is Ryancare. It was not what Trump wanted, but it does do away with the UNCONSTITUTIONAL act of the government forcing the people to purchase a product. That was a major goal, Now maybe the senate will fix the problems and the committee will make something that Trump really likes and can SIGN INTO law and will call TRUMPCARE.

How the hell do you liberals even get up the nerve to post some of the stupid uneducated shit you post. oshitass and the shitocrats built oshitcare, and he signed it that made it oshitass care. This bill hasn't even made it to the floor of the senate yet and you are already naming it as if Trump had reviewed and signed it You shitpiles are completely devoid of even a minute vestige of credibility.
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Why weren't you silly lefties concerned about the millions who lost their coverage when your Messiah bribed his Obamacare plan into law?

That's the worst defense of the GOP shit sandwich I've heard yet.
Trump promised to cover everyone and cover them cheaper.

If Trump wasn't already winning Lie of the Year for his wiretapping claims, he should win Lie of the Year for that.
As I understand it, Ryancare essentially keeps Obamacare intact except for a few minor changes. Why have Ds and leftists not supported it, like they did Obamacare?

Answer: its all political and dupes can't see it.
If this bill passes, I lose my healthcare insurance. I've been working my entire life, paying my own way all this time, I have a good job, a nice place to live, I've paid my taxes every year, but none of that means jack shit to the people currently in office. I will not be able to afford insurance premiums when this bill passes.

What did you do prior to Obamacare?
So a whopping 17% of Americans approve of the GOP healthcare plan

poll the moderates on both sides of the aisle in the Senate, and the independents, and the numbers get even lower than they are now.

a lose-lose situation any way you cut it.
Breaking news: Ryan just delivered the bad news to Trump: Not enough votes.
Who will the unhinged one blame for this one? Alicia Machado?
Hillary Clinton?
The beauty of this moment is that the GOP is fucked if they pass it, and fucked if they don't.

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